weblio英会話 A. Expert_Plagiarism Describe the Picture (写真描写) Describe the picture briefly. 写真の内容について簡単に描写してみましょう。 B. Self Expression (自己表現) Use the following expressions to answer the questions. 以下の表現を使って、それぞれの文章に答えてみましょう。 Agree(はい) Disagree(いいえ) Not sure(どちらでもない) Creating comics is easier than writing an essay. 漫画を描く事は小説を書く事より簡単だ。 Reading comics is a waste of time. 漫画を読むことなんて時間の無駄だ。 © Weblio Philippines,Inc. All rights reserved. weblio英会話 C. Expert_Plagiarism Words and Expressions (語彙と表現) Check the pronunciation, meaning and usage of the words with your tutor. 講師と一緒に単語の発音、意味、表現を確認しましょう。 Words and Expressions contend Example Sentence Many analysts contend that our current economic plan has no future. 戦う、主張する 多くの学者は今の経済に将来性はないと主張している。 no way There is no way I'm going to that party with you. 決して…でない そのパーティーにあなたと一緒に行くなんてありえない。 familiar with I'm not familiar with the area but I have a map so I guess we'll be fine.... なじみのある この辺りにはなじみがないけど地図があるから大丈夫なは ず…。 menace A manager who easily gets angry is a menace to all employees. 脅威 すぐ怒るマネージャーはすべての従業員にとって脅威だ。 plagiarism As a writer, he was accused of plagiarism once but it was not proven. 盗作 作家として、彼は盗作の罪に問われたことがあったが、そ の罪は証明されなかった。 version All film versions of books will receive a lot of bad reviews. ~版の 本の映画版には悪いレビューがつきものだ。 wicked My best friend thinks all teenagers are wicked. 不正な、いたずらな 私の親友は十台はみんないたずら好きだと思っている。 出展 意味 例文 Weblio辞書 英和辞典・和英辞典 Weblio 英語例文 © Weblio Philippines,Inc. All rights reserved. http://ejje.weblio.jp/ http://ejje.weblio.jp/sentence/ weblio英会話 D. Expert_Plagiarism Reading(読解) Read the following text silently. 下の文章を黙読してみましょう。 Do you know Dennis the Menace? If your answer is yes, then I'll have to ask if you are familiar with the US version or the UK version. This is an interesting topic for discussion because in 1951, two different comics by two different creators entitled Dennis the Menace were released- one in the US and the other in the UK. This could very easily be considered a case of plagiarism, but many critics contend that neither of the artists copied the other. Firstly, both comics were created before the Internet, so there was no way two artists separated by large bodies of land and water could know about what the other was working on. And secondly, the two characters are very distinct from one another. Both are manaces but the UK version is wicked and a bully while the US version is just an easygoing kid that causes trouble without wanting to. When you finish reading, summarize what the article says and explain it to your tutor. 読み終わったら内容を要約し、講師に内容を説明してみましょう。 1 How is reading comics better than reading books? 2 Do you think comics is an art or just an entertainment? 3 How does comics contribute to the improvement of the society? 4 What do you know about plagiarism? 5 How is using someone's work as an inspiration different from plagiarizing someone's work? © Weblio Philippines,Inc. All rights reserved. weblio英会話 E. Expert_Plagiarism Listening (リスニング) Listen to what your tutor will say and propose a solution for the problem presented. 講師の発言内容を聞き、問題に対する解決策を提案してみましょう。 Tutor: Read the article for the student. Student: Listen to your tutor and try not to look at the article below. 講師: 生徒に文章を読んであげてください。 生徒: なるべく文章を読まないようにしましょう。 I have to write an essay on Benjamin Franklin but I don't know much about him. In addition to that, my professor is good at detecting plagiarism so I really have to be careful about this. Could you give me pointers on how to write my essay? I'd really appreciate it. E. Make a suggestion (解決策の提案) Propose a solution to the following problem. 次の問題に対する解決策を提案してみましょう。 A lot of students buy essays online for their English projects. How can this affect their education? © Weblio Philippines,Inc. All rights reserved.
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