Examining the validity of using a plagiarism-detection service for students’ submissions Hideto D. Harashima Maebashi Institute of Technology GloCALL 2011 at Century Park Hotel Plagiarism Plagiarize = to steal the language, ideas, or thoughts from another, representing them as one’s own original work -- The Random House Dictionary Plagiarism is a sin It’s wrong, unethical, dishonest, illegal, but….. students do plagiarize. Why? So easy to do copy-and-paste jobs on a computer Japanese students have received virtually no education on the vice of plagiarism little sense of guilt Academic dishonesty is prevalent In a survey of 6,096 undergraduates on 31 (US) campuses, McCabe (1992) reported that 67.4% admitted cheating at least once on a test or major assignment. Davis et al. reported similar numbers in another multicampus survey, also of more than 6,000 students: 76% admitted cheating in either high school or college or both. (P. Scanlon and D. Neumann, 2002, p.375) Educate them on academic integrity! Ways to avoid plagiarism Provide reference information, or author credit, correctly. ----- Who is the author? What's the URL? Where did you take the text or the graphics from? Use quotation marks. ----- Put double quotation marks around your citation “Like this.” Summarize. ----- Shorten the content. Make the compact version of a long story. Paraphrase. ----- Say it in a different way. Use different expressions. (Ex.) He died in 1911. => He has been dead for 100 years. Combine multiple sources. ----- Collect information and expressions from several different sources. Mix them up and compose a new sentence. Plagiarism prevention A Pledge Card 誓約書 私はこの授業に際して以下の事柄を行わないことを誓約します。もしも誓約に反して それらのことを行ったことが発覚した場合は履修無効とされることを理解しました。 1 .然るべき断り書きをせず、他人・友人・本・辞書やウェブページの文章を、例え少 量でも、無断借用し、自分の名前を付けて提出すること。 2. 翻訳ソフトウエアやインターネット翻訳サービスなどを利用して日本文を一括英文 翻訳したものを提出すること。(電子辞書・オンライン辞書は使用して構いませ ん。) 3. 英語の得意な兄弟や友人に頼んで英文を書いてもらったものを提出すること。 4. E-learningシステムを他人になりすまして使用する/させること。 番号__________ 署名___________ 日付______ Breaking plagiarism Use Google search Take a few sentences out of the submitted document and put double quotation marks around them. Then put them into the search window. Limitations Only Web documents are searchable Paper documents and documents made by other students cannot be searched Plagiarism detection software Plagium Use of Turnitin Comprehensive software dealing with students’ paper submission, originality checking or plagiarism detection, peer/self reviewing, and grading. Japanese language capable Can be integrated with Moodle Plagiarism is a sin Punitive or preventive use Using originality checker to detect and punish plagiarism. Using originality checker to promote critical thinking and prevent plagiarism. Essay assignment for Current English course Year Theme # of Ss 2010 Introducing Japan 46 Average similarity score 2.848 2011 World Heritage sites 52 6.827 Discussion on Validity Online documents can be attested well, but paper documents cannot be very well attested, especially Japanese books. Past student papers can only be attested if they were stocked in Turnitin database. New students’ similarity scores get worse than old students. Final essay assignment for Linguistics course Year # of students Average similarity score 2010 14 18.286 2011 12 24.917 Discussion on Validity Online documents can be attested well, but paper documents cannot be very well attested, especially Japanese books. Past student papers can only be attested if they were stocked in Turnitin database. New students’ similarity scores get worse than old students. Student papers of other schools cannot be verified because of privacy concern. Discussion on Validity Online documents can be attested well, but paper documents cannot be very well attested, especially Japanese books. Past student papers can only be attested if they were stocked in Turnitin database. New students’ similarity scores get worse than old students. Student papers of other schools cannot be verified because of privacy concern. Difficulty in distinguishing sly copying and bona fide quotation. Summary The scores we get from plagiarism detecting service/software cannot be all valid and reliable. We need caution. Plagiarism detection service/software can be a useful tool for raising critical thinking skills and preventing wrong doing, rather than punishing. Thank you Reference: P. Scanlon and D. Neumann, 2002, “Internet Plagiarism Among College Students,” Journal of College Student Development, 43, 3, pp.374-385. Turnitin Bridge Learning – Japan sales agent
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