First brokerage event EEN Argentina- ICT Sector

“First brokerage event EEN Argentina- ICT Sector”
June 24 and 25, 2015
Palacio San Martín, Arenales 761
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Republic of Argentina
The National Directorate of International Relations of the Ministry of Science, Technology
and Productive Innovation of the Republic of Argentina, the Under Secretary for
Investment Development and Commercial Promotion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Worship (MREC), the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET),
the Argentine Euro Chambers, the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), the Chamber of
Software and Information Services of the Republic of Argentina (CESSI) and the Sadosky
Foundation, have the pleasure to invite you to the “First brokerage event EEN ArgentinaICT Sector”, which shall take place on June 24 and 25, 2015, at Palacio San Martín
(MREC), Arenales 761, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
¿Why participate? This meeting has the purpose of gathering ICT enterprises and R&D
centers from Argentina and Europe to encourage collaborations among them on a
commercial level, on technological transfer and on projects regarding technological
Moreover, the business platform Enterprise European Network will be launched in the
Local Participants: ICT enterprises and R&D centers, Sectorial chambers, Incubators and
technology parks and funding agencies.
Brokerage Event: Pre-established networking sessions will be organized on a face2face
basis, in order to provide a suitable environment for the exchange of ideas and knowledge
among participant enterprises
Topics: The event will comprehend the following areas of ICT:
- Financial Services.
- Telecommunications.
- Retail
Benefits granted: All foreign enterprises participating in the conference will have the
following expenses covered:
3 nights of lodging (In: 23/6 out: 26/6)
Transfers in/out airport-hotel-airport
Lunch on the days of the conference.
Those enterprises wishing to confirm their participation shall complete the attached form
and send it to Emiliano Zapata [email protected] or Federico Georgiadis
[email protected] before June 1, 2015. With the information provided, we shall
identify their local counterparts.
For more information, please contact:
Emiliano Zapata [email protected]
Federico Georgiadis [email protected]
Ángel Hernaiz [email protected]
+54-11-4899-5000 ext.: 4098 / 4096
Organized by:
- National Directorate of International Relations of the Ministry of Science, Technology
and Productive Innovation of the Republic of Argentina (MINCyT).
- Under Secretary for Investment Development and Commercial Promotion of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and Worship (MREC),
- National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
- Argentine Euro Chambers (ECA).
- Argentine Industrial Union (UIA).
- Chamber of Software and Information Services of the Republic of Argentina (CESSI).
- Sadosky Foundation.
In collaboration with:
- Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) – Spain.
- Madri+d Foundation - Spain
- Agency for the European Research Promotion (APRE) - Italy