4 Religion - Klett Sprachen

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Words in action
Religions and ethics
The BBC website has a website that gives background information on different religions
using language that is easy to understand:
The BBC “Religion and Ethics” website provides interesting topics for discussion as well as examining issues that are currently
in the news:
Religious global diversity
The following study examined global religious diversity and was undertaken as part of the Pew Research Center’s Religion
and Public Life Project. It could be used as a basis for comparing the religious make-up of certain countries. The main focus of
interest is in Appendix 1: Religious Diversity Index that lists the percentage of people who adhere to a particular religion in
each country:
Religion in the UK
Baroness Warsi, a British Pakistani lawyer, politician who was the first UK Minister for Faith and Communities (2012–2014),
gave a speech at the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Oman during a trip to the Middle East Oman on faith and reaffirming
her commitment to protecting religious minorities and promoting religious tolerance. It provides an interesting contrast to
the extract from David Cameron’s speech on page 50 of the student’s book.
4 Religion /// 37
4.1 Lexical field: religion
Find appropriate word-partners for the terms “religion” and “religious”.
adopt a
What kind of denominations and attidudes to religion and faith do you know?
What activities might religious people pursue? Collect appropriate phrases. Compare with a partner.
to attend church
adopt • affiliation • affiliation • attend • belief • convert • denomination •
dominant • faith • observe • orthodox • persecution • practise • reject • service
© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 | www.klett-sprachen.de | Alle Rechte vorbehalten Kopieren für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.
ISBN 978-3-12-519946-0.
(Reference texts and vocabulary Words in context pp 46: