Publikationliste Dr. Maria Licata Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchkapitel: Licata, M., Kristen, S., & Sodian, B. (in press). Mother-child interaction as a cradle of theory of mind: the role of maternal emotional availability. Social Development. Licata, M., Williams, A., & Paulus, M. (in press). The development of empathy in early childhood. In D. G. Watt & J. Panksepp (eds.), Psychology and Neurobiology of Empathy. Hauppauge, NY: Nova. Licata, M., Paulus, M., Kühn-Popp, N., Meinhardt, J., & Sodian, B. (2015). Infant frontal asymmetry predicts child emotional availability. International Journal of Behavioral Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0165025415576816 Paulus, M., Licata, M., Kristen, S., Thoermer, C., Woodward, A., & Sodian B. (2015). Prosocial development from infancy to the preschool age: Evidence from a longitudinal study. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39, 53-64. doi: 10.1177/0165025414537923 Licata, M., Paulus, M., Thoermer, C., Kristen, S., Woodward, A., & Sodian, B. (2014). Motherinfant-interaction quality and infants’ ability to encode actions as goal-directed. Social Development, 23, 340-356. doi: 10.1111/sode.12057 Sodian, B., Licata, M., & Kristen, S. (2014). Frühe sozial-kognitive Entwicklung. In V. Mall, F. Voigt, & N. Jung (Hrsg.), Wege zur Inklusion. Frühdiagnostik, Frühtherapie, Kindliche Sozialisation (S. 127-140). Lübeck: Verlag Schmidt-Römhild. Licata, M., Kristen, S., Thoermer, C., & Sodian, B. (2013). Die Bedeutung der frühen mütterlichen Mind-mindedness für die Entwicklung der Empathiefähigkeit von zweijährigen Kindern. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 45, 77-90. Paulus, M., Kühn-Popp, N., Licata, M., Sodian, B., & Meinhardt, J. (2013). Neural correlates of prosocial behavior in infancy: Different neurophysiological mechanisms support the emergence of helping and comforting. NeuroImage, 66, 522-530. Kristen, S., Sodian, B., Licata, M., Thoermer, C., & Poulin-Dubois, D. (2012). The development of internal state language during the third year of life: A longitudinal parent report study. Infant and Child Development, 21, 634-645. Konferenzbeiträge und Vorträge: Licata, M. (2015). Korrelate mütterlicher emotionaler Verfügbarkeit: Die Bedeutung mütterlicher postpartaler Psychopathologie, Bindungsstil und Theory of Mind. Vortrag auf dem Workshopkongress für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Dresden. Licata, M. (2015). Disentangling the Construct of Emotional Availability – Distinct Maternal Characteristics as Predictors of EA. Symposium auf dem Kongress der Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia. Licata, M. (2015). Correlates of Maternal Emotional Availability: the Crucial Role of Attachment Insecurity and Theory of Mind. Vortrag auf dem Kongress der Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphia. Licata, M. (2014). Maternal emotional availability in infants‘ first year of life as specific predictor of children’s Theory of Mind. Vortrag auf der International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Berlin. Licata, M. (2014). Mother-Child Interaction as the Cradle of Theory of Mind. The Role of Emotional Availability. Vortrag auf dem Workshop "From an Implicit to an Explicit Theory of Mind" am Center for Advanced Studies, München. Licata, M., Paulus, M., Kühn-Popp, N., & Sodian. B. (2014). Maternal sensitivity in infants’ first year of life and infant EEG resting state predict child emotional availability. Posterbeitrag auf der International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Berlin. Sodian, B., Licata, M., Kristen, S., Paulus, M., Killen, M., & Woodward, A. (2014). Infants‘ understanding of intentional action predicts moral judgement in preschool age. Posterbeitrag auf der International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Berlin. Licata, M. (2014). Bindung bei Behinderung. Vortrag im Rahmen der berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung zum Pädagogischen Konduktor/Heilpädagogischen Förderlehrer in der Pfennigparade, München. Licata, M. (2013). Spezifische Zusammenhänge zwischen der Mutter-Kind-Interaktionsqualität und kindlicher Theory of Mind. Vortrag auf der Tagung der Fachgruppe für Entwicklungspsychologie, Saarbrücken. Reck, C. & Licata, M. (2013). Entwicklung der Theory of Mind bei Kindern postpartal psychisch kranker Mütter. Vortrag auf der Tagung der Fachgruppe für Entwicklungspsychologie, Saarbrücken. Licata, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Träuble, B., Sodian, B., & Reck, C. (2013). The crucial role of attachment: Maternal attachment insecurity mediates the relation between postpartum depression/anxiety and emotional availability. Posterbeitrag auf der International Attachment Conference, Pavia. Zietlow, A.-L., Nonnenmacher, N., Licata, M., Träuble, B., & Reck, C. (2013). Predicting maternal self-confidence at pre-school age: The role of postpartum depression and anxiety disorders, maternal attachment insecurity and child behavior problems. Posterbeitrag auf der International Attachment Conference, Pavia. Sodian, B. & Licata, M. (2013). Children's influence on their own social-cognitive development from infancy to the preschool years. Vortrag auf der Influential Child Conference, Jerusalem. Licata, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Träuble, B., Sodian, B., & Reck, C. (2013). False-Belief understanding in children: The role of maternal affective disorders, attachment status, and emotional availability. Posterbeitrag auf der Konferenz der Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle. Licata, M., & Sodian, B. (2013). Bidirectionality in mother-child interaction: Who influences whom the most? Posterbeitrag auf der Influential Child Conference, Jerusalem. Licata, M., Kristen, S., Thoermer, C. & Sodian, B (2012). The impact of maternal emotional availability on children’s theory of mind development. A longitudinal study. Posterbeitrag auf der Konferenz der International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA), Frankfurt. Licata, M., Thoermer, C., Paulus, M., Kristen S., & Sodian B. (2012). The relation between maternal emotional availability and infants’ goal-encoding. Posterbeitrag auf der International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Minneapolis. Kristen, S., Licata, M., Thoermer, C., Perst, H. & Sodian, B. (2011). Maternal mind- mindedness as an important predictor of mothers’ and children’s cognition talk: Findings from a longitudinal study. Posterbeitrag auf der Konferenz der Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal. Kristen, S., Licata, M., Eisenbeis, H., Thoermer, C. & Sodian, B. (2010). Maternal mindmindedness in the first year of life reflects mothers’ mindreading abilities and predicts empathy in the second year of life: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Posterbeitrag auf der International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Baltimore.
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