Nr. 538 Dezember 2015 87 1 Nachrichten 141 JAHRE 141 YEARS 3 - 2014 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: [email protected] Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes, erfolgreiches 2016 13. Dezember Weihnachtskonzert der Chöre CONCORDIA IM DEZEMBER 2015 / JANUAR 2016 Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in December 1st Main Hall - Senior’s 5th Christmas Dinner 5:30p.m. Schenke - DJ Novak Group Events SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 12th Schenke - Edelweiss Duo 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 31st Schenke - New Year’s Eve Celebration TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Concordia in January Weinstube 13th Main Hall - Choir Christmas Concert7:00p.m. 19th Schenke - TC Alpine Echos 24th-28th - CLUB CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS 1st CLUB CLOSED - New Year’s Day 2nd Schenke - Edelweiss Duo 9th Schenke - DJ Novak Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 16th Schenke - TC Alpine Echos 23rd Schenke - DJ Novak 30th Schenke - TC Alpine Echos Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting 7.30 19.00 101 101 101 102 103 104 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Das Zelt ist abgebaut und fuer ein weiteres Jahr untergebracht. Das heisst aber auch, der Winter ist ganz in der Naehe! Die Abrechnung fuer Oktoberfest ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Bierverkauf war in diesem Jahr ca. 10 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr, was man auch von den anderen Klubs gehoert hat. Zwei neue Weine ersetzten das Josephsprodukt, doch wir versuchten neue Produkte, wie Jaegermeister snow cones, Jaegerbar 3 u.s.w. Wir werden daran arbeiten was im naechsten Jahr besser gemacht erden kann. Nochmals “Danke” an das Klub-Management, Personal, die Gruppen und Mitglieder, die geholfen haben, das Oktoberfest erfolgreich zu gestalten. Danke an Leo Tukums fuer die Arbeiten im Archiv, sowie die Organisation und Aufbau fuer die Veranstaltung des Pioneertages im Rathaus. Auch ein Danke an alle, die bei dieser Veranstaltung anwesend waren! Stiftungsfest am 7. November war gut besucht! Gratulation an die Mitglieder, die ihre Ehrungen erhalten haben fuer ihre Mitgliedschaft im Concordia Klub! Zwei Personen waren fuer 60 Jahre Klubmitglied! Das Ehrenmitglied fuer 2015 war Murray Taylor, Gratulation! Veranstaltungen im Dezember: Weihnachtsmarkt am Rathaus in Kitchener vom 3.-6. Dezember Weihnachtskonzert der Concordia Choere am 13. Dezember in der Halle Silvesterabend in der Schenke. Tickets sind im Klubbuero erhaeltlich Der Vorstand mit mir als Klubpraesident wuenschen schoene, angenehme Feiertage mit Familie und Freunden! Frohe Weihnachten und ein glueckliches neues Jahr 2016 wuenscht Ihr Klubpraesident Rob Kerr President’s Report The tent has been taken down and stored for another year and that can only mean one thing, winter will be upon us in a very short period of time. We are still trying to wrap up the Oktoberfest figures and chasing some invoices so I will not have a true figure as to the financials on this event until mid December. The sales on the draught beer were down about 10 % this year and this type of consumption drop was noticed at the other German clubs as well. The 2 new wines introduced this year to replace the Josephs product sold well here at the club. We tried a few new things (Jaegermeister snow cones, Jaeger Bar, etc.) of which some worked and some results were questionable. We will start looking at how we can better the festival offerings for next year. Once again a heartfelt thank you goes out to the management, staff, board and the mem- bership for making this Oktoberfest another successful year for not only the club but the various groups who participated with booths. Thank you to Leo Tukums our club historian who set up a very nice display of our Concordia Club archives at the German Pioneers day event. I would also like to thank the members who attended this event to recognize the German communities involvement in the Kitchener Waterloo area. On November 7th we celebrated Stiftungfest in the main hall. It was great to see so many members in attendance that night. This dedication to the club and the events we put on will enable us to survive and prosper as a club. The main focus of this evening is the presentation of years of service gifts and the honorary member being named. Congratulations to all the members who were awarded gifts (this included 2 people with 60 years, WOW, what an accomplishment) and to our honorary member for 2015 Murray Taylor Some of the upcoming events for the month of December will be: Christkindl Market at Kitchener City Hall from December 3-6 Concordia Choir Christmas concert on December 13th in the main hall and the culmination of the year with the New Year Eve Gala in the Schenke The board of directors and myself wish you a safe and happy holiday season filled with joy and time spent with family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your president, Rob Kerr 4 From the Manager’s Desk Oktoberfest I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, members, volunteers and Board of Directors for all of their hard work and dedication during this year’s Oktoberfest. The hours of planning, set up and hard work throughout the month of September and into the week of the festival do not go unnoticed! Thank you so much to everyone for another successful year. We are still in the process of finalizing our financial picture. We do know that our sales were down slightly and are still working on the costs to see what the final outcome is. evening with a wonderful 5 course dinner and dance. In the past we have sold vouchers in the office ahead of time for $60.00 per person to be applied to the bill the night of the event. This has always caused confusion on New Year’s Eve when the bill is presented due to the addition of tax and gratuity added to the bill for the voucher. This year we will be trying a new format for reservations. When you make you reservation we will take your credit card information to hold the reservation but you will not be charged until that evening. However, should you not show that evening, we will have to charge the “no show” fee of $60.00 per person on your card. My hope is this will eliminate any questions and concerns when you receive your bill at the end of the evening. The cost per person is $60.00 per person plus tax and gratuity. Christkindlmarket Once again this year we will be participating in the Christkindlmarket at City Hall. The dates for this year are Thursday, December 3rd to Sunday, December 6th. Come out with your family to enjoy this annual tradition! It will definitely get everyone into the Christmas spirit! Christmas Duck Dinner Our annual Christmas Duck Dinner will be held this year starting on Thursday, December 10th through to Wednesday, December 23rt. Please make your “duck” reservations early to avoid disappointment. Chef Andreas and his team prepare the ducks daily based on the reservation count so please call ahead. New Year’s Eve 2015 Hard to believe that we will be ringing in another new year! The year 2015 has gone by so quickly. We will be celebrating the 5 Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: [email protected] M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. Areas of Practice Include: Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken Membership Fees for 2016 As you may recall, last year we started applying HST to our membership fees due to a CRA audit. Going forward, we have no choice but to continue this process. The decision was made at the Semi Annual Meeting in August to apply a slight increase of approximately 2% to the actual membership fee for 2016. The new fee schedule which INCLUDES the HST is as follows: Family Membership $ 147.00 Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck WICHTIGE DATEN/IMPORTANT DATES December 11th Turkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling December 20th Christmas Party *this is a Sunday - noon *NO BOWLING ON CHRISTMAS DAY NOR NEW YEAR'S DAY!! January 15th Annual Meeting Single Person $103.00 February 12th Cosmic Bowling Student with Student ID $ 25.50 April 29th Last Day of Bowling Seniors after 5 years of membership$ 41.00 The membership fees are due at the beginning of each calendar year so please come in to the office in January to ensure that your 15% members discount can be applied in the Schenke. As this is the last bulletin of 2015, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members and guests for their continued support throughout the year! I wish you all a wonderful Christmas holiday spent with family and friends and all the best for 2016. Sincerely Ruth Rajna Manager Concordia Kegler Weihnachten steht schon wieder vor der Tür. Es ist eine sehr beschäftige Zeit für uns alle, also bitte notieren Sie sich die wichtigen Daten. Der Vorstand wünscht allen Keglern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute und viel Gesundheit im Neuen Jahr. May 6th Closing Banquet *this is a Friday - 5:30p.m. CONCORDIA BOWLERS Well, Christmas is just around the corner and much celebrating will be done. This is a very busy time of year for everyone, so please be sure to keep in mind the important dates listed above. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: December/Dezember 6. 7. 13. 18. 20. 24. 30. Heinz Nowak Francis Gottvald Karl Zensner Peter Uebel Karl Braun Erika Koeckritz Joe Wallner The Committee would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. Until next time, Monica Kauck 6 X|Ç yÜÉ{xá jx|{Çtv{àáyxáà âÇw ä|xÄ XÜyÉÄz y≤Ü wtá ]t{Ü ECDI wünscht Ihnen, liebe Mitglieder, Freunde und Gäste der Hauptvorstand mit Präsident Rob Kerr 7 Tischtennis Gruppe Liebe Tischtennis Freunde, Wie unser Kassenwart Hans Malthaner berichtet, war das Oktoberfest fuer unsere Gruppe aehnlich erfolgreich wie schon in den letzten drei Jahren. Wir hoerten, dass das Gesamtergebnis unseres Clubs ebenfalls zufriedenstellend ausgefallen ist. Allen Gruppenmitgliedern noch einmal ein herzliches „Dankeschoen“ fuer ihren Arbeitseinsatz waehrend des Oktoberfestes. Am 26. November fand unsere Jahreshauptversammlung in der Weinstube statt. Zurzeit dieses Berichtes kann ich leider noch keine Angaben ueber den Verlauf geben. Das werde ich aber im Januar-Nachrichtenblatt nachholen. Wahl des Vize-Praesidenten: Da die Amtszeiten des amtierenden VizePraesidenten nach zwei Jahren turnusmaessig zu Ende ging, stand eine Neuwahl auf der Tagesordnung. Arne Michalski hatte sich jedoch schon fruehzeitig bereit erklaert, auch in den naechsten zwei Jahren fuer diesen Posten zur Verfuegung zu stehen. Ich gehe daher davon aus, dass sich keine Aenderung im Gruppenvorstand ergeben hat. Wie oben erwaehnt, kann ich erst im Januar 2016 ueber Einzelheiten berichten. Vorschau auf unsere Weihnachtsfeier Traditionell findet am ersten Samstag im Dezember, diesmal also am 05. Dezember, unsere Weihnachtsfeier in der Jaegerstube statt. Wie in den Jahren zuvor, bitten wir auch in diesem Jahr um eine Spende fuer die „Food Bank“ im Werte von ca. $ 10.00 oder auch darueber. Unsere Feier beginnt um 18:00 Uhr mit einer Cocktailstunde und freier Getraenkewahl. Nach 19:00 Uhr kostet jedes Getraenk $ 2.00. Ehe wir es merken, steht Weihnachten vor der Tuer. Daher moechte ich allen Klubmitgliedern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glueckliches und gesundes Jahr 2016 wuenschen. Dieser Wunsch geht ganz besonders an alle unsere Gruppen-Mitglieder und deren Ehepartnern, die in diesem Jahr mit gesundheitlichen Problemen zu kaempfen hatten. TABLE TENNIS GROUP Dear Friends, The Oktoberfest is now behind us and, according to our treasurer Hans Malthaner, was very successful as in the three past years. We hope that the same is also true for the Concordia Club as a whole. A sincere „Thank You“ to all group members who helped make this year’s Oktoberfest a success. Our group’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was scheduled for November 26. Unfortunately, at present time when writing this, I am unable to report on the outcome of the meeting. Election: Since the current Vice-President’s 2-year term had come to an end this position was up for election. Because Arne Michalski, our present vice-president, was willing to stay on the board for another two year term, I believe there was no change to the board. As mentioned above I am unable to report at present time. I will certainly do that in the January 2016 bulletin. 8 Preview: Traditionally, our Christmas Party happens on the first Saturday of December. This year that day falls on December 5. As usual, our party will take place in the Jaegerstube. Please bring a donation to the local food bank in the value of $10.00 or more. Our party begins at 6:00 pm with complimentary beverages. After that drinks will cost $2.00. Before we know Christmas will be here. Please let me wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. This wish goes particularly to our not so fortunate group members and partners who suffered severe health problems during this year. „Tschuess“ and until next time, Eckhard Michalski Outdoor Group Our annual Christmas Dinner on Sunday November 29th consisted of a good meal with camaraderie and memories of times past, plus a visit from Santa Claus handing out treats. We also gave thanks to everyone who volunteered their time at Oktoberfest in our booths and throughout the rest of the year. Our tentative date for Winter Karneval at the Farm is Sunday March 6th, 2016 – more details will be in the upcoming bulletins. We wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year! Bruce Emmerson Seniorengruppe This will be the last report for 2015. I would like to wish all members a safe and happy Christmas season and a happy new year as well. Birthdays in December: Lucie Neuhof - December 13th Fritz Richter - December 29th It is horrible when one realizes that one is getting old, However, it is even more horrible to not realize it at all. Our next meeting is on January 6, 2016 at 2:30pm in the Jaegerstube. Ladies Group The Bazaar & Children’s Christmas Party is over and now it’s time to celebrate. Thank you everyone who came to support us by coming to the bazaar. Our Christmas Party is just around the corner and we can hardly wait. At our party we always have wonderful food, a few drinks or so and always a surprise gift that we make a game out of until we can keep the surprise. Our next meeting takes place on Wednesday, 13 January, 2016 at 2:00 pm. Until then, We the Ladies Group wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Rotrud Schaar Elisabeth Rowsell 9 Treffpunkt dish to share and there was plenty of food! Thank you to Diane and Andrew for welcoming us into your home once again. Congratulations to all groups for helping to make Oktoberfest 2015 another successful year at Concordia Club! The Treffpunkt group is very fortunate to have so many helpful members who came out to volunteer. Some enlisted family and friends as well. Thank you to everyone who participated. We couldn’t have done it without you! Our post Oktoberfest meeting has already taken place and we are making plans to make next year even better! Coming up on December 12th we will again be performing at the Seniorenhaus where we will also be sharing some treats and singing some Christmas carols. There will be 2 practices prior to that date at Uli and Rudy’s house in Guelph. Just after Oktoberfest we had our annual Thanksgiving dinner hosted by Diane and Andrew Hatchwell. Everyone brought a Till next time, Blood donations have been going 6 years strong now and we have helped approximately 233 people so far! If you would like to donate our partners in life number is CONC010846. Andrea Schilha 10 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia Greetings! The Mardi Gras group celebrated the start of their 49th year with an Anniversary dinner in the Jägerstube on October 24th. It was a wonderful evening socializing and enjoying a delicious meal. Thank you to President Kerr, his wife Janice, Miss Concordia Megan Kerr and her boyfriend Dustin for joining us! Another great night was had two weeks later as our group attended the Club’s 142nd Stifftungsfest. We are excited for the bus trip to Germania Club’s Maskenball in Cincinnati January 2224. If you would like to have a weekend full 11 of laughs we welcome you to join us! Cost of $100 (bus and Maskenball fee). Hotel and food costs are extra. Please contact Joan at [email protected] or 519-886-6009 The socializing continues December 15th for the Narrenzunft members and December 20th for The Kinder Garde. As Christmas fast approaches we want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season with friends and loved ones. Happy and safe New Year’s Eve to all ! Results from our annual meeting November 24th will be reported in the January Nachrichten as well as other November events. Until 2016 Alaaf und Helau, Joan Trautrim Bocce Gruppe Wieder einmal ist eine Bocce Spiel Saison zu Ende. Unsere nicht offizielle Gruppe besteht seit 2012 und ist jedes Jahr groesser geworden. Wir haben mit 20 Spielern angefangen und batten in diesem Jahr 42. Am 28. Oktober verbrachten wir einen letzten Abend fuer 2015 bei einem gemeinsamen Essen. Nach dem Essen wurden die Bocce Koenigin 2015, Waltraud Krause, und der Bocce Koenig, Robert Nowak, mit einem Preis geehrt. Alle Spieler bedauern, dass wir bis zum naechsten Jahr auf Spiel und gemeinsames Zusammensein warten muessen, denn die meisten sitzen noch nach dem Spielen gemuetlich zusammen. Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Karl Braun fuer das Rasenmaehen waehrend der Saison. Noch ein Danke geht an Diana and Robert Nowak, die wieder einmal Bocce Baelle fuer die Gruppe gespendet haben. Nun wuenschen wir Bocce Spieler allen Concordia Mitgliedern, deren Familien und Freunden, ein friedliches Weihnachtsfest und ein gesundes, erfolgreiches Jahr 2016. Heidi Nowak BOCCE GROUP Once again a Bocce ball season came to an end. Our not official group exists since 2012 and got bigger every year. We startet with 20 players and had 42 this year. On October 28 we spend a last evening for 2015 at dinner together. After the dinner the Bocce Queen 2015, Waltraud Krause, and the Bocce King, Robert Nowak, were presented with a price. All players regret to have to wait till next year to play and sit together again, because most of us are sitting together after playing and socialize. A heartfelt thank you to Karl Braun for cutting the gras during the season for us. Another thank you to Diana and Robert Nowak for donating again Bocce balls for the group. Now we Bocce players wish all the Concordia members, their families and friends a peaceful Christmas and a healthy, successful year 2016. Heidi Nowak Membership Dear Members, once again congratulations to our members who had club milestone anniversaries this year. We had so many which was awesome to see. Thank you to all that came out to Stiftungfest to receive their awards, we all had a great time!! I still have many awards that need to be claimed. Anyone listed in the previous bulletin who did not receive their awards please come to the club and see Krista at the front desk for their pin. Some of the bigger awards still need to be claimed as well and I would love for you to come and pick them up so you can enjoy them. Those include Eugene Vogel (60 years!!), Werner Kuehlenborg, Siegfried and Waltraud Schoepke and Reinhard Kohnke (all 40 year members). Once again congratulations to our members on their club anniversaries. We all belong to a great club. Michelle Zimmer Contact: Mike Doersam, 519-622-7777 | 1-800-294-0656 | 1425 Bishop St., Cambridge 12 Skat-Gruppe Liebe Freunde Am Sonntag den 6. Dezember hatten wir unsere alljaehrliche Weihnachtsfeier. Wir hatten gute Unterhaltung, viel Spass, und wir wollen uns alle ganz herzlich bei allen Beteiligten in der Kueche und in der Schenke bedanken dass sie unseren Abend so schoen gemacht haben. Wir wuenschen allen einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr 2016 Unsere Jahres-Hauptversammlung ist am 16. Januar Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit, Schriftfuehrer SKAT GROUP Dear friends Sunday, December 6th we had our annual Christmas party, we had a lot of fun and very nice conversations. Thank you very much to the staff from the Kitchen and the Schenke to make this such a nice evening for us. We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2016 Our Anual Meeting will be January 16th Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit, Secretary 13 Radio Herz, German Broadcast Inc. 63 Hoffman St., Kitchener, Ont. N3M 3M8 Radio Herz können Sie folgendermaßen hören: Übers Internet für $7.00/Mo. unter Abonnieren erhältlich. Über Bell-TV, auf Kanal 986 als Abonnent erhältlich und über NexTV, Deutsches Internet TV auf Kanal 1252 als Abonnent erhältlich Tel: 1-866-365-6724 YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning We now do COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: [email protected] December 31st Schenke New Year’s Eve Celebration Concordia Chöre What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future, a few things to think about as we enter another holiday season. The Concordia Choir has much to celebrate. We are honouring two members who have sung with the choir for fifty years. Congratulations to Erika Koeckritz, and Elisabeth Rowsell for your dedication and devotion to our choir. Elisabeth joined the choir in 1966. She also sang with the children’s choir for two years prior. Elisabeth spoke We are very grateful Elisabeth, for all you have contributed and continue to contribute. Congratulations on 50 fantastic years. Erika Koeckritz also joined the choir in 1966. Her’s is a very interesting story. She attended all practices with her husband Helmut for over a year, just sitting and listening. Finally one evening the conductor approached her and asked “why aren’t you singing in the choir” she replied, “my husband says I can’t sing, to which he replied, “let me be the judge of that,” and here we are 50 years later and she is still singing and an active member of the choir. Erika has also been a participant in all aspects of the Concordia Club. She became an Honorary Member in 1995. She still crafts the beautiful sash for Miss Concordia and Weinkoenigin each year. She herself served as Wine Queen in 1992. She was honoured as Singer of the Year in 1991. Congratulations Erika on 50 fabulous years and thank you for all you have contributed. about the friendships she has made and how the choir has helped her maintain her German language and heritage. She has coordinated trips to Europe for the choir and is currently working on our spring tour. She also holds the distinction of being named Singer of the Year in 2006, and is currently an Honorary Member of the Concordia Club. 16 To our Concordia family, friends, and relatives please accept this as our personal invitation to attend our annual Christmas Concert Sunday, December 13, at 7:30 pm. Join us as we begin this holiday season with Christmas songs from around the world. Looking forward to seeing you there. The choir will also be participating in Christkindlmarkt on Saturday, December 5, at 6 o’clock. Hope you can join us. We are also looking forward to our Choir Christmas party Monday, December l4th. At this time we will honor our fifty year members, as well as the new Singers of the Year, and if we are really good Santa may pay us a visit. Ho Ho Ho. We would also like to send our thoughts and prayers to Joe Harde, as he continues to recuperate from a recent fall. Joe we miss you and hope you will be back with us soon. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who worked so hard on our Poinsettia sales. I am sure you will enjoy these beautiful plants through the holiday season and beyond. Special thanks to Ilse Gessner for organizing this project. I think that’s all our December news. I would like to leave you with these thoughts. Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show. The secret lies in an inner glow. Its lighting a fire inside the heart. Good will and joy a vital part. It’s higher thought and greater plan. It’s a glorious dream in the soul of man. Peterson, The Art of Living. Wishing you and yours the blessings of this holiday season. Health, happiness and peace, in the coming year. Merry Christmas, Beverley For information, contact: Tom Mennill, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY 17 Weihnachtskonzert der Concordia Chöre FRÖHLICHE WEIHNACHT ÜBERALL SONNTAG, 13. DEZEMBER 2015, 19:00 UHR Concordia Club, Main Hall, 429 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener, Tel. 519-745-5617 Concordia Männerchor / Male Choir • Gemischter Chor / Mixed Choir • Director: Martin Anderle • Accompanist: Marisa Strban Kinderchor / Children’s Choir • Director: Angelika Werner • Accompanist: Ulrike Ryzebol Concordia Choirs Christmas Concert CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th 2015, 7:00 PM Concordia Club, Main Hall, 429 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener, Tel. 519-745-5617 Freiwillige Spenden zur Unterstützung der Chöre. Donations for the support of the Choirs are accepted. THIS YEAR’S CORPORATE SPONSORS: Kitchener-Westmount Rotary Club - Dr. Egon Beiler, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry Lorne E. Walters - Heffner Motors - Accu-Temp Cooling & Heating - Heritage Park Pharmacy Gross-Klein Investments Limited - Mr. Helmut Oberlaender - George and Gerti Rendas Henry Walser Funeral Home Ltd. - Walters, Gubler Law Office - Matthias Muller Concordia Club 130 JAHRE 130 YEARS 7 3 - 2003 Miss Concordia 2016 Wieder ist es Zeit um unsere jungen Damen vom Concordia Klub aufzufordern, sich für die “Miss Concordia”-Wahl zu bewerben Die Bewerbungs-Unterlagen sind im Klubbüro erhältlich und sollen auch dort wieder abgegeben werden. Bei den Bewerbungen ist folgendes zu beachten: Bewerberin muss für ein Jahr Mitglied im Concordia Klub sein Bewerberin darf nicht verheiratet oder geschieden sein Bewerberin muss 18 Jahre oder älter sein und möglichst die deutsche Sprache sprechen. Miss Concordia 2016 sollte bei Klub- sowie öffentlichen Veranstaltungen den Concordia Klub repräsentieren. Mit dem Anmeldeformular sollte ein Passbild sowie eine kurze Erklärung mit dem Thema: “Warum ich Miss Concordia werden möchte” abgegeben werden, Die Bewerberinnen werden zu einen Treffen eingeladen um die Details auszuarbeiten. Für mehr Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an das VergnügungsKommitee. It’s time once again to choose a young lady to be our Miss Concordia. If you feel you could represent the Concordia Club, we ask that you fill out the application form and forward it to the Club office. Please be advised of the following: Applicant must have been a member of the Concordia Club for at least 1 year. Applicant may not be married or divorced. Applicant must be 18 years of age or older and if possible speak the German language. Miss Concordia 2016 should be at club functions as well as other functions throughout the year to represent the club. A short statement should be attached to this application "Why I want to become Miss Concordia". With the Application there should also be a short essay answering the question “Why I want to be Miss Concordia” as well as a passport picture. Applicants will be invited for a meeting to work out all the details If you would like more information, please contact the Entertainment Committee. Name ______________________________________ Tel. ______________________________________ Strasse/Street ________________________________ Ort/City __________________________________ Province/Postal Code ________________________ Geburtsdatum/Date of Birth: __________________ Schule/School ____________________________ Klasse/Class ________________________________ Beruf/Occupation __________________________ Alter/Age ______________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________________ Unterschrift/Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Why I want to be Miss Concordia 19 (please use an additional sheet if required) DEADLINE MARCH 15, 2016 A DI OR NC CO 18 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events DECEMBER 2015 / JANUARY 2016 1. Dec. Seniors Christmas Party Main Hall 13. Dec. Concordia Choirs Christmas Concert Main Hall, 7:00 pm December 24. to 28. 2015, and January 1. 2016: Club closed 31. Dec. New Year’s Eve Celebration Schenke 16. Jan. Kameradschaftsabend Schwaben Club Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 20 Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES TUESDAY through FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING: WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPECIALS CHEF’S NIGHT SPECIAL or SOUP SANDWICH COMBO TUESDAYS: BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR 1/2 PRICE purchase one entree and get the second of equal or lesser value at half price!! 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with Potatoes and Vegetables only $18.99 FRIDAY EVENING: FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET all your favorites and much more only $16.45 WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET Lunch: $11.95 Dinner: $14.95 DINE & DANCE Live Entertainment All prices plus applicable taxes Gratuity not included Certain exclusions/conditions exist as of August 2008 Regular Menu & reasonable prices SUNDAY: 11:00am - 2pm BRUNCH $18.99 Reservations are recommended 21 Concordia Club Board of Directors 2014/2015 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Directors: Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Archives Bulletin Christkindlmarket Club Buildings Club Historian Club Ombudsman Club Rental Properties Concordia Seniorenhaus Economic Affairs Employee Liaison 23 Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Rolf Malthaner Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Marcus Kallweit Mike Matich Ruth Rajna Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Alexandria Thoene Elaine Keller Sarah Fretz Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Elaine Keller Mike Matich Mike Brasch Helmut Kruschat Leo Tukums Harald Schwegel Ronny Horvath Helmut Kruschat Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Peter Bergen Ali Novak Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Ali Nowak Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene Farm Committee Mike Matich Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Finance Committee Ali Nowak Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Sarah Fretz Float Committee Ronny Horvath German Culture Marcus Kallweit Honorary Member Sarah Fretz Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Oktoberfest Chair Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Marcus Kallweit Rolf Malthaner Sales and Marketing Rolf Malthaner Marcus Kallweit Ronny Horvath Security Rob Kerr Alex Thoene
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