Die öffentlich-rechtliche Gesellschaft

Die öffentlich-rechtliche Gesellschaft
Zur Fortentwicklung des Rechtsformenspektrums für öffentliche
[The Public Corporation. The Development of the Range of Legal Forms for Public Enterprises.
By Thomas Mann.]
Published in German.
Based upon German constitutional demands for management in the public sector which for
example follow the rule of law, Thomas Mann examines the structure and content of legal
directives concerning public enterprises and develops prospective solutions for the central
issues pertaining to new public management, one of which is how to maintain public in uence
in privatized corporations.
Thomas Mann Geboren 1963; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Bochum; 1991 Promotion;
2001 Habilitation; 2001 Professor an der Universität Bochum; seit 2002 Professor an der
Universität Göttingen.
2002. XIX, 423 pages.
JusPubl 93
ISBN 978-3-16-147796-6
cloth 109,00 €
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