Church of the Cross

Christus und Seine Kirche laden dich ein!
Christ and His Church invite you!
Church of the Cross
Congregational Newsletter / Gemeindebrief / Gemeente Nuusbrief
August 2015 / September 2015
Sonn- und Feiertage
Kontaktpersonen: E-G.Brunke (021 913 1614)
Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500)
Sondae en Feesdae
Kontakpersone: E-G.Brunke (021 913 1614)
Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500)
Sonntags während des Gottesdienstes
Kontaktperson: Sietske Rubow (021 975 2165)
Gedurende die Erediens Sondae
Kontakpersoon: Sietske Rubow (021 975 2165)
Jeden 2. Monat der 1.Donnerstag um 09h30
Kontaktperson: Elisabeth Kliem (021 911 3564)
Elke tweede maand die 1ste Donderdag om 09h30
Kontakpersoon: Elisabeth Kliem (021 911 3564)
Donnerstags um 09h30
Kontaktperson: Ingrid Brunke (021 913 1614)
Donderdae om 09h30
Kontakpersoon: Ingrid Brunke (021 913 1614)
Haus der offenen Tür
Ope deur
Donnerstags um 10h00
Kontaktperson: Lore Rodewald (021 939 2376)
Donderdae om 10h00
Kontakpersoon: Lore Rodewald (021 939 2376)
Donderdag om 9h00
Kontakpersoon : Ingrid Brunke (021 913 1614)
Donnerstags um 9h00
Kontaktperson: Ingrid Brunke (021 913 1614)
Hände am Werk
Hande wat werk
2. Mittwoch im Monat 10h00 – 12h00
Kontaktperson: Else Röhrs (021 556 0722)
2de Woensdag van die maand 10h00 – 12h00
Kontakpersoon: Else Röhrs (021 556 0722)
Kontaktperson: Hildegard Vogel (021 913 3726)
Kontakpersoon: Hildegard Vogel (021 913 3726)
Kontaktperson: Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500)
Kontakpersoon: Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500)
Mattheus 28: Gaan dan, maak al die nasies
my dissipels, en doop hulle en leer hulle.
Pastor Molchin is beskikbaar vir gesprekke en
huisbesoeke. U kan hom skakel by
084 20 40 500
Wir bitten um Fürbitte für unsere Gemeinde und
den Kirchenvorstand.
U word gevra om ons gemeente en kerkraad
in u gebede in te sluit.
02 Jürgen Apel
02 Hans Langhoff
02 Erika Prüter
03 Anja Müller
03 Savannah Stümges
03 Karl von Aulock
04 Renate Langenhoven
04 Ralph Rix
04 Brigitte Störzner
06 Anja Heyns
06 Victor Schröder
07 Anke Holmes
09 Kian Wellens
11 Irma Fröhling
11 Ted Haller
11 Carla Rix
13 Anita Schröder
15 Wolf-Dieter Mylo
15 Daniel Zöttl
16 Friedericke Faber
17 Kyle Ross
17 Nina Roussouw
17 Gisela Wittenberg
18 Sophie-Louise Fröhlich
18 Edeltraud Pässler
19 Ilka Dunn
19 Annemarie Müller
21 Renate de Klerk
22 Daniella Ahlert
22 Christian Thumser
24 Ester Dircksen
24 Johanna Hettasch
26 Trudel Andrag
26 Lasea Andrag
26 Sebastian Lumpp
26 Bernd Prüter
27 Alika Lumpp
27 Nicola Lumpp
28 Detlev Ahlert
28 Heidi Stinnes
29 Henrike Kovats
29 Hans Prüter
30 Anne-Marie Mylo
01 Nicola Poppe
01 Chantel Vergotine
02 Hans Andrag
04 Daniel Andrag
05 Clara Kleingünther
06 Sonja Ewald
06 Wilhelm Rodewald
08 Christel Andrag
08 Freddie Kühhirt
12 Elisabeth Hollemann
12 Rudy Rutzen
14 Anja Lumpp
15 Courtney Popkiss
15 Harald Schröder
17 Edmund Michl
18 Michelle Glaser
18 Rolf Kriebel
19 Tobias Hahne
20 Birgit Lamm
20 Max Schröder
21 Sonya Gutknecht
21 Monika Langenhoven
22 Hans Andrag
23 Jürgen Briegel
23 Gisela Prüter
23 Andrea van Tonder
24 Klaus Bohnet
24 Halle Buhr-Engelke
24 Janneke Rubow
29 Cecelia Ross
Annegret Büttner
Karen Hahne
Linda Jenkins
Karl Nuss
Dear Congregation,
Our watchword for August comes from Mt 10,16: Jesus Christ says:
Be as shrewd as the snakes and as gentle as the doves.
A snake is a hunter, usually stalking and by stealth capturing its prey.
Add to this that some species of snake have a serious dose of poison
to go with a bite, and you have an animal that commands respect.
Very few animals (the Ratel for example) or humans are keen to
meddle with them. We respect its cunning and potential lethality.
The dove on the other hand is (usually) a welcome visitor in our
garden. Gentle by nature, it sings its rhyme on balmy afternoons. So
much appreciated, that bird fanciers breed all sorts of varieties and
compete on shows with them. Very useful are the postal pigeons,
once the only means of airmail and swift communication over long
distances. From these the sport of racing pigeons developed.
The two animals are quite contrasting in nature and temperament.
Each has unique abilities and temperaments. I am not sure that we
can simply say that they represent left brain / right brain, but certainly the snake seems to speak of cool rationality, whilst the dove seems
to speak of balanced emotions.
But we just cannot do with just the one or the other. In real life we
are in need of both: cool rationality and tempered, well-adjusted
emotions. The snake with the cool emotions is feared and respected,
but in fact I have never seen one smiling! They only seem to display
displeasure when disturbed or threatened. The dove on the other
hand is a kind of domestic animal we enjoy having around on
account of its nice manners, but the garden variety does not impress
us as a very clever bird (although of course the postal pigeon does
with its incredible sense of orientation!).
Jesus recommends both: Common and good sense combined with
appropriate and gentle emotions.
And this is also in good company with both traditional folk psychology
and modern ways of understanding our intellect and emotions.
Kind regards,
Pastor Peter
Liewe Gemeente,
Ons spreuk vir September kom uit Mt 18,3: Tensy julle omkeer en
word soos klein kinders, kan julle nie die hemelse koninkryk
beërwe nie.
Kinders is altyd ‘n plesier om dop te hou. Hulle is ongeveins, eerlik en
reguit. Dis waar die spreekwoord ook vandaan kom wat sê: ”Uit die
mond van suigelinge …” kry jy net die waarheid. Hulle het nog nie die
interne sensor ontwikkel wat ‘n volwassene verhoed om altyd te sê
wat hy dink (dankie tog vir dit!). Dis eers later in die lewe dat hulle
van ons volwassenes leer hoe om stories te vertel en verhale te spin
wat dienlik is eerder as eerlik of opreg.
Kinders is ook altyd bereid om te glo wat aan hulle vertel word. Pasop
om nooit vir jou kind ‘n wolhaar storie te vertel. Sy sal jou later
verwyt dat jy gejok het vir haar! Die antwoorde op hulle vrae moet
altyd eerlik wees, met in agname van hulle ontwikkeling en opvattingsvermoë.
Hierdie twee oerkwaliteite van glo en waarheid is wat ons in klein
kinders bekoor. Dis iets wat ons miskien voel ons het dit alreeds lankal
verloor op die lewensweg van ontnugteringe, van rook en spieëls, van
gee en neem wat die waarheid betref.
Maar hierdie vermoë vir glo en waarheid is nie vir altyd verlore nie!
Dis net slapend, diep weg gebêre in ons innerlike mens, wagtend op
die tyd en die dag dat dit weer benodig word in ons lewens. Die tyd
het gekom wanneer ons Jesus hoor hoe Hy met ons praat: Tensy
julle omkeer en word soos klein kinders, kan julle nie die hemelse
Koninkryk beërwe nie.
Die tyd het gekom vir my om weer opnuut my kinderlike geloof te
herontdek, my vertroue in ‘n waarheid waar Ja werklik Ja is, sonder
kwalifikasies en uitsluitings. God glo dat ek in Christus Sy kind is. Ek
ook. Vol stop. ‘n Eenvoudige en onverwringbare waarheid. Alle twyfel
Vriendelike groete,
Pastor Peter
From the Bishop’s office:
News from the congregations of the Cape Church
Pastor em. Ingrid Plüddemann passed away 30 January 2015. Her
funeral service was on 7. February 2015 in the St Martini congregation.
She was always willing to preach and assist in various congregations.
We thank God for the work that she could do in His Church. May God
comfort her family and guide them on the way forward.
Pastor em. Albrecht Hahne passed away on 28 April. His funeral
service was on 5 May in the Bellville congregation. He served various
congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Africa in
Natal-Transvaal and Bellville. May God comfort his family and guide
Pastor em. Albert Brandt passed away on 8 May 2015. His funeral
service was on 15 May at Huis van Niekerk in Strand. He served
various congregations in the Eastern and Western Cape. We thank God
for the work that he could do in His Church. May God comfort his
family, and guide them in His peace that passes all understanding.
Pastor Anja Spiske was elected by Port Elizabeth Congregation as
successor to Pastor Felix Meylahn. She will hopefully start the ministry
there in December 2015.
Bishop em. Nils Rohwer has been appointed locum tenens of the
Bloemfontein congregation. May the Lord bless the work done to His
Church Councel has taken a decision to end the pastor coll. status of
Pastor Hans-Peter von Fintel. Therefore, the congregations he is
currently serving become vacant and he is eligible for calling into a
The congregations in the Eastern Cape have taken a decision to
re-align the congregations which will result in an inland parish, a
coastal parish and the St Crucis congregation. Once the parishes have
been formed, the process of filling then vacant posts will start.
Visitations took place in various congregations.These were fruitful and
encouraging encounters.
The congregations are: Dawn 28-29 March, St Crucis 17-19 April,
St Martini 8-10 May and still to come Bellville 7-9 August and George
29-30 August.
Conventus of Reformational Churches
A meeting of the Conventus, which took place from 3-5 March 2015
discussed the following 3 points:
1. An ecumenical Synod or gathering of churches of the Reformation
in Southern Africa / Africa in 2017. A task team was formed to plan
such a gathering. The main emphasis will be on sharing how the
reformational principle have impacted our lives and how it equips
us for everyday life.
2. Essays will be published on topics relating to the benefit /
influence / impact of the Reformation on the church in Africa. Each
denomination should produce a short essay on its role / influence
it has on the continent and its people.
3. Possibly formulating a Confessio Africana.
Daten, die uns angehen / Dates to be reminded of:
23. August: Nach dem Verkauf des Kirchengrundstücks in Paarl findet die
De-Konsekration der Petrikirche Paarls am Sonntag, dem 23. August, um 18 Uhr abends
statt. Der Bischof der Kapkirche, Bischof Filter, wird an dem Gottesdienst teilnehmen.
5. September:
Basar in der Kreuzkirche Bellville!
6. September: Das St Johannis Heim startet eine Frühlingsaktion und wird am
6. September Blumensträußchen in die Kreuzkirche bringen um im St Johannisheim an
Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen abgegeben zu werden, um Frühlingsfreude zu bringen.
27. September: gemeinsames Posaunenfest der Brüderkirche und der Bläser von der
ELCSA (NT), mit etwa 600 Spielern, hier in Kapstadt.
Festgottesdienst in Athlone um 10:00.
Nachfragen bei Herrn Thomas Klingelhoeffer 082 784 2685 .
You should read
this !
Nuut op my
Erlesene Bücher
Henri J M Nouwen
When Henri Nouwen, a Dutch Roman Catholic Priest, first saw a reproduction of Rembrandt’s The Return of the Prodigal Son in 1983, it made
such a profound impression on him that he wanted to see the real
painting. He sensed that seeing this painting would allow him to enter
into the mystery of homecoming in a way he never had before. In 1986
it was possible for him to visit Saint Petersburg and see The Return of
the Prodigal Son which was in his mind and his heart for three years. It
is housed in the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg: a huge canvas eight
feet high and 6 feet wide. He was overwhelmed! He received special
permission to sit at Rembrandt’s painting for hours and days, to look,
meditate and comprehend. He carried these spiritual observations and
reflections with him for the next years which resulted in The Return of
the Prodigal Son, published in
1992, with the subtitle A Story of
In this book he shares the deeply
personal and resonant meditation
that led him to discover the place
within himself where God dwells.
Rembrandt’s depiction of the
powerful Gospel story in Luke 15:
11-32 inspired Henri Nouwen to
probe the several movements of
the parable: the young son’s
return, the father’s restoration of
sonship, the vengefulness and
resentment of the elder son and
the compassion of the father. He
identified himself with each character in turn and thus both sons
could gradually be transformed to
be the compassionate father.
This transformation lead him to the fulfillment of the deepest desire of
his restless heart, the homecoming to his heavenly Father.
In Henry Nouwen’s reflections on Rembrandt’s own life journey, he
portrayed a Rembrandt who painted not with the eyes of the body, but
with the inner eye of his heart.
Thus this book it not only spiritually inspiring and a guide each time it
is read, but it has the added joy of seeing and understanding the man
who painted this masterpiece, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn who
lived from 1606 to1669.
Jahreslosung / Watchword for the year
(Rom. 15,7)
Wherefore receive ye one another as CHRIST also received us to the
glory of GOD.
Nehmet einander an, wie CHRISTUS euch angenommen hat
zu Gottes Lob.
Aanvaar mekaar dan, soos CHRISTUS julle ook aanvaar het.
So sal julle GOD verheerlik.
Op 31 Mei 2015 is
Emil Eduard Andrag
in ons Kruiskerk gedoop,
die seun van James en
Elizabeth Andrag.
Pastor Gerhard Plüddemann het die doop waargeneem. Dat hy
dit waargeneem het, was van ‘n besondere betekenis, want hy
het James Andrag hier in ons kerk gedoop (1983). Ons wens die
dopeling en sy familie Gods rykste seën toe op die verdere
Aus der Gemeinde / News from the Congregation
Die Orgel der St Petrigemeinde in Paarl:
Da die Entscheidung für unsre Schwestergemeinde St. Petri in Paarl ihr Kirchenzentrum zu verkaufen nun gefallen ist, hat sie uns ihre wertvolle Orgel zum
gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in unserer Kreuzkirche angeboten. Das Instrument
wurde von der Firma Paul Ott in Göttingen eigens für die Petrikirche gebaut, ist
etwa vierzig Jahre alt und im
ausgezeichneten Zustand.
Klanglich ist die Paarler Orgel unserer an Wert weit überlegen, da ihre in Deutschland hergestellten Orgelpfeifen von besserer Qualität sind. Das schön gewirkte
Orgelgehäuse aus heller Eiche ist an sich schon eine Zierde für den Kirchenraum.
Der Kirchenvorstand hat dieses großzügige Angebot der St Petrigemeinde
zunächst angenommen und möchte zur gelegenen Zeit mit der Gemeinde Rücksprache führen, da überlegt werden muss, was mit der jetzigen Pekelharing-Orgel
geschehen soll.
On the 2nd August 2015 we would love everyone to come after the
service and have a further conversation regarding more English
services in our Church on Sundays. What do you think about this
matter? Your opinion is highly valued. Another topic to be discussed is
the application by a cellular phone provider to erect a transmission
unit on our premises. They plan to lease part of our parking area for
During the following weekend (i.e. 8th and 9th August) our congregation will have a formal visitation by the Bishop of our Cape
Church, Bishop Gilbert Filter. On Saturday there will be meetings with
the Church Committee and the various groups of our congregation.
On Sunday, after the Church Service, there will be a feedback on the
findings and discussions. Members of our congregation are invited to
join in the sessions, as it is of great importance to us all. Please diarise
these dates and help us by being present and partake in the discussions.
Wir freuen uns auch wieder auf unseren
Kirchenbasar am 5. September 2015.
Immer wieder treffen wir Menschen aus unserer Nachbarschaft die
sagen, sie kämen gerne zu unseren Basaren. Ihre Beiträge, sei es
Kuchen, Gemüse, Handarbeiten, Essen usw. werden sehr geschätzt!
Es gibt auch eine Tombola, wofür wir Preise brauchen!
Herzlichen Gruss
Ihr Kirchenvorstand
Some thoughts from the Synod Meeting in King Williamstown:
Dear Members of Synod
here some short comments, in summary, interpreting this year’s
important and exciting Synod:
The Synod was presented with the report of the bishop/Church
Council. The intent and spirit of this report was to invite congregations
of the Cape Church to embark on a listening process and to give
themselves over to the leading of the Holy Spirit, trusting that it be
thus re-birthed.
(Following 1 Kings 19, 1-7): an angel twice appeared to Elijah who was
found to be down and out, without hope and expecting to die. The
angel did not say to him: create some more desks, these are your
deadlines (2016/2017/2019), that is LAW and lacks compassion in light
of someone who is down and out) and here are some general business
principles that you must adhere to: if in doubt, ask the priests in
Jerusalem to do it for you, for them to initiate renewal. The angel in
fact said: ‘Get up and eat’ (that is PROMISE and good news). It is only
in the presence and encounter with God that He picks up His Church
from certain death. It is then that Elija no longer delegates his ownership to others, gets up and walks 40 days and 40 nights. While walking
to the mount Horeb, he might then have made, only where necessary,
use of the work of some desks and set himself some targets and deadlines; but they would have grown out of and been completely
subservient to his calling and being empowered by God. This will free
us from grieving the loss of what no longer sustains us, but yearning to
hear our calling and only after encountering God, we can certainly do
things His way.
We thus need to discover our ‘new’ calling. Synod passed a resolution
“to actively promote the listening process amongst members of the
congregations by visiting them. In engaging with members in exercises
in listening and affirming, congregations are to be assisted in finding
whom God is calling them to serve.” Being called means to trust that
God has already provided each congregation with talents needed to
live His preferred future, even without a full-time pastor.
The issue of a possible merger with ELCSA (NT) church was discussed
in length. The following resolution was passed: “We agree in principle
on a merger based on a common underlying Christian calling and
Pastor Walter Schwär (abridged by editor)
What is the meaning of Stewardship:
We receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly and share
them lovingly with each other.
What you give you will get back and even more.
How is the church and the members involved in it ?
What can we as members do to do more about it ?
Enjoying the beauty and wonder of nature and protect the
Love each other as you love yourself and more.
Thoughts should be shared with others leading to
ideas to be developed.
Motivate others to be creative and support their ideas and activities.
Make space for others to unfold themselves.
To make our Church a more happy, loving, lively, sharing, caring place
for all of us.
People who come to church must feel welcome and wanting to spend
more time.
To achieve our goals, as Christians, we have to stand together and
work together and accept each other.
We have to feel safe in the world we are living in and
trust in the faith of God.
Note :
We welcome your ideas and suggestions.
A suggestion box on the Table at our Church entrance will be awaiting
your letters!
Gott dem Herrn über Leben
und Tod hat es gefallen
Frau Rita Schäfer
Frau Ingrid Plüddemann und
Frau Jutta Höppner
aus dem irdischen Leben abzurufen.
Wir danken Gott für den Dienst und
den Segen, den Er durch unsere
verstorbenen Schwestern in unsrer Gemeinde gewirkt hat. Er tröste
und segne die Hinterbliebenden nach dem Reichtum seiner Gnade.
Am Sonntag, dem 26. Juli wurden folgende Konfirmanten unserer
Gemeinde in einem feierlichen Gottesdienst konfirmiert:
Bianca Buhr
Gitte Buhr
Heidi Luley
Heineger Buhr-Engelke
Ralph Geiger
Sabine Solomon
Theo Demasius
Ons is saam met hulle bly en wens hulle van harte geluk.
Mag die Here hulle en hulle families seën op hulle verdere lewensweg.
Das “Deutsche Requiem” von Johannes Brahms wird am
12. September (20:00) im Hugo Lampbrecht Zentrum
aufgeführt. Das ergreifend schöne Werk in deutscher Sprache ist für
Chor und Orchester geschrieben nach Texten aus der Heiligen Schrift.
Es wird aufgeführt vom Conspirito Chor und Orchester unter Leitung
von Dr Erns Conradie. Karten sind bei der Abendkasse erhältlich.
Outreach and Church Planting Desk of the ELCSA
(Cape Church)
Report to Synod 29-31 May 2015, Kingwilliamstown
utreach and Church Planning should be - or rather - is at the core
of what church is about. The Bible provides us with many images of
what the church is about and I would like to highlight just two of
them. The one we find in Matthew 28: 19-20, where we are given the
Great Commission by Jesus when He says: “Therefore, go, and make
disciples of all nations.” The other we find in Matthew 5: 14-16, where
the church is compared to “a light on a mountain for all to see.”
Looking back at our history we must acknowledge that for decades we
have mainly focused on the image of the light and therefore have
become a ‘come’ church instead of also a ‘go’ church in our way of
thinking and living as the body of Christ. Being a ‘come’ church in itself
is not wrong and has many benefits, but it is limiting us in what we
are called to do. We have even narrowed our ‘come attitude’ mainly to
those who are Lutherans and on our membership lists.
But if we could use our strengths of being a ‘come church’ while being
a ‘go church’ we could be a great beacon of light in the communities
in which we are. To go and invite to come, that is what we are called
to do. Reaching out in the community by going to the people and
sharing with them the good news of salvation and at the same time
invite them into the body of Christ.
At the Synod in 2013, where I was elected as bishop, a number of
pastors and delegates shared with me the need for church planting
and even some areas were mentioned. In the Circuit Conference East
area Kid’s Beach, Winterstrand and Genubi were named, and in the
Circuit Conference West the Table View area were seen as possilble
focal points to do church planting.
When considering an outreach and church planting, a strategic question that needs to be answered is: do we mainly want to serve the
Lutherans from our congregations who have moved into the area, or
do we want to serve and reach out into that community? The
Lutherans could be a resource to start with, a core that is willing to
focus on their community and its needs.
Starting with such work in a community would require that some
strategic questions are answered: what is the population demographics
in that area; what recources do we have; what economic profile is
present; how many churches are already in that area; what benefit
could we add to the faith community; what needs are there in the
community in terms of Kindergarten, schools, Old Age Homes etc;
what is the projected growth potential in terms of city planning - and
many more in-depth investigations will have to be made. But all that
can only be done after we have been seeking the Lord’s guidance and
have gained an understanding and assurance that He is calling us to
and sending us to build His Church in that area and not somewhere
I visited the above mentioned areas in the Eastern Cape, and together
with the pastors we came to the conclusion that in most places we
have been waiting for too long to get going, and that our focus has
been on serving the members who have moved into the area, instead
of reaching out in that community with them. Add to this is the fact
that in the Eastern Cape the decision was taken to first align the
parishes differently so that we could focus more effectively on the calling we have in these areas. In the Cape Town area the decision was
taken to end the existing once a month service at Table View for the
members from St Martini, Wynberg and Bellville; after 12 years this
work had not grown beyond the core that carried these worship
For Outreach and Church Planting A LISTENING HEART AND A
WILLING SPIRIT IS NEEDED. Are we prepared to listen and go, when
we ask the Lord to send us?
Gilbert Filter
[email protected]
(Edited version)
NPO 093—311
33 Middel Str, Bellville 7530
021 948 5928
086 527 1672
[email protected]
Sekretärinnen Karin Fröhlich und Christiane Duwe
9h00 – 14h00
Dienstag – Freitag
340 270 274
Branch Code 632 005
Acc. Name Dt. Ev. Luth. Kirche Bellville
Peter Molchin
Sprechzeiten Jederzeit nach Vereinbarung
084 20 40 500
[email protected]
Frau Elisabeth Kliem
021 911 3564 / 082 762 9243
Ulrich Sachse 021 911 2467 / 083 309 1681
Bischof Gilbert Filter
084 514 4946
[email protected]
Frau Ulla Armbruster
021 949 1648
Frau Ute Mariotti
021 939 6196
Frau von Fintel
021 422 0592
Die Redaktion bemüht sich den Gemeindebrief fehlerlos herauszugeben. Sollten Fehler dennoch
übersehen worden sein, so bitten wir um gütige Nachsicht.
Die medewerkers aan hierdie uitgawe is:
Pastor Peter Molchin, Biskop Gilbert Filter, Pastor Walter Schwaer, Elisabeth Kliem, Martie Walzl,
Christiane Duwe, Ulrich Sachse (redakteur).
Dank aan Karin Fröhlich van die gemeente-kantoor vir hulp en inligting.