GERMAN MCA IN LONDON Christmas Market & Shop Lo-Co: Ice Skating Canary Wharf Ballet: Sleeping Beauty The Programme December 2015 - January 2016 2 What is the German YMCA in London? Founded in 1860, the Association is one of the oldest YMCAs in London and has been part of the English YMCA movement since that time. We are also one of the largest charities with German roots operating in England and support the German-speaking and local community in a variety of ways, from organised events and programmes, assistance to individuals in crisis situations, to material and practical support for other organisations. On the following pages you will find details of our regular programmes and events: our Parent-Toddler group, the au pair Tea Morning, the Members’ Luncheon Club, Schubertiade Concerts, trips and visits, and much more. Our home has been in the Lancaster Gate, Bayswater area north of Hyde Park in central London since 1959. Here, in Craven Terrace, is our Association’s centre and the Lancaster Hall Hotel. The hotel was opened in 1973 by the German YMCA and offers both the tourist and business traveller an ideal base in central London at affordable prices. Who can take part in our programmes? We are a Christian movement and stand for respect and freedom for all, tolerance and understanding between people of different faiths, opinions and race. About Us We welcome people of different Christian traditions, those of other faiths and those of none. Although, because of our Association’s heritage, the name contains “German”, “Young” and “Men”, we welcome anyone of any age and nationality, male and female. Our doors are open to all, members and non-members alike. What other services do we offer? Through our Youth Secretaries and the Programme Secretary (who is also the Association’s Chaplain) we aim to give advice to individuals, to those in crisis situations and those just in need of general advice. These could be long-term residents of London in need of ongoing support, an au pair who has to leave her host family at short notice, a student seeking long-term accommodation or a young person seeking advice on employment in the United Kingdom. We also offer an au pair placement service in cooperation with IN VIA, Germany. We try to create a network of people who, through direct contact with each other, are able to support one another on an ongoing basis outside the activities in our centre. 3 Weihnachtsmarkt Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! Saturday 5 December 13:00 - 17:00 Gesegnete Weihnachten und ein Glückliches Neues Jahr! Handicrafts, cakes, biscuits, books, gifts, tombola, children’s entertainment, continuous live music and the restaurant with German food and Glühwein. SCHUBERTIADE All funds raised this year for St James’s Church Paddington’s roof. Sunday 24 January, 15:00 Paddington Quintet p9 Concerts in association with The Schubert Society of Britain Bring friends & family! About Us2 Regular Programme: for young adults for young families Christmas Shop Monday 7 to Friday 11 December 09:00 - 17:00 (Friday to 12:00) p8 Wednesday 6 January, 14:00 Yuma Osaki (piano) p8 Faith Talk 6 8 News10 Text For The Month12 German-Speaking Organisations/Churches14 Thursday 14 January, 19:30 Rev Michael Copps OFM on St Francis of Assisi General Programme: for young adults for everyone Peter’s Music Live 4 5 p9 Services and Contacts15 Accommodation and Map16 Published by: German Young Men’s Christian Association © Copyright 2015 Editorial Team: Uwe Maynard, Alice Melsheimer, Udo Bauer, Rachel Shilson, Barbara von Alten - Layout: Markus Hildebrandt Regular Programme: 4 TEA MORNING jeden Donnerstag, ab 10:30 for young adults 5 for young families STRUWWELPETER Mütter und Väter mit kleinen Kindern treffen sich jeden Mittwoch beim deutschsprachigen “Struwwelpeter”, der Eltern-Kind-Gruppe im German YMCA. Jeden Donnerstag treffen sich Au Pairs zum Tea Morning in unserer Youth Lounge, 31 Craven Terrace. Hier könnt ihr Pläne zur Erforschung Londons schmieden. Infos haben wir reichlich. Bei Tee, Kaffee und Keksen könnt ihr Kolleginnen, vielleicht auch einen Kollegen kennenlernen, euch unterhalten und Erfahrungen austauschen. , ittwoch jeden M 2:00 1 10:00 - Während die Kinder erste Kontakte zu Gleichaltrigen aufnehmen und ihr Umfeld erkunden, haben die Eltern Gelegenheit, es sich bei einer Tasse Kaffee gemütlich zu machen und sich auszutauschen. Call Rachel or Barb ara on 020 3238 2197 for more details After School Club Lo-Co London Connection for Kids & Parents up to For everybody who 30 of the age e in tim e m spends so on. nd Lo and around Call Luca or Bri tta on 020 7723 56 84 for more detai ls For children from about 3 to 6 years Younger siblings are welcome Films, arts and crafts, outings, picnics, and more depending on season Parents or carers must stay and are responsible for their children Suggestions, ideas or wishes are most welcome Whether you are an au pair, student, volunteer or young employee, we would like to invite you to get together, exchange work and life experiences, as well as going out and having fun... When: Where: Languages: Costs: We serve: every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 15:30 to 17:00 here at the German YMCA English, German, French, the more the better! a donation of £2 minimum per session would be appreciated coffee, tea, juice and some biscuits or pop-corn 6 General Programme: 7 for young adults Sa 5.12. Weihnachtsmarkt at the German YMCA Herzlich Willkommen zurück und ein gutes neues Jahr 2016 hier in London! 13:00 Welcome to the German Christmas Market at the German YMCA with delicious food specialities and traditional German crafts. For more details please see the General Programme for Everyone. Meeting point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL So 6.12. Lo-Co: Adventsnachmittag Sa 16.1. 15:00 Um so richtig in Weihnachtsstimmung zu kommen, treffen wir uns bei Kaffee, Kuchen und Keksen zu einem gemütlichen Adventsnachmittag und schauen einen Weihnachtsfilm. Damit jeder eine kleine Freude hat, möchten wir auch wichteln. Dafür bringt bitte jeder eine Kleinigkeit im Wert von ca. £3 mit, die dann später verlost wird. Zum Abschluss geht es dann noch in den Hyde Park ins Winter Wonderland, um auch die deutsche Tradition vom Weihnachtsmarkt nicht zu verpassen. Buchung: ab sofort Preis: kleines Wichtelgeschenk (ca. £3) Treffpunkt: Lancaster Hall Hotel, Members Room, 35 Craven Terrace, W2 3EL Tu 8.12. Ballet: Sleeping Beauty 19:30 Booking: by 2.12. Price: £24, please pay by 4.12. Meeting Point: Sadler’s Wells Theatre, Rosebery Ave, London EC1R 4TN Sa 12.12. Dare to Differ: The British Education System 15:00 Booking: guests please book Price: £3 for guests Meeting Point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL We 16.12. Traditional English Christmas Dinner 19:00 Let’s start the festive season by enjoying a traditional English Christmas dinner. We will be served a delicious four-course meal, with soup, turkey, Christmas pudding, coffee, mince pies and a glass of wine! Booking: by 7.12. Price: £10; £14 for guests, please pay by 8.12. Meeting Point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Gesegnete Weihnachten und eine schöne Zeit zu Hause! ‘Mamma Mia’ – The Musical 19:45 On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother’s past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. A story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs propels this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship! Not only for ABBA fans! Booking: open Price: £25 Meeting point: Novello Theatre, Aldwych, off Strand, WC2B 4LD Sa 23.1. Today Helena Ground, a secondary school languages teacher from Cambridgeshire, will give us an overview of how the education system works in the UK. 18:30 Anmeldung: ab sofort bis 14.12. Preis: £15 Treffpunkt: Ice Rink Canada Square Park, Canary Wharf, E14 5AB Mo 18.1. Matthew Bourne’s haunting production of Sleeping Beauty begins in 1890 at the christening of Princess Aurora, a time when fairies and vampires fed the public imagination, before moving forwards in time to the modern day, a world more mysterious than any fairy story! A gothic romance for all ages. Lo-Co: Ice Skating Canary Wharf Die Kälte im Januar möchten wir ausnutzen und gehen Schlittschuhlaufen. Dafür geht es nicht in eine einfache Schlittschuhhalle sondern zur Eisbahn im Canada Square Park in Canary Wharf. Dort können wir dann, mitten im neuen Bankenviertel und mit Blick auf einige der höchsten Gebäude Groβbritanniens, in der Abenddämmerung eislaufen. Nachher können wir uns bei einem Getränk in der anliegenden Bar wieder aufwärmen. Dare to Differ: The role of theatre today 15:00 Despite tough economic times, theatre audiences in the UK have grown - what is it that keeps people going back to the theatre? How does it speak to people in a way that no other medium can? With Alice Malin, a theatre director, we’ll take a look at the most famous of British dramatists – Shakespeare - and think about why he’s still relevant today. We’ll move on to discussing contemporary playwriting in the UK - who are the most exciting British writers for the stage, and what are they writing about? Booking: guests please book Price: £3 for guests Meeting Point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Sa 30.1. Harry Potter: Secrets will be revealed 11:00 Come and see the breathtaking Hogwarts castle model, covered in a blanket of snow, detailed sets and stunning costumes, props and animatronics. Perhaps you’ll even take the Hogwarts Express steam engine from Platform 9¾? We take the special bus from Watford Junction to the studios (£2). Booking: now open Price: £32 plus £2 for the bus Meeting point: At the exit of Watford Junction Overground/Train Station 8 General Programme: for everyone Th7.1. Anglo-German Circle: Member’s Social with Dinner for One 19:30 9 Tu1.12. Creative for Christmas11:00 Th14.1. Anglo-German Circle: Faith Talk – St Francis We produce handicrafts for the Christmas Market on 5 December. Please book, so we have enough lunch sandwiches. Rev Michael Copps OFM from the church of St Francis of Assisi in Stratford talks about the life and work of the famous saint. We Peter’s Music every Wednesday14:00 Fr15.1. Skattunier19:00 Th3.12. Anglo-German Circle: Pine Arrangements 19:30 We produce pine & candle arrangements for the Christmas Market. Everyone can join in. Our traditional Christmas Market with handicrafts and a fantastic selection of traditional German Christmas cakes, biscuits and more. There will be German children’s & Christmas books, gifts, tombola, children’s entertainment, continuous live music and the restaurant with German food and Glühwein. Bring friends and family! If you can help at the stalls, please let us know in advance. All funds raised this year for St James’s Church Paddington’s roof (see p10). Mo7.12. Christmas Shop A small Peruvian bear arrives in Paddington and is adopted by the Brown family where he causes chaos (film). Anglo-German Circle: Loriot Weihnachts-Fernseh-Sketche von einem der beliebtesten deutschen Humoristen (film, no subitles). 14:00 14:00 19:30 You are invited to join this Christmas celebration in the German tradition by the German Welfare Council. £5 minimum donation, please book on 020 7262 2463 or via Udo Bauer. We have a traditional English Christmas Lunch and afterwards the opportunity to listen to stories, sing carols and chat over a cup of tea. £10 members, £14 guests; return tickets only. We20.1. Lunch: Grünkohl12:40 Traditional North-German dish of kale, sausage and potato. £7 Th21.1. Anglo-German Circle: Road to Mandalay 19:30 Su24.1. Schubertiade: Paddington Quintet 15:00 Th28.1. Anglo-German Circle: Short Films 19:30 In 2015 Clemens and Agneta Lansing took their old Mercedes to Asia on a vintage car rally of 8200 km to raise funds for a well for 5000 people in Niger, Africa. They will tell us about their adventure and show stunning pictures (Agneta is a professional photographer.) We will be treated to Schubert’s Cello Quintet and other pieces. We watch a selection of amusing short films. Tu15.12. Weihnachtsfeier of the German Welfare Council14:00 Forthcoming Events: Sa6.2.Glühwein bei Heidi14:30 We are invited to an afternoon with mulled wine in the cosy atmosphere of Heidi Corbridge’s home. £4, please book by 22.1. Tu9.2.Faschingslunch – food & fun, two courses & wine £7; guest £9 12:45 Su21.2. Schubertiade: Schubert Society Singer Prize Winner 12:45 We6.1. Peter’s Music Live: Yuma Osaki14:00 Piano recital with works by Chopin, Schubert and Liszt. Tu19.1. Feierabend Club: The New Year’s Concert Starring Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra, and Louis Armstrong. 09:00-17:00 Tu8.12. Feierabend Club: Paddington Th17.12. Weihnachtsessen Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Council. £5 Mindestspende. We20.1. Peter’s Music Film: High Society14:00 If you cannot make it on Saturday, this is the alternative. Should you Through be able to support the sales team for a few hours, please let us know. To Fr11.12. Friday till lunch time. Th10.12. 19:30 As it’s our tradition we start the year with music from Vienna (video). Sa5.12. Weihnachtsmarkt13:00-17:00 We meet and start the New Year in a relaxed atmosphere, watching this British sketch, which is a must for every German TV viewer on New Year’s Eve (film). Conversation and Culture Classes: German (advanced) Mondays to 14.12. and from 4.1. at 10:00 German (lower intermediary) Tuesdays to 15.12. and from 5.1. at 10:00 German (upper intermediary) Tuesdays to 15.12. and from 5.1. at 12:30 German (beginners plus) Tuesdays to 15.12. and from 5.1. at 15:00 German (beginners) Tuesdays to 15.12. and from 5.1. at 18:00 Italian (lower intermediary) Mondays to 14.12. and from 4.1. at 12:00 15:00 Peter’s Music every Wednesday at 14:00 10 Bring & Buy Our Bring & Buy in October raised £610 for PIP, a charity supporting people with learning difficulties. Many thanks to donors, helpers and shoppers. Gespräche in Deutsch Maren Khan will stop running the GiD in December. Maren kept in contact by phone with many people who couldn’t speak their mother-tongue German otherwise. We are grateful for her invaluable service over many years and wish her the best for the future. Ursula Mitchel will step into her footsteps and can be reached free of charge under the same number: 01268 551 931 from January onwards. If you were in contact with Maren, perhaps you would like to give her a farewell and Ursula a welcome call? Or perhaps you cannot reach German-speaking meetings and you would like to take up this opportunity to hear the old familiar sound of your parents’ language? Voices in Harmony News Membership Fees In January the membership fees for 2016 are due (£10) St James’s Church Roof Fund St James’s Church on Sussex Gardens is a fine, grand, gothic building. Our Victorian forefathers knew how to build! Not only have the stone and bricks of St James’s weathered the test of time, so too has its roofs. But even fine Victorian materials and construction techniques cannot prevent the wear and tear of the London atmosphere and the British weather. The roofs which cover the side aisles at St James’s are especially in a poor state of repair. The lead that covers them is the original 1882 lead and needs to be replaced. The estimated costs of this re-leading work will be £118,000, and that is only if nothing else is discovered once the work begins! St James’s is deeply grateful to our good friends and neighbours at the German YMCA for their kindness and generosity in making a donation from this year’s Christmas Market. Thank you. Paul Thomas, Vicar The October Show of Voices in Harmony was really packed. The restaurant was full to capacity (and everyone loved the braised steak and mashed potatoes) and afterwards so many people came additionally that the hall was very full, too. The money raised was £800 for Demelza, a charity providing hospice care for children. Many thanks to all involved! 11 Anniversary Trip to Leeds Castle The 155th Anniversary of our Association was celebrated with a short thanksgiving service at St James’s Church, Sussex Gardens. At the end we collected donations for Christian Aid to help refugees. After all, our Association had a fair share of refugees in the membership over the years and it is a pressing need of our time. We are pleased that we could pass on £550 for the good cause. Then we enjoyed the trip to Leeds Castle Schubert Society in Kent in glorious sunshine. Everyone was Singer Prize 2015 treated to a cream tea. Tenor Peter Aisher won the Schubert Society Singer Prize 2015 on 14 November 2015. Here he is holding the prize statuette “ The Singer ” together with his pianist Lucy Colquhoun. Both will perform at a Schubertiade on 21 February 2016. Congratulations! Zum Geburtstag wünschen wir von Herzen Gottes Segen: Geburtstage im Dezember – Honore Amici, Noele Barnfield, Mala Chavda, Jane Cocking, Anna Cocumarolo, Nancy de la Torre, Ruth Marie Gee, Inge Green, Sybille Haatanen, Hannelore Helps, Jan Jost, Hanora Keating, Estelle King, Frank Knight, Christiane Link, Thomas Löber, Helma Olohan, Sally Osborn, John Peacham, Daniela Robotham, Andrew Sawdon, Elisabeth Silberhorn, Peter Stokes, Anneliese Swift und Tessa Wright. im Januar – Albert Allen, Christine Bauer, Patricia Beale, Giulia Bertolotti, Shirley Bondy, Heidi Corbridge, Heike Fischer, Nancy Flores, Mary Furlong, Pamela Gilling, Kauser Granat, James Harbord, M. Huq, Rosemarie Lowenberg, William Morton, Alan O’Connor, Anne Pacheco, Irene Raven, Terence Richards, Eva Roettgers, James Ross, Paula Skrnjevic, Rajesh Solanki und Roswitha Williams. Happy Birthday to you all, Uwe Maynard In Memoriam Oluwole Domingo Grey-Coker died 10 September aged 38. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family and friends. “My Father’s house has many rooms.” John 14.2 12 Jauchzet, frohlocket! Die Prophetenworte im Buch Jesaja waren für die Autoren des Neuen Testaments, wie für die jungen Christengemeinden ganz offensichtlich von größter Bedeutung; und dies gilt auch heute noch. Dem großen Trostbuch in Jesaja, Kapitel 40-55, ist unter anderem der Begriff “Evangelium” entnommen. Auf diese Heilsbotschaft geht die gesamte Verkündigung von und über Jesus Christus zurück. “Das Neue Testament liegt im Alten verborgen, das Alte wird im Neuen offenbart” (Augustinus). Und Luther sagt uns, dass das Alte Testament Christus genauso tief verkündigt wie das Neue. Die Verkündigung des zweiten Jesaja, seine große Freude im unerschütterlichen Glauben an Gottes Erlösungswerk, hat bleibende Lebenskraft. Er schreibt seine Lieder “mit dem Stift des Heiligen Geistes” (nach Francis Bacon). Sie sind aus den Lesungen im Kirchenjahr, besonders im Advent und von Weihnachten bis Epiphanias nicht wegzudenken. So ist auch der Monatsspruch im Weihnachtsmonat 2015, in seiner eindrucksvollen, poetischen Sprache, eine treffliche Wahl: Jauchzet, ihr Himmel; freue dich Erde! Lobet, ihr Berge, mit Jauchzen! Denn der Herr hat sein Volk getröstet und erbarmt sich seiner Elenden. Jesaja 49,13 Unsere Reaktion auf dieses Lied soll Singen im gleichen Sinne sein. Musik, Singen und Tanzen sind Ausdruck unserer Lebensfreude, soweit man in der Geschichte der Menschheit zurückzugehen vermag. Von Israel erfährt man dies in den Psalmen, wie auch in den überlieferten Festlichkeiten zum Lob Gottes. Und schauen wir zu dieser Weihnachtszeit wieder in den reichen, unübertroffenen Schatz der traditionellen Kirchenlieder und geistlichen Volkslieder, allein im Text For The Month deutschsprachigen Kulturraum, so finden wir in jedem Lied eine Antwort auf das zitierte Jesaja Lied. “Jauchzet, ihr Himmel, frohlocket ihr Engel, in Chören, singet dem Herren, dem Heiland der Menschen zu Ehren! Sehet doch da: Gott will so freundlich und nah zu den Verlornen sich kehren” (Tersteegen, EG 41). “Dies ist der Tag, den Gott gemacht, sein werd in aller Welt gedacht; ihn preise, was durch Jesus Christ im Himmel und auf Erden ist” (Gellert, EG 42). Und nehmen wir den Chor aus J.S. Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium hinzu: “Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage, rühmet was heute der Höchste getan! Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage, stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an! Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören, lasst uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!” Niemand sollte sich wundern, dass man auf alttestamentliche Propheten-Lieder am besten eben mit Liedern antwortet. Sie sind es, die den Ausdruck der Freude am Fest lebendig machen. Und etwas Toleranz für die säkularen Elemente in den Volksliedern gehört auch dazu, solange sie nicht in Oberflächlichkeit dominieren. Die vielen sprachlichen Sinnbilder in der Bibel und in den geistlichen Liedern sind allemal des Nachdenkens wert. Etwas anderes sind rein visuelle Darstellungen, so prominent in unserem täglichen Konsum. Bilder haben hier, in diesem Zusammenhang, deutliche Grenzen; die Möglichkeiten sind in ihrer Passivität unvergleichlich gering. Mein Versuch, etwas in diesem Medium darzustellen, ist wohl am besten in seiner Gesamtheit als ein Symbol zu sehen. Vielleicht kommt das Bild dem Deckblatt-Entwurf für ein Buch mit Weihnachtsliedern am nächsten. Die dafür gewählten Musikinstrumente: 13 Text for the year 2016 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you. Isaiah 66.13 Zimbel, Flöte, Harfe, Trompete, Laute und Tamburin sind, in ihrer oft unklaren Beschreibungen, der Bibel entnommen. Verbleibt noch die Erklärung des Wortes “Alleluia”. Diese lateinische Form für Halleluja ist eine begründete Wahl; ein Versuch der Abgrenzung. Schon im 19. Jahrhundert schrieb der geachtete Prediger Charles Spurgeon: “Halleluja! Lobe den Herren! Es ist traurig, wie sehr dieses herrliche Wort entwertet worden ist.” Der gedankenlose Gebrauch in der profanen Umgangssprache, gleich wie “mein Gott” und “Gott sei Dank”, ist in unserer Gesellschaft, die Christen oft einbezogen, eine Respektlosigkeit, die als ernstes Thema hier nur angedeutet werden kann. So soll auch zu diesem Weihnachtsfest das “Alleluia” unbelastet erklingen: Unser Vater im Himmel, dein Name werde geheiligt. This verse connects directly to my exposition in German to the December text: Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on the afflicted ones. Isaiah 49.13 Here we have the exultant praise to God for what he has done for his people in his eternal grace. Isaiah is one of the great poets, who wielded “the pencil of the Holy Ghost” (Francis Bacon). The prophet’s message in all his writing has lasting importance. It was recognised and is reflected in many ways by the writers of the Gospels. It gave guidance to the early Christian Church, and remains so to this day. The image of God as a mother, who comforts her child is unique in the Bible. The English writer and lay theologian G.K. Chesterton calls it “the furious love of God”. Here now a few lines from a modern novel I just read: “She felt the weight of the baby as it was placed on her chest and she looked down at it – this tiny, perfect being. She had never really believed in love at first sight but in that first moment she saw her baby she loved it more than she had loved anything in her life. She would die for it right now if she had to.” (The Tower by Simon Toyne). May this quote from a secular source serve as a link between all that has been considered before and God’s gift expressed in the Bible text for January 2016: God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2. Timothy 1.7 Bernd Hildebrandt German-Speaking Organisations 14 German-Speaking Churches, London Austrian Cultural Forum London 28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ Tel: 020 7225 7300, Deutschsprachige evangelische Gottesdienste in St Andrew’s Church Road, Petersham TW10 5HG Tel: 020 8876 6366 Gottesdienst jeden 2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat 16:30 Uhr Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) 1 Southampton Place, London WC1A 2DA Tel: 020 7831 9511, Deutsche Botschaft 23 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PZ Tel: 020 7824 1300, German Historical Institute 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ Tel: 020 7309 2050, German Saturday School Central London 2 Rowington Close, W2 5TF Tel. 07542 733 974 German School London Douglas House, Petersham Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 7AH Tel: 020 8940 2510, German Welfare Council 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Tel: 020 7262 2463, Goethe Institut 50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PH, Tel: 020 7596 4000 Hostel for young women Lioba House, 42-44 Exeter Road, London NW2 4SB, Tel: 020 8438 9628 [email protected] Österreichische Botschaft 18 Belgrave Mews West, London SW1X 8HU Tel: 020 7344 3250, Schweizer Botschaft 16-18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ Tel: 020 7616 6000, Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde St. Bonifatius London 47 Adler St., London E1 1EE Tel: 020 7247 9529 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 4., 5. Sonntag im Monat 11 Uhr. 1. und 3. Sonntag am Vorabend-Samstag 18 Uhr Deutschsprachige römisch-katholische Gottesdienste in St Thomas Aquinas Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HT Tel: 020 8332 1036 Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11:30 Uhr Evangelische Christuskirche 19 Montpelier Pl., London SW7 1HL Tel: 020 8876 6366 Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11 Uhr Evangelische Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirche 50 Dacres Rd., Forest Hill, London SE23 2NR Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2. Sonntag im Monat 15:30 Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 10:30 Uhr Evangelische St. Marien-Kirche 10 Sandwich St., London WC1 9PL Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 15 Uhr Swiss Connection, Swiss Church 79 Endell St., London WC2H 9DY Tel: 020 7836 1418 Gottesdienst jeden 1., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr Services and Contacts 15 Au Pair Services The German YMCA offers an au pair placement service in co-operation with the IN VIA association in Germany. To find the right family for the right au pair and vice versa is one of our aims. To facilitate exchange between cultures is another. With our programmes, which include social-cultural events especially addressed to au pairs, we aim to give a broad experience of country, history and culture. We also offer the intercultural qualification course “Dare to Differ”. Telephone Contact With the support of the trustees of the former German Old People’s Home “Homelands” we have a project for anybody who is a native German speaker and lives in the UK. If you can not meet other German speakers in person this is an opportunity to talk to someone in your language. For further information please phone Maren Khan / Ursula Mitchel on 01268 551 931. Volunteer Placement Services In co-operation with other organisations we offer young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad for a period of three to twelve months. Project themes could include: youth, sport, culture, social care, environment. Our aim is to provide young people with an intercultural learning experience and to encourage social integration. For further information, or if your organisation would like to host a volunteer, please contact Alice Melsheimer by phone or e-mail (see below). Office Hours The office is open from Monday to Friday 9am - 12 and 1 - 5pm. In case of an emergency please contact the duty manager of the Lancaster Hall Hotel on 020 7723 9276. Programme Booking If you would like to take part in our activities you can book in person, by telephone or e-mail. The German YMCA is a Christian movement which welcomes people regardless of their gender, age, religion or ethnic background. Chief Executive: Uwe Maynard Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 Programme Manager: Alice Melsheimer Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195 [email protected] Chaplain & Prog. Secretary: Udo Bauer Programme Office: Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 5684 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 [email protected] Youth Secretaries: Rachel Shilson Barbara von Alten Youth Office: Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 [email protected] Au Pair Services: Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 [email protected] Volunteer Placement Secretary: Alice Melsheimer Volunteer Placement Services: Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195 [email protected] Volunteers (on placement): Luca Daniel [email protected] Campsheide GERMAN MCA IN LONDON German YMCA, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Founded in London 1860 Reg. Charity No. 250118 Accommodation: Hotel Rooms Youth Wing Conference Facilities LANCASTER HALL HOTEL Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 E-mail: [email protected] LONDON W2 ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL S POST OFFICE LO PADDINGTON STATION N D O R A E R D S U N R . S G S T. TE R . TE R TE R LL C R AV HI . EN TE R . G ATE LANCASTER GATE UNDERGROUND A D R O MARBLE ARCH NE THE FOUNTAINS KENSINGTON GARDENS R T E W A Y S B A T. RD S LA TE R OXFO RK CAS UNDERGROUND PA LAN L A N C A ST ER T E R. . EN MARBLE ARCH HOTEL R E AV D IN E TE IR GERMAN YMCA LANCASTER HALL HOTEL HALL LANCASTER A R N ES SH N O P S X R S R U E TE U C N CR Offices and Youth Lounge: 31 Craven Terrace R E O S S A R TB U O A D R N W O S A O A E G TB G E D D S T. A UNDERGROUND E LO EV R E E PADDINGTON W G D C V R E E N E P T MainNEntrance and Reception: Lancaster Hall Hotel 35 Craven Terrace T THE SERPENTINE HYDE PARK
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