Radio RADIO - Cannes Lions

MP3 Radio File (Compulsory)
Material requirements
• Technical requirements: bit rate 128 kbps, compression ratio 11:1. File size should not
exceed 3MB.
• All entries MUST be submitted in the original language of the ad. If the original
language is not English, it is strongly recommended that you also submit an English
version, as this may further assist the Jury in understanding your advertisement.
• If you are submitting two versions of the ad (one in the original language and one in
English), you MUST submit each version as a separate MP3 file. DO NOT include both
versions in the same file.
• If you are submitting a translated version, you must ensure that the script, voiceover and
sound effects used are identical to the original ad. It is not permissible to substitute
names, places or events for ones more relevant to an English-speaking audience.
Therefore, it is in your best interests to provide comparisons and explain or translate
any specific word play or local social, cultural or political references and nuances in the
Synopsis/Brief Explanation section.
• We strongly advise entrants to use voice actors of the same gender for translated
versions wherever possible. If we feel that using an actor of a different gender unfairly
contributes to the effect of your ad, we will ask you to provide an alternative version.
Entry requirements
Each Radio entry must be uploaded as an MP3 File using our online upload facility.
Other formats will NOT be accepted.
Radio Scripts (Compulsory)
Script in English:
Script in Original Language:
SFX: Running water.
FVO: Is this water running into the bath
– or out of the washing machine?
SFX: A liquid running into a container.
FVO: Is this a glass of cold milk – or
boiling hot tea?
SFX: Yapping, growling dog.
FVO: Is this dog on a leash – or is it
SFX: Laufendes Wasser.
FVO: Läuft dieses Wasser in
die Badewanne - oder aus der
SFX: Flüssigkeit, die in ein Gefäß läuft.
FVO: Ist das ein Glas kühle Milch oder brühend heißer Tee?
SFX: Kläffender, zähnefletschender
FVO: Ist dieser Hund an der Leine oder ist er es nicht?
Example of Radio Script in both English and Original language versions:
• It is important that the Radio scripts are presented in a neat, consistent fashion. The
format and the text within the script must be consistent, and any abbreviations must be
accurate (e.g. Sound Effects can be abbreviated to SFX and Voice Over to VO).
• Please note that the Radio scripts WILL be read by the Jury, and MUST be written
accurately and in full.
• Scripts must be an exact transcription of the ad. We reserve the right to edit any scripts
that are not exact reproductions of MP3(s).
Sub category
Technical Requirements & Encoding Standards:
Entry requirements
• Supporting content could be a case films (.MOV or .MP4), supporting video or PDF.
• DO NOT send your Case Film on a URL.
Sub category
Material requirements