Daniel Kuchler, MA, MA

Daniel Kuchler, MA, MA
PhD Candidate – State University of New York at Albany – Rockefeller College
Personal Data
Falkenweg 2, 45478 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
+1 (518) 618-4561
[email protected]
Research Area of Specialization
History of Political Thought
Hannah Arendt
Critical Theory (Frankfurt School, Gramsci, Luxemburg, Marx)
Methodology of the History of Political Thought
Ancient Greek Political Thought (Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides)
Theory of International
Critical Marxist IR Theory
Modern Political Philosophy
Justification of Human Rights
Equality and Freedom
Teaching Area of Competence
– Modern Political Theory (Republicanism, Liberalism, Democratic Theory)
– (Western) History of Political Thought
– Critical Theory and Marxist Thought
– Theory of International Relations
Aug 2015
PhD in Political Science, State University of New York at Albany
Dissertation Topic: “The Grammar of Republican Political Theory. The Dialectic
of Politicization and Depoliticization in the Republican Theories of Habermas
and Arendt.” | Advisors: Prof. Peter Breiner, Prof. Morton Schoolman, Prof. Torrey Shanks
Gpa: 3.93/4.0
May 2011
Master of Arts in Political Science, State University of New York
textbfat Albany
Concentration in Political Theory and International Relations
Gpa: 3.93/4.0
Jul 2007
Magister Artium with distinction in Political Science, History and
Linguistics, Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität Münster
Thesis Topic: “The Relevance of Gramsci’s Theory of Hegemony
for Post-Modern International Politics.” | Advisors: Prof. Meyers, Prof. Krysmanski
Research Fellowships & Grants
Mar 2013–Oct 2014
International Research Fellowship at DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Verfassung jenseits des Staates”, Humboldt University Berlin.
Dissertation Research on legal theory and international law, EUR 9200.
Oct 2012–Feb 2013
International Research Fellowship at New Europe College, Bucharest,
Dissertation Research on Arendt’s critique of philosophy, EUR 3000.
Aug 2007–May 2011
Stipend and Tuition Scholarship at State University of New York at
US$ 50000
Spring 2010
Travel Grant from Graduate Student Organization, State University
of New York at Albany
US$ 100
Spring 2010
Travel Grant from Department of Political Science, State University
of New York at Albany
US$ 500
Spring 2009
Travel Grant from Department of Political Science, State University
of New York at Albany
US$ 500
Further Research Experience
Aug 2007–Aug 2008
Research Assistant at State University of New York at Albany, Department of Political Science
Qualitative Research in International Relations, Comparative Politics, Public Policy; Website
Design (HTML, AJAX, PHP) and Database Design (MySQL); Grading of Student Papers
Research-Related Professional Experience
Jan 2007–Dec 2014
Editor at Diskurs, a German interdisciplinary scholarly journal (peerreviewed, printed)
Management of editorial board and review board; Co-Decision on Journal Topics; CoDecision on Article Publication; Page layout and design / DTP
Apr 2006–Jul 2006
Academic Assistant at Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Office for Regional
Co-Operation in Southeast Asia, Singapore
Composition of International and Comparative Policy Analyses, Assistance with the organization of International Conferences
Book Chapters
Kuchler, Daniel 2015. “Republikanismus im Spannungsfeld zwischen Politik und
Verrechtlichung” (Republicanism between Politics and Legalization) In Konstitutionalisierung in
Zeiten globaler Krisen, eds. Jonathan Bauerschmidt et al. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Kuchler, Daniel 2015 (in press). “A Critique of Arendt’s Concept of Ideology” In New Europe
College Yearbook 2012-2013, eds. Irina Vainovski-Mihai. Bucharest: New Europe College.
Kuchler, Daniel 2013. “Bedingt Analytischer Textzentrismus. Eine Kritik an Skinners
Kontextualismus” (Limited Analytic Text-centrism: A Critique of Skinner’s Contextualism) In
Ansätze und Methoden zur Erforschung des politischen Denkens. Schriftenreihe der Sektion Politische
Theorie und Ideengeschichte in der DVPW, eds. Andreas Busen and Alexander Weiß. Baden-Baden:
Kuchler, Daniel 2012. “Die dialogisch konstituierte Polis und das Problem der Gerechtigkeit. Ein
Kommentar zu Arendts Kritik an Platons Politeia.” (The dialogically constituted Polis and the
Problem of Justice: A Commentary on Arendt’s Critique of Plato’s Republic) In Die gerechte Stadt.
Reihe “Staatsdiskurse?, eds. Gery Schaal and Matthias Lemke. Stuttgart: Franz-Steiner-Verlag.
Lemke, Matthias and Daniel Kuchler. 2015 (in preparation, accepted by publisher) Politische
Theorie. Eine Einführung. (Political Theory. An Introduction). Wiesbaden: SpringerVS.
Journal Articles, peer reviewed
Kuchler, Daniel 2010. “The Critical Potential of the Copenhagen School and Critical Security
Studies.” Diskurs 1/2010: 44-67.
Kuchler, Daniel and Matthias Lemke 2007. “Postmoderne Identität als Anti-Totalitarismus.
Eine Würdigung Jean-François Lyotards.” (Postmodern Identity as Anti-Totalitarianism. An
appraisal of Jean-François Lyotard) Diskurs 1+2/2007: 15-21.
Kuchler, Daniel 2006. “Ein demokratistischer Fehlschluss? Kommentar zur Theorie der failed
states.” (A Democratistic Fallacy? Commentary on the Theory of Failed States) Diskurs 2/2006:
Kuchler, Daniel 2005. “Belarus, Soft Power und die EU. Zur Relevanz des Thomas-Theorems am
Beispiel der ‘letzten Diktatur Europas’.” (Belarus, Soft Power and the EU. On the Relevance of
the Thomas- Theorem.) Diskurs 2/2005: 29-44.
Review Articles
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Julian Nida-Rümelin: Verantwortung” Portal für Politikwissenschaft
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Ernst Baltrusch: Ein Besitz für immer? Geschichte, Polis und
Völkerrecht bei Thukydides” Portal für Politikwissenschaft http://www.pw-portal.de/
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Rainer Forst: Kritik der Rechtfertigungsverhältnisse. Perspektiven einer
kritischen Theorie der Politik” Portal für Politikwissenschaft http://www.pw-portal.de/
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Liliane Weissberg (ed.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor
W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule” Portal für Politikwissenschaft http://www.pw-portal.de/
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Daniel Hitschler (ed.): Zwischen Liberalismus und Existentialismus. Carl
Schmitt im englischsprachigen Schrifttum” Portal für Politikwissenschaft http://www.pw-portal.de/
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Michael Kloepfer (ed.): Netzneutralität in der Informationsgesellschaft”
Portal für Politikwissenschaft http://www.pw-portal.de/
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “Winfried Thaa: Politisches Handeln. Demokratietheoretische
Überlegungen im Anschluss an Hannah Arendt” Portal für Politikwissenschaft
Kuchler, Daniel 2011. “David Harvey: Marx? ‘Kapital’ lesen. Ein Begleiter für Fortgeschrittene
und Einsteiger” Portal für Politikwissenschaft http://www.pw-portal.de/
Kuchler, Daniel and Matthias Lemke 2009. “Stille Freude. Chancen und Risiken einer
Geschichte des politischen Denkens.” (Promise and Peril of a History of Political Thought)
Diskurs 1/2009: 150-155.
Paper Presentations
Kuchler, Daniel. 2014. “The Frankfurt School and Depoliticization via Bureaucratization.”
Presented at the Critical Theory Conference, Rome.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2014. “Republikanismus im Spannungsfeld zwischen Politik und
Verrechtlichung.” (Republicanism between Politics and Legalization) Presented at the Workshop
on Constitutionalization in Times of Global Crisis, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2013. “Adorno, Popper and Habermas. An Epistemological Perspective.”
Presented at the Critical Theory Conference, Rome.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2012. “Arendt on Deliberation and Cosmopolitanism.” Presented at the
Workshop “Cosmopolitanism and Deliberative Democracy”, New Europe College, Bucharest.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2012. “Die Grammatik Republikanischer Politischer Theorie. Eine kritische
Auseinandersetzung mit Arendt und Habermas.” (The Grammar of Republican Political Theory.
A Critical Assessment of Arendt and Habermas) Invited Presentation at the University of Trier.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2010. “Deduktion und Kontext: Probleme und Chancen einer Analytischen
Geschichte der politischen Ideen.” (Problems and possibilities of an Analytic History of Political
Ideas) Presented at the Workshop “Ansätze und Methoden zur Erforschung politischer Ideen”,
University of Hamburg.
Kuchler, Daniel and Stephen Pampinella. 2010. “The Language of Labor: A Critical Linguistic
Analysis of the International Labour Organization” Presented at the Western Political Science
Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2010. “Ancient Paradigm Shifts and Athens’ Bid for Power - Thucydides
reevaluated.” Presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San
Kuchler, Daniel. 2010. “Adorno, Werturteilsstreit and ‘the good’ ? an Epistemological
Perspective” Presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San
Kuchler, Daniel. 2009. “North and South: An ‘Orthodox’ Approach to Gramscian International
Relations.” Presented at the Rethinking Marxism Conference, University of Massachussetts,
Kuchler, Daniel. 2009. “Adorno, Popper and the Critique of Positivism - a Reexamination and
Implications for Practical Philosophy” Presented at the Conference “Adorno: No Man’s Land 40 Years On.”, University of Sussex, UK.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2009. “Quest for Truth? ? A Critique and Rediscovery of Poststructuralism”
Presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2009. “Problematizing the State: National Consensus as Hindrance to Human
Emancipation in Critical Security Studies” Presented at the International Studies Association
Annual Convention. New York, NY.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2008. “Autopoiesis: The Political Dimension of Radical Constructivism in IR.”
Presented at the International Studies Association Northeast Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2008. “The Outside as Fetishism.” Presented at the International Studies
Association West Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Kuchler, Daniel. 2008. “The Relevance of Poststructuralist Methodology to Gramscian
International Political Theory.” Presented at the New York State Political Science Association
Annual Meeting. Albany, NY.
Teaching Experience
Oct 2011–Feb 2013
Adjunct Lecturer at Free University Berlin, Programm “MA International Relations Online”
Course “International Relations Theories” (three series of lectures and 15 online units); course
“Information Technology and International Relations” (one lecture series and 15 online units)
with about 30 students each.
Aug 2008–May 2011
Teaching Assistant at State University of New York at Albany, Department of Political Science
Nine discussion sections for “RPOS 103: Political Theory” and nine discussion sections for
“RPOS 102: International Relations and Comparative Politics” with about 20 students each.
I utilized a variety of teaching methods from lecture to group discussions with specific emphasis on writing and composition, as well as basic training in logic. Teaching included use of
electronic learning systems and specific training to teach writing-intensive classes.
I further gave guest lectures on “Aristotle: Introduction to his Philosophy and Implications
for his Political Thought”, “Global Issues: the Environmental Economics and Human Rights”,
“Introduction to German Politics”, “European Union: Institutions and Theories” and “Argumentation Theory and Composition.”
Apr 2010–Sep 2010
Adjunct Lecturer (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) at University of
Hildesheim, Institute of Social Science
The seminar on “Global Governance and Human Rights” (Global Governance und Menschenrechte) focused on structure and processes of global governance and contrasted it with the
normative claims of Human Rights, with specific attention to according debates in ethics.
About 25 students.
The seminar on “Political Theory” (Theorie der Politikwissenschaft) combined the discussion
of topics of contemporary political philosophy with a discussion of the canon of the history
of political thought. About 25 students.
In addition to designing and teaching the seminars, I facilitated written and oral exams.
Other Related Employment
Feb 2005–Apr 2005
Internship at the German Embassy to the Russian Federation, Moscow
Single author of a diplomatic cable; composition of policy analyses
Feb 2004–Mar 2004
Internship at the Office of Hans Pflug, Member of the German Parliament, Berlin
Policy Analyses
Advanced Reading (University Certificate)
Intermediate (University Certificate, UNICert Level II (B2))
Beginner (University Certificate, UNICert Level II (B1))
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association
Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Politischen Denkens
Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft