th 13 Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival 2015, Oct 21 – Oct 25 Tuesday, 20 October 2015 Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 20:00 – Best of Tegernsee – Award-Winning Films of Past Years Title Duration Nation Bylot Island (435 miles north of the polar circle, Bylot Islands is still asleep under thick ice in the merry month of May. Three 27’00 CH friends embark to traverse this island of polar bears.) Recipient of an “Honourable Mention” at the Tegernsee 2014 Festival. La lampe au beurre de yak (The Yak Butter Lamp: A young photographer and his assistant capture Tibetan nomads against various backgrounds, achieving unique and 15’00 FR touching portraits.) Recipient of the 1st Prize in the Category Mountain Life at the Tegernsee 2014 Festival; nominated for best short film at the 2015 Oscars. Vigia (A small bee is fleeing from pollution. To follow her, we must first find out how to properly draw a bee.) Marcel Barelli received the Prize for a Junior Film Maker 8’00 CH at the Tegernsee 2012 Festival for his film “Gypaethus Helveticus” and the same award in 2014 for “Vigia”. The Sensei (46-year-old Yuji Hirayama was the first Asian climber to triumph at the world cup. For the challenge of his most difficult route to date, he recruits US boulderer Daniel Woods. In the thin air of Mt. Kinabalu’s peak plateau in Borneo, 26’00 USA master and disciple teach each other precious lessons.) Peter Mortimer received the Prize by the German Alpine Club at the Tegernsee 2012 Festival and an “Honourable Mention” in 2014. Screenwriter/Producer Language Sébastien Devrient / Vertiges Pro French / German subtitles Hu Wei / AMA Productions Tibetan / English subtitles Marcel Barelli / Nadasdy Film Italian / German subtitles Josh Lowell, Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen / Reel Rock Film Tour/Senderfilms English / German subtitles 1 Wednesday, 21 October 2015 Barocksaal, 20:00 - Opening Night Title Into the Light (Majlis al Jinn is the name of an enormous cave in Oman. First, Chris Sharma and Stefan Glowacz abseil down, then they must struggle back up and master 13 climbing pitches ranging from 7c+ to 8b+.) Bike2Boat Norway (Three kayakers move across the far north of Norway with their bikes, kayaks and trailer, encountering breath-taking waterfalls and rugged Nordic landscapes.) Miejsce (The Place: Fascination of Poland’s highest work place, the weather station Kasprowy Wierch, surrounded by the Western Tatras.) Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 20:00 - Lofty Goals, Mighty Men Title First Ascent – Kunyang Chhish East (Simon Anthamatten and brothers Hansjörg and Matthias Auer aim for Kunyang Chhish East in the Karakoram, one of the world’s highest unclimbed peaks.) Jurek (Kukuczka – A Man of Courage and Humility: On 24 October 1989 Jerzy Kukuczka, the second person to conquer all 14 eightthousanders, meets with a tragic accident on Mt. Lhotse. This documentary puts Kukuczka’s personality and mountaineering development centre stage.) Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 52’00 DE/AT Jochen Schmoll / Red Bull Media House German 22’00 DE Olaf Obsommer / Big-OProductions German 14’00 PL Julia Poplawska / MUNK Studio Polish Filmmakers Association Polish / English subtitles Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 37’00 IT Milena Holzknecht, Alessandro Bandinelli, Matteo Vettorel / Storyteller-Labs German 73’00 PL Pavel Wysoczański / Black and White Productions Polish / English subtitles Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 11’00 USA Nick Waggoner, Mike Brown / Sweetgrass Productions English 17’00 DE Olaf Obsommer / Big-OProductions German 11’00 FR Bertrand Delapierre / Natura Films French 49’00 AT Eduardo Gellner / pictures German Medius, 20:00 - Extreme Title AfterGlow (In the Alaskan night’s deepest darkness, ski racer Daron Rahlves and three other extreme skiers traverse spectacular chutes and slopes, tracing their movements in luminous outfits.) The Grand Canyon of the Stikine (What Mt. Everest represents for mountaineers is matched for white water fans by this legendary canyon in western Canada.) Artists on Jorasses (The vast and legendary massif of the Grandes Jorasses has always fascinated alpinists. Extreme climbers Julien Désécures and Sebastien Bohin attempt the Punta Margherita route in pure Alpine style.) Die Freiheit, die ich meine (The Freedom I Mean: Rudolf Hauser plans to free solo two 1000-m-walls, running and biking from one to the other, an endeavour raising questions about the purpose and reality of extreme challenges.) 2 Schalthaus, 20:00 - Mount of all Mounts Title Tatort Matterhorn (Crime Scene Matterhorn: During the first ascent of Mt. Matterhorn in June 1865 four men found their death. Was it an accident? Sabotage? Murder even? Forensic research and a personal investigation are supposed to shed new light on the case – and result in surprising insights.) Quirinal, 20:00 - Times of Change Title La quête d’inspiration: Alexandre Deschaumes, Photographies Éthérées (Quest for Inspiration: A landscape photographer renders his impressions of Patagonia and Iceland in dreamy, artful images that deeply stir the onlooker.) Lifelines (A small village at 2,500 m of altitude in the Indian Himalayas fights for its right to development and modernity. An idealistic farmer and teacher demonstrates how each individuals’ personal progress can benefit the entire community.) Lois Hechenblaikner – Ein Portrait (A Portrait: Tyrolean master photographer Lois Hechenblaikner is known to polarise. The sell-out of modern mountain tourism is the subject of Lois’s critical looks behind the set of what he calls the Alpine circus.) Always Above Us (In 1998 Alex Lowe mastered the 1st ascent of the Winterdance route in the Montana mountains. A year later he died in an avalanche on Shishapangma. His former climbing partners Conrad Anker and Kris Erickson set out in December 2014 to follow his iceclimbing tracks in Montana.) Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 86’00 DE Tilmann Remme, Gieri Venzin / Spiegel TV German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 52’00 FR Mathieu LeLay / Mona Lisa Production French / English subtitles 16’00 GB Ross Harrison / Jane Dyson English / German subtitles 14’00 DE Georg Antretter / Bayerischer Rundfunk German 13’00 USA Eric Crosland, Dave Mossop / Sherpa Cinema English / German subtitles 3 Thursday, 22 October 2015 Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 10:00 - Children’s Programme Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Paula und die wilden Tiere: Tiere sind meine Welt (Paula and Wild Animals – Animals are my World: Paula travels around the globe in search of special and rare animals.) 4’00 DE Angelika Sigl / Text&Bild Medienproduktion GmbH & Co. KG German Neuneinhalb: Ab in den Schnee – Gibt es die perfekte Piste? (Nine and a Half: Off to the Snow – Is there a Perfect Piste? In sub-zero temperatures Robert visits the ObergurglHochgurgl ski resort. His mission is to find out how a snowy slope is groomed into a piste.) 10’00 DE Stefan Brand / tvision GmbH, Westdeutscher Rundfunk German Anna und die wilden Tiere: Lama und Alpaka, die Meisterspucker (Anna and Wild Animals: Llama and Alpaca, the Master Spitters: Animal reporter Anna travels to the Andes where the camel’s smaller relatives llamas and alpacas live.) 25’00 DE Angelika Sigl / Text&Bild Medienproduktion GmbH & Co. KG German Bären auf dem Vormarsch (Bears on the Rise: From the relocation of Rumanian city garbage bears into nature to activism in rural Switzerland and Bavaria – communities across Europe address the return of the brown bear.) 29’00 DE Axel Gomille / ZDF German Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 13:00, Ninì (Gabriele and Ninì meet and fall in love in 1932 during an ascent to the peak of Mont Blanc. They marry in 1936, a year later their son is born, another year later Gabriele falls to his death. Years after his mother’s death, Lorenzo discovers her fascinating records.) 65’00 IT Gigi Giustiniani / La Fournaise Italian / English subtitles Approx. 14:10, Seen auf dem Dach der Welt (Lakes at the Roof of the World - Qinghai Hu in China: This mountain lake in the north-east of the Tibetan Plateau is located at approx. 3,200 m of altitude. It is the world’s largest saltwater lake and one of Buddhism’s holiest sites.) 43’00 DE Stefan Kühnrich / Saxonia Entertainment, MDR German Approx. 15:00, Wilde Slowakei (Wild Slovakia: Despite its location in the heart of Europe, little is known about the fascinating animal and plant life of this tiny, mountainous country. Here is stunning footage of its landscapes and cultural treasures.) 44’00 DE Jan Haft / Nautilusfilm German 69’00 FR Anne und Erik Lapied / Lapiedfilm French / German subtitles Schalthaus, Start 13:00 - Nonstop-Programme - (no presenter) Approx. 15:50, Alexandre, fils de berger (Shepherd’s Son: Alexandre lives in a small mountain village and has always helped his father look after their herd of sheep. His greatest ambition is to gain his father’s confidence and to take their flock to mountain pasture all by himself.) 4 Approx. 17:05, Die Chepang – Nepals vergessene Ureinwohner (The Chepang – Nepal’s Forgotten Aboriginal Population: The Chepang live in the impassable Mahabharat mountains of southern Nepal. An ancient nomadic people, they were forced to relocate. Aid efforts are much appreciated in their current-day struggle.) 29’00 DE Annette Pöschel / ZDF, 3sat German Approx. 17:40, ŽiŤ pre Vášeň – Life for Passion (90 years ago Wieslaw Stanislawski dared the impossible – seeking out the biggest and most difficult rock walls of the Tatra on the quest for new routes. Many decades later, two enthusiastic friends set out to follow in his footsteps.) 59’00 SK Pavol Barabáš / K2 Studios Slovak / German subtitles Barocksaal, 17:00 - The Climbing Adventure Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language The Last Great Climb (Queen Maud Land is the latest and final destination for the team surrounding extreme climber Leo Houlding. The first ascent of majestic Ulvetanna Peak (2,931 m) via its north-east face is meant to become their masterpiece.) 60’00 GB Alastair Lee / Posing Productions English / German subtitles Felsige Streifzüge durch König Laurins Rosengarten (Rocky Roams through King Laurin’s Rose Garden: “For us in Bolzano the Rosengarten group is always looming in the background,” explains mountain guide Michi Andres. A Bavarian Broadcasting team joins him on a magical tour into the Dolomites’ most mythenshrouded massif.) 28’00 DE Michael Düchs / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 13’00 DE Malte Roeper / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Petra Rothmund / Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha RhaetoRomanic / German subtitles Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 17:00 - Departure Title Fliegen wie ein wilder Kaiser (Flying Like a Wild Kaiser: Stefan Bocks is a pioneering paraglider from the Bavarian Chiemgau. His special discipline: bivouac flying. An exhilarating film follows his adventures around Lake Chiemsee and the Wild Kaiser mountain as well as flights between Pamir and the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan.) Dal Magic Wood al Action Wood (From Magic Wood to Action Wood: 15 years ago an Austrian climber discovered promising blocks of gneiss in the woods near Ausserferrera in the Canton of Graubünden. Once he cleaned them up with the help of friends, the blocks became a paradise for boulderers. However, conflicts ensued on site.) 25’00 CH American Loneliness (For 6 weeks Mathieu traverses the American West with his backpack and a tent. It is a lonesome journey through some of this earth’s most stunning regions including Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Washington.) 52’00 FR Mathieu LeLay / Mona Lisa French / English Production subtitles 5 Medius-Center, 17:00 - Extreme Sports Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Die Chile Challenge – Mit dem Fahrrad auf den höchsten Vulkan der Erde (The Chile Challenge – Biking to the Top of the World’s Highest Volcano: German extreme sportsman Guido Kunze faces the life-defying atmosphere of the Atacama Desert in an attempt to set a world record conquering Mt. Ojos de Salado (slightly over 6,900 m) – by bike.) 52’00 DE Thomas Hillebrand / Sichtzeit Film- und TV-Produktion German Dasein (Freeriding und Risiko) (Being There – Freeriding and Risk: A question all practitioners of extreme sports face is: Why take such massive risks when family and friends worry about you back home? Ski pros Stefan Häusl and Björn Heregger not only show off spectacular freeriding lines at Austrian Mt. Arlberg, but also grant insights into their life “behind” the sport.) 19:00 AT Hanno Mackowitz German Voices (Vertriders überm Inn) (Vertriding above the River Inn: “Vertriding” is a specialised and extreme form of mountain biking. Axel Kreuter, one of the sport’s strongest proponents attempts a spectacular section in the Karwendel mountains.) 8’00 AT Johannes Mair / Alpsolut Moving Pictures German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language DE (Peter Brunnert, Autor) German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Das Land der Zelte – Erdbeben-Hilfe in Nepal (Land of Tents – Earthquake Relief in Nepal: A team of volunteering East German doctors, nurses and Nepalmed technicians travels to the epicentres of the recent Nepal earthquake, the mountain regions of Gorkha and Sindhupalchok, which were almost completely destroyed. Here, joy and pain exist skin to skin.) 29’00 DE Hugo-Peter Scholz / Olaf Kreiß Film- und Fernsehproduktion German Sunakali – Ein Mädchentraum wird wahr (Sunakali – A Girl’s Dream Becomes Reality: Mugu in Western Nepal is one of the country’s least developed regions. Illiteracy among women ranges around 90%. In 2011 Sunakali watches her first game of football, 3 years later she is the soccer star of her village and Mugu’s girls’ football team is set to win the national championship.) 51’00 Nepal Bhojraj Bhat / Good Neighbors of Nepal English / German subtitles Quirinal, 17:00 - Fish Looking for Rock Title Reading by Peter Brunnert: About the Absurdity of Northern German Mountaineering (Peter Brunnert was born far from the mountains, hoped to become an alpinist and mostly failed. Today, his humorous books enjoy a cult following in Germany. They contain self-maiming grotesques, hippie adventures from the seventies and other fantastic forms of satire.) Barocksaal, 20:00 - Namasté – Nepal Night Title 6 Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 20:00 - Strong Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Gigants – 5 Bostgs monumentals en il Grischun (Giants – 5 Enormous Trees in Graubünden: Can’t see the trees from the woods? Five unique tree giants are impossible to overlook and pose as mountain monuments, e.g. Europe’s biggest spruce, a rare chestnut, a giant ash and an ancient mountain pine. Each comes with its own personality and history.) 26’00 CH Arnold Rauch / Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha Rhaeto-Romanic / German subtitles Über den Berg – Leben nach der Droge (Over the Hump – Life after the Drug: Social worker and climber Norbert Wittmann brings drug addicts to climb walls together with non-addicts. The recognition they earn as climbing partners is meant to help on their path to a drug-free life.) 29’00 DE Jan Kerckhoff / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Fels, Eis – und eine Haube über dem RhoneUrsprung (Rock, Ice – and a Cap Over the Mouth of the Rhone: The Furka Pass road grants fascinating views of the Rhone Glacier’s ice tongue and the elegant firn ice cap of Mt. Galenstock. The climb up its wild ridge constitutes the first stage of a traverse across its 3,600 m peak, followed by the long westward glacier descent – one of the Uri Alps’ most famed tours.) 27’00 DE Georg Bayerle / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Hubers Heimspiel – Der Weg in die Wand (Huber’s Home Game – Way into the Wall: After summit success around the globe, Alexander Huber hast staked out a new goal: the Wetterbock wall in the Berchtesgaden Alps, his native homeland. He struggles on the wall for an entire summer and recovers during farm work.) 50’00 DE Peter Künzel / smac media & consulting German Hans Dülfer – Männer, die den Fels streicheln (Men Who Stroke the Rock: Over over a hundred years ago, Hans Dülfer became famous for opening climbing routes in the Wild Kaiser and Dolomite mountains which have since become iconic milestones of alpinism. Similarly inspired, Roland Hemetzberger attempts one of the toughest routes in the Wild Kaiser.) 23’00 DE Michael Düchs / Bayerischer Rundfunk German The Road from Karakol (Exceptional American mountaineer Kyle Dempster travels to Kyrgyzstan equipped with a bicycle, climbing gear, a camera and 10 words of Kyrgyz. His appealing travel account grants insights into a largely unknown region.) (Film shown outside competition.) 25’00 USA Fitz Cahall / Duct Tape Then Beer & 5 Point Film English / German subtitles Medius, 20:00 - Pioneers on the Rock Title 7 Schalthaus, 20:00 - Mountains Make You Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Kühe, Käse und drei Kinder (Cows, Cheese and Three Kids: Braida (8), Marchet (6) and Jon (3) spend a busy but instructive summer helping out on a small summer pasture in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. Removed from consumerism and online life, their daily work with cows and cheese becomes teaches them about the laws of the world at large.) 93’00 CH Susanna Fanzun / Pisoc Pictures German Volcan con Sombrero (Volcano with Hat: Mt. Popocatepetl is one of the world’s most dangerous volcanos. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages strike up a unique and in many ways magical relationship with its lifelong threat.) 13’00 DE Helena Hufnagel, Tina Kringer / Cocofilms, HFF München German Quirinal, 20:00 - Times Are A-Changing Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Der Traum von der Alp - Das Paradies zwischen Himmel und Erde (Pasture Dreams – Paradise Between Heaven and Earth: Characteristic Alpine landscapes are endangered as mountain pastures dwindle away. In the German Allgäu and in Switzerland, individuals and organisations try to revive transhumance and traditional pasture culture.) 43’00 DE Florian Beck, Christian Schnelting / ZDF German Die Wilderin (The She-Poacher: Elisabeth Lackner is a legendary 19th century game hunter and rebel from the Zillertal Valley. Reconstructed scenes from her life convey the atmosphere of mountain farming in her day.) 57’00 AT Paul Rose, Jonas Julian Köck German Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Yosemite – Valley Uprising (Over the past 50 years the lonesome granite rocks of the Yosemite Valley have attracted adventurers and nuts. More importantly, Yosemite climbing art and culture had a major influence on the development of sports climbing. Among its protagonists are climbing legends Dean Potter, Alex Honnold, Lynn Hill, Jim Bridwell, Yvon Chouinard, “Chongo” Chuck. An award-winning film.) 98’00 USA Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen / Sender Films English / German subtitles Sporthalle, 20:00 - Climber’s Eldorado - 8 Friday, 23 October 2015 Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 10:00 - Children’s Programme Title Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 4’00 DE Angelika Sigl / Text&Bild Medienproduktion German Neuneinhalb: Ab in den Schnee – Gibt es die perfekte Piste? (Repeat, see Thursday Oct. 22) 10’00 DE Stefan Brand /tvision GmbH, Westdeutscher Rundfunk German Anna und die wilden Tiere: Lama und Alpaka, die Meisterspucker (Repeat, see Thursday Oct. 22.) 25’00 DE Angelika Sigl / Text&Bild Medienproduktion German Bären auf dem Vormarsch (Repeat, see Thursday Oct. 22) 29’00 DE Axel Gomille / ZDF German Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 12:00, A cheval autour du Mont Blanc (Around Mt. Blanc on Horseback: Three horseriders search for a route through the fascinating mountain world surrounding Mont Blanc. Their journey takes them across 140 km and through 3 different countries.) 52’00 FR Peter Lazko / MC4/INA French Approx. 13:00, Mellen 6 – Lavurar d’enviern en il Parc Naziunal Svizzer (Winter Work in the Swiss National Park: In mid-March, Mellen 6 (“yellow 6”) is killed by an avalanche. Two national park guardians discover the dead steinbock and take its GPS collar off. Usually, they are the only people permitted into the park in winter – yet a camera team was allowed to accompany them.) 26’00 CH Bertilla Giossi / Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha Rhaeto-Romanic / German subtitles Approx.13:35, Søsken til evig tid (Forever Siblings: Sister Magnar (73) and her brother Oddny (70) have never left their homestead. They manage the family farm the way it has been done for many generations, investing all their knowledge and love into their daily chores.) 75’00 NO Frode Fimland / FIM Film A5 Norwegian / English subtitles Approx. 15:00, Jurek (Kukuczka – A Man of Courage and Humility) (Repeat, see Wednesday Oct. 21) 73’00 PL Pavel Wysoczański / Black and White Productions Polish / English subtitles Approx. 16:25, Im Val Müstair (In Val Müstair: Close to the Italian border lies Switzerland’s easternmost community: among steep mountains, small hamlets surround the main village of Müstair. What kind of people inhabit this unique world of miniature organic farms?) 44’00 DE Klaus Röder / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Approx. 17:15, Snow Wars (Every year in November, a tough battle begins in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. In British Columbia, one of the world’s most snow-rich regions, it turns into a veritable war against nature.) 47’00 DE Frank Mirbach / Mineworks Film German Approx. 18:10, On the Trail of Glaciers – Mission Alaska (After successful expeditions in the Karakoram and the Caucasus, the team surrounding Fabiano Ventura sets out to survey the effects of climate change on Alaskan glaciers and animal habitats.) 53’00 IT Paula und die wilden Tiere (Repeat, see Thursday Oct. 22) Duration Schalthaus, Start 12:00 Nonstop Programme (no presenter) Tommaso Valente, Federico Italian / German Santini / SD Cinematografica subtitles 9 Barocksaal, 17:00 - New Paths Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Der Lechtaler Weg zum Skitourenglück (The Lechtal Trail Towards Ski Touring Bliss: Famous Mt. Arlberg towers at the western end of the Lechtal Alps. In winter, utter silence reigns within this wild and rugged mountain range, where one is unlikely to meet other ski tourers. A father and daughter embark on a 5-day adventure.) 27’00 DE Fridolin Baur / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Lifelines (Repeat, see Wednesday Oct. 21) 16’00 GB Ross Harrison / Jane Dyson English / German subtitles First Ascent – Kunyang Chhish East (Repeat, see Wednesday Oct. 21) 37’00 IT Milena Holzknecht, Alessandro Bandinelli, Matteo Vettorel / Storyteller-Labs German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Der Karnische Höhenweg (The Carnic High Route: This multifaceted route runs across 200 km along the Austro-Italian border. It is a tough trail, which forces its hikers to give their utmost and treats them to ample rewards.) 45’00 DE Florian Guthknecht / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Wege entstehen durch gehen (Paths are Made by Walking: Anke is a social education worker and was born with a physical disability. This however does not stop her from seeking sportive challenges, for instance on Mt. Hochvogel (2.600 m) in the Allgäu. Will she be able to summit?) 29’00 DE Sylvia Rothe (abm Medien/Rubin Film German Redemption: The James Pearson Story (UK trad climbing legend James Pearson’s tremendous early success tempts him to over-grade several first ascents. Having endured a major loss of reputation and honed his skills in Europe for several years, he returns to the UK to climb the previously misjudged “Rhapsody” route.) 53’00 GB Paul Diffley, Chris Prescott / Hot Aches Productions English RideUp „Blowin’ in the wind“ (Snowkiting is a fascinating experience between the sky and powder snow. Embarking on this adventure means befriending the wind’s power und grants completely new perspectives.) 11’00 FR Dal Magic Wood al Action Wood (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct 22) 25’00 CH Petra Rothmund / Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha Rätoromanisch / German subtitles Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 87’00 USA Ben Knight, Travis Rummel (Felt Soul Media, Stoecker Ecological) English / German subtitles Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, 17:00 - En Route Title Medius, 17:00 - Testing Boundaries - Arnaud Wareck, Johann Civel French / English / RideUp Johann Civel subtitles Quirinal, Start 17:00 - Water Under Arrest Title DamNation (An odysee across the United States to the nation’s largest dams, which dominate landscapes and massively impact on vegetation and wildlife.) 10 Sporthalle, 17:00 - Death or Life Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Freifall – Eine Liebesgeschichte (Free Fall – A Love story: Two individuals faced with mortality fall in love, wishing to live together. He is a BASE jumper, she has cancer. While she fights for her life, he finds his free-falling death. Ironically, it is the world of BASE jumping which renders to her the best advice for handling her fears.) 83’00 CH/DE Mirjam von Arx / ican films GmbH German / Swiss German / English Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language DE Peter Brunner German Barocksaal, 20:00 - Alpine Club Night I Title Reading by Peter Brunnert: „Wir müssen da hoch!“ (We gotta get up there!) DAV – Ohne Ehrenamt ginge hier gar nichts (German Alpine Club – Without Volunteers We Wouldn’t Exist: Countless individuals work hard and without pay to enable others to enjoy nature and to experience the mountain world.) 13’00 DE Ingo Herbst / German Hans Dülfer – Männer, die den Fels streicheln (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct. 22) 23’00 DE Michael Düchs / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Sunakali – Ein Mädchentraum wird wahr (Short version) (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct. 22) (51’00) Nepal Bhojraj Bhat / Good Neighbors of Nepal English / German subtitles Miejsce – The Place (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 14’00 PL Julia Poplawska / MUNK Studio Polish Filmmakers Association Polish / English subtitles The evening’s host Michael Pause from Bavarian Public Broadcasting will welcome a number of interesting guests. Please note: to accommodate its immense popularity, the German Alpine Club (DAV) programme will simultaneously be screened in the Sporthalle venue, albeit it in different sequence. Thoma-Saal, 20:00 - Winter Impressions Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Ernst Heckelmann und seine fernen Gipfel (Ernst Heckelmann and His Faraway Peaks: From early childhood on he went skiing, later her trained with slalom pro Christian Neureuther. Yet despite his great talent, Ernst does not become a skier but a painter. His motifs are snow-decked peaks.) 45’00 DE Frieder Käsmann / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Winter im Lechtal (Winter in the Lechtal Valley: As picturesque as the Lechtal mountain landscapes are in summer, as harsh and forbidding can they be during the long winters.) 44’00 DE Klaus Röder / smac media & consulting German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 38’00 IT Markus Frings / Mediaart Production Coop German Medius, 20:00 - At the Limit Title Der Zinnenmann – Christoph Hainz (Pinnacle Man – Christoph Hainz: He counts among the most versatile alpinists and his name is mostly associated with the Dolomites, in particular with the famous Tre Cime di Lavaredo.) 11 Vertriders – Burning Mountain (“Vertriding” is a special form of mountain biking. The “Vertriders” from Innsbruck, Austria, seek to find out whether the skills they have acquired on extreme terrain around Innsbruck will hold up in the mountains of Namibia.) 12’00 AT Johannes Mair / Alpsolut Moving Pictures English / German The Frozen Titans (A wall you couldn’t climb in summer and wouldn’t want to climb in winter: the Helmcken Falls. Ice climber Will Gadd knows that the technically challenging mixed route on the back wall of the 141 m waterfall can only be mastered at sub-zero temperatures when the loose rocks are held in place by frozen spume.) 30’00 CAN/AT Bryan Smith, David Pearson / Red Bull Media House English / German subtitles Scotland – Sail and Climb (The Hamburg geologist Ralf Gantzhorn discovered climbing while studying in Scotland. He is particularly fond of the largely unclimbed Hebrides, a group of islands which can only be reached by boat.) 20’00 AT Johannes Mair / Alpsolut Moving Pictures German Schalthaus, 20:00 - Homeland Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Zum Wohl, Tirol! (Cheers, Tyrol! A portrait of one of the Alps’ most famous and contradictory valleys, the Tyrolean Ötztal, where beery aprèsski dominates Sölden, while an ancient inn in Ötz still cooks on wood fires.) 29’00 DE Michael Petsch / ZDF German Engadin – Wildnis der Schweiz (The Engadin – Swiss Wilderness: A hundred years ago Switzerland’s first national park was founded in the Engadin Valley. The “garden of the Inn” remains Switzerland’s largest untamed wilderness and wildlife refuge, a place where nature is allowed to shape itself.) 50’00 CH Kurz Mayer, Judith Doppler / kurt mayer film German Miejsce – The Place (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 14’00 PL Julia Paplawska / MUNK Studio Polish Filmmakers Association Polish / English subtitles Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language The Adventure of the Dodo (Four years after their first “vertical sailing” project, Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll, his climbing musicians and their captain Bob Shepton set sail once again. Their goal: the glassy granite walls along the coast of Greenland. “Vertical Sailing Greenland“ received the Prize for a Junior Filmmaker in Tegernsee in 2011.) 55’00 BE Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll English / French Die Freiheit, die ich meine (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 49’00 AT Eduardo Gellner / pictures German Quirinal, 20:00 - Dreams - 12 Sporthalle, 20:00 - Alpine Club Night II – (see Barocksaal) Title DAV – Ohne Ehrenamt ginge hier gar nichts (Repeat) Sunakali – Ein Mädchentraum wird wahr (Repeat) Miejsce – The Place (Repeat) Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 13’00 DE Ingo Herbst / German (51’00) Nepal Bhojraj Bhat / Good Neighbors of Nepal English / German subtitles 14’00 PL Julia Poplawska / MUNK Studio Polish Filmmakers Association Polish / English subtitles DE Peter Brunnert German DE Michael Düchs / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Lesung Peter Brunner „Wir müssen da hoch!” (Repeat) Hans Dülfer – Männer, die den Fels streicheln (Repeat) 23’00 13 Saturday, 24 October 2015 Schalthaus, Start 12:00 Nonstop Programme (no presenter) Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language 12:00, Talking to the Air – The Horses of the Last Forbidden Kingdom (The border between the Kingdom of Mustang and China is situated along nameless mountains. The inhabitants of Mustang live in almost medieval conditions and sustain a spiritual relationship to their horses. Today, rapid globalisation turns the heart of this unique nation towards an uncertain future.) 58’00 Nepal/USA Sophie Dia Pegrum / Horsefly Films, Adventure Nepal Productions English Approx. 13:05, Die Welt reicht nur so weit man sieht (The World is Only as Wide as the Eye Can See: Karl Gamper (94) has spent his entire life on a steep mountain side above Merano, Italy. Even if his horizon only extends as far as the next mountain peak, he is able to share stories from a rich and fulfilled life.) 42’00 IT Rudy Kaneider / TV16 KG Southern Tyrolean / German subtitles Approx. 14:00, Yosemite – Valley Uprising (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct. 22) 98’00 USA Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen / Sender Films English / German subtitles Approx. 15:50, Bike2Boat Norway (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 22’00 DE Olaf Obsommer / Big-OProductions German Approx. 16:20, The Frozen Titans (Repeat, see Friday, Oct. 23) 30’00 CAN/AT Bryan Smith, David Pearson / Red Bull Media House English / German subtitles Approx. 17:20, The Road from Karakol (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct. 22) 25’00 USA Fitz Cahall / Duct Tape Then Beer & 5Point Film English / German subtitles Approx. 17:55, Eishockey – Mädchentraum im Himalaya (Ice Hockey – A Girl’s Dream in the Himalayas: In the Indian Himalaya province of Ladakh at 3,500 m of altitude, people have been practicing ice hockey for decades, but so far the sport was male-dominated. 20-year old Tsewan Chuskit is currently one of Ladakh’s best players and exemplifies a new female presence.) 52’00 DE Stefan Richts / Medienkontor Movie GmbH German Barocksaal, 17:00 - With Paraglider and Climbing Rope Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language The Rocky Mountains Traverse (In August 2014 paragliders Will Gadd and Gavin McClurg attempt the first ever paragliding flight across the 1,200 km mountain chain of the Rockies. They traverse extremely rough high mountain territory, where grizzly bears outnumber humans, and spend their nights on lonesome peaks.) 52’00 CAN/AT Bryan Smith, David Pearson / Red Bull Media House English Der Zinnenmann – Christoph Hainz (Repeat, see Friday, Oct. 23) 38’00 IT Markus Frings / Mediaart Production Coop German 14 Thoma-Saal, 17:00 - Explorations Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Von Strausberg zum Mount Everest (From Strausberg to Mount Everest: A team of die-hard German glider pilots and scientists explores Mt. Everest from above – to be exact from 9,000 m of altitude, special cameras under the wings of their high-tech gliders and sensors on chest and forehead. The project benefits glacier research, mountain rescue and disaster prevention.) 45’00 DE Heiderose Häsler / Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg German Seen auf dem Dach der Welt – Der Karakul in Tadschikistan (Lakes at the Roof of the World – the Karakul in Tajikistan: Crystal-clear Asian mountain lakes are among the most appealing bodies of water in the world. Karakul means “black lake”. People in Pamir say it looks darker in correspondence to the height of the mountain you look down from.) 43’00 DE Stefan Kühnrich / Saxonia Entertainment GmbH, MDR German Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Wingmen (Three of the world’s best BASE jumpers take their passion of “proximity flying” to utterly spectacular sites from Rio de Janeiro, Chamonix, Dubai, Bangkok and La Réunion to the Tianmen Mountains, descending at very close proximity to their terrain and chosen obstacles.) 52’00 NO Siesta Films, Ellioth & Winter Production English / German subtitles The List (Everybody has a bucket list. The athletes in this film have already experienced more than most of us can ever dream of – their remaining extreme skiing dreams include numerous hard-core challenges.) 33’00 AT Matthias Mayr / M-Line German Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Jeff Lowe’s Metanoia (North America’s greatest extreme climbing legend Jeff Lowe was instrumental in the re-invention and development of the climbing sport. During a life crisis, he completes a first ascent of the Metanoia route up Eiger’s North Face and gains a renewed sense of direction – one that proves invaluable to him as he faces motor neuron disease and the greatest challenge of his shortening days.) 78’00 USA Jim Aikman / Jeff Lowe / Connie Self English / German subtitles Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language DE Tilmann Remme, Gieri Venzin / Spiegel TV German Medius, 17:00 - Extreme Goals - Quirinal, 17:00 - Change of Mind - Sporthalle, 17:00 - Alpine History Title Tatort Matterhorn (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 86’00 15 Barocksaal, 20:00 - Final Celebration and Conferring of Prizes Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Zurück zum Urwald – Nationalpark Kalkalpen (Return to the Virgin Forest: The largest Alpine wilderness effort flourishes in the Austrian Lime Stone Alps National Park, where majestic lynx pass through a wildly romantic, ever-growing jungle.) 52’00 AT Michael Schlamberger / Science Vision Filmproduktion GmbH German Chamonix – Mont Blanc: Une histoire de conquête (History of Conquests: Since the days of Enlightenment, Mont Blanc has been the destination of many passions and conquests, e.g. the birthplace of alpinism, an arena for climbers and skiers, subject for painters and writers. Starting point remains the town of Chamonix.) 52’00 FR Jeanne Mascolo de Filippis / MC4/INA French / German subtitles With Festival Patron Dr. Heiner Geißler. Cinematic highlights of the festival. Thoma-Saal, 20:00 - Pioneers Title Medius, 20:00 - Fascination of Rock Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Abenteuer in der Felsmauer – Tour durch die Watzmann-Ostwand (Adventure on the Rock Face – A Tour Across Mt. Watzmann’s East Face: Thomas, father of the infamous “Huber Boys”, tackles the Eastern Alps’ highest rock face – facing a stunning backdrop above Lake Königssee and a challenge sought by many.) 14’00 DE Georg Bayerle / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Hubers Heimspiel – Der Weg in die Wand (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct. 22) 50’00 DE Peter Künzel / smac media & consulting German Scotland – Sail and Climb (Repeat, see Friday, Oct. 23) 20’00 AT Johannes Mair / Alpsolut Moving Pictures German Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Sunakali – Ein Mädchentraum wird wahr (Repeat, see Thursday, Oct. 22) 51’00 Nepal Bhojraj Bhat / Good Neighbors of Nepal English / German subtitles La quête d’inspiration: Alexandre Deschaumes, Photographies Éthérées (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 52’00 FR Mathieu LeLay / Mona Lisa Production French / German subtitles Schalthaus, 20:00 - In Focus - 16 Quirinal, 20:00 - Away From the Crowds Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Alpen abseits des Trubels – Alternative Bergsteigerdorf (Alps Without Crowds – the Mountaineering Village Option: Austria currently boasts 20 mountaineering villages who have retained their authentic architecture and traditions instead of investing in fun parks, resort-style pistes and mega-hotels.) 44’00 DE Brigitte Kornberger / Bayerischer Rundfunk German Peru – Ein Alpaka für Christobal (An Alpaca for Christobal: 9-year-old Christobal and his father live at high altitude in the Peruvian Andes. As part of the Q’eros people, they are descendants of the Incas and even today observe ancient rules and traditions. One of these is the adoption of a newborn alpaca cria by a child.) 52’00 DE Angelika Vogel / Medienkontor Movie GmbH German Sporthalle, 20:00 - Mountain Extremes Title Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Mica to Greenland (Inspired by one small photo, snowboarder Lucas Debari undertakes an expedition to an unknown mountain, simply because it rises quite so elegantly from an equally unknown Greenland glacier.) 23’00 USA Lucas Debari / Sherpa Cinema English The Grand Canyon of the Stikine (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 17’00 DE Olaf Obsommer / Big-OProduction German Into the Light (Repeat, see Wednesday, Oct. 21) 52’00 DE/AT Jochen Schmoll / Red Bull Media House English / German Duration Nation Screenwriter/Producer Language Sunday, October 25, 2015 Ludwig-Thoma-Saal, from 9:30 Title Matinée with the winning films (detailed programme will be available from Saturday evening) (Please note: All programme information is subject to correction / short term changes may occur.) 17
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