Functional Mapping of Basic Acoustic Parameters in the Human Central Auditory System Der Fakultät für Biowissenschaften, Pharmazie und Psychologie der Universität Leipzig eingereichte DISSERTATION zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.) vorgelegt von Dipl. biol. Marc Schönwiesner geboren am 10.09.1975 in Halle/Saale To Vee and the science of the polyps. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA Marc Schönwiesner Functional Mapping of Basic Acoustic Parameters in the Human Central Auditory System University of Leipzig, dissertation, 101 pages, 315 references, 24 figures, 3 tables Abstract This dissertation describes five studies aimed at understanding the representation of acoustic signals in the human auditory system. The studies focus on basic properties of the auditory cortex and subcortical structures: topographic frequency representation, functional integration of binaural input and hemispherical asymmetries in spatial and spectro-temporal processing. The method in all experiments is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with the echo-planar imaging (EPI) acquisition protocol. Table of Contents Acknowledgments ix Overview 1 1 2 Is it tonotopy, after all? 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Acoustic stimulation and experimental design . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Investigational procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 FMRI data acquisition and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.5 Second level analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Anatomical variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Frequency-dependent activity patterns . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Grouped data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.4 Frequency profiles along Heschl’s gyri . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.5 Variation of the frequency selectivity along Heschl’s gyrus 1.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Comparison with physiological data . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Frequency profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.3 Anatomical variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 11 11 15 19 20 22 23 24 25 Binaural processing in the human brainstem 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Stimuli and experimental protocol . . . . . 2.2.2 fMRI data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Listeners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Comparison between all sounds and silence 2.3.2 BD contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Motion contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 37 38 41 v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 3 4 2.4.1 Is the inhibition exerted by the ipsilateral or the contralateral signal? 43 2.4.2 Absence of binaural facilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.4.3 Hierarchical processing of binaural cues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Asymmetry in spectro-temporal processing 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Acoustic stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 fMRI data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.5 Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Covariation analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Region-Of-Interest analysis . . . . . . . 3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Spectral processing . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Temporal processing . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Microanatomical hemispheric differences functional specialization . . . . . . . . . 3.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as a possible basis for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representation of left and right auditory space 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Stimuli and experimental protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 fMRI data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Comparison between all sounds and silence . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Differential sensitivity to lateralized sounds: contralateral asymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Differential sensitivity to moving sounds: right-hemisphere dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.4 Activations outside ‘classical’ auditory structures . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Representation of spatial attributes in stationary sounds . . . . . . 4.4.2 Specialized auditory “where” processing stream . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 Auditory motion processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 49 51 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 56 56 57 57 58 58 61 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 66 67 70 72 74 75 75 76 77 5 Activation asymmetry in the auditory pathway 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Stimuli and experimental protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 fMRI data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Activation during monaural left and right ear stimulation . . . . . 5.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 The contralateral activation predominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 The right ear advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Functional asymmetries in the auditory cortex, and the corticofugal projection system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary 81 83 84 84 84 85 85 86 86 89 91 92 93 94 99 vii ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis occupied most of my waking hours and many of my sleeping ones during the last three years. It is nevertheless the result of an effort of many people. Some of them I wish to thank here. I am grateful to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Rudolf Rübsamen. When he first suggested learning fMRI I said: “Sound’s great!”, without having a clue what the letters meant. I am also grateful to Prof. Dr. D. Yves von Cramon for the opportunity to work in his multidisciplinary fMRI group, and for many helpful comments on my experiments. I thank Dr. Katrin Krumbholz for filtering out my silly remarks and scientific naïvety during our collaboration, and teaching me practical science instead. I am thankful to Prof. Dr. Gereon Fink for hosting our collaboration projects at the Research Center Jülich. I am thankful to Manon Grube for uncounted discussions of science and non-science, and for sharing a desk, a tent, and several missed airplanes with me. I thank Bettina Mech, my co-founder and fellow beneficiary of the Society for the moral support of promising doctoral students in the Lessingstraße 32, for sharing a flat and her opinion that even a scientist should be able to name the Under-Secretary-General of the UN. I thank Dr. Mari Tervaniemi for the opportunity to hibernate in Helsinki to compile the last two chapters of this work. I thank my family, all friends, co-workers, co-authors, and staff members of the Neuroscience Unit of the University Leipzig and the Max-Planck-Institute of Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. I thank Vee Simoens for becoming my Vee of life. Overview This document describes five studies aimed at understanding the representation of acoustic signals in the human auditory system. The studies focus on basic properties of the auditory cortex and subcortical structures: topographic frequency representation, functional integration of binaural input, and hemispherical asymmetries in spatial and spectrotemporal processing. The first chapter discusses the topographic frequency representation (tonotopy) in the auditory cortex. Tonotopy is a fundamental organizational principle of the auditory system of mammals, and its presence has been demonstrated in various animal species with single cell electrophysiological recordings. Invasive electrophysiology is, of course, only in rare cases applicable in human research, and scientists resort to non-invasive functional imaging techniques, like functional magnetic resonance imaging or positron emission tomography. Despite their many advantages, these methods are limited to low spatial and temporal resolution compared to invasive methods. If these limitations are not properly taken into account during the design and analysis of functional imaging experiments, erroneous conclusions are imminent. The experiment described in chapter one demonstrated that the activation of several regions on the superior temporal plane depends on the frequency content of the stimuli. A detailed comparison of these activation sites with the results of electrophysiological and cytoarchitectonical studies in humans and monkeys suggests that frequency-dependent activation sites found in this and other recent investigations are no direct indication of tonotopic organization. As an alternative interpretation, it is proposed that the activation sites correspond to different cortical fields, engaged in the processing of acoustic features in different frequency bands. The second experiment focuses on the integration of sound input from the left and the right ear. The integration of binaural information is essential for auditory spatial processing, which includes the localization of sound sources. Binaural integration relies mainly on ‘fast’ binaural neurons in the auditory brainstem, which are difficult to access in humans. Chapter two describes a method that successfully demonstrated a correlate of binaural integration in the inferior colliculi in the midbrain, the medial geniculate body in the thalamus, and the primary auditory cortex. The experiment also investigated dynamic aspects of spatial processing by including stimuli that simulated moving sound sources. Whereas all processing stages were activated by stationary sounds, only non-primary auditory fields on the planum temporale responded selectively to the moving sounds, thereby suggesting a hierarchical organization of auditory spatial processing. The topographic organization of frequency bands and binaural information is the same in both cerebral hemispheres. It results from the organization of the fiber tracts in the ascending auditory system and therefore mirrors anatomical properties of the sys1 2 tem. Other, more abstract features of the acoustic input are often preferentially processed in either one of the cerebral hemispheres. The earliest indications of asymmetries in the function of the hemispheres came from studies of language impaired neurological patients in the early 19th century. Since then, much evidence for a dominance of the left hemisphere in the processing of speech signals has been gathered. A complementary rightward lateralization of tonal and melody processing has also been proposed. Recent studies suggest that the hemispheric lateralization does not arise from the semantic content of the signal (speech or non-speech), but from its content of spectro-temporal modulations. Chapter three describes a study that investigated the hemispheric specialization for spectral and temporal processing by varying the spectral and temporal complexity of dynamic wideband stimuli. To overcome the limitations of previous studies, these stimuli were designed to permit a clear separation of the effects of spectral complexity from those of melody on cortical activation. A region on the right superior temporal gyrus responded exclusively to spectral modulation, whereas the equivalent portion on the left superior temporal gyrus responded predominantly to temporal modulations. These findings permitted a generalization of the hemispheric specialization model to include processing of simultaneously present spectral peaks and demonstrate the involvement of the primary auditory cortex and the right superior temporal gyrus in spectral integration. Hemispherical specializations appear to exist in many processing streams in the cerebral cortex, and the hemispheric dominance for speech processing and its underlying anatomical asymmetries may have delegated other auditory functions to the non-dominant hemisphere. Chapter four reports evidence for a hemispherical asymmetry in the processing of spatial sound information that relies on binaural differences of a few microseconds. Non-primary auditory cortex in the left hemisphere responded predominantly to sound movement within the right hemifield, whereas the right hemisphere responded to sound movement in both hemifields. Functional asymmetries might not be confined to the cerebral hemispheres. Chapter five reports evidence for an asymmetrical activation of the left and right auditory brainstem, thalamus and cerebral cortex in response to sounds presented monaurally to either ear. The experiment took advantage of the organization of the ascending auditory pathway by using the activity recorded from the first brainstem processing center, the cochlear nucleus, as a control for activation asymmetries in subsequent auditory structures. The cochlear nucleus receives only input from the cochlea on the same side of head and should therefore only be activated by sounds presented to the closer ear. As expected, ipsilateral stimulation elicited a larger signal change than contralateral stimulation in the left and right cochlear nucleus. In contrast, subsequent auditory structures responded asymmetrically: the right-side structures responded equally well to sound stimulation from the left and right ear, whereas the left-side structures responded predominantly to the right ear stimulation. The study demonstrated that activation asymmetries can be found as early as in the inferior colliculi and continue up to the auditory thalamus and cortex. It is discussed, how these asymmetries might arise from the anatomical and physiological asymmetries in the afferent and efferent auditory pathway. 3 The main method in all experiments was functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with the echo-planar imaging (EPI) acquisition protocol. This non-invasive technique uses differences in the magnetic properties of oxygenated and des-oxygenated hemoglobin to detect cortical activation with a spatial resolution of a few millimeters. Measuring fMRI responses from the auditory cortex requires special data acquisition protocols. Because fMRI scanning can be accompanied by noise of up to 100 dB, an acquisition protocol called ‘sparse temporal sampling’ was used, which separates the cortical responses to scanner noise from the responses to the experimental stimuli by inserting a silent period in between subsequent scans. Recording from subcortical structures provides the additional challenge that the human brainstem undulates with the cardiac cycle. In the present experiments, this movement was accounted for by coupling the data acquisition to the phase of the cardiac cycle (cardiac gating). The magnetic field generated by the MRI scanner also limits the means of sound presentation. High-fidelity MR-compatible headphones were constructed to guarantee undistorted sound presentation to subjects inside the scanner. The core of every auditory study is the acoustic stimulus. Specialized stimuli were constructed for each experiment, some of which had never before been used in functional imaging. The experiment on topographic frequency representation employed random frequency modulation walks that combine a narrow spectral peak, suitable for activating narrow iso-frequency bands, with stochastic frequency modulations that prevent habituation, and hence signal loss, in auditory cortical neurons. The experiments on binaural integration and hemispheric asymmetries in auditory spatial processing used noise bursts with dynamically varying interaural delays in the order of microseconds. For the investigation of hemispheric lateralization in spectro-temporal processing, random spectrogram sounds provided a means to independently change spectral and temporal complexity of the stimuli. In sum, the five studies provide evidence on topology and functional lateralization of basic processing mechanisms in the ascending auditory pathway. These mechanisms are thought to be among the building blocks of the complex abilities that humans nevertheless accomplish effortlessly, like navigating in complex auditory environments, transforming speech into language and enjoying music. Chapter 1 Is it tonotopy, after all? 5 Abstract In this functional MRI study the frequency-dependent localization of acoustically evoked BOLD responses within the human auditory cortex was investigated. A blocked design was employed, consisting of periods of tonal stimulation (random frequency modulations with center frequencies 0.25, 0.5, 4.0, and 8.0 kHz) and resting periods during which only the ambient scanner noise was audible. Multiple frequency dependent activation sites were reliably demonstrated on the surface of the auditory cortex. The individual gyral pattern of the superior temporal plane (STP), especially the anatomy of Heschl’s gyrus, was found to be the major source of inter-individual variability. Considering this variability by tracking the frequency responsiveness to the four stimulus frequencies along individual Heschl’s gyri yielded medio-lateral gradients of responsiveness to high frequencies medially and low frequencies laterally. It is, however, argued that with regard to the results of electrophysiological and cytoarchitectonical studies in humans and in nonhuman primates, the multiple frequency-dependent activation sites found in the present study as well as in other recent fMRI investigations are no direct indication of tonotopic organization of cytoarchitectonical areas. An alternative interpretation is that the activation sites correspond to different cortical fields, the topological organization of which cannot be resolved with the current spatial resolution of fMRI. In this notion, the detected frequency selectivity of different cortical areas arises from an excess of neurons engaged in the processing of different acoustic features, which are associated with different frequency bands. Differences in the response properties of medial compared to lateral and frontal compared to occipital portions of HG strongly support this notion. 2 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? 1.1 Introduction Tonotopy is a general principle of the functional organization of the auditory system. It arises in the sensory epithelium through the structure of the cochlea and is maintained throughout the central auditory pathway by means of orderly projections between auditory nuclei. Details of the tonotopic organization of the auditory cortex in non-human primates were revealed by electrophysiological recordings (Merzenich and Brugge 1973; Imig et al. 1977; Morel and Kaas 1992; Morel et al. 1993). Cytoarchitectonical studies in both monkeys and humans gave further insight into the anatomical parcellation of respective cortical areas located on the superior temporal plane (STP) (Mesulam and Pandya 1973; Pandya and Sanides 1973; Imig et al. 1977; Fitzpatrick and Imig 1980; Galaburda and Sanides 1980; Galaburda and Pandya 1983; Rauschecker 1997; Rauschecker et al. 1997; Rivier and Clarke 1997). Subsequently, various attempts were made to align the functional and the anatomical ‘maps’, which, in brief, led to the following widely accepted model: (1) A core region of the auditory cortex, distinguished by a dense granular layer IV (koniocortex), comprises two (Merzenich and Brugge 1973; Imig et al. 1977; Morel et al. 1993) or three (Morel and Kaas 1992; Hackett et al. 1998; Kaas and Hackett 1998; Kaas and Hackett 2000) tonotopic maps with mirror-oriented frequency gradients. The respective maps consist of medio-laterally oriented isofrequency bands which are aligned from occipito-medial to fronto-lateral along the lower bank of the lateral sulcus. It is not known which particular acoustic features, if any, are represented along the auditory cortex perpendicular to the tonotopic gradient. (2) A number of different areas, jointly named the auditory belt, surround the core region and embody second level auditory processing. The auditory belt is thought to include seven or more cytoarchitectonically distinct cortical areas, some of which seem to be tonotopically organized as well (Pandya and Sanides 1973; Kaas and Hackett 1998; Kaas and Hackett 2000). These second level areas receive only a sparse thalamic input and depend largely on the input from the core fields (Rauschecker et al. 1997). Electrophysiological recordings gave evidence that neurons of the auditory belt have rather variable response properties and are often best activated by complex combinations of signal features (Rauschecker et al. 1997). (3) A third level of auditory processing is thought to take place in a region named the auditory parabelt, a cortical domain localized laterally to the auditory belt on the dorsal and dorsolateral surface of the superior temporal gyrus (Pandya and Sanides 1973; Rauschecker et al. 1995; Rauschecker et al. 1997). In humans, however, the relationship between cytoarchitectonically defined fields of the auditory cortex and physiologically characterized areas is less well established. For obvious reasons, electrophysiological mapping of the cortical tonotopy was rarely performed (Ojemann 1983; Howard et al. 1996). The available data mostly come from studies which make use of non-invasive imaging techniques such as magnetoencephalography (Romani et al. 1982; Pantev et al. 1988; Pantev et al. 1989), positron emission tomography (Lauter et al. 1985; Lockwood et al. 1999) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (Wessinger et al. 1997; Bilecen et al. 1998; Talavage et al. 2000). Despite the discrepancies in the precise orientation and the number of tonotopic maps proposed in the cited studies, they consistently show that high-frequency responsive areas are located occipito-medially from low-frequency areas on Heschl’s gyrus (HG). These findings are taken as an indication of tonotopical organization of the human auditory 1.2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 3 cortex, despite of (1) the fact that they don’t match the complex functional architecture of the auditory cortex in non-human primates and (2) the uncertainty of constructing a tonotopic map from only two data points, without probing the progression in between them. The latter difficulty arises from the fact that the bulk of studies employed only two spectrally different stimuli, which are insufficient to probe tonotopic gradients. Furthermore, the spatial relationship of tonotopic maps from different studies and their orientation with respect to defined cortical landmarks is still subject to debate. Even in the most recent studies there is only little consensus with regard to the functional and anatomical parcellations of the auditory cortex (including the nomenclatures used) (Rivier and Clarke 1997; Scheich et al. 1998; Hashimoto et al. 2000; Talavage et al. 2000; Morosan et al. 2001). The present functional MRI study investigates the frequency-dependent localization of acoustically evoked BOLD responses within the human auditory cortex using four spectrally different stimuli. Since non-primary auditory cortex is better activated by bandpass- and modulated signals than by pure tones (Rauschecker 1997; Wessinger et al. 2001), we used stochastically modulated pure tones with sufficient acoustical complexity to activate primary- as well as higher order auditory areas. By examining the cortical activity pattern in individual subjects, we intended to identify areas with significant frequency dependent activation in the region of the superior temporal plane and their role with regard to proposed tonotopic maps. In addition, we wanted to study the influence of the individual gyral structure on the activation pattern. 1.2 Material and Methods 1.2.1 Subjects Thirteen healthy right-handed individuals (six females, seven males) ranging in age from 22 to 27 years were tested on two days. The subjects had no history of neurological illnesses and were accustomed to the scanning equipment and procedure. All subjects were right handed as assessed by the Edinburgh Inventory (Oldfield 1971). The study was approved by the local ethics review board at the University of Leipzig. 1.2.2 Acoustic stimulation and experimental design In this work, random frequency modulated sine tones (RFMs) were used for acoustic stimulation. The RFMs consisted of a series of short frequency modulation sweeps with random slope and direction and a total length of 1250 ms. Center frequencies of the four stimuli were 0.25, 0.5, 4.0, and 8.0 kHz, and the respective modulation depth was 20%. The RFM-stimuli combine reasonable acoustic complexity with restrictions of the bandwidth necessary to obtain frequency-specific cortical activation patterns. Their stochastic nature only causes a slight widening of the Fourier spectra. Additionally, pure tones with frequencies set at the center frequencies of the RFMs were generated and one subject underwent the experimental procedure twice, with the only difference being the type of acoustic stimuli that were presented: either RFMs or pure tones. Stimulus frequencies from 0.8 to 3.0 kHz were avoided, since the major part of the sound energy arising from gradient switching lies within that frequency band and could 4 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? have interfered with the acoustic stimulation. It has been shown that actively directing the subjects’ attention toward a stimulus can lead to increased activity in auditory cortical areas (Woldorff et al. 1993; Grady et al. 1997). In order to increase and control the subject’s attention, a simple deviant detection task was utilized in the present study. Half of the presented RFMs contained an additional minute spectral shift, which could be easily perceived as a twitch of the center frequency. These stimuli are in the following referred to as deviants. The stimuli without such additional modulations are referred to as standard stimuli. With each stimulus the subjects had to decide whether they heard a standard or a deviant stimulus and they had to indicate their decision by pressing one of two buttons. A common problem of auditory fMRI studies is the hemodynamic interaction between the experimental stimuli and the scanner noise. Several solutions to this problem have been proposed (low noise image acquisition sequences, Scheich et al. 1998; clustered volume acquisition, Edmister et al. 1999; sparse imaging, Hall et al. 1999). These methods inevitably lead to a reduced number of images acquired in a given period of time. In the present study, a fast EPI sequence was utilized, with image acquisitions clustered at the first 750 ms of a repetition interval of 2 s. During the remaining 1250 ms, the auditory stimuli were presented. Additionally, only a small amount of the sound energy of the scanner noise fell within the frequency bands used for auditory stimulation. These two precautions resulted in a clear separation of stimuli and scanner noise in the timeand frequency domain. Contrasting the experimental conditions, which included tonal stimulation and scanner noise, with a baseline condition during which only the ambient scanner noise was audible, eliminated the unwanted BOLD response to the scanner noise. The stimuli were presented in an epoch-related design, where each block was 20 s long and consisted of 10 sequential repetitions of 2 s. Within a single block either acoustic stimuli of one of the four center frequencies (frequency block) or no stimuli (baseline block) were presented. The frequency and baseline blocks were presented in pseudorandomized order. In order to increase the number of recorded brain volumes per frequency block only 20% of the presented blocks were baseline blocks and consequently not every frequency block was followed by a baseline block. While this design has implications for highpass filtering the fMRI time series (see ‘fMRI data acquisition and analysis’), it is irrelevant for statistical modeling. Within the four different frequency blocks (0.25, 0.5, 4.0 and 8.0 kHz) standard stimuli were presented interleaved with the appropriate deviant stimuli in equal proportions and pseudo-randomized order. The frequencyand the baseline blocks were repeated 24 times leading to 240 recorded brain volumes of each experimental condition and an overall experimental time of 40 min. 1.2.3 Investigational procedure Prior to the functional scanning, the subjects had to read an instruction text on a video display where examples of all acoustic stimuli were presented and the keys to press were indicated. The display was mounted at the face of the gradient coil and was visible to the subjects via mirror goggles. During the experiment, the light was extinguished and the video display was switched off. The subjects’ heads were immobilized with padding on the scanner bed. Pulse and oxygen level were monitored during the experiment. The acoustic stimuli were generated 1.2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 5 with a PC sound card and presented via electrostatic headphones (Resonance Technology Inc., California, USA). The earmuffs of the headphones served as passive noise attenuation and reduced the intensity of the scanner noise by approximately 25 dB. Clinical earplugs attenuated the scanner noise by another 25 dB. The output adjustments of the sound card were adapted empirically to compensate for the nonlinear filter characteristics of the earplugs. 1.2.4 FMRI data acquisition and analysis The study was performed at 3 Tesla using a Bruker Medspec 30/100 system (Bruker Medizintechnik, Ettlingen, Germany). A gradient-echo EPI sequence was used with a TE 30 ms, flip angle 90 degrees, TR 2 s, acquisition bandwidth 100 kHz. Acquisition of the slices within the TR was arranged so that the slices were all rapidly acquired followed by a period of no acquisition to complete the TR. The matrix acquired was 64×64 with a FOV of 19.2 mm, resulting in an in-plane resolution of 3×3 mm. The slice thickness was 3 mm with an interslice gap of 1 mm. Six horizontal slices parallel to the AC–PC line were scanned. During the same session and prior to the functional scanning, anatomical images were acquired to assist localization of activation foci using a T1 weighted 3-D segmented MDEFT sequence (Ugurbil et al. 1993) (data matrix 256×256, TR 1.3 s, TE 10 ms, with a non slice-selective inversion pulse followed by a single excitation of each slice (Norris 2000)). The fMRI time series was analyzed on a single-subject basis using in-house software (Lohmann et al. 2001). Preprocessing of the raw fMRI time series included motion correction using a matching metric based on linear correlation, correction for the temporal offset between the slices acquired in one scan and removal of low-frequency baseline drift with a temporal highpass filter. The cutoff of the highpass filter was calculated using a standard procedure in fMRI data analysis by determining the maximal time difference between consecutive trial onsets of one condition for each of the conditions and multiplying the minimum of these time differences by two. This procedure ensures that the highpass filter preserves all signal changes induced by the paradigm. Because of the non-alternating experimental design, the cutoff was relatively high (142 time steps) and we checked the individual fMRI raw data for residual baseline effects. No baseline drift could be detected in any dataset after filtering. The anatomical slices were then co-registered with a full-brain scan that resided in the stereotaxic coordinate system by means of a rigid linear registration with six degrees of freedom (3 rotational, 3 translational). The transformation parameters obtained from this step were subsequently applied to the functional slices so that they were also registered into the stereotaxic space. The statistical evaluation was based on a least-squares estimation using the general linear model for serially autocorrelated observations (Friston et al. 1995a; Friston et al. 1995b; Worsley and Friston 1995). The design matrix was generated with a boxcar function that included a response delay of 6 s. The model equation, including the observation data, the design matrix and the error term, was temporally smoothed by convolution with a Gaussian kernel of dispersion of 4 s FWHM. No spatial smoothing was performed. The model includes an estimate of temporal autocorrelation that is used to estimate the effective degrees of freedom. Contrasts were calculated between the four frequency conditions and the baseline condition and between the two 6 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? high-frequency conditions versus the two low-frequency conditions. A t-statistic was computed from the estimated parameters and the resulting t-maps were converted to zmaps (SPM{Z}). The p-values (uncorrected) pertaining to the z-scores were used to test anatomically constrained hypotheses about the location of activated areas in individual subjects. 1.2.5 Second level analysis Activated areas that were consistently found in the subjects were identified and named in accordance with the nomenclature introduced by Talavage and coworkers (2000) based on the correspondence of Talairach coordinates of respective activation sites reported in both studies. The nomenclature was slightly expanded to accommodate all activated areas found in the present study. Mean locations of activation foci were computed by averaging the locations of respective local maxima in the SPM{Z} across subjects. In order to account for anatomical variations of Heschl’s gyrus in different subjects the percentage signal change was traced along the frontal and the occipital wall of the individual HG (‘tubular regions of interest’). In each (anatomical) sagittal slice of the subjects, Heschl’s gyrus was identified according to the definitions given by Penhune et al. (1996) and Leonard et al. (1998), and voxels with 45% of the maximal grey-value in the data set were marked on the image (Fig. 1.1C). Subsequently, Talairach coordinates of the frontal-most (highest Talairach y coordinate) and the occipital-most (lowest Talairach y coordinate) of the marked voxels forming the contour of HG were recorded. For statistical analysis, the distance in Talairach millimeters between the Talairach y coordinates of the two voxels was taken as the width of HG on the respective sagittal slice. In the registered functional data sets, the voxels corresponding to the frontal- and occipital-most anatomical voxels of the HG contour were obtained. The mean percentage signal change was computed along the frontal and occipital wall of HG respectively by averaging the signal change in these voxels and their eight in-plane neighbours for each sagittal plane. The gradient of the signal change along the walls of HG was then plotted for the four frequency conditions, normalized by linear interpolation to the length of the longest HG in the sample (40 mm) and averaged across subjects. These plots will be referred to as frequency profiles. Computing the differences in percentage signal change between the pooled high- vs. the low-frequency conditions yielded gradients of frequency selectivity along the walls of HG. 1.3 Results 1.3.1 Anatomical variability Although most of the obtained activation sites were consistent in size and spatial relationship across subjects, there was still a distinct inter-individual variability, which had to be considered in analyzing the data. The transverse gyrus of Heschl is known to exhibit a great inter-individual anatomical variability, partly because its crown is frequently indented by an intermediate sulcus (SI), causing a partial or complete duplication (bifurcation) of the gyrus (Penhune et al. 1996; Leonard et al. 1998). Three of the thirteen subjects studied showed a bifurcation of HG in the left hemisphere and four subjects in 1.3. RESULTS 7 Figure 1.1: (A) Graphical representation (box and whisker plot, box: median and inter-quartile range, whiskers: data range, red crosses: outliners) of the average course of the frontal and occipital walls of the left Heschl’s gyrus in terms of Talairach coordinates. (B) Graphical representation of the width of the left HG along its medio-lateral extension (box and whisker plot as above). The average width is nearly constant along HG ( 1̃5 mm) whereas the variance of the width increased laterally. (C) Illustration of the procedure employed to extract the course of the walls of HG from individual anatomical slices. For each subject, HG was identified and the coordinates of its frontal-most (HG front) and occipital-most (HG occip) voxel on each sagittal slice (between Talairach x −50 and −32) were recorded. The same coordinates were also used for the construction of the individual tubulous regions of interest, along which the fMRI-signal was tracked for subsequent analysis. The diameter of these regions, 3×3 functional voxels, is indicated by the white squares overlapping HG frontally and occipitally. In the subject shown, the crown of HG is indented by the intermediate sulcus (SI). (D) A ranking of the subjects according to the width of their HG (indicated by bars) between x −47 and −45 (grey bars) was performed. A correlation analysis of this ranking and a second one according to the distance between foci #1a and #1b (mean Talairach x −47) revealed a significant correlation (Spearman rank order correlation coefficient rs = 0.57, p < 0.05). Only the 11 subjects clearly showing both foci were included in the analysis. 8 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? the right hemisphere. In two subjects HG was bifurcated on both sides, and the remaining four subjects had non-bifurcated gyri on either side. Taken together, 11 out of 26 HG showed a bifurcation, five in the left and six in the right hemisphere. The bifurcation of HG was most prominent in fronto-lateral aspects of the STP, while the gyri merged towards its occipito-medial border. For the left hemisphere, Figure 1.1 gives a graphical representation of the course of the frontal and occipital walls of HG in terms of Talairach coordinates (Fig. 1.1A). Both landmarks angle forward in their medio-lateral progression. The distance between the frontal and the occipital wall of HG, projected onto a Talairach z-plane, was taken as an estimate of the width of HG (Fig. 1.1B, C). The median of the width of HG varied only slightly along the medio-lateral HG extension (Fig. 1.1B) still the variance of the HG width was higher at its lateral extreme (Talairach x −50 to −47) compared to the medial extreme (Talairach x −35 to −33; p < 0.05, Moses rank-like test for scale differences). In order to test if the anatomical variability of the lateral HG is related to the variability of functional activation patterns (described below), subjects were ranked according to the width of their HG between Talairach x −47 and −45 (Fig. 1.1D). A second ranking was performed according to a parameter of the localization of activated areas, i.e. the distance between two activation foci on (or near) lateral HG (mean Talairach x −47). The two rankings showed a significant correlation (Spearman rank order correlation coefficient rs = 0.57, p < 0.05).For illustration, Figures 1.2 & 1.3 show data from two individuals with different anatomies and the respective patterns of activation. Subject FR1T had a non-bifurcated HG in the left hemisphere with a constant width of about 1 cm (Fig. 1.1A). Acoustic stimulation with RFM signals limited to defined frequency ranges yielded discrete areas of activation as seen on an axial slice through HG (Fig. 1.2B; a detailed analysis of the frequency dependent activation will be given below). If high and low-frequency conditions were contrasted (Fig. 1.2C), two HF foci (marked in blue) appear in proximity to the occipito-medial border of HG and two interconnected LF foci (marked in red) flank the gyrus at more fronto-lateral aspects. The parasagittal slice indicates that the activated LF areas coincide with the superior part of the frontal and occipital wall of HG (Fig. 1.2D). The present example does not reveal whether the fronto-lateral area of activity represents a single or two separate foci. In subject SJ2T, an expanded and fronto-laterally bifurcated Heschl’s gyrus is seen in the STP-surface reconstruction (Fig. 1.3A). The distance between the two sulci, which form the respective frontal and occipital border of Heschl’s ‘complex’ (the sulcus temporalis transversus primus and -secundus) increases from approximately 1 cm occipitomedially to 3 cm fronto-laterally. This specific anatomy is reflected in the pattern of activity (Fig. 1.3 B&C). The locations of the two HF areas near the occipito-medial border of HG (marked in blue; Fig. 1.3D) are directly comparable to the respective foci seen in subject FR1T. However, the two LF-activated fronto-lateral areas (marked in red) are clearly separated in the present case. When the bifurcation of Heschl’s gyrus is considered, the activated areas are located at the respective frontal and occipital walls of Heschl’s ‘complex’, and thus in the same relative position as in the above case. The other eleven subjects showed the same correspondence between the individual anatomy of the superior temporal plane and the distribution of activated HF and LF areas. 1.3. RESULTS 9 Figure 1.2: Individual gyral pattern and distribution of activated areas in subject FR1T. (A) Threedimensional reconstruction of the left temporal lobe with the STP surface exposed and Heschl’s gyrus highlighted in red. (B) Activation pattern (SPM{Z}) for the four frequency conditions shown on an axial plane through the left Heschl’s gyrus. The low-frequency stimulation caused lateral activation foci (#1a & #1b, discernible in the upper two images, see text for further explanations) whereas high-frequency stimulation caused medial activation foci (#2 and #4, lower two images). This difference is emphasized in (C) and (D) where low- and high-frequency conditions are contrasted. Foci with significant HF dependent responses are shown in blue and LF foci in red. (D) The lateral LF activations coincide with the frontal and occipital walls of HG as seen on the parasagittal plane. Note that because of the small fronto-occipital extension of HG the lateral activation sites partly overlap. 10 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? Figure 1.3: Gyral pattern and distribution of activated areas in subject SJ2T. Details like in Fig 1.1. Note that the large fronto-occipital extension of HG due to its bifurcation causes the lateral activation sites (foci #1a & #1b, B & D) to be further apart than the respective foci in subject FR1T (Fig. 1.2). The parasagittal plane in (C shows the medial HF foci (#2 and #4) at the frontoand occipito-medial walls of HG. 1.3. RESULTS 11 1.3.2 Frequency-dependent activity patterns Since RFM stimuli have not been used in previous fMRI studies, the effects of increased bandwidth and of the more complex temporal signal structure on the cortical activation were tested. The actual differences in activation sites are shown for subject MA3T for which images were obtained by the use of both, pure tone and RFM stimuli (Fig. 1.4). For this comparison, the pure tone frequencies were set at the center frequencies of the respective RFM stimuli. As seen in Fig. 1.4, the RFM induced activations were more prominent, and inevitably more spread out, than those induced by pure tones. Typically, the latter were located amidst the respective RFM activation sites. The major advantage of using RFM stimuli was that they gave prominence to the activation sites on lateral aspects of STP compared to pure tone stimulation. Next, the typical pattern of frequency specific activation sites will be described for subject HF1T, with special emphasis on those sites, which are consistently seen in all subjects (Fig. 1.4). Seven activation sites could be differentiated on the left STP, most of which showed a significant responsiveness during the four frequency conditions (Fig. 1.5A). The strength of activation, however, differed in either the high- (4.0 and 8.0 kHz) or the low-frequency conditions (0.25 and 0.5 kHz). Two foci located at the occipitomedial border of Heschl’s gyrus (#2 and #4, for an explanation of the nomenclature see below) showed a significantly stronger activation during the 4.0 and 8.0 kHz stimulation compared to the 0.25 and 0.5 kHz stimulation (Fig. 1.5B). The reverse accentuation of frequency dependent response strength was seen in two fronto-lateral activation sites overlapping Heschl’s gyrus (#1a and #1b) Three more foci were consistently found in all subjects. One with a prominent lowfrequency activation was seen at the fronto-lateral transition of Heschl’s gyrus to the STG (#6). In the area of the planum temporale (PT) one high-frequency focus (#3) was located occipital to HG and lateral to focus #4, approximately halfway on the medio-lateral PT extension (Fig. 1.5A intermediate and superior planes). The frequency dependence of the last two foci (#3 and #6) was less prominent than for foci #1a, #1b, #2, and #4, but still met the p < 0.05 significance criterion. The most occipital focus (#8) was located where the STG bent towards the angular gyrus. In HF1T this focus did not show a significant frequency dependent response, but had LF preference in the majority of the subjects. Two more activation sites are shown in Figure 1.5A ( and ♦) which were not consistently found in the subjects. The first (), with a low-frequency preference, was located on the fronto-lateral PT and the second (♦), which did not show a significant frequency dependent response extended over the occipital wall of HG in between focus #4 and #1b. In the intermediate and superior planes, foci and ♦ merge with foci #1a and #1b, yielding a single large activation site (Fig. 1.5A). 1.3.3 Grouped data Averaging the centers of the individuum-specific activation sites in all 13 subjects using the Talairach coordinates as a reference gave evidence that the pattern of activation described above comprises distinct auditory processing domains on the STP (Fig. 1.6). For the identification of these frequency responsive areas, the numbering scheme from Talavage and coworkers (2000) was adopted. Seven frequency responsive foci could 12 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? Figure 1.4: Cortical activation in subject MA3T resulting from stimulation with (A) random frequency modulation walks and (B) pure tones for four frequency conditions (0.25, 0.5, 4.0 and 8.0 kHz). The statistical parameter maps show z-values > 6.0 (p 0.001) overlaid on corresponding anatomical images. The pure tone frequencies were set at the center frequencies of the respective RFM stimuli. Note that the RFM stimulation led to a more prominent activation particularly in the lateral STP. 1.3. RESULTS 13 Figure 1.5: Pattern of activated areas in three axial planes (Talairach z=4, 7, and 10) for subject HF1T (SPM{Z}) overlaid on corresponding anatomical images. Each image is centered on Heschl’s gyrus, which extends diagonally from occipito-medial to fronto-lateral. (A) The upper four rows show contrasts of the four frequency conditions vs. baseline (0.25, 0.5, 4.0, 8.0 kHz). All voxels of the resulting z maps with z > 6.0 (p < 0.001, uncorrected) are shown. Note that the large area of activation seen laterally in the intermediate and superior planes during low-frequency stimulation (0.25 & 0.5 kHz condition) separate into three distinct foci (#1a, #1b, and ) with the RFMs shifted towards higher frequencies. (B) The bottom row (LF-HF) shows a contrast of the pooled low- vs. pooled high-frequency conditions. The resulting z maps depict areas with a significant difference (p < 0.001) in activation strength in the low- (marked in red) vs. high-frequency conditions (marked in blue). The numbers indicate activation sites on HG and in its vicinity consistently found in the subjects. 14 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? Table 1.1: Criteria for identification of the frequency responsive foci with the locations in Talairach coordinates and the mean percent signal change. Additionally, the coordinates reported by Talavage and coworkers (2000) are given for reference. The Talairach coordinates (mean ±S.E.M.) are an average across foci locations in the left hemispheres of the subjects. Note that the percent signal change is highest for activation sites #1a, #1b, #2 and #4 and decreases in the sites farer away from HG (secondary or tertiary auditory cortex). consistently be differentiated in the left hemisphere. Table 1.1 indicates the anatomical criteria for focus identification, the respective locations in Talairach coordinates, and the corresponding coordinates reported by Talavage and coworkers (2000). The foci #2 and #4 were the most stable activation sites across subjects in terms of location and frequency specificity (Fig. 1.6). They were found in all subjects and exhibited significantly greater activation strength during periods of high-frequency- (4.0 and 8.0 kHz) compared to low-frequency stimulation (0.25 and 0.5 kHz). Foci #2 and #4 were also the most medially located activation sites overlapping with the frontal- (focus #2) and the occipital wall (focus #4) of Heschl’s gyrus at its medial border. Focus #3 was located on the PT occipital to HG and lateral to focus #4, approximately halfway on the medio-lateral PT extension. Focus #6 was located at the fronto-lateral transition of Heschl’s gyrus to the STG. The latter two foci (#3 and #6) were predominantly activated by low-frequency stimulation. Focus #8 was the most occipital activation site and occupied an area where the STG ascends towards the angular gyrus. This focus showed low-frequency dependence only in some subjects. What corresponds to Talavage’s (2000) focus #1 could be further subdivided into two distinct low-frequency responsive areas. One area, overlapping with HG fronto-laterally, was termed #1a and the other, located more occipital, #1b. The high standard errors in fronto-lateral direction for the mean location of foci #1a and #1b are an indication of the above-described anatomical variability of the lateral portions of HG (Fig. 1.6). No lateral shift of activation was observed when 1.3. RESULTS 15 the stimulus frequencies were lowered from 0.5 to 0.25 kHz; neither did any other significant change in the location of the lateral activation site occur. Similarly, the 8 kHz stimulation did not induce activation more medial, or by other means different, than the 4 kHz activation. The same pattern of frequency responsiveness was also seen on the right STP (not shown). Same as on the left side, the HF-activated foci were found occipito-medially and the LF foci fronto-laterally on Heschl’s gyrus. Similarly, the anatomical inter-subject variability increases from occipito-medial to fronto-lateral. Nevertheless, it was not possible to unequivocally distinguish as many separated activation sites on the right HG and in its vicinity. In nine subjects, the volumes of foci on the frontal border of Heschl’s gyrus were connected with foci bordering the gyrus occipitally. The altered pattern on the right STP might relate to the fact that the right Heschl’s gyrus is considerably narrower than its left counterpart is, so that the limit of imaging resolution prevents a more refined analysis. 1.3.4 Frequency profiles along Heschl’s gyri The data presented indicate that acoustically evoked activation mainly coincides with the frontal and occipital walls of Heschl’s gyrus. This suggests that variations of frequency dependent activation might line up with these anatomical landmarks. In order to assess frequency dependent activation along HG, we defined for each subject four tubulous regions of interest (two left and two right) exactly overlaying the individual frontal and occipital walls of HG (Fig. 1.7A). The strength of activation resulting from the stimulation in the four frequency bands was analyzed along each of these three-dimensional domains 21-42 mm in length. For subject ID1T, the frequency profiles are shown along the frontal (Fig. 1.7B) and occipital wall of HG (Fig. 1.7C). For all stimulus conditions, the response strength varied systematically along the spheres. Referring to the frontal wall of the left HG (Fig. 1.7B), the 4.0 and 8.0 kHz-stimulation caused a significant activation near the medial border of Heschl’s gyrus, while laterally under the same stimulus conditions there was a tendency for the activation to fall even below the resting level. The 0.25 and 0.5 kHz stimulation caused significant activation all along the frontal wall of HG with a broad maximum between 60–90% of its longitudinal extension. For the occipital HG wall (Fig. 1.7C), the variation of activation strength resulting from LF stimulation showed a similar gradient with the maximum activation in the lateral half of HG. The activation caused by HF stimulation was maximal at the medial HG border, where it exceeded the LF induced activation and decreased towards the lateral HG. The same frequency gradients were also observed for the frontal and occipital walls of HG on the right side (not shown). Averaging the frequency profiles for all 13 subjects for the left and the right STP (Fig. 1.8) revealed frequency dependent response patterns matching with those shown for subject ID1T (Fig. 1.7). Medial portions of HG responded more vigorously to high-frequency and lateral portions predominantly to low-frequency stimulation. Difference in activation strength were highly significant in medial and lateral HG portions, but not in a transition area between both. 16 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? Figure 1.6: The locations of seven frequency dependent foci are shown on schematic outlines of the cortex based on the Talairach atlas (Talairach and Tournoux 1988) (outlines are from the Talairach daemon [Lancaster et al. 2000]). The crossbars indicate the mean location and the 95% confidence area of the respective foci. The header of each image gives the number of the depicted focus (adopted from Talavage et al. (2000)) followed by the frequency dependence (HF or LF) and the Talairach coordinates. Note the large fronto-occipital variance for foci #1a and #1b, which is due to the anatomical variability of HG across the subjects. The location of foci #2 and #4 showed the least variability. In order to facilitate comparison with results of other studies, the two rightmost subfigures show fractions of relevant anatomical (Galaburda and Sanides 1980; Rivier and Clarke 1997; Morosan et al. 2001) and functional maps (Scheich et al. 1998; Hashimoto et al. 2000; Di Salle et al. 2001) overlaid on schematic drawings of HG and the surrounding cortex. The maps have been considerably simplified and the reader is advised to consult the original publications for further details of the parcellations. In the compilation of anatomical maps, only the cytoarchitectonical fields of Galaburda and Sanides (1980, outlined in red) are labeled (KAm medial koniokortex, KAlt lateral koniokortex, ProA prokoniokortex, PaAi internal parakonoikortex, PaAe external parakoniokortex, PaAc/d caudo-dorsal parakoniokortex). The large blue-encircled area covering most of HG in the same subfigure is AI of Rivier and Clarke (1997). The three adjoining areas outlined in green are fields Te 1.1, Te1.0 and Te1.2 (from medial to lateral HG) described by Morosan et al. (2001). In the compilation of functional maps shown in the lower right subfigure, the red outlines pertain to the functional fields T1a, T1b, T2 and T3 proposed by Scheich et al. (1998). The two green-encircled areas (A, B) were found to exhibit differential BOLD response patterns (type a and type b decay pattern) during 1 kHz pure tone stimulation by Di Salle et al. (2001). Finally, blue lines surround the areas described by Hashimoto et al. (2000, A1, A2m and A2l). The occipito-medial area A2m was differentially activated by a dichotic vs. a diotic listening condition. (See “Discussion” for the proposed attribution of our activation foci to these maps) 1.3. RESULTS 17 Figure 1.7: Tubular regions of interest (ROI) used to extract individual frequency profiles along Heschl’s gyri. (A) Two tubular ROIs were manually aligned with the frontal and occipital walls of Heschl’s gyrus. (B) The relative activation strength of voxels in the four frequency conditions analyzed from medial to lateral along the regions indicated in (A) at the frontal and occipital wall of HG. 18 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? Figure 1.8: Averaged frequency profiles for the frontal and occipital walls of the left and right Heschl’s gyri (frequencies indicated in the graph). The strength of activation caused by highfrequency stimulation decreases from medial to lateral in the four domains analyzed. Lowfrequency stimulation caused maximum activation in the lateral third of the medio-lateral HG extension. Note the differences between the frontal and the occipital frequency profiles as well as between the medial and the lateral HG portions. 1.3. RESULTS 19 Figure 1.9: Average frequency selectivity for the frontal and occipital walls of the left and right Heschl’s gyri. The frequency selectivity was quantified by the mean percent signal change between the LF and HF stimulus conditions (LF−HF). Note that the frequency selectivity increases from medial to lateral in all four domains analyzed. The lateral LF responsive areas are highly selective for low frequencies (LF−baseline), whereas the medial HF areas are activated by both low- and high frequencies with the HF activation strength surpassing the LF activation strength (HF−baseline and LF−baseline). 1.3.5 Variation of the frequency selectivity along Heschl’s gyrus The frequency profiles showed non-symmetrical gradients for high- and low-frequency responses (Fig. 1.9). The fronto-medial and occipito-medial portions of HG were activated by both low- and high frequencies, but with the HF- significantly surpassing the LF activation. In contrary, the fronto-lateral and occipito-lateral portions of Heschl’s gyrus were almost exclusively activated by low-frequency stimulation. High frequencies did not cause significant activations. The level of frequency selectivity can be assessed by quantifying the difference in activation strength caused by high and low-frequency stimulation (Fig. 1.9). In all four HG domains regarded, this analysis showed a similar increase of the frequency selectivity from medial to lateral portions of HG. This analysis also revealed that the frequency profiles along HG on the right and the left STP were almost identical. 20 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? 1.4 Discussion The present results provide evidence for multiple frequency dependent activation sites on the STP. The anatomical inter-subject variability of Heschl’s gyrus was recognized as the major source of functional inter-subject variability. By examining the variation of frequency dependent activity along individual Heschl’s gyri—the main landmarks of the auditory cortex—we found that (a) the response strength resulting from high- and lowfrequency stimulation varies systematically in opposite directions along HG and (b) the degree of frequency selectivity increases from medial to lateral. Because of technical limitations and the need for averaging the data from many subjects, early imaging studies identified only a medial high- and a lateral low-frequency activation site on STP (Lauter et al. 1985; Wessinger et al. 1997). Still, the results were considered as an indication of a tonotopic organization of the auditory cortex. This finding was inconsistent with electrophysiological studies in non-human primates, in which multiple tonotopic maps within the primary auditory cortex were reported (Merzenich and Brugge 1973; Imig et al. 1977; Morel and Kaas 1992; Morel et al. 1993). It seems likely that these studies only detected the most prominent activation sites with a high degree of frequency selectivity, namely #1a and #1b jointly as one lateral LF activation site, and #2 and #4 as a single medial HF activation site. More recent imaging studies were devoted to also reveal a more complex tonotopic parcellation in the human auditory cortex. Undeniably, these studies succeeded in differentiating multiple activation sites on STP, but the attribution of those sites to cytoarchitectonically defined areas still requires more in-depth analyses. There are a number of basic factors to be considered when one tries to line up imaging- and cytoarchitectonical data. First, it is not entirely clear how many activation foci found in a functional image correspond to a single cytoarchitectonically defined field. The argument is as follows: (1) Combined cytoarchitectonical and electrophysiological studies in non-human primates point to a clear correspondence between anatomically and physiologically defined fields to an extent that cellular response properties can be used as markers for cytoarchitectonical field borders (Tian et al. 2001). (2) Electrophysiological studies disclose clear tonotopic organization in the primary auditory cortex but only in one of the secondary(Rauschecker et al. 1995) and none of the tertiary areas. The primary (core) area embodies two (rhesus monkey, Merzenich and Brugge 1973; Imig et al. 1977; Morel et al. 1993) or three (owl monkey, Morel and Kaas 1992; Hackett et al. 1998; Kaas and Hackett 1998; Kaas and Hackett 2000) more or less complete tonotopic maps. (3) With the exception of the field CM (Rauschecker et al. 1995), the secondary (auditory belt) and tertiary (auditory parabelt) fields did not exhibit a distinctive tonotopy. Consequently, frequency dependent activation foci should be predominantly found in the area of the primary auditory cortex, i.e. the medial two thirds of HG, while, towards higher auditory areas, like belt and parabelt, the frequency selectivity should decrease. The attribution of activation foci to cytoarchitectonical fields is often based on the euclidean distance in Talairach space between the centers of mass of such foci and the centers of the respective cytoarchitectonical fields. This mostly results in a one-to-one correspondence of foci to fields. While this procedure undoubtedly yields an objective parameter (the distance) for establishing such a correspondence, it completely ignores the underlying physiology and seems inappropriate to arrive at conclusions regarding the tonotopic organization. One 1.4. DISCUSSION 21 frequency dependent activation focus in a cytoarchitectonical field (regardless whether selective to high- or low frequencies) cannot be considered as indication of a tonotopic organization, since such an indication would presuppose at least two activation foci of opposing frequency selectivity in a single cytoarchitectonical field. While we presently also propose a correspondence between the seven activation foci and parcellations based on cytoarchitectonical criteria, we still arrive at different conclusions regarding tonotopic organization. Another critical issue inherent in fMRI is the effect draining veins have on the localization of BOLD response activation foci. These veins can be small and hard to detect. The location of activation foci might depend on the individual vein pattern rather than on the individual functional parcellation of the cortex. Still, we would argue that the location of the present activation foci, especially of the foci at the frontal and occipital walls of HG, is an indication of functional parcellation rather than a reflection of the course of draining veins. The argument rests on the finding of differences of the BOLD response properties of frontal and occipital areas on HG found in the present study and in other recent studies detailed below. The assumption, that foci on the frontal and occipital wall of HG are merely a single activated area dispersed by the effects of veins running along either wall of HG, implies that these areas should be coactivated under all experimental conditions. This is not the case, as shown by Hashimoto et al. (2000). Furthermore, the location of veins and activation foci on STG was found to be uncorrelated by Di Salle et al. (2001). Nonetheless, it can be that the exact localization of fMRI foci is affected by the course of veins, e.g. veins that run in the sulcal basins might shift the foci away from the crown of HG towards the depth of the limiting sulci,. While this would weaken the comparability of fMRI data with electrophysiological data, it will not impede the comparability of different fMRI studies. The cytoarchitectonical maps of the auditory cortex that we will refer to are those reported by Galaburda & Sanides (1980), Rivier & Clarke (1997), and Morosan et al. (2001). Our attempt was complicated by the fact that in these three studies the parcellation of Heschl’s gyrus differs. Originally, Galaburda and Sanides (1980) differentiated two koniocortical fields: KAm, occupying the fronto-medial wall and the crown of HG and KAlt, occupying the lateral crown and stretching into the occipitally bordering sulcus. More recently, Rivier and Clarke (1997) identified only a single large field, termed A1, covering most of HG. Morosan et al. (2001) (whose parcellation refines the primary auditory cortex [TC] in the classical map from von Economo and Koskinas (1925)) emphasized medio-lateral cytoarchitectonical differences along HG by distinguishing three adjoining areas, Te1.1, Te1.0 and Te1.2. Of the presently identified activation sites, focus #1a (Fig. 1.6) is the most likely candidate for a response from the primary auditory cortex, as it lies directly on the frontolateral surface of HG in all subjects. This activation site corresponds to parts of KAm, A1 and Te1.0 (here and in the remainder of the paragraph the respective abbreviations point to the three studies of Galaburda and Sanides, Rivier and Clarke and Morosan et al.). Focus #1b, which lies in the sulcus bordering HG occipitally, could be attributed to KAlt (primary auditory cortex) or to PaAi (secondary auditory cortex) of Galaburda & Sanides. With reference to the parcellation of Rivier and Clarke, #1b can also equally well be attributed to the primary or the secondary auditory cortex, the fields A1 or LA, respectively.Focus #2 is located near the fronto-medial border of HG, where, according to 22 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? Galaburda and Sanides, three cytoarchitectonical fields adjoin, impeding an unequivocal attribution of this focus to one of them. KAm extends medio-laterally on HG and is bordered frontally alongside the first sulcus of Heschl by ProA, which covers a portion of the planum frontale. Both fields stretch up to the posterior caudo-dorsal paraconiocortex (PaAc/d) at the fronto-medial border of HG. Rivier & Clarke did not include this area in their cytoarchitectonical analysis. Their fields A1 on HG as well as MA (which resembles ProA of Galaburda & Sanides) do not cover the most fronto-medial extends of HG and the frontally bordering sulcus. Still, A1 is the best choice for attributing focus #2. Referring to the map of Morosan and coworkers the focus #2 corresponds to the field Te1.1 that covers the entire medial portion of HG. The same field also comprises focus #4, located just occipitally from #2 near the occipito-medial border of HG. Focus #4 is difficult to match with the map of Galaburda & Sanides as four cytoarchitectonical fields (KAm, KAlt, PaAi and PaAc/d) meet at its location. In the map of Rivier and Clarke, the field PA occupies the occipito-medial portion of HG and parts of the medial planum temporale, a location that is in good correspondence with the location of focus #4. The location of focus #3 on the planum temporale is consistent with field PaAi of Galaburda and Sanides, which stretches occipitally from HG along frontal aspects of the planum temporale. In the map of Rivier & Clarke, this location is occupied by the field LA. Focus #6 and #8 are located near the rim between STP and the superior temporal gyrus (STG), a region termed auditory parabelt which is thought to embody the tertiary auditory cortex. With reference to Galaburda and Sanides’ nomenclature, foci #6 and #8 lie in the region of the internal and external parakoniocortex (PaAi, PaAe). With regard to the map of River and Clarke only focus #8 would correspond to the superior temporal area (STA), whereas focus #6 lies just frontal of it at the fronto-lateral extreme of HG. The latter location does not correspond to one particular field in their map. The aforementioned four foci, #1a, #1b, #2, and #4 would be the best choice if one considers a tonotopic organization of the auditory cortex. However, the apparent ambiguity of the anatomical attribution of the four foci makes it unlikely that all four correspond to the primary auditory cortex. Additionally, recent experimental evidence suggests that the activation near the occipital border of HG seen in imaging studies (our #1b and #4) is a response from secondary auditory cortex (see below). The remaining foci #3, #6 and #8 cluster around HG and might correspond to secondary and tertiary auditory areas. 1.4.1 Comparison with physiological data At least as important as the anatomical attribution is the correspondence of activation foci between recent imaging studies. The activation sites found in the present study show a good correspondence to activation patterns reported by Hashimoto et al. (2000), Talavage et al. (2000), Scheich et al. (1998) and Di Salle et al. (2001). In these studies, characteristic “stripe-like” clusters of auditory activation were found with maxima arranged alongside the frontal and occipital walls of HG. Additional activation sites were reported on PT. Taken together, the studies suggest a physiological distinction between the frontal and occipital wall of HG, whereby the frontal wall corresponds to the primaryand the occipital wall to the secondary auditory cortex (Scheich et al. 1998; Hashimoto et al. 2000; Di Salle et al. 2001). The latter can be further subdivided into a medial and lat- 1.4. DISCUSSION 23 eral portion by their specific response properties (Hashimoto et al. 2000). Our activation sites can be associated with the functional fields proposed in these studies on the basis of anatomical ties. The activation sites on the frontal HG (#1a and #2) lie in the area T1b of Scheich et al. (1998), while the occipital (#1b and #4) lie in T2. Area T3, as described in the same paper, covers most of PT and includes the anatomical locus of our foci #3 and #8. Hashimoto et al. (2000) described (among other results) three activated areas on STP (A1, A2m and A2l). The activation site A1 extends along the frontal wall of HG, covering an area comparable to our foci #1a and #2. Their activation site A2, stretching along the occipital wall of HG, was further divided into a medial (A2m) and a lateral portion (A2l). The locations of these two sites correspond with our foci #1b and #4. Di Salle and coworkers (2001) described distinct activation clusters along the frontal and occipital walls of HG, which differed in the time course of the hemodynamic response. The frontal activation covers the anatomical locations of our foci #1a and #2, whereas the occipital one covers foci #1a and #4. In the context of previous results, the present findings support the notion of physiological differences between medial/lateral and frontal/occipital portions of HG. On the frontal wall the HF activation decreases laterally to zero, while on the occipital wall it does not. Furthermore is the frequency selectivity in the lateral low-frequency parts of the frontal and occipital HG walls significantly greater then in the medial parts. This concept is consistent with differences in BOLD response properties (between frontal and occipital HG; Di Salle et al. 2001), sensitivity to task and stimulus differences (occipitomedial and occipito-lateral HG; Hashimoto et al. 2000) and location of activation foci (Scheich et al. 1998; Talavage et al. 2000; Hashimoto et al. 2000; Di Salle et al. 2001). These physiological differences lessen the likelihood of a combination of different pairs of activation foci as endpoints of tonotopic representations. An alternative interpretation is that the activation sites correspond to different cortical fields, the topological organization of which cannot be resolved with the spatial resolution of several millimeters. In this notion, the detected frequency selectivity of different cortical areas arises from an excess of neurons engaged in the processing of different acoustic features, which are associated with different frequency bands. 1.4.2 Frequency profiles The frequency profiles show the variation of activation strength along individual Heschl’s gyri for the four frequency conditions. This analysis is based on the assumption that HG can be used as marker for the primary and secondary auditory cortex. Heschl’s gyrus was taken as a landmark for the primary auditory cortex since Flechsig’s original article in 1920. Recently, at least two cytoarchitectonical studies have questioned the reliability of the relationship between the macroanatomical landmark, HG, and the exact curse of microanatomical area borders (Hackett et al. 2001; Morosan et al. 2001). Both studies state that it is not possible to precisely localize the borders of the primary auditory cortex. Hackett and coworkers (2001) report that in the case of a duplication of HG, the auditory core field may occupy variable portions of both gyri, spanning the intermediate sulcus. In the case of one HG, the core occupied most of its surface and was constrained by its sulcal boundaries (Hackett et al. 2001). Morosan and coworkers (2001) state that a comparison of the Talairach coordinates of the transverse 24 CHAPTER 1. IS IT TONOTOPY, AFTER ALL? sulci and those of the borders of primary auditory cortex show significant discrepancies between both markers. We agree that this is true for the sub-millimeter and millimeter scale. Nevertheless, we think that given the in-plane resolution of 3×3 mm of the present and many other fMRI studies, and taken into account that MRI permits no direct access to the microanatomy of individual subjects, the HG still provides the best estimate for the location of primary auditory cortex. The medial portions of the frontal and occipital walls of HG responded predominantly to high frequencies, while lateral portions were more active during low-frequency stimulation. Assuming the high- and low-frequency activation sites as indicators of tonotopy, one would expect a systematic decrease of LF induced activation towards medial portions of HG and a corresponding increase in HF induced activation. However, such systematic gradients were not observed. Medial portions of HG were more balanced in their responses to LF- and HF stimulation, with the HF- slightly surpassing the LF activation. In contrary, lateral portions of HG almost exclusively showed LF activation. This difference in frequency selectivity further adds to the notion of a functional medio-lateral distinction of HG and renders it difficult to combine medial and lateral activation sites as endpoints of a single tonotopic representation. In the alternative interpretation, that the different activation sites correspond to different cortical fields, the detected frequency selectivity stems from an excess of neurons tuned to high or low frequencies. The differences in overall frequency tuning in different neuronal populations could arise from their engagement in the processing of different acoustic features, which are associated with different frequency bands. Medio-lateral differences in feature processing on HG have been proposed for humans and non-human primates. A concept adapted from research in the visual domain is the distinction of auditory processing streams for object recognition and spatial information (Tian et al. 2001, Rauschecker and Tian 2000, Romanski et al. 1999). Most of the spectral cues important for spatial localization of sound sources lie in higher frequency bands, whereas human speech is confined to lower frequencies. Another emerging concept is that spectral and temporal features are preferentially processed at the medial and lateral HG respectively (Hall et al. 2002, Griffiths et al. 2001). Again, if most of the relevant spectral and temporal cues are assumed to lie in different frequency bands this would lead to a different preferential frequency tuning of medial and lateral auditory areas.The frequency selectivity, defined as the percent signal change between HF- and LF stimulation, was highest at the lateral activation sites #1a and #1b, followed by #2 and #4 at the medial border of HG. The reminder of activation sites (#3, #6, #8) showed a lesser degree of frequency selectivity, just reaching statistical significance. This low degree of frequency selectivity of secondary and tertiary areas is more likely to correspond to functional specialization than to tonotopic gradients (see above). 1.4.3 Anatomical variation The anatomical variability of Heschl’s gyrus found in the subjects is in good agreement with data from recent morphological studies. Penhune and coworkers (1996) reported an incidence of 20% for duplications of HG in a quantitative MRI study on normal subjects. Leonard and coworkers (1998), using a more refined analysis, concluded that the incidence of HG duplications increases with the distance from the sagittal plane. The incidence of what the authors called ‘common stem duplications’ (i.e. where the gyrus 1.5. REFERENCES 25 bifurcates at some point between the medial and lateral end) increased up to 40% on the left- and 50% on the right STP. Complete duplications reaching up to the medial base of HG were only found in 20% of the subjects. In our subjects, 38% (5/13) of the left and 46% (6/13) of the right Heschl’s gyri bifurcated and no complete duplications were detected. This variable duplication pattern is most prominent at lateral aspects of HG and explains the laterally increased variance of the distance between frontal and occipital walls of HG (see Fig. 1.1B). The finding that the HG anatomy constitutes a major source of inter-individual functional variability has implications for future group studies on the auditory cortex. Two procedures are commonly used to normalize groups of brain volumes: transformation into Talairach-Fox space and brain warping. Neither of these procedures can adequately deal with the high anatomical variability of STP. If several functional volumes are subjected to one or to both transformations in order to create an average activation map, the more subtle activations tend to cancel out. Thus, if possible, the distribution of activation sites should be studied in individual subjects. If activation sites are to be compared across subjects, regions of interest can be defined, aligned with individual anatomical landmarks. Another possibility is to select subjects according to their HG bifurcation pattern, since warping algorithms can usually handle a consistent number of gyri on STP. The apparent inter-individual differences in length and width of Heschl’s gyri and the associated differences in the extension of cortical areas imposes the question of possible functional significance. We are presently engaged in a study, which aims at the correlation of individual extensions of STP regions with differences in basic auditory discrimination performance. In sum, (i) the combination of physiologically plausible RFM stimuli differing in spectral content, (ii) an analysis referring to the individual gyral pattern, and (iii) a careful comparison of the activation sites with cytoarchitectonical and imaging studies sheds new light on the results of earlier attempts to reveal the tonotopic organization of auditory areas on STP. A hypothesis of how to interpret the activation pattern on STP, which we think fits the known cytoarchitectonical and physiological properties of the involved cortical areas better, was suggested. 1.5 References Bilecen, D., K. Scheffler, N. Schmid, K. Tschopp and J. Seelig 1998. Tonotopic organization of the human auditory cortex as detected by BOLD-FMRI. Hearing Research 126(1-2): 19-27. Di Salle, F., E. Formisano, E. Seifritz, D. E. Linden, K. Scheffler, C. Saulino, G. Tedeschi, F. E. Zanella, A. Pepino, R. Goebel and E. Marciano 2001. 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Chapter 2 Hierarchical processing of sound location and motion in the human brainstem and planum temporale 31 Abstract Horizontal sound localization relies on the extraction of binaural acoustic cues by integration of the signals from the two ears at the level of the brainstem. The present experiment was aimed at detecting the sites of binaural integration in the human brainstem using fMRI and a binaural difference (BD) paradigm, in which the responses to binaural sounds were compared with the sum of the responses to the corresponding monaural sounds. The experiment also included a moving sound condition, which was contrasted against a spectrally and energetically matched stationary sound condition to assess, which of the structures that are involved in general binaural processing are specifically specialized in motion processing. The BD contrast revealed a substantial binaural response suppression in the inferior colliculus (IC) in the midbrain, the medial geniculate body in the thalamus, and the primary auditory cortex (PAC). The size of the suppression suggests that it was brought about by neural inhibition at a level below the IC, the only possible candidate being the superior olivary complex. Whereas all structures up to and including the PAC were activated as strongly by the stationary as by the moving sounds, non-primary auditory fields in the planum temporale (PT) responded selectively to the moving sounds. These results suggest a hierarchical organization of auditory spatial processing in which the general analysis of binaural information begins as early as the brainstem, while the representation of dynamic binaural cues relies on non-primary auditory fields in the PT. 2.1. INTRODUCTION 33 2.1 Introduction In humans, horizontal sound localization mainly relies on the analysis of interaural differences in sound arrival time and level by comparison of the signals from the two ears. The processing of these binaural cues begins at the level of the superior olivary complex (SOC) in the brainstem. Neurons in the medial superior olive (MSO) receive excitatory projections from both cochleae (EE neurons), and their responses are facilitated by coincident binaural input (cat: Yin and Chan, 1990). In contrast, the lateral superior olive (LSO) contains neurons, whose main input from one cochlea is inhibitory, the other being excitatory (EI neurons). EE neurons are sensitive to interaural time differences (ITDs; Joris et al., 1998), whereas EI neurons are sensitive to both ITDs (Joris and Yin, 1995; Batra et al., 1997) and interaural level differences (ILDs; Tollin 2003). While it is generally assumed that the brainstem plays a vital role in spatial hearing, there is still little consensus about the mechanisms underlying the processing of binaural cues in the brainstem. Part of the problem is the difficulty to investigate brainstem binaural processing in humans: So far, the sole established correlate of binaural integration in the human brainstem is the binaural difference (BD) in the auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), often referred to as binaural interaction component (Riedel and Kollmeier, 2001). The BD is defined as the difference between the response to a binaural sound and the sum of the responses to the corresponding monaural sounds presented separately [BD = Bin − (Lef t + Right)]. Any deviation from zero BD is interpreted as an indication of binaural functional coupling. In particular, the BD would be expected to be positive for EE neurons, and negative for EI neurons. An EI neuron’s binaural response would be even smaller than the response to the neuron’s excitatory monaural input alone. The BD in the human brainstem AEPs is invariably negative, amounting to about 14-23% of the sum of the monaural responses (McPherson and Starr, 1993). When interpreting the sign of the BD in the AEPs, however, one needs to keep in mind that the AEPs represent spatially distributed activity (Kaufman et al., 1981), and so, both EE and EI neurons may contribute to the BD, their respective effects partially canceling out. The present study investigates the BD with fMRI. The aims were (1) to devise a method, which would enable to image brainstem binaural processing in a spatially specific manner, and (2) to characterize sites of facilitatory and inhibitory binaural interaction in the ascending auditory pathway. The experiment also included a motion paradigm similar to those used in previous fMRI studies of spatial hearing (Baumgart et al., 1999; Warren et al., 2002), in which moving sounds were contrasted against appropriately matched stationary sounds. The comparison between the BD and the motion contrast was expected to reveal, which of the regions that are involved in general binaural processing are specifically specialized in motion processing, an thus complement the physiological data on this question (Spitzer and Semple, 1998; Malone et al., 2002; McAlpine and Palmer, 2002). 2.2 Materials and Methods 2.2.1 Stimuli and experimental protocol The experiment comprised two binaural and two monaural sound conditions as well as a silence condition (Sil). In the monaural conditions (Left, Right), trains of noise bursts 34 CHAPTER 2. BINAURAL PROCESSING IN THE HUMAN BRAINSTEM were played either to the left or right ear separately. In the binaural conditions (Diotic, Move), the same noise bursts were played to both ears simultaneously. The two binaural conditions differed from each other only in the sounds’ interaural temporal properties: in the Diotic condition, the noise bursts were identical at both ears, so the perception was that of a stationary sound in the center of the head. In the Move condition, the noise bursts were presented with an ITD that varied continuously between −1000 and 1000 s, to create the perception of a sound that moves back and forth between the two ears. By convention, a positive ITD means that the sound to the left ear is lagging the sound to the right ear, whereas a negative ITD denotes the reverse situation. The ITD variation in the Move condition was linear with a rate of 1000 s per s, so it took 2 s for the sounds to move from one ear to the other. The starting point of the movement was randomized from trial to trial. In both binaural conditions, the noise bursts had the same energy at both ears, and the energy to each ear was equal to the energy of either of the monaural noises. The noise bursts had a duration of 50 ms; they were filtered between 200 and 3200 Hz and presented at a rate of 10 per s. The noise was continuously generated afresh (Tucker Davis Technologies, System 3), so that none of the noise bursts was ever repeated during the experiment. The sounds were presented through electrostatic headphones (Sennheiser) that passively shielded the listener from the scanner noise. Cardiac gating (Guimaraes et al., 1998) was used to minimize motion artifacts in the brainstem signal due to pulsation of the basilar artery. The functional images were triggered 300 ms after the R-wave in the electrocardiogram, when the cardiac cycle is in its diastolic phase. The sparse imaging technique (Hall et al., 1999) was applied to avoid masking of the experimental sounds by the scanner noise and reduce the effect of scanner noise on the recorded activity. The gaps between consecutive image acquisitions, during which the sounds or the silence were presented, had a duration of about 7 s. The exact duration of the gaps, and thus also the repetition time of the image acquisitions (TR), varied slightly due to cardiac gating. The average TR over all listeners and trials amounted to 10.5 s. The experimental conditions were presented in epochs, during which five images were acquired. Four sound epochs containing the four sound conditions in pseudorandom order were alternated with a single silence epoch. A total of 250 images (corresponding to 50 epochs) were acquired per listener. Listeners were asked to attend to the sounds and take particular notice of their spatial attributes. To avoid eye movements in the direction of the sounds, the listeners had to fixate a cross at the midpoint of the visual axis and perform a visual control task. The task was to press a button with the left or right index finger upon each occurrence of the capital letter ‘Z’ in either of two simultaneous, but uncorrelated, sequences of random one-digit numbers that were shown to the left and the right of the fixation cross. The numbers were presented once every 2 s for 50 ms. 2.2.2 fMRI data acquisition Blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast images were acquired with a 3-T Bruker Medspec whole body scanner using gradient echo planar imaging (average TR = 10.5 s; TE = 30 ms; flip angle = 90; acquisition bandwidth = 100 kHz). The functional images consisted of 28 ascending slices with an in-plane resolution of 33 mm, a slice thickness of 3 mm and an inter-slice gap of 1 mm. The slices were oriented along the line connecting 2.3. RESULTS 35 the anterior and posterior commissures and positioned so that the lowest slices covered the cochlear nucleus (CN) just below the pons. They were acquired in direct temporal succession. The acquisition time amounted to 2.1 s. A high-resolution structural image was acquired from each listener using a 3D MDEFT sequence (Ugurbil et al., 1993) with 128 1.5-mm slices (FOV = 25×25×19.2 cm; data matrix 256×256; TR = 1.3 s; TE = 10 ms). For registration purposes, a set of T1-weighted EPI images were acquired using the same parameters as for the functional images (inversion time = 1200 ms; TR = 45 s; four averages). 2.2.3 Data analysis The data were analyzed with the software package LIPSIA (Lohmann et al., 2001). The functional images of each listener were corrected for head motion and rotated into the Talairach coordinate system by co-registering the structural MDEFT and EPI-T1 images acquired in this experiment with a high-resolution structural image residing in a listeners database. The functional images were then normalized and were spatially smoothed with two different Gaussian kernels (3 and 10 mm full width at half maximum; FWHM) to optimize for the signals from the brainstem and the cortex, respectively. The auditory structures in the brainstem are only a few millimeters large and their location with respect to macro-anatomical landmarks varies little across individuals, and so, the chances of detecting auditory activity in the brainstem can be increased by using a small smoothing kernel. In contrast, auditory cortical regions are comparatively large and their boundaries exhibit a considerable inter-individual variability with respect to macro-anatomy (Rademacher et al., 2001), which means that a larger smoothing kernel is more suitable for analyzing the auditory cortical signal. The smoothed image time series of twelve listeners, comprising a total of 3000 image volumes, were subjected to a fixed-effects group analysis using the general linear model. Each of the five experimental conditions (silence and four sound conditions) was modeled as a box-car function convolved with a generic hemodynamic response function including a response delay of 6 s. The data were highpass filtered at 0.0019 Hz to remove low-frequency drifts, and lowpass filtered by convolution with a Gaussian function (4 s FWHM) to control for temporal autocorrelation. The height threshold for activation was t = 3.1 (p < 0.001 uncorrected). 2.2.4 Listeners Twelve right-handed listeners (6 male, 6 female) between 23 and 32 years of age, with no history of hearing disorder or neurological disease, participated in the experiment after having given informed consent. The experimental procedures were approved by the local ethics committee. 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Comparison between all sounds and silence In order to reveal brain regions that showed a general sensitivity to the noise stimuli used in the present experiment, and thereby identify possible candidates for nonlinear binaural 36 CHAPTER 2. BINAURAL PROCESSING IN THE HUMAN BRAINSTEM 20 y = -29 mm 3.1 AC AC z = -2 mm MGB y = -36 mm MGB IC IC y = -42 mm z = -29 mm CN L R CN Figure 2.1: Activation for the contrast between all four sound conditions (Left,Right,Bin andMove) and the silent baseline (Sil), rendered onto the average structural image of the group. The left column depicts three coronal slices at y = −42, −36 and −29 mm (from bottom to top). The lower two panels in the right column show axial slices at z = −29 and −2 mm; the slice shown in the upper right panel is oriented parallel to the Sylvian fissure (see small inset at the top). The color bar (top) shows the t-values for the statistical comparison. The contrast revealed bilateral activation in the cochlear nucleus (CN), the inferior colliculus (IC), the medial geniculate body (MGB) and the auditory cortex (AC) on the supratemporal plane. interaction, we first compared the average activation produced by all sound conditions (Left, Right, Diotic and Move) to the activation in the silence condition. This all sounds versus silence contrast revealed bilateral activation at four different levels of the auditory processing hierarchy (Fig. 2.1). The lower two panels of Fig. 2.1 show activation in both cochlear nuclei (CN). The CN is the first processing stage in the auditory system and receives purely monaural input from the ipsilateral cochlea. The location of the CN activations with respect to macroanatomical landmarks (Fig. 2.1) corresponds well with the location of the respective activations in the data of Griffiths et al. (2001; see their Fig. 2.2) and Melcher et al. (1999; see their Fig. 2.4). The Talairach coordinates of the left and right CN activations amounted to −14, −42, −30 mm and 10, −42, −30 mm, respectively. These coordinates transform to about −14, −42, −38 mm and 10, −42, −38 mm in the MNI space, which 2.3. RESULTS 37 brain region coordinates x, y, z z−value left CN right CN left IC right IC left MGB right MGB left STP right STP −14, −42, −30 10, −42, −30 −8, −36, −3 4, −36, −3 −17, −30, 0 13, −30, −3 −47, −27, 12 40, 35, 25 > 3.1 > 3.1 > 4.5 > 4.5 > 3.1 > 3.1 > 16 > 19 Table 2.1: Talairach coordinates and z-values of auditory activation foci in the all sounds versus silence contrast. CN: cochlear nucleus; IC: inferior colliculus; MGB: medial geniculate body; STP: supratemporal plane corresponds reasonably with the respective coordinates reported by Griffiths et al. (−12, −40, −46 mm and 8, −34, −48 mm). The middle panels of Fig. 2.1 show activation in the inferior colliculi (IC) in the midbrain and the medial geniculate bodies (MGBs) in the thalamus (right panel). The IC is the last auditory processing stage in the brainstem and contains a mandatory synapse for all ascending auditory pathways. The inferior colliculi are strongly interconnected by commissural fibers, suggesting that the IC may have profound implications in binaural processing. The MGB activation can also be seen in the upper left panel of Fig. 2.1. As for the CN, the Talairach coordinates of the most significantly activated voxel in the IC and MGB (Table 2.1) correspond well with the coordinates of the respective activations reported by Griffiths et al. (2001). The upper right panel depicts a slice parallel to the Sylvian fissure, showing activation in the auditory cortices. The SOC failed to exhibit any significant activation in the all sounds versus silence contrast, and indeed in any of the other contrasts tested, probably because it is too small to be detectable with standard-resolution fMRI sequences. In humans, the largest nucleus of the SOC, the MSO, has an rostrocaudal extent of about 2.6 mm and a dorsoventral extent of 1.8–2.4 mm (Bazwinsky et al., 2003), which is smaller than even a single voxel in the functional images, or the width of the spatial smoothing kernel (3 mm). Thus, even in the case that the SOC completely falls into a single voxel, which is in itself improbable, the activation of this voxel would probably fail to reach statistical significance. 2.3.2 BD contrast In order to reveal sites of facilitatory and inhibitory binaural interactions, which underlie the processing of auditory spatial information, the sum of the hemodynamic responses to the left and right monaural sounds (Left, Right) was compared with the response to the diotic binaural sound (Diotic). This comparison is analogous to the binaural difference operation that has previously been applied to AEP data (Riedel and Kollmeier, 2002). The particular difficulty in applying this operation to fMRI data lies in the fact that it involves comparing a single sound condition (Diotic) with the sum of two sound conditions (Left+Right). Such a comparison would be unbalanced for any of the non-auditory processes that were also active during sound presentation, as for instance the visual con- 38 CHAPTER 2. BINAURAL PROCESSING IN THE HUMAN BRAINSTEM trol task, and the corresponding contrast would be unestimable, if the baseline is modeled explicitly, as was the case in the current experiment. The problem can be circumvented by referencing each of the sound conditions in the BD contrast to the silence condition (Sil), yielding BD = (Diotic − Sil) − [(Lef t − Sil) + (Right − Sil)], which reduces to BD = (Diotic + Sil) − (Lef t + Right). By this means, the BD contrast was not only balanced for any non-auditory processes that were active during both sound and silence epochs, but also for sound energy, because the intensity and presentation rate of the left and right monaural sounds were equal to those of the left- and right-ear stimuli in the diotic sound, and the silence condition did not contain any sound energy. Balancing the contrast for sound energy is the prerequisite for recording nonlinear (facilitatory and inhibitory) binaural interactions. In particular, testing for a negative BD (−BD > 0) reveals regions whose binaural response is suppressed relative to the monaural responses, whereas a positive BD (BD > 0) would be associated with regions that exhibit facilitatory binaural coupling. The BD contrast yielded a significant bilateral response in the IC, the MGB, and the medial and central part of Heschl’s gyrus (HG), which is the site of the primary auditory cortex (PAC) in humans (Fig. 2.2a). In contrast, the CN exhibited no significant BD response, as would be expected, since the CN receives purely monaural input. In all regions which showed a significant BD contrast, the BD was invariably negative. In fact, the size of the binaural response (red bars in Fig. 2.2b) never exceeded 50% of the sum of the monaural responses (horizontal dashed lines on blue bars in Fig. 2.2b). On average, the proportion between the binaural response and the sum of the monaural responses was 37% in the IC, and 46% in both the MGB and PAC. Thus, the binaural response was not only smaller than the sum of the monaural responses, but was also smaller than the larger of the two monaural responses alone. From the level of the IC upwards, contralateral monaural sounds usually produce a larger response than ipsilateral sounds, which is consistent with the notion that the majority of ascending auditory pathways cross from the ipsilateral to the contralateral side below the level of the IC (Melcher et al., 1999, 2000; Pantev et al., 1998; Woldorff et al., 1999). In the present experiment, the ratio between the contralateral and ipsilateral monaural responses amounted to an average of 153% in the IC, 124% in the MGB, and 126% in the PAC. Thus, when expressed relative to the contralateral monaural response, the suppression of the binaural response averaged 38% in the IC, 17% in the MGB, and 18% in the PAC. Testing for a positive BD yielded no significant activation whatsoever, anywhere in the auditory pathway. 2.3.3 Motion contrast In order to assess which brain regions are specialized in auditory motion processing and whether they overlap with those regions that are involved in general binaural processing as shown by the BD contrast, we compared the activation produced by the Move condition to the activation produced by the Diotic condition. The Move and Diotic conditions only differed in the noise bursts’ interaural temporal characteristics, the ITD being fixed at 0 s in the Diotic condition and varying linearly over time in the Move condition. The motion contrast () revealed significant bilateral activation in the planum temporale (PT), viz, the part of the supratemporal plane that lies posterior to HG, and the temporo-parietal 2.3. RESULTS 39 Figure 2.2: BD contrast. Panel a: activation to the BD contrast rendered onto two coronal slices at y = –36 and –29 mm (left and middle) and one oblique slice oriented parallel to the Sylvian fissure as in Fig. 2.1 (right). The BD contrast yielded bilateral activation in the IC, the MGB and on HG in the region of the primary auditory cortex; there was no activation on the planum temporale (PT), behind HG. Panel b shows the size of the response to the binaural stationary sounds (Diotic; red bars) and the sum of the responses to the two monaural sounds (Left+Right; blue bars) relative to the silent baseline in each of these regions. The binaural response never exceeded 50% of the sum of the monaural responses (horizontal dashed lines). The absence of BD activation in the PT (at the location of the most significant voxel in the motion contrast) was due to the fact that the responses to all of the stationary sounds (Left, Right and Diotic) on the whole were greatly reduced in this region (two right-most sets of bars). 40 CHAPTER 2. BINAURAL PROCESSING IN THE HUMAN BRAINSTEM Saturation Response strength a Ipsi Contra Bin Bin L+R Inhibition Response strength b + + + − Ipsi Contra Bin Bin L+R Figure 2.3: Motion contrast. Upper panel: activation to the motion contrast (blue highlight) rendered onto an oblique slice oriented parallel to the Sylvian fissure (a), a sagittal slice at x = 54 mm (b), and two coronal slices at y = −36 and −29 mm (c, d). For a comparison, the red highlight shows the activation to the BD contrast. Whereas the BD produced activation in the IC, the MGB and on HG, the activation to the motion contrast was largely confined to the PT and the TPJ, behind HG. Panel e shows the contrast-weighted beta-values for the motion contrast (blue bars) and the negative BD contrast (−BD; red bars) in each of these regions. The gray shading highlights those regions, where the motion response surpassed the BD response. junction (TPJ; blue highlight in Fig. 2.3a/b). The PT contains non-primary auditory fields and, like the TPJ, has previously been implicated with the processing of sound location and sound movement (Baumgart et al., 1999; Warren et al., 2002; Zatorre et al., 2002). Unlike the BD contrast, the motion contrast did not produce any significant activation in the IC, the MGB, or the PAC on HG. Usually, the absence of activation is difficult to interpret, since activation may still be present even if it does not meet the underlying significance criterion. In the current experiment, however, the response to motion contrast can be directly compared with the BD response. In the IC and MGB, the motion response (blue bars in Fig. 2.3e) was miniscule compared to the BD response (red bars in Fig. 2.3e). In the PAC, the motion contrast produced a small response, which did not, however, reach statistical significance. Only in the PT and the TPJ was the motion response larger than the BD response (gray highlight in Fig. 2.3e). Even though the BD contrast produced no significant activation in the PT (at the location of the most significant voxel in the motion 2.4. DISCUSSION 41 contrast), the response to the stationary binaural sound (Diotic) was still smaller than the sum of the monaural responses (Left+Right), as is shown by the two right-most sets of bars in Fig. 2.2b. The absence of activation to the BD contrast in the PT was due the fact that the responses to all stationary sound conditions on the whole (Left, Right and Diotic) were very small in this region. 2.4 Discussion In this study, we present a new paradigm, which enables to investigate binaural processing in the human brainstem in a spatially specific manner using fMRI. The BD contrast revealed a substantial binaural interaction in the IC, the MGB, and the PAC. Interestingly, the BD was invariably negative in these regions. In fact, the binaural response was not only smaller than the sum of the monaural responses, but was even smaller than the contralateral monaural response alone. This finding suggests that the observed binaural suppression was caused by inhibitory processes rather than by response saturation (Fig. 2.4). Saturation may effect binaural suppression in the absence of any inhibition (Fig. 2.4a). In this case, however, the binaural response should be larger than the larger of the two monaural responses, which is the response to the contralateral monaural sound from the level of the IC upwards (Contra in Fig. 2.4a). The fact that the observed binaural response was actually smaller than the contralateral monaural response, particularly in the IC, strongly suggests that binaural suppression involves inhibition (Fig. 2.4b). The current results are consistent with those of Jäncke et al. (2002), who found that the superior temporal response to binaural consonant-vowel syllables and tones is smaller than the sum of the responses to the corresponding monaural sounds, and in some cases even smaller than the response to the contralateral sound alone. It is important to bear in mind that the hemodynamic effects of inhibitory and excitatory processes are likely to be indistinguishable at the synaptic level, because both kinds of processes are metabolically similarly costly. Thus, the observed binaural suppression probably reflects inhibitory processes at a level below the IC, the only possible candidate being the SOC. The fact that the relative size of the BD was largest in the IC and decreased slightly towards higher levels, suggests that the binaural suppression in the MGB and PAC was simply ‘inherited’ from the IC, which implies that inhibition at and above the level of the IC does not affect the monaural and binaural responses differentially. Physiological data in mammals have shown that not only EI neurons in the LSO, but also EE neurons in the MSO receive inhibitory inputs, mediated by extremely fast projections via the trapezoid bodies (Oertel 1997, 1999; Grothe, 2000). The inhibition in the MSO is tightly time-locked to the sound’s temporal structure and may thus play an important part in the processing of ITDs (guinea pig: Brandt et al., 2002; Grothe 2003). Any binaural suppression effected by this temporally precise inhibition would be expected to depend on the exact temporal register between the sounds at the two ears. Whether or not such temporally precise inhibition contributes to binaural suppression could be tested, for instance, by measuring the BD contrast with interaurally delayed or uncorrelated rather than diotic noise. In non-human mammals, the inhibitory input to EI neurons in the LSO is mediated by the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Intriguingly, anatomical studies 42 CHAPTER 2. BINAURAL PROCESSING IN THE HUMAN BRAINSTEM a b c e PTL 0.25 Size of effect 0.20 HGL HGR x = 54 mm BD motion y = -36 mm d y = -29 mm PTR ICL ICR MGBL MGBR BD motion 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 Figure 2.4: Schematic representations of saturation and inhibition accounts of binaural suppression. The left part of each panel shows the responses to the ipsi- and contralateral monaural sounds (Ipsi, Contra) and to the binaural sound (Bin); the right part of each panel shows the binaural response (Bin) in comparison with the sum of the monaural responses (L+R). Response saturation (schematically represented by curved, solid line in panel a) may cause binaural response suppression even in the absence of any inhibition; in this case, the binaural response would be expected to be larger than the larger of the two monaural responses (Contra), and thus larger than 50% of the sum of the monaural responses (horizontal dashed lines). The fact that the binaural response was actually smaller than 50% of the sum of the monaural responses indicates that suppression was brought about by the convergence of excitatory (+) and inhibitory (−) effects from the two ears (panel b). 2.4. DISCUSSION 43 have so far failed to yield unequivocal evidence for the existence of a human MNTB (Moore, 2000; Bazwinsky et al., 2003). The current data indicate, however, that neural inhibition is a prominent feature of binaural integration in the human SOC, suggesting that a structure functionally and phylogenetically equivalent to the MNTB may also exist in humans. 2.4.1 Is the inhibition exerted by the ipsilateral or the contralateral signal? Physiological data indicate that the vast majority of EI-type neurons in and above the IC are excited by contralateral and inhibited by ipsilateral input (Imig and Adrian, 1977; Middlebrooks and Zook, 1982; Reser et al., 2000; Tollin, 2003), suggesting that the binaural suppression observed in the present study reflects inhibition that the ipsilateral signal exerts on the contralateral one. In contrast, accounts of the right ear advantage in dichotic listening (Tervaniemi and Hugdahl, 2003) are generally based on the assumption that the stronger contralateral signal suppresses the weaker ipsilateral signal before reaching the left-hemisphere speech system (Kimura, 1967). It is difficult to reconcile the notion of contralateral suppression with the ipsilateral inhibition effected by EI neurons in the IC and auditory cortex, other than by assuming that the two processes are functionally unrelated and that any contralateral suppression possibly occurs above the level of auditory cortex. Recently, Fujiki et al. (2002) reported evidence for contralateral suppression in auditory cortex using the so-called frequency-tagging method and magnetoencephalography (see also Keneko et al., 2003). However, the validity of their conclusions is challenged by the fact that a good part of the putatively ‘binaural’ suppression obtained with the frequency-tagging method may actually be an entirely monaural effect (Picton et al., 1987; Lins and Picton, 1995; Draganova et al., 2002). 2.4.2 Absence of binaural facilitation The absence of any evidence for facilitatory binaural interaction in the current data is surprising from the point of view of the prevalent theories of binaural processing (Colburn, 1996). According to the Jeffress model (Jeffress, 1949), which is still the basis of most of the current models of interaural temporal processing (Joris et al., 1998; see however Fitzpatrick et al., 2002), ITDs are processed by EE-type neurons that are tuned to narrow ranges of ITDs by virtue of a coincidence mechanism. This mechanism would be expected to produce strongly facilitated binaural responses at each neuron’s best ITD, viz, the ITD producing maximal discharge. The best ITD is assumed to vary parametrically across neurons to create a topographic map of ITD, with a concentration of best ITDs around the midline (0 s), where ITD perception is most accurate (Durlach and Colburn, 1978). Midline sounds with a large proportion of low-frequency energy, like the diotic noise bursts in the current experiment, would thus be expected to elicit a strongly facilitated response in Jeffress-type coincidence neurons, and the complete absence of any facilitation in the current data calls the model into question. Many MSO neurons actually behave like coincidence detectors, in that they are strongly sensitive to ITDs and exhibit facilitated binaural responses at their best ITD (Joris et al., 1998). However, in small rodents, the majority of best ITDs in the MSO and IC have been found to be concentrated around a mean of 200 to 300 s, well away from the midline and outside the range of 44 CHAPTER 2. BINAURAL PROCESSING IN THE HUMAN BRAINSTEM ITDs that these animals encounter in natural sounds (McAlpine et al., 2001; Brandt et al., 2002; McAlpine and Grothe, 2003). If these physiological results generalize to humans, the absence of any facilitatory responses to the midline sounds used in the current experiment would be unsurprising. In that case, one may expect to observe facilitatory responses to strongly lateralized sounds with ITDs of several hundred microseconds. Nonetheless, the absence of any evidence for binaural facilitation in the current data remains surprising in view of the fact that binaural sounds are perceived as about twice as loud as the corresponding monaural sounds (Hirsch, 1948), and the finding that activity in the PAC increases with increasing loudness (Hart et al., 2002). Our observation that the binaural response was less than half as large as the sum of the monaural responses on the entire HG suggests that binaural loudness summation is represented other than by an increase in discharge rate in the PAC. 2.4.3 Hierarchical processing of binaural cues Whereas the BD contrast revealed activation in the brainstem (IC), the thalamus (MGB) and the PAC on HG, the motion contrast only produced activation in non-primary auditory fields in the PT and in the TPJ, posterior to HG. Thus, the BD paradigm and the motion paradigm yield complementary measures of auditory spatial processing, which appear to be associated with different levels in the processing hierarchy. The stationary and moving binaural sounds produced similar activations up to the level of and including the PAC. In contrast, in the PT, the activation to all stationary sounds was greatly reduced relative to the lower levels, whereas the moving sounds still produced a sizeable response. The reduction of the responses to the stationary sounds may be due to the fact that nonprimary auditory fields exhibit largely phasic responses to prolonged auditory stimuli, whereas responses in and below the PAC are more tonic (Giraud et al., 2000; Harms and Melcher, 2002; Seifritz et al., 2002). Phasic responses would be expected to produce a lesser activation than tonic responses in the blocked sparse imaging design used in the current experiment. The results suggest that the processing of motion conveyed by timevarying interaural cues (ITDs) starts in the PT, and that motion sensitivity in the PT is established by adaptation to invariant sound features. In summary, this study shows that the BD paradigm enables to measure brainstem binaural processing with fMRI. 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Chapter 3 Spectral and temporal processing in the human auditory cortex —revised. 49 Abstract The present study investigates the hemispheric specialization for spectral and temporal processing by measuring cortical responses with functional magnetic resonance imaging to a new class of parametric, wideband, dynamic acoustic stimuli. The stimuli were designed to permit a clearer separation of spectral integration from tonal sequence processing than was possible in previous studies. Importantly, the sounds have a complex, multi-peaked, spectrum at any instant, rather than one spectral peak that varies in time. Cortical activation caused by the stimuli therefore indicates integration along the frequency axis (spectral integration), rather than integration over time (tonal sequence processing). The density of modulated spectral components (spectral parameter) and the temporal modulation rate of these components (temporal parameter) were varied independently. BOLD-responses from the left and right primary auditory cortex covaried with the spectral parameter, while the covariation analysis for the temporal parameter revealed mainly an area on the left superior temporal gyrus (STG). The equivalent region on the right STG responded exclusively to the spectral parameter. These findings support the hemispheric specialization model and permit a generalization of the model to include processing of simultaneously present spectral peaks. The results also demonstrate the involvement of the primary auditory cortex and the right STG in spectral integration. 3.1. INTRODUCTION 51 3.1 Introduction The human cerebral hemispheres show notable differences in their anatomy and function. Among the proposed functional specializations in the auditory system are the left hemisphere dominance for speech and the right hemisphere dominance for music processing (Zatorre 2001; Zatorre et al. 2002; Tervaniemi and Hugdahl 2003). Hemispheric asymmetries in the processing of spectral and temporal sound information are thought to underlie the complementary lateralization for speech and music (Schwartz and Tallal 1980; Zatorre and Belin 2001). In a recent study on this hypothesis, Zatorre and Belin (2001) used nonverbal stimuli that varied independently along spectral and temporal dimensions to show that an increasing rate of temporal change preferentially recruits left auditory cortical areas, while an increasing number of spectral elements engages right auditory cortical regions more strongly. They used sequential, melodic, stimuli to specifically address functional asymmetries in tonal processing. The conclusions drawn from that study are therefore restricted to the processing of sequential spectral information. In electrophysiologically oriented work, however, the terms ‘spectral processing’ and ‘spectral complexity’ usually refer to a different concept, the modulation of the stimulus spectrum at any given instant. The primate auditory cortex contains a considerable proportion of neurons with complex, multi-peaked tuning curves (Kadia and Wang 2003). These neurons respond best to broadband stimuli with complex spectral profiles, i.e. when several harmonically related peaks in the stimulus spectrum are present simultaneously. They are therefore thought to be involved in spectral integration (Kadia and Wang 2003). A presumably related phenomenon is observed in human functional imaging: spectrally rich sounds evoke stronger BOLD-responses than pure tones (Hall et al. 2002). Using stimuli that excite multi-peaked neurons in functional imaging experiments would help to relate findings from functional studies in humans to electrophysiological studies in animals, and hence link the human imaging data more closely to neuronal response properties. Using the term ‘spectral processing’ indiscriminatively to refer to the integration of simultaneous spectral peaks and to the processing of sequential tonal patterns can lead to seemingly contradictory findings from functional imaging and electrophysiological studies. In humans, spectral processing (in the sense of tonal sequence processing) is associated with right-lateralized activity in non-primary auditory areas (Zatorre 2001; Zatorre and Belin 2001; Patterson et al. 2002), whereas electrophysiological studies demonstrated spectral processing (in the sense of integration of multiple simultaneous frequency peaks) in the primary auditory cortex (Kadia and Wang 2003). On grounds of the electrophysiological finding of multi-peaked neurons, we predict activation of the primary auditory cortex in response to stimuli with complex spectral profiles. Several studies argued for a hierarchical model of the processing of tonal sequences, in which the PAC extracts the pitch of individual tones by mechanisms based on spectral or temporal regularities. Subsequent structures integrate slow changes in pitch over time that are found for instance in melodies (Zatorre et al. 1994; Rauschecker 1997; Griffiths et al. 1998; Griffiths et al. 1999; Griffiths et al. 2001; Zatorre 2001; Patterson et al. 2002). In humans, processing of pitch sequences is associated with right-lateralized activity in non-primary auditory areas (Zatorre 2001; Zatorre and Belin 2001; Patterson et al. 2002). The hierarchical model predicts a hemispherical specialization in non-primary auditory areas, whereas the response of the primary auditory cortex is supposedly the same in both 52 CHAPTER 3. ASYMMETRY IN SPECTRO-TEMPORAL PROCESSING hemispheres. Challenging the hemispheric specialization hypothesis for spectral processing, Patterson and colleagues (2002) demonstrated that the right-lateralization of tonal processing does not necessarily rely on spectral features. Pitch changes in their tonal sequences were produced by manipulating the temporal characteristics of noise to enhance the incidence of one particular time interval. Pitch differences in these stimuli are not accompanied by differences in the stimulus spectrum. The present experiment also tests whether the right-lateralization of tonal processing depends solely on temporal mechanisms, by using stimuli with spectral changes mostly in frequency bands above 1.5 kHz, the upper limit of peripheral neuronal coupling to the stimulus waveform. Auditory nerve firing does not encode temporal regularities above this frequency limit. If processing of spectral information in general is lateralized, than not only sequential but also simultaneously present spectral peaks would preferably engage the right-side auditory cortical structures. The present study tests this hypothesis by seeking cortical areas in which the BOLD signal covaries with the number of simultaneous spectral components (spectral complexity) or the temporal modulation rate (temporal complexity) of the stimuli. While this covariation would highlight areas that are presumably involved in converting spectral and temporal stimulus parameters into neuronal activity, it does not yield information about conversion mechanism. 3.2 Material and Methods 3.2.1 Subjects 16 subjects (6 male, 10 female; 100% right-handedness (Oldfield 1971)) between 22 and 30 years of age, with no history of hearing disorder or neurological disease, participated in the experiment after having given informed consent. The experimental procedures were approved by the local ethics committee. 3.2.2 Acoustic stimuli The experiment comprised 10 stimulus conditions in a parametric design with five levels of the factors spectral and temporal complexity. The stimuli differed in temporal modulation rate (‘temporal complexity’) and number of independently modulated spectral components (‘spectral complexity’), but not in bandwidth. The stimuli were random spectrogram sounds, a new class of parametric, wideband, dynamic acoustic stimuli. These sounds permit independent variation of the density of modulations along the spectral and temporal dimension. They were constructed as follows: A two-dimensional random field with dimensions matching the desired temporal and spectral modulation rate was generated. The rows of this matrix modulated the amplitude of sinusoids with frequencies equally spaced with respect to equivalent rectangular bandwidth (Moore and Glasberg 1983) between 250 Hz and 16 kHz. The sine tones were added together to form a sound with a spectrogram that equalled the initial two-dimensional matrix. The size of the matrix determined in one direction the temporal modulation rate and in the other direction the number of spectral components in the resulting stimulus. Because the frequencyresolution of the auditory periphery (in equivalent rectangular bandwidth) was taken into 3.2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 53 account, average sound energy is equally distributed across the six octaves of stimulus bandwidth. The advantage of random spectrogram sounds over the tonal stimuli used in comparable experiments is perceptual homogeneity. Increasing spectral complexity is not accompanied by an emerging melodic pattern and increasing temporal modulation rate does not result in monotonous staccato. Because the stimuli contain several spectral peaks simultaneously they are suited to investigate spectral integration mechanisms that act across frequencies. In contrast, melodic successions of tones, as used by Zatorre and Belin (2001), investigate spectral integration over time. The five levels of parametric variation of spectral complexity were 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16 independently modulated components. The five levels of temporal modulation rate were 5, 8, 14, 20 and 30 Hz. All stimuli in the spectral variation condition had a fixed temporal modulation rate of 3 Hz and all stimuli in the temporal variation condition had a fixed number of 3 spectral components. The stimulus parameters were chosen to yield a linear increase of perceived acoustic complexity, according to psychoacoustical ratings by subjects in a pre-test. The sounds were presented through MR compatible electrostatic headphones (Sennheiser model HE 60) with modified industrial ear protectors (Bilsom model 2452) (Palmer et al. 1998). 3.2.3 Procedure Before scanning each subject rated the subjective complexity of the different stimulus levels in a thirty-minute psychoacoustical test. The individual ratings were later used for the covariation analysis. During scanning, 284 functional volumes were acquired per subject in blocks of four volumes. After an initial dummy block that was discarded during analysis, blocks for each of the five levels of the spectral and temporal factor were presented interleaved and repeated seven times during the experiment. The experimental time was 38 minutes. 3.2.4 fMRI data acquisition Blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast images were acquired with a 3-T Bruker Medspec whole body scanner using gradient echo planar imaging (TR = 8 s; TE = 30 ms; flip angle = 90◦ ; acquisition bandwidth = 100 kHz). The functional images consisted of 6 ascending slices with an in-plane resolution of 3×3 mm, a slice thickness of 3 mm and an inter-slice gap of 1 mm. The slices were oriented parallel to the lateral sulcus, completely covering the superior temporal plane, and acquired in direct temporal succession in the first 0.5 s of the TR, followed by 7.5 s of stimulus presentation without interfering acquisition noise. Clustering the slice acquisition at the beginning of a long TR (sparse imaging technique) reduces the effect of scanner noise on the recorded BOLD-response to the stimuli (Edminster et al. 1999, Hall et al. 1999). A high-resolution structural image was acquired from each listener using a 3D MDEFT sequence (Ugurbil et al. 1993) with 128 1.5-mm slices (FOV = 25×25×19.2 cm; data matrix 256×256; TR = 1.3 s; TE = 10 ms). A set of T1-weighted EPI images, acquired with the same parameters as for the functional images (inversion time = 1200 ms; TR = 45 s; four averages), assisted alignment of structural and functional brain volumes. 54 CHAPTER 3. ASYMMETRY IN SPECTRO-TEMPORAL PROCESSING 3.2.5 Data analysis The data were analyzed with the software package LIPSIA (Lohmann et al. 2001). The functional images of each listener were corrected for head motion and rotated into the Talairach coordinate system by co-registering the structural MDEFT and EPI-T1 images acquired in this experiment with a high-resolution structural image residing in a database. The functional images were normalized and spatially smoothed (10 mm full width at half maximum Gaussian kernel). The preprocessed image time series of 16 subjects was subjected to two independent fixed-effects group analyses (2240 volumes each) for the spectral and the temporal factor using a general linear model. The experimental conditions were modeled as box-car functions convolved with a generic hemodynamic response functions including a response delay of 6 s. The height thresholds for activation were z = 3.1 (p < 0.001 uncorrected) or z = 6 (p < 0.05 corrected) 3.3 Results A parametric model of the BOLD-response produced by different levels of spectral and temporal modulation revealed cortical areas whose activation strength covaried with stimulus complexity. A subsequent region-of-interest (ROI) analysis established the link between the activation data and anatomical region on the superior temporal plane. Penhunes (1996) probabilistic map defines the location of Heschl’s gyri (HG) in a large sample of subjects. Additionally, ROIs for the left and right HG defined individually in all subjects were used for single subject analyses. Previously published cytoarchitectonical probabilistic maps defined the location of the primary auditory cortex (PAC) (Morosan et al. 2001). ROIs on the left and right lateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) were defined by local maxima in the BOLD-response. The average BOLD signal change was extracted from each ROI in all subjects and plotted against the spectral and temporal stimulus levels in order to access region-specific differences in the response to spectral and temporal processing. 3.3.1 Covariation analysis The analysis of covariation for the spectral parameter revealed two regions of significant BOLD-response covariation, one on the left and one on the right superior temporal plane (STP) (Fig. 3.1a). The Talairach coordinates (Talairach and Tournoux 1988) of the foci were −49, −20, 11, and 45, −14, 8. The activated cortical volume was mainly, but not exclusively, confined to Heschl’s gyrus and the primary auditory cortex, as determined by comparison to the subjects’ individual HG locations and a probabilistic map of HG (Penhune et al. 1996), and to a probabilistic map based on cytoarchitecture (Morosan et al. 2001), respectively. Analysis of covariance for the temporal parameter revealed also two regions, one located on the superior temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere, posterior and lateral to HG, and another on the right HG. The Talairach coordinates of the foci were −57, −14, 9 and 41, −19, 11. In the left hemisphere, the focus of temporal covariation is located on the STG, lateral and slightly anterior to the spectral focus, whereas in the right hemisphere the temporal focus is located in PAC, medial and posterior to the spectral focus. The portion of the STG that showed significant covariation with the temporal but 3.3. RESULTS 55 Figure 3.1: A) Areas of significant BOLD-response covariation with the spectral (red, opaque) and the temporal (blue) parameter rendered onto average structural images of the group. The height threshold for activation was z = 6 (p < 0.05 corrected) for the spectral, and z = 3.2 (p < 0.001 uncorrected). For the temporal covariation. The light red highlight shows the position of Heschl’s gyrus (HG) (80% probability in the HG maps for 16 individuals). The cytoarchitectonic region of the primary auditory cortex (Morosan et al. 2001) is indicated by a green highlight and its overlap with HG by a yellow highlight (see color code in lower right corner). The sections are in neurological convention and the axial slice runs parallel to the lateral sulcus, as indicated in the inset (lower left corner). B) Mean z-scores (red and blue bars, left ordinate) and effect sizes (light blue circles, right ordinate, mean±standard deviation) for the ROIs in the left and right primary auditory cortex (lPAC and rPAC) and the superior temporal gyrus (lSTG and rSTG). The z-scores are normalized t-values and denotes the significance of the effect, whereas effect sizes are the GLM parameter estimates weighted by the contrast vector (what would correspond to the percentage signal change in ON-OFF contrasts). The BOLD-response in both PAC and the right STG covaried strongly with the spectral and weakly with the temporal parameter in terms of z-value and effect size. The covariation of the left STG activity was more significant for the temporal than for the spectral parameter, although the difference in effect size was small. C) Relative effect sizes, computed by normalizing the effect sizes evoked by spectral variation to the maximal effect size for the temporal parameter. The relative difference of the effects of spectral and temporal variation characterize the asymmetrical response in the STG best, because they account for the overall stronger response to spectral variation. D) Slopes of BOLD-signal changes in the four ROIs as a function of spectral and temporal input parameters. Symbols indicate average percentage signal changes with one standard deviation. The inset lines show the slopes of a least-squares linear regression through these points. In the middle panel, the ROIs are rendered onto a slice of the average anatomical image of the group. 56 CHAPTER 3. ASYMMETRY IN SPECTRO-TEMPORAL PROCESSING not spectral parameter in the left hemisphere, exhibited the reverse covariation pattern (spectral but not temporal) in the right hemisphere. The described pattern of regional covariation was found in the average as well as the majority of the subjects. 3.3.2 Region-Of-Interest analysis We extracted the mean size-of-effect and level of significance (z-score) of the covariation analysis from the ROIs in the primary auditory cortices and superior temporal gyri (Fig. 3.1b). The level of activation in response to the spectral modulation exceeded that of the activation due to temporal modulation in left and right PAC and in the right STG. Only the left lateral STG showed higher statistical scores and slightly larger effect sizes in response to the temporal modulation. Because the spectral modulation appeared to evoke overall higher BOLD-responses, the percentage effect sizes permit a clearer view on the relative responses to spectral and temporal modulation (Fig. 3.1d). To visualize the precise relationship between parameter value and BOLD-response in the ROIs, we extracted the mean percentage signal change evoked by the different stimuli in the primary auditory cortices and superior temporal gyri (Fig. 3.1d). The left and right PAC showed essentially the same responses, a roughly linear increase in BOLD-response with increasing spectral complexity, and no discernable effect of temporal modulation rate. The right STG also responded with linearly increasing activation with increasing spectral complexity, but not with temporal complexity. The activation in left STG showed a significant positive correlation with the temporal modulation rate. Spectrally complex stimuli appeared to slightly activate the left STG as well, but only in a constant manner. The percentage signal change did not follow the increasing spectral modulation beyond parameter values greater than two. 3.4 Discussion The results provide evidence for different effects of spectral and temporal sound complexity in the left versus right hemisphere, and in different regions in each hemisphere. The left and right primary auditory cortices (PAC) responded strongly to the spectral parametric modulation. The only significant response to the temporal modulation within the PAC was confined to the middle right PAC (area Te1.0 (Morosan et al. 2001)). In contrast, portions of the left and right superior temporal gyrus (STG) responded noticeably different to spectral and temporal modulation. Activation of the right STG increased steeply with increasing spectral, but not temporal, complexity, whereas activation of the left STG was weighted towards temporal complexity. These findings support the hemispheric specialization model, which proposes a preference of the left-hemispheric auditory structures for fast temporal processing and a righthemisphere preference for fine-grained spectral processing (Zatorre and Belin 2001). The results also permit a generalization of the model to include processing of complex spectral profiles. 3.4. DISCUSSION 57 3.4.1 Spectral processing Differences in the spectral composition between the stimuli used in the study by Zatorre and Belin (2001) and in the present one also explain the noticeable differences in the reported activation patterns. Using pure-tone sequences, they found a stronger response to temporal than to spectral complexity in the left and right Heschl gyrus. In contrast, spectral variation of the wideband modulated stimuli activated the auditory cortical areas, including PAC, highly efficient in the present study. The significant covariation of the PAC activity with the number of independently modulated spectral components in the present data demonstrates that neurons in both PAC are responsive to complex spectral profiles. The response in secondary areas appears to follow the hierarchical asymmetry pattern observed for pitch processing (Patterson et al. 2002): secondary auditory areas, but not PAC, exhibit right-lateralized activation. Whereas Patterson and colleagues (2002) argued for a processing mechanism based on temporal regularity, the right-ward lateralization found in the present study relates to the processing of complex spectral contours. The spectral changes in the random spectrogram sounds occurred in six octaves from 0.25 to 16 kHz, of which the upper four octaves lie above the upper frequency limit of temporal encoding in the auditory nerve fibers. The two findings could be reconciled by considering the secondary auditory areas as being involved in pitch processing irrespectively of whether the apparent pitch is based on spectral or temporal regularities. In this view, non-primary auditory cortex receives pitch information extracted from temporal and spectral mechanisms, while the pitch extraction itself is accomplished in preceding auditory processing stages. In accordance with this idea, Griffiths and colleagues (2001) demonstrated an encoding of temporal regularity already in auditory brainstem structures. 3.4.2 Temporal processing The present data provide evidence for an involvement of the left STG in the processing of slow temporal modulations. The BOLD-response covaried with the temporal modulation rate of the random spectrogram stimuli, indicating that faster modulations recruit more neural activity in that area. Left hemispheric non-primary auditory cortex is often implicated with speech processing (Kimura 1961; Geschwind 1972; Gazzaniga 1983; Zatorre et al. 2002), and the covariation with temporal modulation rate in the left STG might be related to the processing of fast transients, important elements in human language perception (Schwartz and Tallal 1980; Tallal et al. 1993; Shannon et al. 1995). The precise location of the areas most responsive to temporal modulations appears to depend strongly on the modulation frequency. Giraud and coworkers (2000) demonstrated that the modulation frequency ranges from 4 to 16 kHz and from 128 Hz to 256 Hz are represented in the cortex by different response types, but without consistent segregation. Large clusters on the superior temporal plane responded to the lower modulation frequency range, whereas the higher range yielded a mosaic of small clusters. Zatorre and Belin (2001) found the PAC to be responsive to temporal modulation in the range of 1.5 Hz to 47 Hz. Patterson and colleagues (2002) reported activation in the left and right lateral HG in response to fixed pitch stimuli (83 Hz), while melodies (4 Hz pitch change rate) activated the right STP and planum polare. Psychoacoustics and electrophysiology 58 CHAPTER 3. ASYMMETRY IN SPECTRO-TEMPORAL PROCESSING provide additional evidence for a difference in the processing of temporal modulations below and above 30 Hz, the frequency that demarcates the lower limit of pitch perception (Krumbholz et al. 2000; Pressnitzer et al. 2001). With single cell recordings in the AC of awake monkeys, Lu and Wang (2000) found two largely distinct neuronal populations: one explicitly representing slowly occurring sound sequences with a temporal code, and the other implicitly representing rapidly occurring events with a rate code. Models of temporal processing in the auditory system suggest that modulations above approximately 30 Hz (equalling time intervals of 33 ms and the lower limit of pitch) are integrated into an interval-based pitch estimate (Patterson et al. 1995). In the present study, the temporal parameter varied between 5 Hz and 30 Hz and the covariation analysis permitted to selectively investigate the effects of temporal modulations in this frequency range. 3.4.3 Microanatomical hemispheric differences as a possible basis for functional specialization Zatorre and colleages (Zatorre 2001; Zatorre and Belin 2001; Zatorre et al. 2002) discussed possible anatomical causes of the lateralized processing of spectral and temporal modulations, based on interhemispheric microanatomical differences in cell size (Hayes and Lewis 1993), myelination (Penhune et al. 1996), width of microcolumns (Seldon 1981b, a; Buxhoeveden et al. 2001), and spacing of macrocolumns (Galuske et al. 2000). Microcolumns are considered as candidates for the smallest cortical processing units (Jones 2000), while macrocolumns are 200-700µm-wide patches of neurons with similar connections pattern and receptive fields (Reale et al. 1983). In the left non-primary auditory cortex, cortical microcolumns have greater width and intercolumnar distance than in the right auditory cortex (Seldon 1981b, a; Buxhoeveden et al. 2001). Together with the finding that macrocolumns appear to be of the same size in both hemispheres (Galuske et al. 2000), this suggests a greater number of microcolumnar units per macrocolumn in the right non-primary auditory cortex. If pitch is represented by a population code in macrocolumns, then the greater number of microcolumns in the right hemisphere could indicate a greater encoding precision. The thicker myelination in the right hemisphere, in contrary, could enhance fast temporal processing (Zatorre 2001). 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This paper describes a fMRI experiment, which shows that the interaural temporal processing of lateralized sounds produces an enhanced neural response in the posterior aspect of the respective contralateral AC. The response is stronger and extends further into adjacent inferior parietal regions when the sound is moving than when it is stationary. The differential responses to moving sounds further revealed that the left hemisphere responded predominantly to sound movement within the right hemifield, whereas the right hemisphere responded to sound movement in both hemifields. This rightward asymmetry parallels the asymmetry associated with the allocation of visuospatial attention and may underlie unilateral auditory neglect phenomena. The current results demonstrate that the interaural temporal information is reorganized according to hemifields at subcortical processing levels. 4.1. INTRODUCTION 63 4.1 Introduction Many sounds that are behaviorally relevant to humans, such as speech and music, contain predominantly low-frequency energy. The horizontal localization of these sounds mainly relies on the processing of interaural temporal disparities (ITDs; Wightman and Kistler, 1992), produced by path length differences from the sound source to the two ears, as low frequencies produce little or no interaural energy differences. Consequently, humans— and other mammals with good low-frequency hearing—have evolved a remarkable sensitivity to ITDs of the order of a few tens of microseconds (Durlach and Colburn, 1978). Sounds with the same energy at the two ears activate both auditory cortices about equally strongly, even when they are completely lateralized towards one or the other ear by means of ITDs (Woldorff et al., 1999). This is probably why unilateral lesions in auditory cortex (AC) usually have surprisingly little effect on most auditory functions, such as the ability to understand speech or to appreciate music (for a review, see Engelien et al., 2001). In contrast, lateralized visual stimuli produce a largely contralateral response in early visual cortical areas, and unilateral lesions in visual cortex may lead to complete blindness in the contralesional hemifield. Unilateral auditory cortical lesions do, however, often lead to deficits in sound localization (for a review, see Clarke et al., 2000). Several studies reported selective sound localization deficits in the contralesional hemifield following AC lesions in either hemisphere. Other studies described localization deficits in both hemifields after lesions in one (either left or right) but not the other hemisphere (e.g., Zatorre and Penhune, 2001). The lesion results suggest that the processing of the spatial information mediated by lateralized sounds differs from the non-spatial information, in that it is distributed asymmetrically across the two hemispheres. In order to verify this notion, one would have to measure the responses to sounds that have the same energy at the two ears and that are lateralized solely by means of ITDs, because only in that way would any functional asymmetry in the observed responses not be confounded by the known anatomical asymmetry in the number of crossed and uncrossed excitatory projections in the ascending auditory pathway (Webster et al., 1992). Unfortunately, animal physiological data on the representation of ITDs in AC are still scarce. A recent study by Fitzpatrick et al. (2000) suggests that, in the rabbit, the distribution of best ITDs (the ITD producing maximal discharge) is skewed towards the contralateral hemifield. The recordings of Fitzpatrick et al. are from the primary AC and the distribution might look somewhat different in non-primary auditory areas, particularly in areas belonging to the dorsal “where” stream that is assumed to be specialized in auditory spatial processing in the monkey (for a review, see Rauschecker and Tian, 2000). Moreover, the results of lesions in AC suggest that, in humans, any contralateral asymmetry in the representation of auditory space may be shifted somewhat towards one or the other hemisphere (e.g., Zatorre and Penhune, 2001; for a review, see Clarke et al., 2000). Deficits in sound localization may also be observed in patients with hemispatial neglect (Bellmann et al., 2001). Chronic neglect most reliably occurs after right- and not left-hemisphere lesions. This asymmetry is generally explained by assuming that the left hemisphere deploys attention mainly within the right hemifield, whereas the right hemisphere deploys attention within both hemifields. In accordance with this notion are findings which show that parietal activations associated with the allocation of spatial attention, and more generally with global spatial processing, exhibit an asymmetry towards 64 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE the right hemisphere (reviewed in Mesulam, 1999 and Marshall and Fink, 2001). Moreover, auditory spatial processing has been found to activate parietal and frontal regions more strongly in the right than in the left hemisphere (Griffiths et al., 1998; Weeks et al., 1999, 2000). It is unclear, whether a similar rightward asymmetry is also inherent in the preattentive, sensory processing of spatial information. In the auditory domain, the existing evidence from human lesion data (Clarke et al., 2000; Zatorre and Penhune, 2001) and from neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies of auditory spatial processing (Baumgart et al., 1999; Kaiser et al., 2000; Warren et al., 2002; Zatorre et al., 2002a) are contradictory with respect to this question. The current study uses fMRI to investigate how the interaural temporal information mediated by low-frequency sounds is represented in AC. In order to isolate brain regions involved in interaural temporal processing, we compared the blood oxygen leveldependent (BOLD) responses to sounds that were matched in energy and spectral composition and differed solely in their interaural temporal properties. Our hypothesis was that lateralized sounds would yield a stronger activation in the contralateral AC as compared to midline sounds. Any contralateral asymmetry in the auditory cortical representation of sound laterality may or may not be superposed by a right-hemisphere dominance for auditory spatial processing. 4.2 Materials and Methods 4.2.1 Stimuli and experimental protocol The experiment comprised a total of five sound conditions, as well as a silent condition. The sounds consisted of 50-ms bursts of noise, filtered to the low-frequency region (2003200 Hz), where interaural temporal cues are most salient, and presented at a rate of 10 per s. All sounds had the same energy at both ears. They were delivered through electrostatic headphones, which produced minimal image distortions and passively shielded the subjects from the scanner noise. In three of the five sound conditions, labeled ‘center’, ‘left static’, and ‘right static’, the noise bursts were presented with static ITDs of 0, −500 or 500 s, respectively, so the perception was that of a stationary sound centered on the midline, or lateralized towards the left or right ear, respectively. By convention, a positive ITD means that the sound to the left ear is lagging the sound to the right ear, whereas a negative ITD denotes the reverse situation. In the remaining two sound conditions, labeled ‘left moving’ and ‘right moving’, the train of noise bursts moved back and forth between the midline and the left or right ear. The impression of movement was created by varying the ITD continuously between 0 and −1000 or 1000 s. The ITD variation was linear with a rate of 1000 s per s, so it took 2 s for the sounds to move from the midline to the left or right ear and back to the midline again. The starting point of the movement was randomized from trial to trial. The sparse imaging technique (Hall et al., 1999) was applied to minimize the effect of the scanner noise on the recorded activity, and cardiac triggering (Guimaraes et al., 1998) of image acquisition was used to reduce motion artifacts in the brainstem signal resulting from basilar artery pulsation. Each image acquisition was triggered by the first R-wave of the electrocardiogram occurring after a 6.5-s period of either sound presentation or silence. No images were acquired during this 6.5-s period. Due to cardiac triggering, 4.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 65 the exact repetition time of image acquisitions (TR) varied slightly over time and across subjects; the average TR amounted to 9.24 s. Five sound epochs containing the five sound conditions in pseudorandom order were alternated with a single silence epoch. Each epoch lasted about 46 s, during which the stimulus was presented five times. A total of 300 images were acquired per listener (50 for each condition). Subjects were asked to listen to the sounds and take particular notice of their spatial attributes. To avoid that the subjects moved their eyes in the direction of the sounds, they were asked to fixate a cross at the midpoint of the visual axis and perform a visual control task. The task was to press a button with the left or right index finger upon each occurrence of the capital letter ‘Z’ in either of two simultaneous, but uncorrelated, sequences of random one-digit numbers that were shown to the left and the right of the fixation cross. The numbers were presented for 50 ms once every 2 s. 4.2.2 fMRI data acquisition Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast image volumes were acquired with a Siemens Vision 1.5-T whole body scanner and gradient echo planar imaging (TR = 9.24 s; TE = 66 ms). Each brain volume consisted of twenty 4-mm slices with an interslice gap of 0.4 mm and an in-plane resolution of 3.125×3.125 mm, which were acquired in ascending order. At the beginning of each measurement, a high-resolution structural image was acquired using the 3D MP-RAGE sequence. The midsagittal slice of the structural image was used to orient the slices of the functional images along the line between the anterior and posterior commissures. The functional slices were positioned so that the inferior colliculus (IC) in the midbrain was covered by the third slice. 4.2.3 Data analysis Structural and functional images were analyzed using SPM99 ( After realignment, slice time correction, coregistration with structural images, normalization and smoothing (10 mm full width at half maximum), the functional image time series of fourteen subjects, comprising a total of 4200 volumes, were subjected to a fixed-effects group analysis. The height threshold for activation was t = 4.65, pvoxel ≤ 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons across the entire scanned volume). In Fig. 4.5, a cluster threshold (pcluster ≤ 0.001, corrected) was used to illustrate the whole extent of the respective activations. The contrasts between the static lateralized sound conditions and the center condition failed to meet the threshold criterion of t ≤ 4.65, but did produce significant auditory cortical activation when a less stringent criterion was used (t ≤ 3.09; pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected). In these cases, a small volume correction was applied within bilateral spheres of 15-mm radius centered on the plana temporale (PT; dashed outlines in Figs. 2a and 2b). The position of PT was approximated as 10 mm posterior and lateral, and 5 mm superior to the ‘center of gravity’ of the probability map of Heschl’s gyrus (HG) for the fourteen subjects who participated in the experiment (see Table 4.1 for MNI coordinates). The probability map was constructed by labeling HG in both hemispheres of each subject using the MRIcro software (http://www.psychology For that, the area between the face of HG and the connecting line between the first transverse sulcus and Heschl’s sulcus, or the sulcus 66 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE a L z = 12 mm b R 4.65 y = −36 mm t-value 30 Figure 4.1: Activation for the contrast between all sound conditions and silence, rendered onto the average structural image of the group. Axial section at z = 12 mm showing bilateral activation in AC (a), coronal section at y = –36 mm showing activation in IC (b). The color scale gives the t−value for the comparison between the BOLD responses to the sound conditions and silence. Activation was thresholded at t = 4.65 (p voxel ≤ 0.05, corrected). intermedius in the case of a duplicate HG, was marked in successive coronal slices of the individual structural scans between the posterior and the anterior edge of HG. The individual marked volumes of fourteen subjects were then averaged to produce a probability map of HG. 4.2.4 Subjects Fourteen right-handed subjects (6 male, 8 female), between 22 and 33 years of age, with no history of hearing disorder or neurological disease participated in the experiment after having given informed consent. The experimental procedure was approved by the local ethics committee. 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Comparison between all sounds and silence The BOLD response produced by all five sound conditions (center, left and right static, left and right moving) was compared to the response produced by the silent condition to reveal regions sensitive to the noise stimuli used in the current experiment. The contrast yielded three clusters of significant activation in the auditory pathway, one large cluster in each superior temporal plane (STP; Fig. 4.1a), and a smaller cluster spanning both inferior colliculi (IC) in the midbrain (Fig. 4.1b). The MNI coordinates and t-values of the most significant voxels in these activation clusters are listed in Table 4.1. The STP activation comprised the region of Heschl’s gyrus (HG) and extended onto the planum temporale (PT). The lateralized sounds produced a largely symmetric auditory cortical response when contrasted against the silence condition (Fig. 4.2). The activation patterns for the contrasts between all left- (Fig. 4.2b) and all right-lateralized sounds (Fig. 4.2c) versus silence were similar to the activation pattern produced by the all sounds versus silence 4.3. RESULTS 67 Contrast Brain region all sounds-silence left STG right STG IC right PT left PT right PT left PT right PT/TPJ/IPL left PT/TPJ/IPL right PT/TPJ/IPL left PT/TPJ all left-center all right-center left static-center right static-center left moving-center right moving-center right-left moving Coordinates x, y, z t pvoxel (corr.) −40, −28, 124 46, −24, 10 −2, −36, −8 54, −24, 10 −46, −28, 6 56, −24, 8 −62, −28, 20 64, −32, 14 −56, −26, 12 66, −34, 16 −54, −28, 12 29.36 25.36 6.24 5.62 5.45 4.42 3.65 6.35 6.61 5.92 4.70 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002* 0.032* < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.04 Table 4.1: MNI coordinates and t−values of auditory activation foci. CN: cochlear nucleus; IC: inferior colliculus; MGB: medial geniculate body; STP: supratemporal plane contrast (Fig. 4.2a). This is in accordance with the results of Woldorff et al. (1999), who also contrasted lateralized sounds against a silent baseline and found no significant interhemispheric differences in activation strength. The light-gray ellipses in Fig. 4.2 mark the approximate position of Heschl’s gyrus in the group of fourteen listeners. 4.3.2 Differential sensitivity to lateralized sounds: contralateral asymmetry Contrasts between sound conditions and silence would be expected to represent all brain areas that are sensitive to the sounds or to one of the sounds’ various perceptual attributes. In order to isolate those regions involved in interaural temporal processing, and examine their response to lateralized sounds, the response to all left- or all right-lateralized sounds (left static/moving or right static/moving) was compared to the response to the central sound (center). Figs. 3a and 3b show that the lateralized sounds produced a stronger contralateral response compared to the central sound. The activation to the all left versus center contrast was largely confined to the right AC (Fig. 4.3a), whereas the main area of activation in the all right versus center contrast was in the left AC (Fig. 4.3b). The differential activation produced by the lateralized sounds was limited to the PT, that is the part of the supratemporal plane posterior to HG (Figs. 3a and 3b; Table 4.1). The PT has previously been implicated with the processing of spatial sound attributes and sound movement in humans (Baumgart et al., 1999; Warren et al., 2002; Zatorre et al., 2002a). In the monkey, non-primary auditory fields posterior to primary AC have been shown to form a posterior-dorsally directed processing stream that is assumed to be specialized in auditory spatial processing (Rauschecker and Tian, 2000). In order to assess the relative contributions of the static and moving sound conditions to the activation in PT, each of the lateralized sound conditions (left/right static/moving) was contrasted separately against the center condition. Figs. 3c and 3d show that the moving sounds (cross-hatched bars) produced a consistently stronger activation in PT than the static sounds (hatched bars). In fact, neither the left static versus center contrast nor the right static versus center contrast produced any activation that exceeded the threshold criterion of t = 4.65, corresponding to a p-value of 0.05 or better, corrected for multiple 68 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE All sounds-silence a R L All left-silence b All right-silence c Figure 4.2: Contrasts between lateralized sounds and silence. The two lower panels show the axial projection of the activations to the contrasts between all left- (b) and all right-lateralized sounds (c) versus silence for a height threshold of t = 4.65 (p voxel ≤ 0.05, corrected). For a comparison, the upper panel shows the activation to the all sounds versus silence contrast, replotted from Fig. 4.1. The light-gray ellipses mark the approximate position of HG. When contrasted against silence, the lateralized sounds produced a largely symmetric response. 4.3. RESULTS 69 All right−center All left−center a b L R c d Figure 4.3: Contrasts between the lateralized sounds and the central sound. The upper panels show the axial projection of the activation to all left-lateralized (a) and all right-laterlized sounds (b) relative to the central sound; the height threshold was t = 4.65, p voxel ≤ 0.05, corrected). The differential activation to the lateralized sounds was confined to the contralateral PT. Panels c and d depict the relative contributions of the static and moving sounds to the contrasts shown in panels a and b. Panel c shows the contrast-weighted beta-values for the left static versus center (hatched bar) and left moving versus center contrasts (cross-hatched bar) at the most significant voxel in the all left versus center comparison (gray arrow pointing to panel a). Panel d shows the analogous analysis for the right-lateralized sounds. The moving sounds activated the PT more strongly than the static sounds. The black, dotted outlines in panels a and b mark the regions used for the volume of interest analyses of the left and right static versus center contrasts (see text). 70 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE comparisons across the entire scanned volume. However, using a more lenient threshold criterion (t=3.09; pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected) and a hypothesis-driven (Warren et al., 2002; Zatorre et al., 2002a) volume of interest analysis revealed that the left static versus center and right static versus center contrasts produced a significant activation in the PT of the respective contralateral hemisphere (see Table 4.1); there was no significant activation of the corresponding region in the ipsilateral hemisphere. The search volumes for these analyses were spheres of 15-mm radius centered on the left and right PT; they are marked by black dotted outlines in Figs. 3a and 3b. The position of PT in each hemisphere was approximated as 10 mm posterior and lateral, and 5 mm superior to the center of HG, which was derived from the averaged map of HG for the fourteen subjects who participated in this experiment (see Methods). 4.3.3 Differential sensitivity to moving sounds: right-hemisphere dominance Unlike the contrasts between the static sounds and center, the contrasts between the moving sounds and center did reach the predefined threshold criterion of t = 4.65 (Figs. 4a and 4b; Table 4.1). The activation produced by the left moving versus center contrast was largely confined to the right hemisphere (Fig. 4.4a), whereas the right moving versus center comparison produced a more bilateral pattern of activation, comprising a larger activation cluster in the left hemisphere and a smaller cluster in the right hemisphere (Fig. 4.4b). This suggests a right-hemisphere dominance in the processing of sound movement, in the sense that the right AC represents movement in both hemifields, whereas the left AC predominantly represents movement within the right hemifield. The lower panels in Fig. 4.4 corroborate this conjecture. In the right AC (Fig. 4.4c), the differential response to the right moving sounds (cross-hatched bar) is almost as large as the response to the left moving sounds (hatched bar). In contrast, the differential response of the left AC to the left moving sounds (hatched bar in Fig. 4.4d) is much smaller than the left-AC response to the right moving sounds (hatched bar in Fig. 4.4d). In order to verify the effect statistically, we calculated the contrasts between the right moving and left moving sound conditions and vice versa. If the right moving sounds produce a reliably stronger left-AC activation than the left moving sounds, but the left and right moving sounds activate the right AC similarly strongly, the right moving versus left moving contrast should yield a significant activation in the left AC, but the left moving versus right moving contrast should yield no significant activation in either AC. Figure 4.5 shows that this was indeed the case. In order to reveal all significantly activated voxels in the auditory cortices, even those which would be insignificant at the corrected level, the activation in Fig. 4.5 was thresholded at t = 3.09, pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected) and masked with the all sounds versus silence contrast; the uncorrected p-value of the mask was set to 0.001. Even with this relatively lenient threshold criterion, the left moving versus right moving contrast yielded no activation in either AC (Fig. 4.5a). In contrast, the right moving versus left moving contrast produced a significant activation in the left AC, parts of which even surpassed the more conservative threshold criterion of t = 4.65 (pvoxel ≤ 0.05, corrected; see Fig. 4.5b and Table 4.1). Figure 4.6a shows how the differential activation to moving sounds is distributed on the supratemporal plane. The red color marks voxels with t-values of 4.65 or larger (pvoxel ≤ 0.05, corrected). The green color depicts the whole extent of the respective 4.3. RESULTS 71 a Left moving−center L Right moving−center b R c d Figure 4.4: Contrasts between the moving sounds and the central sound. The upper panels show the axial projection of the activation to the left moving sounds (a) and the right moving sounds (b) relative to the central sound, thresholded at t = 4.65; p voxel ≤ 0.05, corrected). The lower panels show the contrast-weighted beta-values for the left moving versus center (hatched bar) and right moving versus center contrasts (cross-hatched bar), evaluated at the most significant voxels in the left moving versus center (c) and right moving versus comparisons (d), which were located in the right and left AC, respectively (gray arrows in panels a and b). The analysis shows that the right AC was activated by both the left and right moving sounds (c), whereas the left AC predominantly responded to the right moving sounds (d). 72 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE a Left−right moving L b Right−left moving R Figure 4.5: Activation to the contrasts between the left and right moving sounds in axial projection. The activation was thresholded at t = 3.09; p voxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected) and masked with the all sounds versus silence contrast to reveal all significant voxels in the auditory cortices. Whereas the right moving versus left moving contrast yielded a significant activation in the left AC (b), the left moving versus right moving contrast produced no activation in either AC (a) corroborating the notion of a right-hemisphere dominance in auditory motion processing. activation clusters (t ≤ 3.09, pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected). The white highlight shows a 50% probability map of HG for the group of subjects (see Methods). The shape of the activation to moving sounds is roughly triangular in both hemispheres and comprises the lateral half to two-thirds of the PT. Some activation to the moving sounds overlaps parts of HG medially and laterally, however, there is little or no movement-related activity on the central part of HG, which is the site of the primary AC in humans (Rademacher et al., 2001). The differential activation to moving sounds also comprised the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) and extended into regions of the inferior parietal lobe (IPL; Fig. 4.6b). The uncorrected significant activation t ≤ 3.09; pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected; green in Fig. 4.6) in the PT and IPL formed contiguous clusters in both hemispheres. The parietal activations to the left moving versus center and right moving versus center contrasts were located at MNI coordinates 54, −38, 30 (t = 3.66) and −56, −36, 26 mm (t = 5.48), respectively. Similar to the supratemporal activation, the inferior parietal activation to the left moving versus center contrast was confined to the right hemisphere (left panels in Fig. 4.6b), whereas the inferior parietal activation to the right moving versus center contrast was essentially bilateral (right panels in Fig. 4.6b), albeit with lesser significance on the ipsilateral side (t = 4.9 at 54, −38, 30 mm versus t = 5.48 at −56, −36, 26 mm). The moving sounds produced no differential activation in the IC. In view of the much lower t-values of the IC activation in the all sounds versus silence contrast compared to the AC activation (Table 4.1), however, the lack of IC activation in the differential sound contrasts may be a mere threshold effect. 4.3.4 Activations outside ‘classical’ auditory structures The contrasts between sound conditions and silence, and between the lateralized sounds and center also produced some activations in structures outside the ‘classical’ AC (see 4.3. RESULTS 73 a Left moving−center Right moving−center L R pvoxel ≤ 0.05 (corrected) pcluster ≤ 0.001 (corrected) b L R x = 52 mm y = −36 mm x = −52 mm Figure 4.6: Differential activation to the moving sounds rendered onto the average structural image of the group. Red: voxels with t-values of 4.65 or larger (p voxel ≤ 0.05, corrected). Green: voxels with t-values of 3.09 or larger (p voxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected) that were located in clusters of highly significant size (p cluster ≤ 0.001, corrected). In panel a, the location and orientation of the section is shown in the small inset at the bottom. The locations of the coronal and sagittal sections shown in panel b are indicated by brown, vertical lines in the images themselves. The white highlight shows the 50% probability map of HG for the group of subjects. 74 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE Figs. 1–4). The most significant activation outside AC in the all sounds versus silence contrast was located at the base of the inferior frontal sulcus in the left hemisphere, close to the junction between the inferior frontal and precentral sulci (t = 5.42; pvoxel ≤ 0.05, corrected at −28, 16, 22 mm). In the contrast between all lateralized sound conditions and the center condition, the most significant activation outside AC was in the left thalamus (t = 4.8; pvoxel ≤ 0.05, corrected at −10, −8, 4 mm) and the left and right pulvinar (t = 4.47; pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected at −12, −26, −4 mm and t = 4.31; pvoxel ≤ 0.001, uncorrected at 10, −24, −4 mm). These activations may, at least in part, be related to the fact that subjects were asked to perform a visual control task whilst listening to the sounds (see Methods). Performing the control task would be expected to be more difficult during the sound conditions than during the silence condition, because subjects had to divide their attention between the auditory and visual modalities. Moreover, the spatial foci of auditory and visual attention were disparate during the lateralized sound conditions, and subjects had to suppress the temptation to move their eyes in the direction of the sounds in order to do the visual task. 4.4 Discussion The current data show that the internal representation of interaural temporal information mediated by lateralized sounds is predominantly contralateral in the human AC (Fig. 4.2). All sounds used in the current experiment had the same energy at the two ears and the impression of laterality or movement was created solely by interaural temporal manipulations, which are inaudible when listening to each ear separately. This means that the observed asymmetry was unconfounded by the known asymmetry in the number of crossed and uncrossed excitatory projections in the ascending auditory pathway (Webster et al., 1992) and must be a result of the interaural temporal processing of the sounds. ITD processing involves comparing the temporal structure of the signals from the two ears on a sub-millisecond scale. This comparison must be accomplished in the brainstem (Oertel, 1997), because the spike discharges of AC neurons do not exhibit the temporal precision that would be necessary to convey timing differences on that fine a scale (Lu et al., 2001; Eggermont, 2002). It is generally assumed that interaural temporal information is converted to a more stable neural code at the level of the superior olivary complex (SOC), which is the first auditory brainstem structure, where information from the two ears is integrated (Joris et al., 1998). The current data show how the left and right auditory hemifields are recreated as a result of this subcortical recoding. The view that the observed contralateral asymmetry originates in the brainstem is supported by lesion studies in animals (Casseday and Neff, 1975; Thomson and Masterton, 1978; Jenkins and Masterton, 1982) and in humans (Furst et al., 1995; Pratt et al., 1998). Both animal and human studies showed that brainstem lesions above the level of the SOC, for example, in the lateral lemniscus or the IC, impair sound localization in the hemifield contralateral to the site of the lesion, whereas damage below the level of the SOC causes more diffuse deficits. 4.4. DISCUSSION 75 4.4.1 Representation of spatial attributes in stationary sounds The stationary lateralized sounds used in the current experiment produced a significant, albeit small activation increase in the PT of the respective contralateral hemisphere compared to the central sound. In contrast, Zatorre et al. (2002a) observed no reliable cerebral blood flow change (measured with PET) associated with variations in the spatial attributes of stationary sounds, at least not when the sounds were presented sequentially, as in the current experiment. However, the spatial ranges of the sounds used by Zatorre et al. were centered around the midline, and thus always comprised equal parts of both hemifields, and so, Zatorre et al. were unable detect the contralateral spatial tuning that was observed in the current study. Taken together, the current results and the results of Zatorre et al. suggest that there is no differential spatial tuning within each hemisphere, which means that different ITDs, viz, different lateral positions in the two hemifields must be coded non-topographically (see also Middlebrooks, 2002). A topographic map of interaural temporal information would contain neurons that are tuned to narrow ranges of ITDs, and the ITD producing maximal discharge (best ITD) would vary parametrically across neurons, spanning the entire physiologically relevant range of ITDs. Interaural delay would thus be represented by the position of maximal discharge in the map. Contrary to these expectations, electrophysiological data by McAlpine et al. (2001) and Brandt et al. (2002) demonstrated that most binaurally sensitive neurons in the brainstem and midbrain of the guinea pig and the gerbil are tuned to ITDs outside, rather than within, the physiologically relevant ITD range. The majority of neurons were tuned ITDs favoring the contralateral ear, and the slope of the tuning functions was generally steepest around zero ITD, where ITD discrimination performance is most accurate in humans (Durlach and Colburn, 1978). These results suggest that ITDs are coded by the activity level in two hemispheric channels, each of which is broadly tuned to the respective contralateral hemisphere, rather than by the position of maximal activity in topographic neural maps (Grothe, 2003; McAlpine and Grothe, 2003). Alternatively, different azimuthal positions within one hemifield may be coded by the timing of action potentials (e.g., first-spike latency) in broadly tuned neurons of the respective contralateral hemisphere (Middlebrooks et al., 1998; Furukawa and Middlebrooks, 2002; Middlebrooks et al., 2002). The current data are consistent with both of these hypotheses. 4.4.2 Specialized auditory “where” processing stream Unlike the sound versus silence contrasts, none of the differential sound contrasts (lateralized versus central sound conditions) yielded any activation in the region of the primary AC on HG. Rather, the differential activations to the static lateralized and moving sounds were largely confined to regions posterior to HG. In the monkey, (at least) two different auditory processing streams have been distinguished on the basis of distinct patterns of cortico-cortical connections (Romanski et al., 1999; Kaas and Hackett, 2000; Lewis and Van Essen, 2000). Based on analogy with the visual system, Rauschecker (1998, Rauschecker and Tian, 2000; Tian et al., 2001) proposed that the anterior-ventrally directed stream is specialized in the processing of non-spatial sound features (“what”), whereas the posterior-dorsally directed stream is specifically concerned with auditory spatial processing (“where”). The current data are consistent with this hypothesis, sug- 76 CHAPTER 4. REPRESENTATION OF LEFT AND RIGHT AUDITORY SPACE gesting that, in humans, interaural temporal information is projected posteriorly from primary AC into PT, and then further posteriorly from PT to the TPJ and into the IPL (see, however, Budd et al., 2003). In the current experiment, changes in the sounds’ spatial attributes were unconfounded with changes in their monaural spectro-temporal properties, as would have been the case, had lateralization been mediated by filtering with headrelated transfer functions (Wightman and Kistler, 1993). This means that the observed activations in PT cannot be attributed to the processing of “spectral motion” (Belin and Zatorre, 2000). As a note of caution, however, we would like to emphasize that the notion of a specialized “where” stream remains conjectural as long as the mechanisms by which auditory spatial information is processed are not properly understood. In particular, it is conceivable that regions in the putative anterior “what” stream encode sound location by action potential timing rather than by firing rate (Furukawa and Middlebrooks, 2002). In this case, auditory spatial processing in these regions would not be associated with any increase in BOLD signal and would thus be undetectable with fMRI. Evidence that auditory cortical regions anterior to HG may indeed be involved in sound localization comes from human lesion data (Zatorre and Penhune, 2001). 4.4.3 Auditory motion processing In addition to posterior temporal regions (PT), the differential response to the moving sounds also comprised regions in the inferior parietal lobe. The posterior temporal activation to the moving sounds probably reflects the preattentive, sensory processing of timevarying spatial cues, whereas the inferior parietal activation may be related to higherorder processes associated with the conscious perception of movement, as for instance the attentional tracking of the moving stimulus through space, or the integration of auditory spatial cues into multimodal spatial representations (Bushara et al., 1999; Bremmer et al., 2001). Griffiths and colleagues (Griffiths et al., 1998, 2000) compared moving sounds with sounds, which contained the same physical movement cues as the moving sounds, but were nevertheless perceived as stationary, because different cues were traded against each other to produce exact cancellation of their respective perceptual effects. This comparison emphasizes activation associated with the perceptual and cognitive processing of movement by neutralizing activation related to the low-level processing of the acoustic movement cues. In accordance with our interpretation of the posterior temporal and inferior parietal parts of the movement-evoked response, the comparison reported by Griffiths and coworkers revealed significant activation in the IPL and other parietal and frontal regions, but not in the AC. The notion that the inferior parietal activation reflects attentional or supramodal aspects of motion processing is also supported by the fact that lesions in the IPL and, in particular, the TPJ are a frequent cause of the hemispatial neglect syndrome, which is known to be a supramodal deficit that may affect the visual, auditory and somatosensory modalities (Halligan et al., 2003). Both the posterior temporal and the inferior parietal activation to moving sounds exhibited a relative rightward asymmetry, in the sense that the right hemisphere was activated to similar degrees by sounds moving within the left or right hemifields, whereas the left hemisphere was predominantly activated by sounds moving within the right hemifield. These results indicate that the functional hemispheric asymmetry in the sensory representation of interaural temporal information parallels the asymmetry associated with 4.5. REFERENCES 77 attentional and supramodal components of spatial processing. Hemispheric functional asymmetries have also been observed in melody and speech processing in the auditory pathway (Zatorre et al., 2002b; Patterson et al., 2002). In these cases, one hemisphere appears to devote more neuronal resources to the respective task than the other hemisphere. In the case of auditory motion processing, on the other hand, the functional difference between the hemispheres seems to be more a qualitative rather than a quantitative one, in that auditory motion processing is more global in the right hemisphere and more local in the left hemisphere. In this sense, the hemispheric asymmetry in auditory motion processing resembles the asymmetry in the processing of global and local aspects of visual stimuli (Fink et al., 1996; Fink et al., 1997; Marshall and Fink, 2001). The difference does not mean that the left hemisphere plays a lesser role in auditory space perception than the right hemisphere in neurologically intact subjects. In the current data, the leftAC activation to the right moving sounds was stronger (Fig. 4.2) and spanned a larger area (Fig. 4.5) than the right-AC activation to the left moving sounds. 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Chapter 5 Top-down or bottom-up: hemispheric asymmetry in response to monaural stimulation in the human auditory brainstem, thalamus, and cortex 81 Abstract This study reports evidence for an asymmetrical activation of the left- and right-side auditory brainstem, thalamus and cortex in response to left or right monaural sound stimulation. Neural activity elicited by monaural sound stimulation was measured in the human auditory pathway from the cochlear nucleus to the cortex. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the whole brain with cardiac triggering allowed simultaneous observation of activity in the brainstem, thalamus and cerebrum; sparse temporal sampling was employed to separate the effects of scanner noise from the response to the experimental stimuli. Left and right cortical and subcortical structures responded differently to the monaural sound conditions. In the left and right cochlear nucleus, ipsilateral stimulation elicited a larger signal change than contralateral stimulation, as expected from the exclusively ipsilateral afferent projections to the CN. In contrast, the inferior colliculi, medial geniculate bodies and auditory cortices responded asymmetrically to left and right ear stimulation: the right-side structures responded equally well to sound stimulation from the left and right ear, whereas the left-side structures responded predominantly to right ear stimulation. The data show that neural activation asymmetries can be found as early as in the inferior colliculi and continue up to the auditory thalamus and cortex. It is discussed, how these asymmetries might arise from the anatomical and physiological asymmetries in the afferent (bottom-up) and efferent (top-down) auditory pathway. 5.1. INTRODUCTION 83 5.1 Introduction In the primate auditory system, sound information travels in the form of action potentials along the ascending auditory pathway from the spiral ganglion in the cochlea to the auditory cortex, and on to higher polymodal cortical areas. Along this way, the information traverses more processing stages than in any other sensory system. Among the processing nuclei are: the cochlear nucleus (CN), the superior olivary complex (SOC), the inferior colliculus (IC), and the medial geniculate body (MGB) that relays information to all subdivisions of the auditory cortex (AC: in this article, the term ‘auditory cortex’ denotes the part of the superior temporal plane that is sensitive to sound stimulation). All of the structures mentioned, including the CN (Needham and Paolini 2003), project to their contralateral homologues and to several higher processing areas, both ipsi- and contralaterally. Monaural sound input into one ear activates the ipsilateral CN, after which the activation spreads out ipsi- and contralaterally into the complex system of brainstem nuclei with a stronger neural excitation in the contralateral structures. All activation pathways finally converge at the highest auditory brainstem nucleus, the IC. The majority of ascending projections from the IC to the AC via the MGB are ipsilateral and hence preserve the contralateral activation predominance in the MGB and AC. Although all neurons in the primary AC respond to sounds from both ears (Zhang et al. 2004), the contralateral projections take precedence in the number of excitatory fibers (Rosenzweig 1951; Glendenning and Masterton 1983). This contralateral activation predominance has been demonstrated in the human AC with EEG, MEG, PET and fMRI (Loveless et al. 1994; Hirano et al. 1997; Scheffler et al. 1998; Jancke et al. 2002; Suzuki et al. 2002), and with fMRI in the IC (Melcher et al. 2000). However, even when both ears are stimulated with exactly the same input, the activation of the left and right auditory structures is symmetric only for very simple stimuli. Complex natural stimuli appear to be processed preferentially in either one of the cortical hemispheres, depending on their acoustic characteristics. Among the proposed functional specializations in the auditory system are the left hemisphere dominance for speech and the right hemisphere dominance for music processing (Zatorre et al. 2002; Tervaniemi and Hugdahl 2003). Zatorre and Belin (2001) suggested that a hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of spectral and temporal sound information underlies the speech/music asymmetry. There is evidence for a hemispheric asymmetry in auditory spatial processing as well. Lesion studies demonstrated that a damaged right auditory cortex impairs sound localization performance more severely than a damaged left AC (Zatorre and Penhune 2001). A recent fMRI study by Krumbholz and colleagues (2004) corroborated these results by demonstrating that the right auditory cortex responds to perceived sound movement in both acoustic hemifields, while the left AC responds predominantly to the contralateral (right) hemifield. Asymmetries in the activation pattern of left vs. right auditory structures are not confined to the cerebral hemispheres, but have also been demonstrated at several levels of the subcortical auditory system, although much less consistently than in the cortex. For example, King and coworkers (1999) measured multiunit responses of neurons in the left and right MGB of anesthetized guinea pigs, presented with sinousoids, clicks and human speech sounds. The majority of the animals showed greater multiunit response amplitudes in the left than in the right MGB and the degree of the left-ward asymmetry was 84 CHAPTER 5. ACTIVATION ASYMMETRY IN THE AUDITORY PATHWAY positively correlated with acoustic signal complexity. Surprisingly, although not explicitly discussed by the authors, monaural stimulation of either ear elicited larger responses in the left than in the right MGB. In accordance with the latter finding are two earlier EEG studies by Levine and colleagues (Levine and McGaffigan 1983; Levine et al. 1988), who reported an asymmetry in the brainstem auditory evoked potentials (AEP) associated with monaural stimulation. Monaural sound stimulation of the right ear elicited larger AEP amplitudes than stimulation of the left ear, suggesting an increased responsiveness of the left-side auditory brainstem structures. The authors hypothesized that the known cerebral language asymmetry might thus be related to asymmetries in the brainstem auditory system. Finally, there is evidence for a response asymmetry already in the auditory periphery. Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (Kemp 1978, 2002), caused by the motion of the cochlea’s sensory hair cells, are more frequent in the right than in the left ear. Moreover, Khalfa and coworkers (Khalfa and Collet 1996; 1997; 1998a) demonstrated that the medial olivo-cochlear system, the pathway of efferent projections from the SOC to the CN, is more active on the right than on the left side. The authors linked this peripheral asymmetry to cerebral hemispheric functional asymmetries on the grounds that, in pathological cases, a dysfunctional peripheral asymmetry is often accompanied by hemispheric lateralization disorders. In the present article, we report a left-right asymmetry in the activation of the IC, the MGB and the AC, but not the CN, in response to monaurally presented sounds and develop hypotheses that subsume the present as well as previous findings. 5.2 Material and Methods 5.2.1 Subjects Twelve subjects (6 male, 6 female; 100% right-handedness (Oldfield 1971)) between 23 and 32 years of age, with no history of hearing disorder or neurological disease, participated in the experiment after having given informed consent. The experimental procedures were approved by the local ethics committee. 5.2.2 Stimuli and experimental protocol The experiment comprised two monaural and two binaural sound conditions as well as a silent baseline condition (Sil). In the monaural conditions (Left, Right), trains of noise bursts were played either to the left or right ear separately. In the two binaural conditions, the same noise bursts were played to both ears simultaneously, one with stationay and the other with dynamically varying interaural time differences in the microsecond range. The binaural conditions were included to assess binaural interaction in the human auditory system, and the respective results are presented in Chapter 2, while the present article focuses on the effects of monaural sound stimulation. The noise bursts had a duration of 50 ms each; they were filtered between 200 and 3200 Hz and presented at a rate of 10 per s. The noise was continuously generated afresh (Tucker Davis Technologies, System 3), so that none of the noise bursts was ever repeated during the experiment. The sounds were presented through MR-compatible electrostatic headphones (Sennheiser model HE 60), which were fitted into industrial ear protectors that passively shielded the subjects from 5.2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 85 the scanner noise (Bilsom model 2452) (Palmer et al. 1998). Cardiac gating (Guimaraes et al. 1998) was used to minimize motion artifacts in the brainstem signal resulting from pulsation of the basilar artery. The functional images were triggered 300 ms after the R-wave in the electrocardiogram, when the cardiac cycle is in its diastolic phase. The sparse imaging technique (Edmister et al. 1999; Hall et al. 1999) was applied to avoid masking of the experimental sounds by the scanner noise and reduce the effect of scanner noise on the recorded activity. The gaps between consecutive image acquisitions, during which the sounds or the silence were presented, were of about 7 s duration. The exact duration of the gaps, and thus also the repetition time of the image acquisitions (TR), varied slightly due to cardiac gating. The average TR over all subjects and trials amounted to 10.5 s. The experimental conditions were presented in epochs, during which five images were acquired. Four sound epochs containing the four sound conditions in pseudorandom order were alternated with a single silence epoch. A total of 250 images (corresponding to 50 epochs) were acquired per subject. To avoid eye movements in the direction of the sounds, subjects fixated a cross at the midpoint of the visual axis and performed a visual control task. The task was to press a button with the left or right index finger upon each occurrence of the capital letter ‘Z’ in either of two simultaneous, but uncorrelated, sequences of random one-digit numbers that were shown to the left and the right of the fixation cross. The numbers were presented once every 2 s for 50 ms. 5.2.3 fMRI data acquisition Blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast images were acquired with a 3-T Bruker Medspec whole body scanner using gradient echo planar imaging (average TR = 10.5 s; TE = 30 ms; flip angle = 90◦ ; acquisition bandwidth = 100 kHz). The functional images consisted of 28 ascending slices with an in-plane resolution of 3×3 mm, a slice thickness of 3 mm and an inter-slice gap of 1 mm. The slices were oriented along the line connecting the anterior and posterior commissures and positioned so that the lowest slices covered the cochlear nucleus (CN) just below the pons. The slices were acquired in direct temporal succession and the acquisition time amounted to 2.1 s. A high-resolution structural image was acquired from each subject using a 3D MDEFT sequence (Ugurbil et al. 1993) with 128 1.5-mm slices (FOV = 25×25×19.2 cm; data matrix 256×256; TR = 1.3 s; TE = 10 ms). For registration purposes, a set of T1-weighted EPI images were acquired using the same parameters as for the functional images (inversion time = 1200 ms; TR = 45 s; four averages). 5.2.4 Data analysis The data were analyzed with the software package LIPSIA (Lohmann et al. 2001). Each subject’s functional images were corrected for head motion and rotated into the Talairach coordinate system by co-registering the structural MDEFT and EPI-T1 images acquired in this experiment with a high-resolution structural image residing in a subject database. The functional images were then normalized and were spatially smoothed with two different Gaussian kernels (3 and 10 mm full width at half maximum; FWHM) to optimize for the signals from the brainstem and the cortex, respectively. The auditory structures in the brainstem are only a few millimeters large, and their location with respect to macro- 86 CHAPTER 5. ACTIVATION ASYMMETRY IN THE AUDITORY PATHWAY anatomical landmarks varies little across individuals. Thus, the chances of detecting auditory activity in the brainstem can be increased by using a small smoothing kernel. In contrast, auditory cortical regions are comparatively large, and their boundaries exhibit a considerable inter-individual variability with respect to macro-anatomy (Penhune et al. 1996; Rademacher et al. 2001), which means that a larger smoothing kernel is more suitable for analyzing the auditory cortical signal. The smoothed image time series of twelve subjects, comprising a total of 3000 image volumes, were subjected to a fixedeffects group analysis using the general linear model. The experimental conditions were modeled as box-car functions convolved with a generic hemodynamic response function including a response delay of 6 s. The data were highpass filtered at 0.0019 Hz to remove low-frequency drifts, and lowpass filtered by convolution with a Gaussian function (4 s FWHM) to control for temporal autocorrelation. The height threshold for activation was z = 3.1 (p = 0.001 uncorrected). 5.3 Results The activation produced by the left and right monaural sound conditions was compared with the activation during the silent baseline condition to illustrate the cortical and subcortical regions sensitive to the noise stimuli. These regions included the cochlear nuclei (CN), the inferior colliculi (IC), the medial geniculate bodies (MGB) and the auditory cortices (AC) on both sides of the brain (see Fig. 5.2, top panel). The Talairach coordinates (x,y,z) of the most significant voxel in each structure in this contrast were as follows: left CN: −14, −42, −30; right CN: 10, −42, −30; left IC: −8, −36, −3; right IC 4, −36, −3; left MGB: −17, −30, 0; right MGB: 13, −30, −3; left AC: −47, −27, 12; and right AC: 40, 35, 25. Subsequently, the monaural conditions were individually compared to the silence condition as well as to each other in order to reveal significant differences in the cortical and subcortical activation during monaural sound stimulation. 5.3.1 Activation during monaural left and right ear stimulation The activation during monaural stimulation of the left (Left) and right (Right) ear was compared with the activation during the silent baseline condition (Sil) in two separate contrasts, Left-Sil and Right-Sil. Statistical parameter maps of these two contrasts are shown in Figure 5.1. Left-ear stimulation caused a significant activation of the left CN. Activation of the right CN just reached significance. In subsequent auditory structures, activation shifted to the right side. The right IC and MGB responded more strongly than their left-side counterparts, which just reached significance. The auditory cortex was activated bilaterally, with the activation being more pronounced in the right hemisphere. Figure 5.2 shows the percent signal change (lower panel) at the most significant voxel in each auditory structure (indicated by lines in the upper panel). In the left and right CN, the ipsilateral stimulation elicited a larger signal change than the contralateral stimulation, with the difference and the absolute change being approximately equal in the left and right CN. In contrast, the IC, MGB and AC responded asymmetrically to the left and right ear stimulation. The right-side structures responded about equally strongly to sound stimulation from the left and right ear (no significant differences in the percent 5.3. RESULTS 87 Figure 5.1: From left to right, ascending the auditory pathway, axial and coronal anatomical slices through the cochlear nuclei (CN), the inferior colliculi (IC), the medial geniculate bodies (MGB), and the auditory cortices (AC) are shown. (White arrows denote the respective structures of interest in slices with several activated areas visible.) Superimposed are color-coded statistical parameter maps that show significant activation of auditory structures following monaural stimulation of the left and right ear compared to the silent baseline condition. Note that monaural left and right ear stimulation resulted in a strong activation of the ipsilateral CN, whereas the activation pattern in the higher structures is asymmetric. The IC, MGB, and AC of the left hemisphere responded stronger to the (contralateral) right ear stimulation and less strong to the (ipsilateral) left ear stimulation than the respective structures of the right hemisphere. In the right hemisphere, no such activation difference was observed. (The color-coded SPMs are z-maps thresholded at 3.1 (p < 0.001 uncorrected). For the axial display of the AC, the slicing plane has been rotated by 30◦ , as indicated by the dashed line in the schematic inset, to show the full length of Heschl’s gyrus.) 88 CHAPTER 5. ACTIVATION ASYMMETRY IN THE AUDITORY PATHWAY Figure 5.2: The upper panel shows coronal slices through the cochlear nuclei (CN), the inferior colliculi (IC), the medial geniculate bodies (MGB), and the auditory cortices (AC) overlaid with the significant activations in an contrast where the sum of both monaural stimulation conditions is contrasted with the silent baseline condition. The lower panel gives the percent signal change in response to the left ear (red bars) and right ear stimulation (blue bars, mean±standard deviation) for the most active voxel of each auditory structure in this contrast (marked by the black lines). Note the equivalence of the response to left and right stimulation in the IC, MGB, and AC of the right hemisphere. In the left hemispheric counterparts of these structures, the activation in response to right ear stimulation always exceeded the right hemispheric activation while the activation in response to left ear stimulation was weaker than (IC, AC) or equal to (MGB) the right hemispheric activation. The CN showed a stronger response to the ipsilateral stimulation in both hemispheres. In terms of absolute activation strength, the lowest signal changes were recorded from the CN followed by MGB and IC. The AC gave the strongest signal, although its absolute signal change should not be compared to that of the subcortical structures, since a wider spatial smoothing kernel was applied during data analysis (10 mm FWHM, compared to 3 mm FWHM for the subcortical structures) to account for the greater inter-individual anatomical differences. 5.4. DISCUSSION 89 Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere Left Ear Right Ear Left Ear Right Ear size of effect 0,29 0,21 0,20 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,06 0,04 0,00 lIC rIC 0,23 lAC rAC 0,18 lMGB rMGB lCN rCN 0,13 0,11 0,05 0,03 0,00 Figure 5.3: The percentage signal changes in the auditory structures for monaural left and right stimulation (see also Fig. 5.2) are shown sorted by hemisphere to render the hemispherical differences more easily appreciable. The left part of the diagram summarizes the responses of the left hemispheric auditory structures to left and right ear stimulation; the right part gives the responses of the right hemispherical structures. Note the clear hemispherical activation asymmetry in response to left and right ear stimulation. signal change), while the left-side structures responded predominantly to the right ear stimulation (t-test, IC: p < 0.001, t22 = 7.35; MGB: p = 0.001, t22 = 3.84; and AC: p > 0.001, t22 = 9.8). This is further illustrated in Fig. 5.3, where the signal changes are sorted by hemisphere. Apart from the CN, the left- and right-ear stimulation produced similarly large responses in the right-side auditory structures, while the left-side structures responded approximately twice as strongly to the right-ear than the left-ear stimulation. The direct contrast between the left- and right-ear stimulation conditions highlights regions with significant differences in activation strength between both conditions (Fig. 5.4). The left IC, MGB and AC showed a significantly greater activation in response to the right ear stimulation. None of the right-side structures showed any activation difference. 5.4 Discussion The present results provide evidence for an asymmetry in the activation of the IC, MGB and AC in response to left versus right monaural sound stimulation. There has been recent evidence for a possible activation asymmetry in the AC in response to monaural stimulation (Devlin et al. 2003). The present study extends these findings by providing a more comprehensive view with results from the major structures of the ascending auditory pathway. Previous results in the fields of cortical functional specialization, anatomy and physiology of subcortical auditory structures and their connectivity suggest a number of candidate explanations for the present findings. One possible explanation is the superposition of a stronger contralateral activation 90 CHAPTER 5. ACTIVATION ASYMMETRY IN THE AUDITORY PATHWAY Figure 5.4: Contrasting right ear vs. left ear stimulation. Axial and coronal anatomical slices through the inferior colliculi (IC, lower panels), the medial geniculate bodies (MGB, middle panels), and the auditory cortices (AC, upper panels) are shown. (White arrows denote the respective structures of interest in slices with several activated areas visible.) The overlaid color-coded statistical parameter maps show areas with significant activation differences between right and left ear stimulation. The left IC, MGB, and AC were more responsive to right ear stimulation. As seen in Fig. 5.3, this response difference does not only result from an enhanced activation in response to contralateral stimulation, but also from a decreased activation in response to ipsilateral stimulation. No areas exhibiting a stronger response to the left ear stimulation were found. The CN showed a statistical sub-threshold tendency to favor ipsilateral stimulation. 5.4. DISCUSSION 91 and a right ear advantage. First, the concepts of contralateral activation predominance and right ear advantage will be reviewed briefly; then it will be discussed how the present results could emerge from both effects. This explanation considers primarily the ascending auditory pathway (bottom-up) and relies on functional asymmetries in the brainstem auditory system. A second possible explanation is based on the back projections from the auditory cortex to the thalamus and brainstem (corticofugal system, top-down) and focuses on the contribution of the cerebral auditory system. After a brief review of functional and anatomical aspects of cerebral hemispheric asymmetries and the corticofugal system, it will be argued that the present results could arise from a corticofugal backprojection of cerebral functional asymmetries to subcortical structures. 5.4.1 The contralateral activation predominance For the following consideration, the observed BOLD-response of the IC, MGB and AC is conceptually divided into two parts, a mirror-symmetric part that shows a contralateral activation predominance, and an asymmetric part that increases the responses to the right ear stimulation and corresponds to the right ear advantage. To visualize this hypothetical distinction, one can imagine the response to the right ear stimulation in Fig. 5.2 to be reduced by about one quarter. The response to right and left ear stimulation is then virtually mirror-symmetric and clearly shows a stronger activation of the contralateral structures. The asymmetric part of the observed response might arise from a higher sensitivity of the left and right IC, MGB and AC to right ear stimulation and corresponds to the right ear advantage. Further down it is argued that such a difference in the hemispheric sensitivity to right and left ear stimulation might relate to physiological differences in the left- and right-side auditory periphery. Considering only the mirror-symmetric part of the hypothetical division of the observed responses, the auditory structures above the CN showed a stronger activation contralateral to the side of sound stimulation. The anatomy and physiology of this activation shift to the opposite side of the brainstem between the CN and the IC (“acoustic chiasm”) has been described previously by Glendenning and Masterton (1983) The shift of activation to the contralateral side in the auditory system is first established in the lateral superior olivary nuclei (LSO). Neurons in the LSO send either inhibitory ipsilateral projections or excitatory contralateral projections to the auditory midbrain through the lateral lemniscus (Glendenning et al. 1992). Therefore, stimulation of one ear causes a net excitation of the contralateral auditory midbrain structures and a net inhibition of the ipsilateral structures. The subsequent processing stage, the lateral lemniscus, reinforces the contralateral bias already established by the SOC. The majority of neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) inhibit the contralateral DNLL and the IC via the commissure of Probst, thereby enhancing the contralaterality of excitatory responses in the central auditory system from the IC upwards (Kelly and Kidd 2000). In humans, these findings are supported by neuroimaging studies using positron emission tomography, fMRI, MEG, or EEG (Loveless et al. 1994; Hirano et al. 1997; Scheffler et al. 1998; Suzuki et al. 2002), which show consistently that monaurally presented stimuli elicit stronger responses in the contralateral auditory cortex. The present study extends this evidence to the MGB in the thalamus and the IC in the brainstem. The CN served 92 CHAPTER 5. ACTIVATION ASYMMETRY IN THE AUDITORY PATHWAY as a physiological control for the activation asymmetries in the present study, by showing the predominantly ipsilateral activation expected from the almost exclusively ipsilateral afferents. 5.4.2 The right ear advantage In addition to a contralaterally stronger activation, the IC, MGB and AC also appeared to be more sensitive to right ear stimulation. This phenomenon could correspond to the so-called right ear advantage (REA), observed in behavioural studies. When two different stimuli are presented simultaneously, one to each ear (dichotic stimulation), subjects show a better discrimination performance for stimuli delivered to the right than to the left ear (Hugdahl 1995; 2000). Usually, speech-related stimuli, like consonant-vowel pairs, have been used in dichotic listening paradigms to demonstrate a REA in normal subjects (Hugdahl 1995). The REA for the recognition of speech is thought to arise from the stronger projections that the language-specialized left auditory cortex receives from the right ear (Kimura 1967). More recently, King and coworkers (1999) reported evidence for an alternative explanation. With electrophysiological recordings from aggregate cell groups of the ventral and caudomedial subdivision of the MGB of guinea pigs, the authors detected a left-right asymmetry in the response to speech and click trains already in the thalamus. Synthesized speech-like signals elicited larger response onset amplitudes in the left than in the right MGB, irrespective of whether the stimuli were presented to the left or right ear, or to both ears. A significant, albeit smaller, response asymmetry was detected during pure tone stimulation. The authors suggested that cortical functional lateralizations are at least partly based on subcortical (thalamic) modulation of the input into the left and right auditory cortices. That study also indicated a subcortical activation asymmetry for modulated non-speech stimuli (clicks and tone bursts), although to a lesser degree than for speech stimuli (synthesized /da/). There is some evidence for an even more peripheral contribution to the right ear advantage. Kalfa and coworkers (Khalfa and Collet 1996; 1997; 1998a) argued in a series of studies for a rightward lateralization of several aspects of auditory function in the auditory periphery and brainstem. The authors found the olivocochlear projection system to be more active on the right than on the left side (Khalfa and Collet 1996). The olivocochlear system originates in the superior olivary complex and exerts a modulatory influence on the hair cell activity in the cochlea. An index of the function of this system is its influence on so called otoacoustic emissions, sounds that are generated in the cochlea by the contractions of hair cells. Amplitude and rate of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions are higher in the right ear not only in normal subjects but also in preterm neonates, indicating an early manifestation of this peripheral asymmetry (Khalfa et al. 1997). The functional activity differences in the olivocochlear system are not restricted to the auditory periphery, but also correlate with different perceptions of stimuli presented to the left and right ear (Khalfa et al. 2000), as well as handedness (Khalfa et al. 1998c). According to Khalfa and colleagues (1998b), these findings suggest a contribution of the peripheral asymmetry to the right ear advantage, in which case signals from the right cochlea would elicit slightly stronger responses in the ascending auditory pathway above the level of the CN. In summary, the present findings could be explained by a hypothetical division of the observed responses into a stronger contralateral activation of auditory structures above 5.4. DISCUSSION 93 the CN, and a higher sensitivity of these structures to right ear stimulation. According to this hypothesis, the stronger response to the right-ear stimulation and the contralateral activation predominance cancel out in the right hemispheric structures, while they add up in the left-side structures, thereby causing the observed left-right activation asymmetry. So far, mainly the contribution of the peripheral auditory system was considered, but the auditory thalamus and brainstem also receive strong efferent (top-down) projections from the cortex. These corticofugal projections might convey cortical functional asymmetries down to the auditory brainstem and thalamus. Physiological and anatomical asymmetries of the auditory cortex and the corticofugal system support this hypothesis. 5.4.3 Functional asymmetries in the auditory cortex, and the corticofugal projection system Much of the work on the functional differences between the left and right AC has been dedicated to the lateralization of speech and music, but there is also evidence for a lateralization of auditory spatial processing. Zatorre and Penhune (2001) reported that patients with right-hemispheric AC lesions showed impaired sound source localization in both auditory hemifields, whereas patients with left AC lesions were mainly impaired in localizing sound sources in the right hemifield only. Kaiser and Lutzenberger (2001) found the same lateralization tendency by recording the mismatch response to changes in the direction of a perceived sound source in a MEG study. The right hemisphere was activated by sound-source shifts in both auditory hemifields, while left-hemisphere regions responded predominantly to contralateral events. A recent fMRI study by Krumbholz, Schönwiesner and colleagues (2004) confirms these findings. Using stimuli that were lateralized by means of interaural temporal differences, the authors reported an asymmetry in the response of the left and right auditory cortex to moving sounds in the left and right hemifield. The auditory cortex of the right hemisphere responded equally well to sounds in either hemifield, whereas the left auditory cortex responded preferentially to sounds in the right hemifield. Considering that monaural tones can be regarded as maximally lateralized to either the left or the right acoustical hemifield, this cortical activation asymmetry exactly parallels the asymmetrical response pattern in the present study. What influences could an asymmetrical activation of the cortical hemispheres exert upon the subcortical activation balance? The afferent and efferent portions of the auditory system are closely interconnected, introducing multiple feedback loops in the ascending auditory pathways: monosynaptic projections descend from the auditory cortex to the MGB (FitzPatrick and Imig 1978; Winer et al. 2001), IC (FitzPatrick and Imig 1978), and CN (Jacomme et al. 2003). These corticofugal projections are highly organized and have a variety of modulatory effects. The main recipient of cortical back projections is the MGB. The efferent fiber tracts from the AC to the MGB are considerably larger than the afferent projections from the MGB (Winer et al. 2001). The corticothalamic projections to the MGB are focal, clustered, and follow the tonotopic organization. They convey short-term and long-term facilitation (50-300 ms (He 1997; 2002)) and inhibition (250-1000 ms, (He 2003)) to MGB neurons. The pattern of cortical input into the IC is equally elaborate, although the corticocollicular fiber tracts are smaller than the corticothalamic tracts. Winer and colleagues (1998; 2001) have demonstrated a significant projection from every cortical field to the IC in various mammals, and individual corti- 94 CHAPTER 5. ACTIVATION ASYMMETRY IN THE AUDITORY PATHWAY cal areas project to several collicular subdivisions. These projections stay mainly on the ipsilateral side (Saldana et al. 1996; Druga et al. 1997). Actions potential from the AC reach the IC in 6-20 ms (Bledsoe et al. 2003) and studies in rats (Syka and Popelar 1984), guinea pigs (Torterolo et al. 1998) and mice (Yan and Ehret 2001, 2002) demonstrated that corticofugal modulation of IC neurons can be excitatory or inhibitory. Focal electrical activation of the AC elicits frequency-specific changes in tonotopy, frequency tuning, sensitivity and temporal response pattern in IC neurons (Yan and Suga 1996; Zhang et al. 1997; Yan and Suga 1998; 2000; Yan and Ehret 2001, 2002). If this elaborate corticofugal system is a general trend in mammals, the resulting selective cortical influences on subcortical neuronal activity could convey activation asymmetries in the cerebral hemispheres down to the ipsilateral subcortical processing levels. From this consideration follows the hypothesis that the hemispheric activation asymmetry in IC and MGB reflects a top-down modulation of the right-lateralized auditory spatial processing. In conclusion, the present study reports evidence for an asymmetrical activation of the left- and right-side auditory cortex and subcortical structures in response to monaural sound stimulation. Two hypotheses based on asymmetries in either the brainstem or the cerebral auditory system were suggested. These hypotheses lie on either end of a spectrum of possible explanations, and it is likely that the efferent and the afferent auditory system both contribute to the observed activation asymmetry. Our speculation about the functional significance of subcortical activation asymmetries is the following. The incoming sound information is directed to either hemisphere according to its spectro-temporal features. These features are represented with maximal temporal resolution by neurons in the auditory brainstem nuclei. 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Investigated were: • topographic frequency representation in the auditory cortex, • integration of binaural input in the subcortical and cortical auditory system, • cortical activation asymmetries for spectral and temporal processing, • cortical asymmetries in the representation of the left and right auditory hemifield, and • cortical and subcortical activation asymmetries in response to monaural stimulation. The study on the topographic representation of frequencies lead to the conclusion that the combination of specialized stimuli, so called random frequency modulation walks, with an analysis respecting the different anatomy of the auditory cortex in individual subjects, and a careful comparison of the activation sites with cytoarchitectonical and imaging studies is mandatory to arrive at valid results concerning tonotopy. The finding of differences in frequency selectivity of distinct auditory areas called for a reinterpretation of the results of earlier studies. The suggested interpretation is that the different activation sites correspond to different cortical fields, the tonotopical organization of which cannot be resolved with the current spatial resolution of functional imaging methods. The study on binaural integration introduces a functional imaging paradigm, the binaural difference paradigm, that enables the measurement of brainstem binaural processing. The extraction of binaural acoustic cues by integration of the signals from the two ears is known to be the basis for horizontal sound localization. The binaural difference paradigm revealed a substantial binaural response suppression in the inferior colliculus in the brainstem, the medial geniculate body in the thalamus, and the primary auditory cortex. The size of the suppression suggests that it was brought about by neural inhibition at a level below the IC, the only possible candidate being the superior olivary complex. The experiment also included a moving sound condition, which was contrasted against a spectrally and energetically matched stationary sound condition to reveal structures that are specialized in auditory motion processing. Comparing the sites of binaural integration and motion processing revealed a hierarchical organization of binaural processing in humans, with binaural integration starting below the inferior colliculus, and motion sensitivity emerging in the planum temporale. 99 The study on hemispherical asymmetries in spectral and temporal processing yielded supporting evidence for a hemispheric specialization model that proposes a preference of the left-hemispheric auditory structures for fast temporal processing and a right-hemispheric preference for fine-grained spectral processing. These asymmetries in the processing of spectral and temporal sound information are thought to underlie the lefthemispherical dominance for speech and the right-hemispherical dominance for the processing of tonal sequences (melodies). A new class of parametric, wideband, dynamic, acoustic stimuli was constructed, which permitted independent variation of spectral and temporal sound characteristics. Cortical responses from the left and right primary auditory cortex covaried with the spectral parameter, while a covariation analysis for the temporal parameter revealed an area on the left superior temporal gyrus (STG). The equivalent region on the right STG responded exclusively to the spectral parameter. These findings support the hemispheric specialization model and permit a generalization of the model to include processing of simultaneously present spectral peaks. Because the stimuli were inherently unrelated to melodic sequences, the results also provide the first unequivocal evidence for a right-lateralization of spectral integration in general. The study on hemispheric asymmetries in the processing of auditory space shows that the internal representation of interaural temporal information mediated by lateralized sounds is predominantly contralateral in the human auditory cortex. The differential responses to moving sounds further revealed that the left hemisphere responded predominantly to sound movement within the right hemifield, whereas the right hemisphere responded to sound movement in both hemifields. All sounds used in the experiment had the same energy at the two ears and the impression of laterality or movement was created solely by interaural temporal manipulations, allowing to conclude with confidence that the observed functional asymmetries are not confounded by the known asymmetry in the number of crossed and uncrossed excitatory projections in the ascending auditory pathway, but result from the interaural temporal processing of the sounds. A possible subcortical basis of cortical hemispheric specialization is discussed in the study on activation asymmetries in the auditory pathway. The study reports evidence for an asymmetrical activation of the left- and right-side auditory cortex, thalamus and brainstem in response to monaural sound stimulation. A hypothesis based on anatomical and physiological properties of the afferent and efferent auditory pathway is suggested, in which the cerebral functional asymmetries are conveyed to subcortical structures via the corticofugal fiber tracts. 100 CURRICULUM VITA Marc Schönwiesner Scientific Education 2000–2004 08/2000 1995–2000 Ph.D student at the University of Leipzig and the MaxPlanck-Institute of Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences with a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation Diploma (1.0; “with distinction”) Biology studies at the University of Leipzig School Education 1990–1994 1982–1990 Abitur at the “Adolph-Reichwein” Gymnasium in Halle/Saale Polytechnical High School “Clara Zetkin” in Halle/Saale Professional Education and Experience since 10/2003 07/2003 10/2002 08/2002 07/2002 06/2002 04/2002 2000–2001 1998–1999 1998 Visiting researcher at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Invited talk at the Montréal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montréal, Canada, host: Dr. R. Zatorre Invited talk at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany, host: Dr. P. Dechent Visiting researcher at the Institute of Medicine, Research Center Jülich, Germany Invited talk at the Institute of Medicine, Research Center Jülich, Germany, host: Dr. K. Krumbholz Trainee Travel Award from the National Institutes of Health and the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Lectures on Brain Theory and the Frontiers of Cognitive Neuroscience (ca. 100 Students) Courses in brain anatomy (Frankfurt/M.), computational neuroscience (Bochum) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (Göttingen), organised by the German Neuroscience Society teaching assistant for basic zoology seminars for biology students at the University of Leipzig, class size: 20 pers. Internship at Medtronic GmbH (heart pacemaker programming)
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