日時 2015年8月6日(木)17:30-19:00 会場 東北大学 医学部6号館1階 講堂 演題 「海馬ー大脳嗅内皮質における新規の興奮性神経 回路の同定とその機能解析」 "New Excitatory Input from the Entorhinal Cortex into the Hippocampus" 演者 北村 貴司 博士 マサチューセッツ工科大学 理研MIT神経回路遺伝学研究センター 上級研究員 In humans and animals, episodic memory requires the concerted associa7on of objects, space and 7me coordinated by the entorhinal cortex (EC)-‐ hippocampal (HPC) network. While the encoding of space and object associa7ons in this network have been well explored, our understanding of the 7me-‐related aspect of episodic memory is only very recently coming to light. For instance, the input from medial EC layer III cells to CA1 pyramidal cells is important for the temporal associa7on of discon7nuous events. Most cogni7ve and motor phenomena temporal associa7on memory must be regulated for op7mal adap7ve benefit. However, virtually nothing is known about the underlying mechanisms of this regula7on. In my talk, I will provide the next major step by 1) mapping and 2) characterizing an unsuspected neuronal circuit within the EC-‐HPC network and 3) examining the effect of its optogene7c manipula7ons on a temporal associa7on memory and finally 4) monitoring the cell type-‐specific neuronal ac7vi7es by using a miniature head-‐mounted fluorescence microscope. ※ 本セミナーは医学系研究科系統講義コース科目 の授業として振替可能なセミナーです。 連絡先:発生発達神経科学分野 大隅 典子(内線8203)
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