Interdisciplinary treatment modalities of liposarcoma 31st March

Swiss National Sarcoma Advisory Board
treatment modalities of liposarcoma
31st March, 2016
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Grosser Hörsaal, Haus 21
Rorschacher Str. 95
9007 St. Gallen
2 CME credits will be accredited by SGMO.
Chair: Prof. Bruno Fuchs (Universitätsklinik Balgrist)
Dr. Christian Rothermundt (Kantonsspital St. Gallen)
Pathology: PD Dr. Beata Bode-Lesniewska (USZ)
Radiology: Dr. Tobias Dietrich (Universitätsklinik Balgrist)
Musculoskeletal Surgery: Prof. Christoph Kettelhack (USB)
Visceral Surgery: PD Dr. Maurice Matter (CHUV)
Medical Oncology: Dr. Attila Kollár (Inselspital Bern)
Lunch will be served after the meeting.
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