Fortbildun - UniversitätsSpital Zürich

Internistische Kliniken USZ
Klinisch-wissenschaftliche Konferenzen und
Fallvorstellungen der internistischen Kliniken USZ
Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2016, 8.00–8.45 Uhr
Kleiner Hörsaal Ost USZ, Gloriastrasse 29, 8081 Zürich
Hypertension – The Greatest Risk Factor
Adrian J.B. Brady
Consultant Cardiologist and Associate Professor, University of Glasgow.
President of the British Hypertension Society and Global Spokesperson for the ESC on
Dr Brady graduated from Edinburgh University in 1985. He trained in Cardiology at the
Hammersmith Hospital, the London Chest Hospital and the National Heart and Lung Institute,
London. His major specialities are the clinical aspects and epidemiology of hypertension, coronary
heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and pulmonary embolism. He has published
over 90 papers in medical research journals and has given over 150 invited national and
international lectures.
Dr Brady is President of the British Hypertension Society, Visiting Professor at the Mayo Clinic and
at the University of Valparaiso, Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, and
Honorary Member of the Korean Society of Cardiology. Currently, he is the Global Spokesperson
on Hypertension issues for the ESC.
Gast der Klinik für Kardiologie USZ
Credits: 3/4 Stunden/Punkte (SGAIM)
Vorlesungsverzeichnis-UZH Nr. 1269
Programm-Links: Intranet – Internet | [email protected] | +41 44 255 30 35