0?剛 ETALS Press OLOGIES London, November27,2015 Primetals Techn010gies receives final acceptance for Secondary dedusting system at Trinecke zelezamy ^ PU"打eS 2.4 miⅡion cubic meters of0什・gas per hour Reduces 0什・gas dust contentto less than one miⅡigram perS始ndard cubic meter Traps and c011ects dustfrom the desulfurization sta"ons separately Modern system controland blower drive techn010gy opumizeene四y consumP価on Fasterhot metalch討ging inC門ases producuon capaC託y Trinecky in乞enyring, a.S. has given prime怡IS Techn010gies the final acceP怡nce certificate forthe modernized secondary dedusting system inste11ed in the Trinecke 之elezarny a.S. converter steel works. Trinecky in乞enyring, a.S. was selected by Trinecke 之eleZ■rny a.S., as a turn key supplier. The project Was financed from czech and Eu funds. The system rernoves the dustfrom two converterlines and Secondary plant equipment.吐 is designed to purify 2.4 mi11ion cubic meters of gas per hour. The dust Content ofthe puri"ed 0仟・gas has been reduced to less than one mi11四ram per S怡ndard cubic meter. For the 打rsttime, the dust 介om the desulfurization stations is trapped and c011ected separately. The use of modern system control and bloW引 drive techn010gy optimizes energy consumption. The hot metal Charging has also been speeded up to increase the production cepacity. primetals Techn010gies received the ord引from T而necky in之enyring in December 2012. The 行rst upgraded converter ceme into OP引ation in october 2014, and the entire plant has been fU11y oP引ational since the stad of octob引 2015. Trinecke 之elezamy is one ofthe longest・standing industrial companies producing iron and steelin the Czech Republic.1ts r3nge of products includes rails, wire rod, bars, semi"nished products, seamless tubes, and drawn steel.1n 2014,the compeny produced some 25 m川ion metric tons of steel, which made 壮 the largest steel producerin the czech Republic. The liquid steelis produced in two LD 旧OF) Converters, each with 3 恰Pping weight of 180 met而C tons. As the steelworks is located neerthe inner P"m白始胎Toch"010g玲宰, um龍od AJointven赴lreofS恰mens. Mi鴨UbishiHeavy lnduSⅡ'砲S and parmers Comrnunicatiorls and MarkeⅡng Chlswick park, Buildlng TI,566 Chi5ⅧCk High Road VV45YS London Uni也d Kingdom Head: Heiko Huensch Ref引ence number: PR2015110704en Page l/1 dty, Trinecke 之eleZ合my places high priority on not only keeping below the dust content emission limits, but also on noise protection. The sound pressure level ofthe new plant has accordingly been reduced to Iess than 80 dB(A). P"metals Techn010gies was responsible for basic and detail engine引ing ofthe process eqUゆment, for Supply of main components, and they rendered advisory services during equipmentinsta11etion. Trinecky in乏e"yring, a.S. was responsible for civil engine引ing and local manufacturing of process equipment based on the det3il engineering of primetels Techn010gies. Moreoverit was responsible also for a11 Civil Works, ad3Ptation ofthe BOF building and a11 erection works ofthe process equipment. The 0什・gases from the two converters are pu「愉ed dunng charging and tapping. The 0什四ases from the discharge pits, the desulfurization stations,小e secondary meta11Urgy station,the lance treatment and the wire feeding Stations are also pur所ed. A roof、mounted extractor was also insta11ed. Two blowers, mounted on special sprung foundations and each with a power of 3,6 megawaせS, extract the requisite volume of 2.4 mⅢion cubic meters of gas per hour. static coolers reduce the temperature of the 0仟・gases during chergin9 to less than 180 ゜C.1n comparison to the old dedusting system,insta11ing Static coolers in the charging !ine has speeded up recharging with hot metal, and so increased the Production capecity. The dusts are deposited in 20 filter chambers. Forthe firsttime in a system ofthis type, four ofthese chambers are used to purify the 0仟・gases from the desulfurization stations. The dusts from these geses are c011ected in separate containers. 0小引 Specialfeetures ofthe new dedusting system include using computation引 Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model calculations to optimize the charging hood, while atthe seme time capturing the smoke, and det引mining the most e什icjent 例ter size. A combination of sophisucated plant control and modem drive techn010gy forthe blowers ensure low ene四y consumption forthe oV引a11 Plant. P3tented 例ter cleaning moduleS Ⅷth d治Phragm valve techn010gy minimize compressed air consumption. The new system also Sets stendards on the structural side. As space is limited,it h3S been insta11ed on a nine・meter-high Pla廿orm above a r03d and severalrailtracks. Prlm●始胎T●Chn010gl0き, um龍.d A Joint ventuTe ofsiemens, Mi捻Ubishi Heevy lnduslrie5 and parmers (20mmunications and Marketing Heed: Heiko Huensch Referonoe "urnber: PR2015tl0704en Chiswick perk, Building 11,566 Chiswick High R0臼d VV45YS London Uni始d Kingdom Page 2/2 ' , . ^'.ψ" New second3ry dedusting system from pnmetals Techn010gies for Mo convederlines and secondary plant equipmentin the conveder steel works of Tデineck色之elezamy, a.S. in Trinec, czech Republic This press release and e press photo are evei恰ble et ^.primetals.com/Dress/ Conねd forjoumalists: Dr. Rainer schulze: [email protected] Tel;+499131 7、U544 F0110w us on TW轍er:twltter.com/Drimetals P"m0始13 Tochn010gl05, um酷Bd headquartered in London, united Kin9dom is a worldwide leeding engine引i"g, plant.building and 市ecycle Services Pヨけrlerforthe me始Is induslry. The comPヨΠy 0什ers a complete 地Chn010gy, prodⅡCt and seNice portrolio thatincludes integr3ted electrics, automation and environmental solutions. This covors eV剖y step ofthe iron end steel production chain, extendi"g from the rew mat引ials to tho fi"ished product - in eddition 如 th白恰也$t r0川ng solutions for the nonferrous me怡Is sector. prime始IS Techn010g砲S is ajojnt Venture of Mtsubishi Heavy l"dustries (MHt) and siemens.肺tsubishi・Hi始Chi Me始IS MachineN (MHMM)ーヨn MHl consolidated group comparly With equity participation by Hi恰Chi, Ltd. and the 旧I comorati0Π・ holdS 351% S始ke and sior"en5 a 49%$take in the jomt ν白nture. The Company omploys around 9,ooo employee$ worldwide. Fudherinformation i5 available on the lntemet et www rimet81S com. P"meta18 Tech"010gle尋, um龍od A Joint venture ofS恰mens, Mi船Ubishi Heavy lndustrios and pertne雌 Cornmun1■tion3 and Merketing Chlswick park, Building 11,566 Chiswick High Road VV45YS London Uni地d Kingdom Heed Heiko HU8nsch Reference number: PR2015"0704en Pe9e 3/3
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