2015 年度 甲南高等学校入学考査 第2考査『英語』 3枚のうちその1

2015 年度 甲南高等学校入学考査 第2考査『英語』 3枚のうちその1
Nursing has changed a lot since the days of *Florence Nightingale. Today, it is a job for
all kinds of men and women. But the job can be very different in different parts of the
*Medicins Sans Frontieres is another organization that sends doctors and nurses to help in
*emergencies. When ( 4 ) happens – like a flood or a war – people often need a lot of medical
help quickly. The *MSF doctors go to any country ⑥that needs them.
world. Healthcare is expensive, and poor countries don‟t have the money for modern
Lucy Preston is a young British nurse. Some years ago, she went to *Guyana, in South
hospitals, or for large numbers of doctors and nurses. In richer countries, there is one
America, as a volunteer for three months. She helped with healthcare and also helped to build a
doctor for every 407 people. On ( 1 ) hand, there is one doctor for every 1,282 people in
school. Now, she has decided to become a volunteer again, this time with MSF. ⑦She doesn‟t
poor countries. And ①this number can be as high as 50,000 in the poorest *developing
know where they will send her, but she knows that she is doing the right thing. „When I‟m old, I
countries. Every year, 15 million children in the world die. Of these, 98 percent live in
don‟t want to *look back and think, “I wanted to do it, but I ( 5 ).” I want to feel happy and say,
developing countries.
“Yes, I did ⑧it.”‟
*Mvumi Hospital is in Tanzania, in Africa. The people of Tanzania are very poor. *Life
expectancy is only forty-six, and 25 percent of children die ( 2 ) they are five years old.
Mvumi Hospital is in a part of the country called *Dodoma. There are 400,000 people in
出典:Nursing by Paul A Davies(出題の都合上、文を変更しているところがある)
語注:*Florence Nightingale(ナイチンゲール:19 世紀に活躍したイギリスの看護師)/ *developing countries(開発途上国)/
*Mvumi Hospital (タンザニアにある病院)/ *Life expectancy(平均寿命)/ *Dodoma(タンザニアの首都)/
Dodoma, and the Mvumi hospital is their only hospital. It helps sick people from Dodoma,
*disasters(災難)/ *floods(洪水)/ *organizations(団体)/ *The Red Cross(赤十字社)/
and people with eye problems from all over Tanzania. It is also a school for nurses. The
*Nigeria(ナイジェリア連邦共和国)/ *cholera(コレラ:感染症の一つ)/*Medicins Sans Frontieres(国境なき医師団)/
nurses learn about healthcare at the hospital and then go to work in other parts of the
*emergencies (緊急事態)/ *MSF(国境なき医師団の略称)/ *Guyana(ガイアナ共和国)/ *look back(省みる)
Developing countries often have problems with illness because the people there can‟t
get healthy food, clean water, or medicine. Sometimes, there are also wars in these
問1.本文中の( 1 )~( 5
1 [ ア another
イ others
ウ the other
] (
2 [ ア because
イ before
ウ and so
] (
3 [ ア costs
イ takes
ウ spends
] (
4 [ ア some terrible things イ terrible something
ウ something terrible ] (
5 [ ア can‟t
ウ couldn‟t
countries, or *disasters like *floods. The people need healthcare so much, but healthcare
( 3 ) a lot of money and these countries often don‟t have enough doctors and nurses. So
sometimes, doctors and nurses from richer countries agree to work in developing countries
for a few months or years. They can do ②this through one of the *organizations that send
medical volunteers to developing countries.
*The Red Cross helps to give better healthcare in many countries around the world. It
began in the 19th century, and at first its job was to give medical help to soldiers from all
different countries during wars. Today, the organization still helps people during wars, but
it does a lot of other healthcare work, too.
Pierr Bertin is an experienced nurse. ③He has also worked as a volunteer with the
Red Cross for many years. He has helped the people in *Nigeria many times. A lot of
people in Nigeria became very ill with *cholera. ④Keeping homes, schools and other
places clean is the best way to stop cholera. So he visited villages and showed people
). A lot of young people in Nigeria joined the Red Cross, and worked
イ could
] (
(ア) 貧しい国々の医師の数
(イ) 医師一人あたりの患者の数
(ウ) 最も貧しい国々で亡くなる子供の数
② this :(
⑧ it :(
with their families to keep places clean in their community.
2015 年度 甲南高等学校入学考査 第2考査『英語』 3枚のうちその2
問10.以下の単語で、最も強いアクセントが 2 の部分にある単語を2つ選び、記号で答えよ。
(ア) dif-fer-ent
(ア) How long have you been friends?
1 2
(イ) Have you ever read this book?
(ウ) We haven‟t finished my lunch yet.
(イ) ex-pen-sive (ウ) med-i-cine (エ) vol-un-teer
1 2 3
1 2
(1) A: Yuto, you look sick. (
(オ) com-mu-nity
B: I think I have a fever today.
A: You should go back home now.
(ア) What do you do?
(イ) What‟s the matter?
(ウ) Where are you?
(エ) Where have you been?
(2) A: I‟m going to Sannomiya after school with Hitoshi. Do you want to come with me?
B: Sorry, but I can‟t. I have to study for the final exam. (
⑤ (
(ア) It‟s my pleasure.
(イ) It‟s your turn.
(ウ) Thanks for asking.
(エ) That‟s too bad.
(3) A: Excuse me. May I have the menu, please?
B: (
(ア) This is the first CD that I bought for myself.
A: Can you recommend something?
(イ) He is the only boy that can cook well in my class.
B: Yes, I can.
(ウ) Please tell me everything that you did yesterday.
(イ) Mvumi Hospital works as a school for nurses as well as a hospital in Tanzania.
(ウ) Developing countries often have serious problems that can make people sick.
(エ) The Red Cross was started to help people with their daily health care.
(オ) Lucy Preston has done volunteer work in foreign countries twice.
(イ) began
(ウ) give
(エ) showed
(ウ) Would you like another one?
(エ) Take care of yourself.
B: I‟m afraid he is taking a bath now. Do you want him to call you back?
A: (
(ア) Yes, please.
(イ) You have a wrong number.
(ウ) Hold on, please.
(エ) Can I take a message?
(5) A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Konan High School?
B: OK, go down this street and turn left at the restaurant.
Then, you‟ll see it in front of you.
(ア) nurse
(イ) I‟m full.
(4) A: This is Takeshi. May I speak to Ken, please?
(ア) Every year, more than 15 million children die in developing countries.
(ア) Here you are.
A: (
(オ) month
B: I think it takes about 15 minutes if you walk.
(ア) How far is it from here?
(イ) How long does it take on foot?
(ウ) How often do you go there?
(エ) What do you think about it?
2015 年度 甲南高等学校入学考査 第2考査『英語』 3枚のうちその3
(3) ステージの上で歌っている生徒たちは A 組です。
( are / Class A / on / singing / the stage / the students ).
(1) No one can play soccer as well as Messi.
Messi can play soccer (
(4) 私にあなたが修学旅行で撮った写真を見せてよ。
(2) Don‟t say bad things about others.
( me / on / show / the pictures / the school trip / took / you ).
You (
) say bad things about others.
(3) People didn‟t have any food after they had an earthquake.
(5) 入試に向けての勉強で僕は疲れました。
People had nothing (
) after they had an earthquake.
( examination / entrance / for / me / made / studying / the / tired ).
(4) He is poor, but he is happy.
) he is poor, he is happy.
(5) What languages do they speak in India?
What languages (
) in India?
あなたの将来の夢を 30 語程度の英文で説明せよ。
(1) 英語は私に世界についてどのように考えたらよいのかを教えてくれました。
( about / English / how / me / taught / the world / think / to ).
(2) 私はどちらがあなたのものかを知りたいです。
( I / is / know / like / one / to / yours / which / would ).