SOUTHERN REGION PRIVATE AND AGED CARE SECTOR ENTERPRISE AGREEMENTS UPDATE Friday 7 March 2014 Bupa – Vaucluse Gardens Nursing Agreement Bupa – Vaucluse Gardens Non Nursing Agreement ANMF attended a further meeting with Bupa on 17 February 2014. ANMF has sought clarification of the operative date of the wage offer for nurses. Bupa have revised the operative date for the wage increase for nurses and membership meeting to be held within 14 days to discuss. Calvary Lenah Valley and St John’s Campus Nursing Agreement As members may be aware the Nurses Agreement expires on 2 July 2014. A survey was circulated to members in order to assist ANMF in developing a LOC for a new Agreement. Thank you to those who completed the survey. ANMF are now compiling the results and membership meetings are to be arranged in due course. Christian Homes Nursing Agreement As members may be aware, the current Christian Homes Nurses Agreement expires on 30 June 2014. ANMF circulated a survey for members to complete in order to assist us in developing a Log of Claims for a new Agreement. Thank you to those who completed the survey. ANMf are now compiling the results. Corumbene Nursing Agreement The ballot for the Agreement was successful – click here for details of the results. ANMF are advised that Corumbene have lodged the Agreement with the Fair Work Commission. ANMF will keep members advised as to progress. Corumbene General Staff Agreement Corumbene have provided a detailed response to the unions’ position. Please click here for further details. The last bargaining meeting was on Friday 20 December 2013. Corumbene is to supply some wording for proposed amendments to the foul and nauseous linen provision and the classification structure (ACFI duties). The next meeting with Corumbene was scheduled for 7 March 2014 but has been cancelled. A new meeting has been scheduled for 18 March 2014. Freemasons General Staff Agreement The first bargaining meeting was held on Thursday 20 February 2014 at which the unions’ Log of Claims was discussed. The employer’s response was given at the meeting scheduled for 6 March 2014 and members will be provided with an update in due course. Healthscope Nurses Agreement Please click here to view an update on progress of the Enterprise Agreement. Hobart Day Surgery Nurses Agreement ANMF has forwarded its endorsed Log of Claims to the employer and is waiting on a date to commence bargaining. On 27 February the ANMF sent a prompt to the employer to commence bargaining. Bargaining will now be commencing on 24 March 2014. Hobart District Nursing Service Nurses Agreement As members may be aware, the Hobart District Nursing Service Inc. Nurses Agreement 2011 has an expiry date of 30 June 2014. ANMF has written to HDNS informing that we are about to commence a process of consultation with our members in order to prepare a Log of Claims for a new Agreement. A membership survey has been completed by members and membership meetings held to discuss. Huon Eldercare Nurses Agreement Following further dialogue between ANMF, HACSU and Huon Eldercare, all parties have agreed to suspend the ballot of the proposed Nurses’ Enterprise Agreement – click here for details. Please also click here to view ANMF’s flier of 4 March 2014 clarifying conditions. ANMF to meet with Huon Eldercare on 11 March 2014. Huon Eldercare General Staff Agreement ANMF met for negotiations with Management and other parties on 3 March 2014 – click here for details. Independent Health Care Services Nurses Agreement ANMF attended the carers’ bargaining meeting on 18 December to monitor progress. This is a complex negotiation with the challenge being to draft an Enterprise Agreement that will be approved by the Fair Work Commission. The ANMF has requested that the nurses’ Enterprise Agreement be drafted in time for a ballot in February. Please click here for further details. ANMF met with the employer’s industrial advisor to discuss the proposed nurses’ Enterprise Agreement. ANMF anticipates further work to be completed on the draft in March 2014. Mary’s Grange Nurses Agreement Please click here to view details of 2 options ANMF are asking members to vote on via a survey (link to survey also can be found via this link - if you have not yet completed, please do! Your input is vital!) Mary’s Grange Non Nursing Agreement The first bargaining meeting was held on Friday 14 February 2014. A second meeting was held on 25 February at which Mary’s Grange detailed its initial offer. Please click here for information on the initial offer. May Shaw Nurses Agreement May Shaw have indicated that they will negotiate a separate Nurses Agreement and as a result ANMF has withdrawn its application before the Fair Work Commission – please click here for further details. The next meeting is to be held on 28 March 2014. OneCare General Staff Agreement ANMF will be preparing a Log of Claims with member input. Members were asked to complete a survey and attend meetings in order to ensure the Log of Claims is a reflection of what members want. Thank you to those members who completed the survey. ANMF are collating the survey results. Queen Victoria Home General Staff Agreement The negotiation of this Agreement is now close to finalisation with Queen Vic making an offer in response to the threat of protected Industrial Action by a bargaining representative. The offer is recommended by the ANMF – click here for details. Queen Vic had agreed with other bargaining reps not to put this offer to ballot – instead bargaining for the 2014 Enterprise Agreement will commence in the near future. Queen Victoria Home Nursing Staff Agreement As members may be aware, the current Queen Victoria Home Nurses Agreement expires on 30 June 2014. ANMF circulated a survey to members in order to assist ANMF in developing a Log of Claims for a new Agreement. Thank you to those members who completed the survey. ANMF are now compiling the results. Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc. Staff Enterprise Agreement A further bargaining meeting was held on 13 February 2014. SCCT have tabled a revised offer for member consideration – advice of acceptance or otherwise was due by Friday 21 February 2014 – please click here for details. Following feedback from ANMF members at all SCCT sites, ANMF has advised SCCT that it was not in a position to recommend the SCCT offer to its members and would instead be in a position to recommend 3% per annum. The nest negotiation meeting is on 21 March 2014 at Rosary Gardens. South Eastern Community Care Nurses Agreement The latest meeting due to be held on 13 November had to be cancelled due to illness. Please click here to view further details. SECC have provided a draft and a membership meeting will be held shortly to discuss. Tas Medicare Local Clinical Staff EA (proposed) Tas Medicare Local has agreed to bargain but not until March 2014. TasIVF Nurses Agreement The Fair Work Commission has written to Tas IVF concerned that a number of provisions in the Enterprise Agreement do not meet the Better Off Overall Test (the BOOT). Please click here to view ANMF’s recent communication. The Gardens Non Nursing Enterprise Agreement Negotiation meeting held 6 March 2014. Uniting AgeWell Staff Agreement As members may be aware the current Agreement expires on 30 June 2014. ANMF circulated a survey to members individually in order to gather information to assist in developing a Log of Claims for the next Agreement. Thank you to those members who completed the survey. ANMF are compiling the results. Membership meetings will be arranged in due course. Authorised: Neroli Ellis Branch Secretary 7 March 2014
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