Suppletion & Syncretism sg pl 基本概念と WP アプローチ nom komnata komnaty 乙黒 亮 acc komnatu komnaty 早稲田大学法学学術院・言語情報研究所 gen komnaty komnat Morphological Theory in the 21st Century, 早稲田大学 2015.10.17. dat komnate komnatam inst komnatoj komnatami loc komnate komnatax 1 標準型屈折からの逸脱 表 4: ロシア語 komnata ‘room’ の同形態 (Corbett 2007a:26) ■標準型屈折 同語彙素 異語彙素 sg pl sg pl 構造 同 同 nom dog-a dog-i cat-a cat-i 語幹 同 異 acc dog-e dog-o cat-e cat-o 接辞 異 同 語形 異 異 ■標準型からの逸脱(異語彙素) 標準型 逸脱 構造 同 異 活用欠乏,過剰差異化など タイプ 語幹 異 同 同音異義(homonymy)など 接辞 同 異 異態(deponency)など 表 1: 標準型屈折の例 (cf. Corbett 2007a:23–4) deponency ■標準型からの逸脱(同語彙素) suppletion タイプ syncretism 標準型 逸脱 構造 同 異 迂言形など dog-a dog-i dog-a dog-i 語幹 同 異 補充法(suppletion)など dog-e cat-o dog-e dog-i 接辞 異 同 同形態(syncretism)など 表 2: 標準型からの逸脱(同語彙素) (cf. Corbett 2007a:27–8) sg pl sg pl sg dog-a dog-i cat-a cat-i pig-i dog-e dog-o cat-e cat-o pig-o 表 5: 標準型からの逸脱(異語彙素) (cf. Corbett 2007a:27–9) amāre ‘love’ active mı̄ror ‘admire’ passive active 1sg amō amor mı̄ror 2sg amās amāris mı̄rāris sg pl 3sg amat amaātur mı̄rātur 1 jest-em jest-eśmy 1pl amāmus amāmur mı̄rāmur 2 jest-eś jest-eście 2pl amātis amāmini mı̄rāmini 3 jest s-a̧ 3pl amant amantur mı̄rantur 表 3: ポーランド語 być ‘be’(現在形)の補充法 (Corbett 2007a:26) passive 表 6: ラテン語の態 (Corbett 2007a:29) • 関連データの DM による分析は Embick (2000).それに対する批判は Sadler and Spencer (2001). 1 2 The Surrey Suppletion Database ■データベース The Surrey Syncretisms Database • SMG のデータベース一覧: 3 Suppletion ■Morphological vs Morphosyntactic 2 形態論における 2 つの軸 sg pl nom rebenok deti acc rebenka detej gen rebenka detej dat rebenku detjam inst rebenkom det’mi loc rebenke detjax 表 8: ロシア語の rebenok ‘child’ (Corbett 2007b:18) lexical inferential incremantal IA/IP AM realisational DM WP Syntax Morphology -t 表 7: 形態論のアプローチ (Stump 2001:1–3) past -d Fpast -@d • Item-and-Arrangment (IA)/Item-and-Process (IP) (Hockett 1954) ... • Distributed Morphology (DM) (Halle and Marantz 1993) -z • Articulated Morphology (AM) (Steele 1995) • Word-and-Paradigm (WP) (Robins 1959, Matthews 1972, Anderson 1992, Stump 2001) Incremental Realisational 具現形(exponent)の付加により活用形が形態統語素性を獲得する Lexical 形態統語素性が具現化された結果活用形が作られる 形態素(morpheme)を仮定する(DM では音形とは独立した素性) Inferential 語根・語幹と活用形とは規則(rule)や定式(formula)によって関係づけられる -s plural Fplural passive Past Participle -en perfect Fen ... -@z ... 表 9: Morphomic level (cf. Aronoff 1994:22–29) Morphomic (Aronoff 1994) •「形態論それ自体(Morphology by Itself )」のレベル • 形態統語的素性(morphosyntactic features)を形態音韻的具現化(morphophonological realisations)する関数が morphomes(Fpast , Fplural , Fen , . . .) . ■Morphomic な語幹選択 sg pl sg pl sg pl nom dog-a dog-i cat-a cat-i 1 vais allons acc dog-e dog-o cat-e cat-o 2 vas allez 3 va vont ⇒ IA で事が済む. Phonology でも canonical ̸= prototypical/frequent (Corbett 2007b:10) 表 10: フランス語の aller ‘go’ (現在時制) (Corbett 2007b:19) 3 4 sg pl 1 wie-m wie-my 2 wie-sz wie-cie 3 wie wiedz-a̧ (6) PF(⟨good , {DEG : compar}⟩) = Nar[I,0] (⟨good , {DEG : compar}⟩) = NarI (Nar0 (⟨good , {DEG : compar}⟩)) = RRI,{DEG:compar},A (RR0,{DEG:compar},good (⟨good , {DEG : compar}⟩)) 表 11: ポーランド語 wiedzieć ‘know’(現在時制) (Corbett 2007b:22) Paradigm Function Morphology (PFM) = ⟨better , {DEG : compar}⟩ ■PFM による分析例 • Paradigm Function (PF) (7) a. RR[I,0],{TNS:past,MOOD:indic,AGR:{NUM:sg}},{be} (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨was, σ⟩ PF(⟨be, σ⟩) ∗ Rules of exponence ∗ Rules of referral = Nar[I,0] (⟨be, σ⟩) ∗ Rules of stem formation = ⟨was, σ⟩ = RR[I,0],{TNS:past,MOOD:indic,AGR:{NUM:sg}},{be} (⟨X, σ⟩) – Morphomic rules ∗ Rules of stem indexing (9) – Morphophonological metageneralisations (Stump 2001:200) a. RR0,{},A (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨Y, σ⟩, where Y is X’s bare stem Where σ = {TNS : pres, MOOD : indic, AGR : {PER : 3, NUM : sg}}, = Nar[I,0] (⟨be, σ⟩) = NarI (Nar0 (⟨be, σ⟩)) = RRI,σ,V (RR0,σ,{be} (⟨X, σ⟩)) (2) Where X is the root of an adjectival lexeme = ⟨is, σ⟩ PF(⟨X, σ⟩) =def Nar[I,0] (⟨X, σ⟩) taller の具現化 ■Suppletion と morphosemantic mismatch PF(⟨tall , {DEG : compar}⟩) (10) = Nar[I,0] (⟨tall , {DEG : compar}⟩) = RRI,{DEG:compar},A (RR0,{},A (⟨tall , {DEG : compar}⟩)) = ⟨taller , {DEG : compar}⟩ ̸≡ not happier (Stump 2001:209) (11) a. happy → happier → unhappier b. happy → unhappy ̸→ unhappier Stem-selection rule: a. RR[I,0],{DEG:compar},{bad} (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨worse, σ⟩ b. RR[0],{DEG:compar},{good} (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨bett, σ⟩ (5) unhappier ≡ more unhappy = NarI (Nar0 (⟨tall , {DEG : compar}⟩)) (4) is の具現化 PF(⟨be, σ⟩) b. RRI,{DEG:compar},A (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨Xer , σ⟩ (3) was の具現化 Where σ = {TNS : past, MOOD : indic, AGR : {PER : 3, NUM : sg}}, – Realisation rules (1) (Stump 2001:209–210) Stem-selection rules for be: b. RR0,{TNS:pres,MOOD:indic,AGR:{PER:3,NUM:sg}},{be} (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨i , σ⟩ (8) • Inflectional rules better の具現化 (12) [un[happier ]](語形成) [[unhappi ]er ](意味解釈) worse の具現化(portmanteau stem-selection) PF(⟨bad , {DEG : compar}⟩) = Nar[I,0] (⟨bad , {DEG : compar}⟩) = RR[I,0],{DEG:compar},{bad} (⟨bad , {DEG : compar}⟩) = ⟨worse, {DEG : compar}⟩ (Marantz 1988) sg pl ‘water mill’ milin-zour [mill-water] milinoù-dour ‘straw hat’ tok-kolo [hat-straw] tokoù-kolo ‘lighthouse’ tour-tan [tower-fire] tourioù-tan 表 12: ブレトン語の複合名詞 (Stump 2001:248) 5 6 sg pl ‘milk cow’ bioc’h-laezh [cow-milk] saout-laezh ‘otter’ ki-dour [dog-water] chas-dour ‘bicycle’ marc’h-houarn [horse-iron] kezeg-houarn • 3sg → 2sg in the preterite sg pres 表 13: ブレトン語の複合名詞と補充法 (Stump 2001:248) Hypothesis of Paradigm-Based Inflectional Semantics of ⟨W, σ⟩ is determined by L and σ. Where ⟨W, σ⟩ is a cell in the inflectional paradigm of some lexeme L, the semantic representation (13) Where X is the root of an adjectival lexeme L having the semantic representation X ′ , the cell PF(⟨X, {DEG : compar}⟩) in L’s paradigm has the semantic representation More y (X ′ ). (14) = ⟨unhappier , {DEG : compar}⟩ (15) krad-e-m krad-e-š krad-e-te 3 krad-e-e krad-e-@t 1 krad-A-x krad-A-x-me 2 krad-A-x-e krad-A-x-te 3 krad-A-x-e krad-A-x-a 1 krád-o-x krád-o-x-me 2 krád-e krád-o-x-te 3 krád-e krád-o-x-a a sufla ‘to breath’ Conj:1 ′ a. PF(⟨tour -tan, {NUM : pl}⟩) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 a umplea ‘to fill’ Conj:2 = ⟨tourioù-tan, {NUM : pl}⟩ b. pl ′ (tour -tan ′ ) a şti ‘to know’ Conj:4 a. PF(⟨ki -dour , {NUM : pl}⟩) = ⟨chas-dour , {NUM : pl}⟩ b. pl ′ (ki -dour ′ ) (Stump 2001:251–252) 4 Syncretism Syncretism の 4 つのタイプ (Stump 2001:212–218) • 有方向性 a fi ‘to be’ Conj:4 – bidrectional • 無方向性 • 3 人称における sg と pl の区別消失 sg pl sufla ‘breath’ 1 súfl-u ˙ suflă-m Conj:1 2 súfl-i suflá-ţi 3 súfl-ă súfl-ă invita ‘invite’ 1 invı́t invită’-m Conj:1 2 invı́ţ-i invitá-ţi 3 invı́t-ă invı́-ă – unstipulated – symmetrical • 異なった視点からの分類は Baerman et al. (2005). 7 pl ˙ suflă-m suflá-ţi súfl-ă úmple-m úmple-ţi úmpl-u ştı́-m ştı́-ţi ştı́-u sı̂’nte-m sı̂’nte-ţi sı̂’nt 表 15: ルーマニア語の現在時制 (Stump 2001:214) – unidirectional sg súfl-u súfl-i súfl-ă úmpl-u úmpl-i úmpl-e ştı́-u ştı́-i ştı́-e sı̂’nt éşt-i ést-e Where X is the root of a nominal lexeme L having the semantic representation X ′ , the cell PF(⟨X, {NUM : pl}⟩) in L’s paradigm has pl (X ) as its semantic representation. (17) krad-e-@ 2 • 1sg → 3pl/3pl → 1sg (Stump 2001:249–250) ′ (16) aorist 1 表 14: ブルガリア語の krad ‘steal’ (Stump 2001:40) a. PF(⟨unhappy, {DEG : compar}⟩) b. M orey (unhappy ′ ) impf pl 表 16: ルーマニア語の第 1 活用型現在時制 (Stump 2001:214) 8 Hockett, Charles F. (1954) Two Models of Grammatical Description. Word 10, 210–234. ■Rules of referral (18) In the context of [PRET : yes], [PERS : 2, NUM : sg] has the same realisation as [PERS : 3, NUM : sg] (cf. Zwicky 1985:378) (19) Where n is any of rule blocks A to D, Marantz, Alec (1988) Clitics, Morphological Merger, and the mapping to phonological structure. In Hammond, Michael and Michael Noonan, eds. Theoretical Morphology: Approaches in Modern Linguistics. San Diego: Academic Press, 253–270. Matthews, Peter H. (1972) Inflectional Morphology: A Theoretical Study Based on Aspects of Latin RRn,←{PRET:yes,AGR:{PERS:2,NUM:sg}}→,V (⟨X, σ)⟩ =def ⟨Y, σ⟩, where Narn (⟨X, σ/{AGR : {PERS : 3}}⟩) = ⟨Y, σ/{AGR : {PER : 3}}⟩ Verb Conjugation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Robins, Robert H. (1959) In Defence of WP. Transactions of Philological Society, 116–144. (Stump 2001:218; cf. Stump 1993) • Zwicky (2000) は Rules of Referral は symmetrical rules で代替可能と主張.その批判は Baerman et al. (2005:139–45). Sadler, Louisa and Andrew Spencer (2001) Syntax as an exponent of morphological features. In Booij, Geert and Jaap van Marle, eds. Yearbook of Morphology 2000. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 71–96. Steele, Susan (1995) Towards a theory of morphological information. Language 71, 260–309. (20) Bidrectional Referral Principle: Stump, Gregory T. (1993) On Rules of Referral. Language 69, 449–479. The existence of a rule of referral ‘RRn,τ,C (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨Y, σ⟩, (2001) Inflectional Morphology: A Theory of Paradigm Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge where Narn (⟨X, σ/ρ⟩) = ⟨Y, σ/ρ⟩’ with referral domain D entails the existence of a second rule of referral ‘RRn,τ /ρ,D−C (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨Y, σ⟩, where Narn (⟨X, σ/τ ⟩) = ⟨Y, σ/τ ⟩’ with referral domain D. (21) University Press. Zwicky, Arnold M. (1985) How to Describe Inflection. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 11, 372–385. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society. Where n = 0 or I, RRn,{AGR(su):{PER:1,NUM:sg}},{a fi} (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨Y, σ⟩, where Narn (⟨X, σ/{AGR(su) : {PER : 3, NUM : pl}}⟩) = ⟨Y, σ/{AGR(su) : {PER : 3, NUM : pl}}⟩ (2000) Describing Syncretism: Rules of Referral After Fifteen Years. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society 26. Referral domain: V (22) Where n = 0 or I, RRn,{AGR(su):{PER:3,NUM:sg}},V−{a fi} (⟨X, σ⟩) =def ⟨Y, σ⟩, where Narn (⟨X, σ/{AGR(su) : {PER : 1, NUM : pl}}⟩) = ⟨Y, σ/{AGR(su) : {PER : 1, NUM : pl}}⟩ Referral domain: V 参考文献 Anderson, Stephen R. (1992) A-Morphous Morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Aronoff, Mark (1994) Morphology by Itself: Stems and Inflectional Classes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Baerman, Matthew, Dunstan Brown, and Greville G. Corbett (2005) The Syntax-Morphology Interface: A Study of Syncretism. 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