会報 第39巻 第 309 号 Year 2015 Board Members 会長:グレッグ 徳山 President: Greg Tokuyama ([email protected]) 日本語の副会長: 藤岡 秀樹 Japanese Vice President: Hideki Fujioka ([email protected]) 英語の副会長: ボブ ターナー English Vice Presidednt: Robert A. Turner ([email protected]) 書記:デリア トミノ 中山 Secretary: Delia Tomino Nakayama ([email protected]) 会計:若林 征子 Treasurer: Masako Wakabayashi ([email protected]) 編集:早苗 カイザー Editor: Sanae Keyser ([email protected]) October, 2015 Japan Fest 2015 十月十日 土曜日 午前十時〜午後四時 ニューオリンズ美術館 Date: Saturday, October 10th Time: 10 am ~ 4:00 pm Location: New Orleans Museum of Art The dynamic performance of Kaminari Taiko from Houston opens Japan Fest 2015 on the front steps of NOMA. The other performances on the front steps include BR Iaido Sword Drawing, Japanese Minyo Folk Dance, Lolita Fashion Show, Cosplay Costume Show. In the auditorium there will be NOH Mask performance, NO Kendo Club, Aikido NO, Jujitsu Club of SLU, and Shindokai Dojo group. You will also enjoy a variety of displays as usual by Japanese related organizations such as anime, origami, calligraphy, Japanese crafts, tea ceremony, GNO Suzuki Forum, guided tour of 3rd floor Japanese gallery, Japanese Garden Foundation tour, etc. inside the museum building and at the sculpture garden area. Vendors of food, drink, and merchandise are outside of the NOMA building. Japan Club of New OrleansP.O. BOX 8501 Metairie, LA 70011 www.japanclubofneworleans.org page 1 Little Tokyo Restaurant Inc. www.littletokyonola.com E-mail: [email protected] 2300 N. Causeway, Metairie: 831-6788 310 N. Carrollton, New Orleans: 485-5658 1340 S. Carrollton, New Orleans: 861-6088 7537 Maple St., New Orleans: 570-6440 1913 Royal Street, New Orleans:948-6670 4704 Veterans Blvd., Metairie: 885-6125 Asian Gourmet Market: 466-0077 クラブ俳壇 Haiku Club 盆踊り 浴衣姿の 懐かしさ 帯を締めるに 背伸びしながら 異国でも 東京音頭 聞くたびに 心早くも 浅草に飛び 菅井 バーカー Bon – Dance so dear to see wearing Yukata I had to stretch myself helping tall ladies putting Yukata on. Even in the U.S. if I hear Tokyo Ondo my thoughts run to Asakusa. Sugai Barker page 2 Sat. September 12th Sat. November 14th from 3 pm to 4:30 pm Kyoto 2 Japanese Restaurant 5608 Citrus Blvd. Harahan, La 70123 Tel: (504) 818-0228 Fax: (504) 818-0944 Our performance at NOMA on Saturday, October 10th starts at 1 PM. As usual 11/14 is a pot luck party from 4 PM. We hope to see you there. Anyone is welcome to join! For questions contact Sugai Barker (985) 6492781 or Sanae Keyser (504) 583-1156, email [email protected]. Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:00-2:30 pm Sat. 12:00-4:00pm Dinner Mon. -Thurs. 5:00-9:30 pm Fri.-Sat. 5:00-10:00pm Sun. Close Horinoya Restaurant & Sushi Bar 920 Poydras Street, New Orleans Mon-Fri Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Sat Dinner 5:00pm-9:30pm (Till 10pm on Fri and Sat) Close on Sunday Minyo Dance Group Dance Practice We will practice our dance every 2nd Saturdays at Slidell Library (555 Robert Blvd, Slidell, LA 70458). The dates are scheduled as follows: page 3 page 4 Thanks for your participation! We had a big turnout this year. Thanks to all the volunteers who made this event possible. 編集部より From the Editor 今回号には、いろんな方々の記事をお届けすることができてよかったと思います。 時間をかけて送って頂いたたくさんの記事、報告など本当に有難うございました。皆さんにお 届けすることの責任を重く感じながら編集しています。皆様の意見、提案などを待っていますのでい つでも連絡して下さい。ページ数の都合で載せることができなかった記事は、なるべくはやく載せる 努力をしますのでしばらくお待ち下さい。会の連絡は主に E-Mail が使われますのでまだ知らせてき てない方は、会に連絡して下さい。 page 5 もし、会報が届いてない方がおられましたら、私の方に E-mail で [email protected] ま で連絡してください。会報を印刷をして郵送するのは、たいへん時間がかかりますのでここ数年は Email で送らせてもらっています。ご協力よろしくお願いいたします。会報は日本会のウェブサイト www.japanclubofneworleans.org にも載せてあり ますのでいつでもだれでもご覧になれるように なっています。 I want to thank everyone for taking your time to send me information, articles, etc. I'm feeling a heavy responsibility to deliver to you. Please give me your feedback, etc. anytime. Thank you everyone for any help you provided to create the newsletter. There are articles I could not include in this issue due to the limited space. I will make sure that they will be included in the future issues as soon as possible. Since the club uses email for most communication, please update your e-mail address with the club. If you are not receiving newsletter by email, please notify me at [email protected]. The process of printing and mailing consumes too much of my time. I am sending the club's newsletters by email for the last few years. Thank you for your cooperation. The newsletters are also uploaded on the club's website at www.japanclubofneworleans.org to be viewed any time for your convenience. Deadline Date 次号の締め切りは、十一月十五日です。E-mail の使える方は、どうぞ日本語と英語で 原稿を送って下さい。 The deadline for the next issue is November 15th. Please send your articles in Japanese and English by e-mails. My e-mail address: [email protected] You can view Japan Club of New Orleans newsletters anytime at www.japanclubofneworleans.org page 6
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