October 28, 2015 平成 27 年 10 月 28 日 Short Term Student Exchange Program 2016 at St John’s College, University of Cambridge Application Guidelines 表記プログラムへの参加学生を以下の要領にて募集します。関心のある学生は、是非応募して下さい。 Call for applications: Short Term Student Exchange Program 2016 at St John’s College, University of Cambridge The application guidelines are as follows: Eligibility requirements for all applicants 1. Must be enrolled as an undergraduate student at Nagoya University at the time of application and at the time the program commences; 2. Must have an interest in intercultural exchange and be prepared to participate enthusiastically in all scheduled activities; and 3. Must have sufficient proficiency in English to understand English lectures, and engage in discussions and presentations in English. Preference will be given to applicants possessing an official test score of IELTS 6.5, TOEFL-iBT 80, TOEFL-ITP 550, TOEIC 800 or above. This criterion does not, however, necessarily restrict applications to only those with the above-mentioned scores. Applicants will be also be selected based on interviews evaluating English abilities, as well as on application documents. 4. Must demonstrate academic achievement and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.7 or above. 5. Must be able to play host to the exchange students, organize events and participate in cultural activities (any costs incurred may have to be covered by individuals) during the period that students from Cambridge will visit Nagoya University (July 3 to July 17, 2016). Students who will graduate in March 2016 are not eligible for this program. 応募資格: 1. 応募時及び表記プログラム参加の時点で本学の正規課程に在籍する学部学生。 2. 国際交流に関心があり、全行程に積極的に参加ができること 3. 英語で聴講、討論及び発表ができること(IELTS6.5/TOEFL-iBT80/TOEFL-ITP550/TOEIC800 点以上のスコアを有することが望ましい。ただし、これにより応募を妨げるものではない。面接選考 により英語力を総合的に判定し、最終候補者を決定。 ) 4. 累積 GPA が 3.7 以上を保持し、学業優秀であること。 5. ケンブリッジ大学から交換留学生を受入れる際に、文化交流イベントを企画し、積極的に参加できる こと。また、全期間(平成 28 年 7 月 3 日~7 月 17 日)を通じて交換留学生をサポートすることがで きる者。※平成 28 年 3 月で卒業見込みの学生は対象となりません。 Places available: Maximum of 6 participants 募集人数: 6 名以内 Duration of the program: Approx. 2 weeks from Saturday, February 27 to Sunday, March 13, 2016 (subject to change) 期 間: 平成 28 年 2 月 27 日(土)~3 月 13 日(日)(予定) Location: St John’s College, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK) 場 所: ケンブリッジ大学セント・ジョンズカレッジ(英国・ケンブリッジ) Field of study: All fields and areas 分 野: 全分野 Program contents: Lectures related to participants’ specializations and cultural activities 形 式: 専門(関連)分野の講義聴講と文化交流等 Expenses to be borne by students: Round trip flight, domestic travel in Japan and the UK, meals, miscellaneous expenses. Dormitories will be provided free of charge. 費 用: 往復航空運賃、交通費、食費、その他(寮は無償提供) How to apply: Submit the following application documents by email or in person to International Student Exchange Section (1F, GSID). Any inquiries about application procedures should also be directed to ISES. 応募方法: 下記の書類を添えて、教育推進部学生交流課に持参、又は Email で応募してください。 (※ 応募書類の送付やご質問等の連絡は、教育推進部学生交流課宛にお願いします。 ) Application documents: Documents 1 and 2 below should be prepared in English. 1. Application Form (Please do not forget to write your field of study/specialization and an official English language proficiency test score such as IELTS/TOEFL-iBT; or write “None” if you do not intend to submit a score.) 2. Essay (300-400 words in length) 3. Transcript (Japanese) *Please also attach a copy of your “Confirmation of Courses Completed” sheet (available from MyNU). 応募書類: 1~2 は、英文で作成すること。 1. Application Form(必ず現在の専門科目・IELTS/TOEFL-iBT などの点数を記載すること) 2. Essay (300-400 words で記入すること) 3. 学業成績証明書 ※ 修得科目確認表(MyNU から入手)も併せて提出すること。 Submission deadline: 17:00 on Thursday, November 12, 2015 (no applications will be accepted after the deadline) 応募締切: 平成 27 年 11 月 12 日(木)17:00 必着 Selection: Selections will be made by the International Education & Exchange (IE&E) Division. Following a document screening, short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview. 選 考: 国際教育交流本部にて選考します。書類選考の後に面接を行い決定します。 Interviews: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 (afternoon). Those individuals who pass the document screening will be contacted by ISES and notified of the meeting time and place. All interviews will be conducted in a group. Each will be approximately 20 minutes long and conducted completely in English. 学内面接: 平成 27 年 11 月 18 日(水)午後 面接時間は書類選考通過者に追ってご連絡します。面接 は、英語で行いグループ当たり 20 分間を予定しています。 Other: No credits will be earned or transferred to Nagoya University through this program. そ の 他: 単位認定等は行いません。 【問い合わせ先】Inquiries: Student Exchange Division, Education & International Affairs Department (1F, GSID) 教育推進部学生交流課 学生交流係 Email メール:[email protected] Phone 電話:052-789-2193 Fax:052-789-5100 http://ieec.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ja/abroad/program/tanki-tokubetsu.html
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