Cambridge Teacher Training Afternoon

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Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem nächsten Cambridge Teacher Training Afternoon ein.
Der Workshop zum Cambridge English: PET und Advanced bietet Ihnen praktische Tipps und Ideen
für Ihren Unterricht. Außerdem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit anderen Lehrern auszutauschen
und aktuelle Lehrwerke von mehreren Verlagen einzusehen.
Wann und Wo?
Donnerstag, 14. April 2016
GLS Sprachenzentrum, Kastanienallee 82, 10435 Berlin
14:00 - 14:30 Introduction for Newbies
14:30 - 15:00 Kaffeepause
15:00-16:30 Workshop Focus on Speaking: Join our workshop with practical tasks to prepare
candidates for Cambridge English PET and CAE
16:30-16:45 Kaffeepause
16:45-17:30 Introduction to computer based testing
Focus on Speaking: Join our workshop with practical tasks to prepare candidates for Cambridge
English PET and CAE
The workshop will cover the four parts of the PET Speaking test in detail and offer a variety of
exercises and discussions in order to give teachers and students a clear idea of what to expect when
taking the PET/CAE exam.
The workshop will be based on a DVD showing real students taking a PET/CAE Speaking test and
worksheets including teacher’s notes.
Referentin: Ruth Barker
Ruth Barker has been teaching English for 25 years and has published various teaching materials for
the German publishing houses Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart and BMS Braunschweig. Besides that she is
currently working as a Cambridge English consultant in Germany.
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