抜刷 電子版 This is a digital offprint for personal use only Minority Language Media in a Multicultural Country: A Case of BBC Alba in the Revival of Scottish Gaelic Title 多文化主義国家にケルト語の復興計画は必要なのか ――現代スコットランドのゲール語メディア政策を事例として―― KATOH, Masahiro Author 加藤 昌弘 Celtic Forum 18, pp.51-2 Source 『ケルティック・フォーラム』 第18号 51∼52頁 Japan Society for Celtic Studies Publisher 日本ケルト学会 October 2015 Issue Date 2015年 10月 English Language 英語 MinorityLanguageMediainaMulticulturalCountry: ACaseofBBCAlbaintheRevivalofScottishGaelic 多 文 化 主 義 国 家 に ケル ト 語 の 復 興 計 画 は 必 要 な の か 現 代 ス コ ッ ト ラ ン ト の ゲ ー ル 語 メ ディア 政 策 を 事 例 と して 加藤昌弘(立命館大学) MasahiroKATOHR"s"碗e放α〃U"んe芯j〃 ThisresearchdiscussesBBCAlba'srecentinvolvementwithScotland'slanguage planningandnationalmulticulturalpolicies.Althoughthebroadcaster'spromotionof theScottishGaeliclanguageisstilldeveloping,children'safternoonprogrammesand eveningslotshavethepotentialtoincreaseyoungspeakers.Forthepurposesofthis research,afieldsurveywasconducted丘oml5to21September2014inScotlandthat revealedl29GaelictelevisionprogrammesonBBCALBA.Thisindicatesthatthe Gaelicbroadcasterwillberegardedasanintegralfactorinthefiltureofmulticultural Scotland. Keywords:Scotland,Gaelic,BBCAlba,Television,MassMedia,Multiculturalism Introduction ThesurveyapproachedthecontentofScottishGaelic Despitetheriseofthelntemet,Celticcountriesin televisionprogrammesusingbothquantitativeand Europecontinuetooperatetheirowntelevisionandradio qualitativemethods.Foragivenweek,129programmes broadcastsastheprimarymethodtopromotetheir werelistedandclassifiedaccordingtothescheduleand minoritylanguagesandcultures.Tosupporttheroleof theirgenres.Then,aselectgroupofprogrammecontent televisionbroadcastinginreactivatingGaelic,the wasreviewedtobetterunderstandtheusageofGaelic minoritylanguageinScotland,thisresearchfbcuseson languageanditseffectonlanguageleaminginthe therecentactivitiesofBBCAlba. S c o t t i s h a u d i e n c e . M o r e o v e r, i t s r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h Scottishmulticulturalpoliciesisconsidered. 1.Background Since2003,theScottishGovernmenthasusedthe。One 3.ResultsandConsiderations Scotland,ManyCultures'campaigntospreadtheideaof Apartfiomoriginallyproducedprogrammes,BBCAlba amulticulturalcountryaswellascombatracism.In combinestheScottishGaeliclanguagewithcultural a d d i t i o n t o t h i s s o c i a l i n c l u s i v e n e s s p o l i c y, B B C A l b a contentfiFomothercountries,mostlyimportedfrom waslaunchedonl9September2008,whichregularly EnglandandtheUnitedStates・Althoughallprogrammes broadcaststelevisionprogrammesinScottishGaelic. arebroadcastinScottishGaelic,theScottishaudienceis expectedtobefamiliarwithEnglishandAmerican 2.ResearchMethod culturesafierbeingtranslatedintoGaelic・Thiscultural AfieldsurveywasconductedinScotlandfroml5to21 inconsistencyandlinguisticdisconnectshouldbe September2014,whichistheweekaroundtheScottish addressedinthefilturedevelopmentofBBCAlba IndependenceReferendum(heldonl8September).Prior programming,asissuggestedinpreviousresearchon t o t h e fi e l d s u r v e y, t h e p o l i c i e s o f B B C A l b a a n d t h e minoritylanguagebroadcastersinotherCelticcountries. 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