証券レポート: 2015年 7月-9月 http://www.celent.com/ja/research/503 発行予定レポート (仮題) 枯渇する社債市場 Brad Bailey We are at an interesting nexus in the history of corporate bonds. We explore: end of QE; interest rate inflection; regulatory and capital implications; alternative market structures; and emerging platform technology. 中央銀行お墨付きデジタルキャッシュの登場:紙幣とコインよさらば John Dwyer As central banks consider the possibility of Blockchain-type technology for traditional fiat currencies, we assess what the implications would be for technology, banking, and the economy フィナンシャルアドバイザー向けモバイルアプリケーション Isabella Fonseca and Ashley Globerman Mobile Applications for Financial Advisors chronicles the evolution of applications for advisors in the US and UK markets. Celent will explore how apps for smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices can provide wealth managers with an opportunity to reach prospects and better service clients. デジタルアプローチによる退職後アドバイス:401kによる混乱を回避する Will Trout While Americans consider their 401k plans their primary source of retirement assets, most receive little or no counsel on how to manage their investments. Confusion around these plans means many investors do not use their plans at all. This report looks at how digital market entrants are trying to resolve the advice gap, and their impact on the market in light of a fluid regulatory environment. テクノロジー活用による資産運用ビジネスの改革 Isabella Fonseca The objective of this report is to understand the top themes wealth businesses are addressing around technology decisions to improve the advisor business and create operational efficiencies within the firm. 韓国におけるビッグデータ戦略 孔 慶順 This report examines the emergence of big data usage in the South Korean financial market and looks at their future trends. ビットコイン:たかがマイナーされどマイナー John Dwyer In this report Celent applies its five key FinTech themes for disruption to Bitcoin and removes the hype to show the key issues for Bitcoin and Blockchain. 日本の証券業界における顧客分析 孔 慶順 This report examines strategy and technology trends in customer analytics and CRM in Japan’s securities industry. RegTech: 金融規制におけるイノベーション John Dwyer Disruption of finance through FinTech will be accompanied by innovation to the regulation of finance. In this report Celent defines RegTech, explains why it matters, and describes how financial services firms need to think about the trajectory of regulation going forward. ストレステストベンダー評価:コンプライアンスと戦略とのバランス Cubillas Ding Stress-testing is arguably one of the most debated issues by regulators, boards of directors, and business line executives within sell side and buy side financial institutions. In the second report of the stress-testing series, Celent will expand on its previous optimization dimensions/blueprint and identify vendors that can address them. The report will includes vendors that focus on the banking book. 超富裕層の注目を集めるデジタルでイノベーティブなアプローチとは Will Trout Ultra-high net worth (UHNW) investors are increasingly looking to private placements as a means to diversify portfolios and generate additional alpha. This report explores this interest and the degree to which it signals an evolution of the UHNW mindset toward more digital and innovative approaches to investing. ウェルスマネジメントのトップトレンド Isabella Fonseca This report focuses on the top wealth management market trends with a focus on business and technology on a global basis. The report will also cover which of these trends have had or will have a significant impact on the wealth management line of business. A Division of Oliver Wyman 女性と投資:あなたのスタイルは? Ashley Globerman Wealth managers have historically viewed women investors as a secondary or niche market. However, substantial social and economic trends are making this segment of the market a priority. This report will explore the evolution of this unique advisor/client relationship and how wealth managers can adjust their advisory models and use today's technology to better serve women investors. 2015年バイサイドの資産運用ポートフォリオシステムの全容 Jay Wolstenholme A full catalog of buy side portfolio systems with detail of each supplier’s functionality, architecture, and deployment methodologies. Detail includes: 1) Portfolio System, 2) Client base and geographical distribution, 3) Product Overview, and 4) Product architecture / deployment methods. 2015年欧州の債券市場 Josephine de Chazournes This report is our annual sizing of the fixed income cash markets in Europe, government and non-government bonds, electronic and voice, with a split by trading platform. Celent will provide trends on the evolution of these segments vs. previous years and forecasts for the next few years. 資産運用システムベンダー: 変化とそれによるビジネス機会 Jay Wolstenholme Regulation, low margins, and cost control within asset management firms and among asset owners are actual opportunities for leading-edge product and service suppliers. Asset managers and asset owners are upgrading trading, portfolio and operational infrastructure, risk, and analytical applications. They need smart, cost-effective solutions, and the time of transition is now. 中小企業向け年金プランにおけるビジネス機会:小さくても大きな利益 Will Trout Companies with fewer than 50 employees have been poorly served by 401k providers, typically paying twice as much as larger firms for defined contribution services. They also lack the capacity to handle the paperwork, financial requirements, and liability that come with administering these services. This report looks at models for profitably serving the small company market and their young, upwardly mobile client base. A Division of Oliver Wyman バイサイドにおける資産運用:サービスハブの必要性 Jay Wolstenholme Most investment management firms (IMFs) have a siloed workflow architecture. This legacy architecture won’t suffice with new cross-functional and front-to-back demands. IMFs require IBOR (Investment Book of Record), TBOR (Trade Book of Record), and ABOR (Accounting Book of Record). But these alone won’t be able to provide all necessary functions; investment management firms need to use an IBOR Service Hub architecture to meet operational requirements. バイサイドにおける資産運用システムの比較評価:虚像と現実 Jay Wolstenholme This report will utilize Porter’s five competitive forces to analyze and assess the buy side’s asset management systems and technology. Current buy side technology solutions will be assessed, determining if current architectures are adequate to efficiently and economically manage portfolios. Or is asset management business diversification becoming too much for traditional systems and system suppliers? 2015年 バイサイドの投資リスク管理 Cubillas Ding In the context of structural business trends for buy side firms, this report aims to examine risk, regulations, and market structure changes affecting risk and portfolio management practices, infrastructure costs, and associated analytical/technological approaches employed by various buy side firms. 日本の金融機関におけるグローバリゼーション Part 1 柳川 英一郎 This report analyses how environmental and competitive pressures are forcing Japanese financial institutions to again pursue aggressive globalization strategies. Part 1 reviews the indicators and background. 日本の金融機関におけるグローバリゼーション Part 2 柳川 英一郎 This report analyses how environmental and competitive pressures are forcing Japanese financial institutions to again pursue aggressive globalization strategies. Part 2 describes the challenges and strategies of each firm. 日本の金融業界におけるレガシー・モダナイゼーション: 証券編 柳川 英一郎 This report examines trends in legacy modernization in the Japanese S&I industry, including business themes and priorities, legacy migration, and challenges facing Japanese S&I firms. A Division of Oliver Wyman 日本の決済システムの動向 Part 3: 国債決済期間の短縮 柳川 英一郎 This report provides a definitive analysis of the proposed shorter settlement cycle for Japanese government bonds (JGBs) and the expected benefits. 規制が資産運用会社とヘッジファンドにもたらすビジネス機会 Jay Wolstenholme The Alternative UCIT Directive, AFIMID, and the US ’40 Act regulations continue to open up new client bases that are looking to diversify with alternative investments exposure in an UCIT and ’40 Act mutual fund structure. The ability of hedge funds and mutual funds to now offer alternative instrument UCITs under the UCIT directives, AFMID regulations, and US ’40 Act directive are enticing ever-growing client demand across the UK, Europe, APAC, and the US. 欧州におけるウェルスマネジメント向けCRMベンダーのランキング Isabella Fonseca and Ashley Globerman In this ABCD vendor comparison report, Celent evaluates the leading CRM wealth management technology solutions in the European market. 北米におけるウェルスマネジメント向けCRMベンダーのランキング Isabella Fonseca and Ashley Globerman In this ABCD vendor comparison report, Celent evaluates the leading CRM wealth management technology solutions in the North American market. 2015年 フィナンシャルプランニング・テクノロジーの概要 Isabella Fonseca and Will Trout This report provides a market overview of financial planning, including its evolution in the past 18-24 months, as well as trends and developments for both financial services firms and technology players. In addition, the study reviews the financial planning vendor landscape in the North American market. The report concludes with Celent’s considerations of where financial planning is headed. 世界の取引所:課題の中に潜むビジネス機会 Arin Ray This report discusses the changes taking place in the global exchange landscape by analyzing some of the leading exchanges of the world. It identifies the drivers of change, discusses the response to them, and offers suggestions for possible strategies that exchanges should consider to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving environment. 顧客向けレポート作成システムの現状 Isabella Fonseca This report provides an update on the evolution of the client reporting landscape, the solutions available, and where the market is headed. This study is a guide for financial institutions interested in improving the customer service experience. A Division of Oliver Wyman 2015年4-6月発行レポート 顧客確認(KYC)ユーティリティモデルの最新動向 日本の金融業界におけるレガシー・モダナイゼーション パート 1:調査結果分析と現状把握【日本語】 パート 2:自動車産業における現代化の歴史が金融業界に示唆するもの【日本語】 英国の年金制度改革:退職後の自由な資金計画 IBOR について知っておくべき重要事項 イノベーション&インサイト・デー 東京 2015 プレゼンテーション【日本語】 消費者のお金に関する意思決定:行動経済学からの驚きの事実 テンセント傘下の WeBank:支店もオンラインバンキングもない銀行【全訳版】 取引所向け市場監視システム:主要製品の概要 オーストラリア資本市場におけるテクノロジーのトレンド セル/バイサイド向け市場監視システム:戦略的ビジョンの促進 ロボアドバイザー(自動投資アドバイザー)をめぐるディスラプション:ウェルスマネジメントはアドバイザー主導から顧客主 導へ【全訳版】 ウェルスマネジメントにおけるウェアラブル:金融×ファッション 退職後の資産運用助言ビジネスへの自動化の導入:自動資産運用アドバイスサービス 市場監視システム:リスク軽減のための必需品 アンチマネーロンダリングの最新ソリューション アジアと日本の資本市場におけるマーケットデータ パート1:市場概要とテクノロジー需要の動向【日本語】 パート 2:成長市場を獲得するためのシナリオとイノベーション機会【日本語】 よりタイムリーでより包括的なパフォーマンス報告の実現:米大手ウェルスマネジメント会社のケーススタディ 生命保険のモバイルおよびセルフサービスのロードマップ:どこを目指すか? EMIR と CSDR が CCP および CSD に及ぼす影響 ニューヨーク証券取引所の注文執行クオリティ ナスダック市場の注文執行クオリティ 欧州における T+2 決済:アジアでの準備は? 古くならないシステム構築:Future-proof な IT 投資 A Division of Oliver Wyman セレントの証券レポートは、www.celent.com/ja/research/503 にてご覧いただけます。 (本文の閲覧にはご契約 ID/PW が必要です。) また、レポートに関連するコンサルティングプロジェクトも承ります。 - 市場調査 - 事業機会分析 - 事業/IT 戦略策定 - ソリューション選定 etc. お問い合わせ先:セレント営業担当 福盛 tel:03 3500 3038 [email protected] *発行予定レポートの邦題は、今後変更となる可能性がございます。 A Division of Oliver Wyman
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