銀行 レポートリスト

銀行レポート: 2015年 7月-9月
銀行ビジネスの殻を破る: イノベーションへの取り組み
Daniel Latimore, Jean-Marie Ubigau
Banks are using a host of different innovation strategies to expand their horizons. Celent
compiles the various ways — business incubators, listening posts, accelerator hubs, and venture
capital arms — banks are tapping external innovation expertise.
銀行が他業界から学べること: 銀行ビジネスモデルの再考
Daniel Latimore
Banks must radically rethink their business models and can learn from other industries as they
shift their strategic focus. This report will draw on experiences from airlines, retailers, and
pharmaceutical companies to provide banks with important strategic lessons.
銀行におけるデジタルトランスフォーメーション: 組織の改変と進化
Stephen Greer
Digital transformation is a hot topic in banking today. Institutions are increasingly looking at
making internal changes to better align with how the market moves. Many institutions, however,
are still trying to figure out where to begin, what other institutions are doing, and what options
are available. Banks need insight into mechanisms around digital transformation as well as
concrete examples applicable to their organizations.
銀行業界のデジタルに関する見解: リサーチパネルシリーズ
Daniel Latimore
Celent has launched a new research effort that surveys bankers on the topic of Digital. The first
survey examines banks' digital priorities, marketplace views, and areas for further exploration.
銀行業界におけるゲーミフィケーション: 顧客接点における活用
Daniel Latimore
Gamification, despite its name, shouldn’t be trivial for banks. To increase engagement and help
customers do the right things financially, banks should consider how to incorporate elements of
gamification into their customer-facing interactions. We examine the current state of banking
gamification around the world and recommend a path forward for banks considering the issue.
支店のモデル変革とセルフサービス機器: ベンダーソリューション比較
Bob Meara
While branch transformation efforts are producing rich diversity of outcomes, a consistent
element of new branch designs is assisted self-service. Celent compares vendor solutions for inbranch assisted self-service.
対面チャネルの有効活用: 支店チャネル改革(branch transformation)に足りないモノ
Bob Meara
Institutions are challenged with the twin objectives of creating a long-term path for branch
transformation and achieving short-term ROI. In the final analysis, the quality of the branch
experience is driven by the quality of frontline employees and their personal interactions with
customers. Celent offers an overview of several technologies designed to do just that —
technologies often overlooked when building the “future branch.”
顧客別収益性分析ソリューションの評価: ABCDベンダービュー
Bob Meara and Stephen Greer
Revenue growth is job number one for most banks. However, banks are increasingly looking to
grow profitable revenue. Doing so systematically requires focus, disciplined execution, and
technology. This report will compare customer profitability analytics vendor solutions using
Celent's ABCD methodology.
Daniel Latimore
As true branchless banking becomes more prevalent, Celent mystery shops several leading
banks by opening accounts without visiting a branch. Celent examines best practices and
common pitfalls, together with observations on the ideal customer experience.
ソーシャルクレジットスコアリング: Lenddoの研究
Juan Mazzini, Luis Chipana
For decades credit has been based on credit history. How to lend to those without credit history?
What happens with young people? Social credit scoring rises as an answer to this. Celent
analyzes Lenddo, one of the world’s first online platforms to help the emerging middle class use
their social connections to build their creditworthiness and access local financial services.
Juan Mazzini, Luis Chipana
Celent reviews the implementation of Daviplata, an initiative from Banco Davivienda in Colombia,
with feature phone functionality in the heart of their strategy to reach the unbanked.
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Android PayとTokenization(トークナイゼーション)の威力
Zilvinas Bareisis
At its latest developer conference, Google announced Android Pay, a significant upgrade on the
original Google Wallet for in-store and in-app payments. In the meantime, the networks have
made important announcements around tokenization and digital services framework. We take a
look at these developments and discuss implications for financial institutions.
リアルタイム決済: 米国の動向
Gareth Lodge
Following up from the two reports outlining the current state of real-time payments, this report
looks at the current debate in the US as to whether it should adopt such a solution. The report
assesses the options and poses questions the industry needs to address.
ACHの将来: 市場インフラの変わりゆく姿
Gareth Lodge
What is the future of ACHs? They're in the midst of a period of rapid structural change, driven by
post-crisis regulation and the macroeconomic environment. This has accelerated ongoing
evolution within the industry (e.g., electronification) as well as prompted new structural shifts.
As a result, these forces are changing the needs of market participants and the ability of
providers to service those needs.
決済サービス指令(Payment Service Directive) II: 今後の課題
Gareth Lodge
The PSD2 is edging closer to adoption, and although the regulation will have significant impact
on all banks in Europe, there has been far less discussion than on its predecessor, PSD1. This
report highlights some of the more dramatic impacts that banks face in the coming months,
from XS2A to authentication and liability.
Gareth Lodge
In its 2015 update to the annual top trends in corporate payments, Celent sets out the key
corporate payments trends banks need to be aware of.
トランザクションバンキングの動向: 逆境下の戦略
Patricia Hines
Transaction banking is under pressure from a low interest rate environment, evolving liquidity
regulations, heightened digital expectations, and increasing competition from traditional and
alternative providers. This report explores the current landscape and looks into the future.
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James O’Neill
Few areas of financial technology services have been more impacted by industry consolidation
than the market for treasury management services (TMS) systems. Twenty years ago, as many
as two dozen vendors competed in the corporate TMS market in Europe and North America.
Today, the list has been reduced to a half dozen or so survivors. This report traces the origins of
the TMS systems vendor community and follows the path of consolidation that led to today’s
market structure.
Patricia Hines
What are the implications of digital transformation for treasury services providers to increase
revenue, reduce costs, and better manage risk through digital transformation?
銀行とクラウド: 法規制への対応とテクノロジーの有効活用の両立
James O’Neill
While banks are intrigued by the operational and financial benefits of modern cloud services,
persistent concerns regarding data security and regulatory compliance have prevented most
from moving their organization into the cloud. This report examines how major cloud services
providers deploy technology that can allow banks to deploy cloud services safely while avoiding
the ire of banking regulators.
Stephen Greer
This report will be an in-depth evaluation and ranking of core processing platforms. Celent will
provide deep analysis of vendor offerings focused on North America. Core platform replacement
is one of the biggest decisions an institution can make. Banks will find this a useful guide when
beginning the process of looking at possible core implementation partnerships.
Stephen Greer
Latin America is a distinct market for core solutions. Many banks rely on a close relationship, and
sales cycles can be extremely long. Core platform replacement is one of the biggest decisions an
institution can make. While local vendors have had the most success, international vendors are
trying to forge new relationships at all tiers. Understanding the market, as well as the major
players, is important.
中南米の勘定系ソリューション評価: ABCDベンダービュー
Luis Chipana, Stephen Greer, Juan Mazzini
Celent examines core banking vendors that currently have clients or sell in Latin America. Celent
also looks at each of these vendors using the ABCD analysis, in which XCelent awards are given
to solutions with the best scores in each category.
A Division of Oliver Wyman
Neil Katkov, PhD
Many banks in Southeast Asia replace their core systems at least once every 10 years. This
report will examine the channel trends and business strategies that are driving banks in the
region to once again assess if their core banking systems are fit for purpose.
Daniel Latimore
Celent attends a large number of conferences hosted by vendors and independent third parties.
We see what works ... and what doesn’t. We share observations that help event planners make
their next gathering as effective as possible.
Zilvinas Bareisis
Would you or your clients like to win a Celent Model Bank award? Have you perhaps tried
unsuccessfully in the past? If so, this report is for you. It describes Celent's Model Bank Award
process and shares tips for how to submit a winning entry.
孔 慶順
This report examines the current status of mobile payments in Asian countries, estimates IT
spending levels, and explores future growth drivers based on a Celent survey.
孔 慶順
This report examines mobile delivery strategies at banks in Asia, estimates future growth trends
in Asian mobile banking, and provides recommendations for financial institutions and vendors
looking at the Asian mobile banking market.
Hua Zhang
This report examines how deregulation, the entry of social media and e-commerce firms into
financial services, and disruptive business models are forcing retail banks to transform.
Hua Zhang
This report looks at how free digital wallets from Alibaba, Tencent, and other Internet disruptors
are threatening the traditional fee-based payments and ATM business of traditional banks.
Hua Zhang
This report explores how financial institutions are using social media to better communicate with
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Hua Zhang
Celent analyzes the trend of “community banking” in China as a strategic response to the new
competition banks are facing from innovative Internet-based firms.
Hua Zhang
This report assesses how interest rate liberalization in China will drive new business models such
as relationship-based pricing, and the need for technology to support them.
孔 慶順
This report examines the emergence of big data usage in the South Korean financial market and
looks at their future trends.
孔 慶順
This report examines Internet-only banks in Japan, estimates future growth in the sector, and
provides case studies.
日本の金融業界におけるレガシー・モダナイゼーション: 銀行編
柳川 英一郎
This report examines trends in legacy modernization in the Japanese banking industry, including
business themes and priorities, legacy migration, and challenges facing Japanese banks.
日本の金融機関におけるグローバリゼーション Part 1
柳川 英一郎
This report analyses how environmental and competitive pressures are forcing Japanese financial
institutions to again pursue aggressive globalization strategies. Part 1 reviews the indicators and
日本の金融機関におけるグローバリゼーション Part 2
柳川 英一郎
This report analyses how environmental and competitive pressures are forcing Japanese financial
institutions to again pursue aggressive globalization strategies. Part 2 describes the challenges
and strategies of each firm.
日本の決済システムの動向 Part 3: 国債決済期間の短縮
柳川 英一郎
This report provides a definitive analysis of the proposed shorter settlement cycle for Japanese
government bonds (JGBs) and the expected benefits.
A Division of Oliver Wyman
2015 年4-6月発行レポート
支店チャネル改革は始まったばかり: セレント支店改革調査シリーズ パート 1
パート 1: 調査結果分析と現状把握【日本語】
パート 2: 自動車産業における現代化の歴史が金融業界に示唆するもの【日本語】
イノベーション&インサイト・デー 東京 2015 プレゼンテーション【日本語】
パート 1: ベンダー概要
パート 2: パッケージソフトウェア
パート 3: カード発行・処理
パート 4: カード専門サービスプロバイダー
テンセント傘下の WeBank: 支店もオンラインバンキングもない銀行【全訳版】
2015 年 リモート・デポジット・キャプチャーの現状: モバイルが小切手スキャナーに
2015 年 世界の勘定系システム販売ランキング
ISO20022 — 決済の革命
中小企業向け RDC をめぐるビジネスチャンス: 新製品が全てを変える
イノベーションを重視しているのは誰?: セグメント化戦略【全訳版】
2015 年 リテールバンキングのトップトレンド: 進むデジタル化と複雑化
Samsung Pay をはじめとするモバイル決済競争: モバイル・ワールド・コングレスから
2015 年 コーポレートバンキングのトップトレンド: 不確実性への対処をサポート
A Division of Oliver Wyman
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