①浴衣を羽織ります。 Put on over the shoulder the ‘Yukata' . ②えり先をそろえます。 Make the front of collar even. ゆかたに袖を通し、背中の縫い目がちょうど背中の中心を通る ようにします。 Wear the ‘Yukata’ roughly over the shoulder. Make sure to place the centerline straight along with your back lengthways, by holding both sleeve caps away from you body. えり先から約 20cm 上を持ち、軽く持ち上げます。 (すその高さ はくるぶしまで) Hold both collar ends in front of you and check the line. Keeping your hands holding color ends, lift the ‘Yukata’ off the floor to adjust its length. The skirting of the ‘Yukata’ is worn just above the ankles. ③下前を入れ、上前を重ねます。 Pile up the left side above the right side of the ‘Yukata’. ④腰紐をしっかり結びます。 Knot tightly the ‘Koshihimo’ sash. 一旦、腕を戻して、今度は右手(下前)の位置を決め、先ほど の上前の位置になるように、もう一度左手を持っていきます。 下前より3~4cm 高くなるようにするときれいです。 Continue to hold the ‘Yukata’ tightly and bring the left overlap over the body and adjust its width such that its collar end runs along the right point of the collar bone. Make sure that no creases left around the hip. Open up the left overlap and bring the right overlap over the body. Bring the left overlap over the right overlap to where the width previously decided. Lower the hem to about 7-8cm from the floor. 上半身は、だぶついていても構いません。下半身がきれいになる ように注意して、ゆかたを固定しましょう。 Continue to hold the yukata tightly with the right hand. Take the half point of the waist sash (‘Kohihimo’ sash) and place it on the center of your front body with the left hand. Cross the 'Koshihimo' sash on your back and pull each end with your both hands to fix the ‘Yukata’ with it. ⑤おはしょりを整えます。 Arrange rrange the part part that has been folded. ⑥衣紋の位置、抜き加減を決めます。 Decide the location of collar and the adjustment of width of collar. 身八つ口(わきの下の小さな穴)から手を入れ、手を開いてシ ワをとります。前だけでなく後ろにも手を回してシワをとって 下さい。 Bring each end of the 'Koshihimo' sash in front your waist and fasten with a catch. Overlap the sash to make only one line. Insert both hands into the openings under the arm ('Miyatsuguchi'). Use both hands to remove any creases around the waist on both the back and front of the body. 衣紋を取ってつめて下さい。背中を下に軽く引っ張ります。こぶ し1つが目安です。 Adjust the distance between the collar and neck by pulling the collar ends according to your hairstyle or bodyline. ①帯を前で合わせます。 Put the ‘Obi’ on your front body. body. ②胴にふた巻きします。 Wind the 'Obi' on your body. 帯を二つ折りにし、輪を下にします。中央を前で合わせます。 Make folding the ‘Obi’ completely and make the circle the bottom. Set the center of the ‘Obi' on your front. 後ろへ回して交差させます。このとき、一度キュッと引き、前に 戻します。 Wind end of the 'Obi' to your back and make crossing. At this time, pull both of ends of the ‘Obi' once tightly, before its are returned to your front. ③ひと結びします。 Knot Knot the ‘Obi' once. ④輪をつくります。 Make the 'Obi' a circle. 結ぶ前に、左右の長さが同じになるように調整します。正面で 交差させ、ひと結びします。結び目がゆるまないよう、しっか り結んでおきます。 Before knotting the ‘Obi’, adjust it so that the length of the left and right of the ‘Obi’ may become same. After end of the ‘Obi’ are made crossing at your front, knot it once. Tie tightly the ‘Obi' so that a knot of the ‘Obi’ doesn't loosen. 結び目の下になっているほうで輪をつくり、上からかぶせます。 Make a circle at under the knot of the 'Obi', and cover it from the top. ⑤リボン結びをします。 Knot the 'Obi' like a ribbon. ⑥羽根を整えます。 Arrange the wings wings of the ‘Obi’. 左右の輪の大きさが同じになるように結びます。キュッと締 め、結び目がゆるまないよう注意しましょう。 Knot the ‘Obi’ so that the size of the circle in left and right of the ‘Obi’ may become same. Tie tightly the ‘Obi’ so that a knot doesn't loosen. 左右のリボンの輪を広げ、羽根になる部分を整えます。 Expand the circles of ribbon in left and right and arrange beautifully the part which becomes like the wings. ⑦帯を後ろへ回します。 ⑦帯を後ろへ回します。 Turn around the 'Obi' to your back. 帯を持ち、右から後ろへ回します。逆方向に回すと、えり合わ せがくずれるので注意しましょう! Turn the 'Obi' to your back from the right. If it's turned to an opposite direction, collar adjustment collapses, so let's pay attention! ⑧前をきれいに整えます。 Arrange beautifully front of the ‘Obi’. リボン結びの出来上がり♪ Finish♪ of a ribbon knot of the ‘Obi’.
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