Beginner s TEXT 16 LESSON 1 Weather (天気) Please repeat after your teacher. 先生に続けて言ってください The weather has been great lately. (このところ、いい天気が続いています。) There's a perfect blue sky today. (今日は抜けるような青空です。) Have you seen the forecast for the weekend? (今週末の天気予報は見ましたか?) There's not a cloud in the sky.(雲ひとつない素晴らしい天気です。) Those clouds are a bad sign. (雲行きがあやしくなってきました。) It's been overcast for the past few days. (ここ数日、空は厚い雲に覆われています。) It looks like we are going to have a shower this afternoon. (午後には夕立がありそうです。) The rain started to get heavier a little while ago. (さっきりより雨あしが強くなっています。) Rough seas are expected as the typhoon approaches. (台風の接近で海は大荒れです。) The typhoon is expected to arrive over the Kanto region in a few hours. (関東地方は1時間後に暴風域に入ります。) It's getting more like spring day by day. (日に日に春らしくなりますね。) We've reached the season wherein the cold really gets to you. (寒さが身にしみる季節になってきました。) Be careful with fire in this dry air. (空気が乾燥しているので、火の元には気をつけてください。) Related words ・ blue sky(青空) ・ a shower(夕立) ・ a little while ago(さきほどより前) ・ typhoon(台風) ・ day by day(日に日に) ・ dry air(乾燥) ・ forecast(天気予報) Copyright(C) Eigo de Shaberitai Club All Rights Reserved. Weather (天気) Beginner s TEXT 16 LESSON 2 Please practice conversing with your teacher. Once finished, now practice being the teacher yourself. 先生と会話の練習をしてください。一通り会話が終わりましたら、今度はあなたが Teacherのほうも試してみましょう! Teacher: It s cold and windy today, isn't it? (今日は寒くて風が強いよね。) You: Yeah, but tomorrow the weather is supposed to be sunny. (だよね、 でも明日の天気は晴れみたいよ。) Teacher: Have you seen the forecast for the weekend? (週末の天気予報見た?) You: They said it is going to be cloudy and it might snow. (曇りだって言ってたよ、雪も降る可能性もあるって言ってたよ。) Teacher: That s okay. I'm going skiing on the weekend. So, I don't care if it snows, but I hope it doesn't rain. (それはいいね。週末はスキーに行くつもりだったから雪が降っても平気だし、 しかし雨は降らないことを祈って。) You: I see. It has already reached the skiing season. (なるほど、 スキーの季節になったんだね。) Teacher: Let`s go together next time. (今度一緒に行こうよ。) You: Sure! (了解!) Memo Copyright(C) Eigo de Shaberitai Club All Rights Reserved. Beginner s TEXT 16 LESSON 3 Weather (天気) Please explain what the drawing describes 挿絵をみて説明してください。 Memo Copyright(C) Eigo de Shaberitai Club All Rights Reserved. Beginner s TEXT 16 LESSON 4 Weather (天気) Please converse freely with your teacher. Your teacher will begin the conversation by asking you the following questions. 先生と自由な会話をしてください。先生は下記の質問より会話を始めます。 Does it snow in your town during winter? (あなたの住んでいる町は雪が降りますか?) Does your town have typhoons? (あなたの住んでいる町は台風が来ますか?) Which season do you like? Summer or winter? (夏と冬のどちらが好きですか?) Do you go somewhere on sunny day? (天気がいい休みの日はどこかへでかけますか?) Memo Copyright(C) Eigo de Shaberitai Club All Rights Reserved.
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