MPS Gene Therapy Study, Gene Technology Unit Department of

MPS Gene Therapy Study,
Gene Technology Unit
Department of Genetic Medicine
Women s and Children s Hospital
North Adelaide,
South Australia, 5006
Unit Head;
Associate Professor Donald S Anson
Dr Julie Bielicki, Senior Researcher, MPS VII project
Ms Chantelle McIntyre, PhD student, MPS IIIA project
Lentiviral Mediated Gene Therapy for MPS IIIA
Summary of the study
The MPS IIIA study is evaluating and comparing two different approaches to gene therapy for MPS IIIA. Both
approaches use a lentiviral vector to deliver a functional copy of the gene that is defective in MPS IIIA (the
sulphamidase gene). The vector we use has been developed in house (1-3) and we have developed the capability to
produce and purify the vector on large scales (3).
本研究は MPS3 における遺伝子治療を2通りの方法で評価比較するものである。二つのアプローチに共通してい
るのは、MPS 3患者に欠損している遺伝子複製の導入にレンチウイルス触媒を用いている点である。この触媒は
house(1-3) で開発され、我々はこの触媒の純粋なものを大量生産する方法に改善を重ねてきた (3)。
As neurological dysfunction is a hallmark of MPS IIIA the project is especially focussed on assessing the effect of
gene therapy on the central nervous system (CNS) pathology associated with the disease. The work is being done in
the MPS IIIA mouse model (4), which demonstrates measurable neurological dysfunction (5).
神経学的機能異常が MPS3 の最も重要な症状であることから、本研究は、遺伝子治療の本疾患に対する中枢神経系異
常の症状改善効果にフォーカスを当てる。作業は、MPS3 に罹患し、神経学的機能異常を有為に認めたマウスモデル (4)
を用いて行われた (5)。
The principle goal of the study is to see if either of the vector delivery approaches outlined below results in
significant and widespread enzyme delivery to the brain, the organ most significantly affected in MPS IIIA, and in
turn, whether this results in the improvement of pathology and biochemistry in the brain. This involves behavioural
studies of the mice and histological, enzymatic and biochemical analyses of brain tissue. In addition, the effect of our
gene therapy approaches on non CNS tissues is also being carefully evaluated.
この研究の主要な目的は、もしも、両方の触媒導入方法で、重要で多様な酵素が、( 最も MPS3 による重大な影響を
被る臓器である ) 脳に届くのなら、それを交互に試行し、結果的にどちらの方法がより効率よく脳の障害に因る症状
In the first approach to gene delivery our lentiviral vector is intravenously injected into the mouse (6). This is a very
simple approach to vector delivery and primarily results in gene delivery to the liver and spleen. These organs can
then secrete replacement enzyme into the circulation allowing widespread distribution to different tissues.
一つ目のアプローチは、静脈注射による触媒投与である (6)。これは遺伝子を導入する最も簡単な方法であるが、結
In the second approach the vector is delivered directly into the brain ventricles via sterotaxic injection. This mode
of delivery is much more technically demanding but has the advantage of specifically targeting gene delivery to
the brain. The question is whether this results in improved efficacy of correction of CNS pathology, and if so, if this
improvement is sufficient to justify the invasiveness of the technique.
Progress of ongoing study
An initial study of intravenous vector delivery in the MPS IIIA mouse model has been completed and successfully
published (6, 7). This has shown that this approach results in significant improvement of brain biochemistry as
well as of somatic (non-brain) tissues. We believe that this is because, with a steady state of circulating enzyme,
the capacity of the blood brain barrier to transport lysosomal enzymes into the brain, while extremely limited, is
sufficient to result in significant amounts of enzyme throughout the brain, especially given the pervasive nature of
the brains blood supply. However, the study also showed that correction of brain pathology was incomplete.
マウスへの触媒静脈注射の結果は上々であり、論文を発表した (6,7)。この結果は、静脈注射による遺伝子導入という
いる状態に於いて、リソソーム酵素を脳へと輸送する血液脳関門の輸送能力が、脳全体 ( 言っても極度に限られた範
囲にではあるが ) に効果を及ぼすことのできる多量の酵素を行き渡らせるのに十分であり、とりわけ、脳血液供給が
Accordingly, we have modified our vector by using a codon-optimised version of the sulphamidase gene and a
stronger promoter to control gene expression. In vitro testing shows that this results in significantly higher levels of
sulphamidase expression.
We have used this modified vector in a second study of intravenous injection of the vector. This study is ongoing and
includes tests of neurological function (the MPS IIIA mouse shows cognitive defects in certain behavioural tests) as
well as biochemical and histological analyses to see if observed improvement in biochemical/histological parameters
results in the improvement of brain function.
In addition, we are assessing the affect of the direct injection of the vector into the brain. While this approach has
significant disadvantages (being very invasive) it has previously been assumed to be necessary if the brain is to be
successfully treated. While the results of our intravenous injection of vector show that this is not absolutely true, we
are doing this study to see if it results in better efficacy.
The cohorts of animals for this study have now been set up by Ms Chantelle McIntyre as part of her PhD studies, and
she will complete the experiment over the next 12 months.
Goal of the study
The goal of the ongoing study is to assess whether the improvements we have made in our vector design are
sufficient to allow complete correction of central nervous system pathology in the MPS IIIA mouse. If so, we will
move to assess our approach in large animal models (the MPS IIIA dog) as a preclinical study. If not, we will further
modify our vector by adding tags to the sulphamidase protein that are designed to increase transport into the brain (8)
and re-assess its efficacy.
本研究のゴールは、我々が改良をしてきた触媒による効果が、MPS3 罹患マウスの中枢神経系障害による症状の寛解