UC 大阪オフィス John Ino 特任教授(UCSF 名誉教授) 特別講義@豊中キャンパス文理融合型研究棟7階講義室 [基礎工学部 理学部 間 新 7階建 建物内] “Case Based Critical Thinking” インタラクティブな実践型演習で楽しく学ぶ Brain Storming & Creative Discussion in English 1 月 15 日(木)午後 1 時30分 ー 4時40分 対象学生:本学大学院生、学部生 (先着 30 名) 参照 WEB:www.inosensei.com/osakauniversitygraduate 受講申込先:UC 大阪オフィス・中山: 06‐6850‐6785, kyosui‐gakusei‐[email protected]‐u.ac.jp 申込みは、E‐mail で件名「1/15 UC 大阪オフィス特別講義申込み」とし、1月 13 日(火)までに下記をお知らせくだ さい。 ①氏名 ②氏名のフリガナ ③氏名の英字表記 ④所属の学部・研究科の「邦字」と「英字」表記 → 大学院生:所属研 究科 大学院名 学年(M,D, 1,2,など)、 学部生 : 学部 学科(専門) 学年(B, 1,2,など) ⑤2コマ受講可能かどうか (講義は 10 分間の休憩をはさんで 90 分×2 で構成されています)。やむを得ず途中参加・早 退する場合は、事前にお知らせください。 ⑥連絡先電話番号 This series of two lectures will challenge the students’ critical thinking skills. Students will be given case studies from new disruptive technologies. They will analyze the issue and answer the general question, “What should I do?” The general “tools” they will use for analysis are: 1) stakeholder identification, 2) brainstorming rules The personal dilemmas they will struggle with are: 1) Where should I stop on this “slippery slope”? 2) What is my “fudge factor” (acceptable level of dishonesty)? 3) What is influencing my actions: feelings (emotion) or thinking (intellect) 12/18/14: The “Divorce Gene” 1. The recent human genome project has found a “divorce gene”. This gene increases a man’s chance of divorce from 15% to 34%. 2. Small group discussion topics: Who are the stakeholders? If I am a man do I want to know if I have this gene? If I am a woman do I want to know if my boyfriend / fianc has this gene? How does this knowledge effect my behavior? 1/15/15 From Downloading “Free” Music to 3D Printing: Guns ‘n Roses to Guns 1. Students will be given beforehand Article: Sticky Fingers in The Supply Closet Video: Fudge Factor; Dan Ariely Video: Losing Crescent Wrench at the Space Station 2. Students will be asked whether downloading “free” music is “stealing or sharing” analyze the transition from physical things (CDs, DVDs) to digital files discuss the global nature of file sharing 3. Small group discussion topics Who are the stakeholders? Who are the old (obsolete) middleman? Who are the new (digital) middlemen? How will “digitalization” effect my career? Can we brainstorm new business opportunities / careers?
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