Advanced Radiation Engineering 放射線応用工学E Kenichi Ishikawa (石川顕一) [email protected] 高次高調波発生と アト秒科学 high-order harmonic generation & attosecond science Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) High-harmonic generation 高次高調波発生 2015/10/8 No. 2 Quantum Beam Generation Engineering (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) References 参考文献 The lecture material is downloadable from: M. Protopapas, C.H. Keitel and P.L. Knight, “Atomic physics with super-high intensity lasers”, Rep. Prog. Phys. 60, 389– 486 (1997) F. Krausz and M. Ivanov, “Attosecond Physics”, Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 163-234 (2009) K. L. Ishikawa, High-harmonic generation, in Advances in Solid-State Lasers, ed. by M. Grishin (INTEH, 2010), pp. 439-464 大森賢治編「アト秒科学: 1京分の1秒スケールの超高速現象 を光で観測・制御する」(化学同人、2015/8/10) 10/8 3 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高調波発生 (Harmonic generation) 結晶、ガス等(crystal, gas) Linear optical effect 線形光学効果(弱い光) ω ω Material response is linear in light intensity 物質の応答が、入射光強度に比例 非線形光学効果(強い光)€ € ω Nonlinear optical effect Nonlinear material response 物質の応答が、入射光強度に非線形に依存 ω,3ω,5ω,! 波長変換 (frequency conversion) D = ε0 E + P € P = ε0 [ χ E + χ E + χ E +!] (1) € € (2) 2 (3) 3 非線形分極 (nonlinear) 線形分極 linear polarization €3ω:3次高調波(3rd harmonic) 5ω:5次高調波(5th harmonic) € 反転対称な媒質では、 χ (2) = 0 for a medium with inversion symmetry € 2 ∇ × ∇ × E = −µ 0 € ∂D ∂t 2 2015/10/8 No. 4 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 摂動論的高調波発生 (perturbative harmonic generation) 3rd harmonic 3次高調波 Ionization 電離 5th harmonic 5次高調波 Ionization 電離 仮想準位 Virtual level !ω Virtual level 仮想準位 !ω !ω € € € !ω € € 3!ω € Ground state 基底状態 € !ω !ω 5!ω !ω € !ω Ground state 基底状態 € 次数が高くなるほど、発生効率は減少。 € Harmonic order ↑ Efficiency ↓ 2015/10/8 No. 5 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高次高調波発生 High-harmonic generation (HHG) discovered in 1987 Intense femtosecond laser pulse 3 High-order shortwavelength pulse Phaser shift difference (rad) 2 1 0 -1 -2 gas jet -3 -10 -5 0 5 -2 10 -1 0 1 Fundamental optical cycle Highly nonlinear optical process in which the frequency of laser light is converted into its integer multiples. Harmonics of very high orders are generated. Pulse width (fs) 新しい極端紫外・軟エックス線光源として注目される。 New extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray source 2015/10/8 No. 6 2 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) How high orders? Harmonic spectrum 高調波スペクトル Wahlström et al., Phys. Rev. A 48, 4709 (1993) 041111-3 Takahashi et al. Takahashi et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 041111 (2008) Harmonic intensity (arb. unit) 1015 W/cm2 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 FIG. 4. !Color online" Experimentally obtained harmonic spectra in Ar. Red and blue profile depict the spectra with #0 = 0.8 !m pump and #0 = 1.4 !m pump, respectively. Both HH spectra are normalized to the peak intensity. The laser focused intensity is adjusted to generate HH under a neutral condition for both wavelengths. The inset shows a measured two dimensional harmonic spectrum image driven by 1.4 !m pump. 800 nm, 1.6×1014 W/cm2 Only odd orders 奇数次のみ Simulation 0 10 20 30 Harmonic order 40 50 800÷31= 26 matching cond propagation ax the Ar harmon cutoff energy w spectrum drive magnitudes low measured HH significant cuto the 0.8 !m dr field generate higher energy This photon en predicted valu In conclu sources based monic beams. pulse width w 1.4 !m. Total #45% conver HH spectrum extension exce file is almost p is attractive no the kiloelectro ergy scaling o was raised up to 26 mJ, a maximal output energy exceeding 7 mJ was achieved at the signal wavelength near 1.4 !m. Temporal characterization of amplified OPA pulses was performed using a single-shot autocorrelation !AC" technique. A typical AC trace is shown in the inset of Fig. 2. Assuming a Gaussian pulse shape, the pulse width of 1.4 !m nmpulse was evaluated to be 40 fs in full width at half maxi1 M. 7 Hentschel, R 2015/10/8 No. mum !FWHM", the energy of which corresponds to the red T. Brabec, P. Co filled circles in Fig. 3. The solid red line depicts the Fourier- ture !London" 4 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Plateau(プラトー)- remarkable feature of high-harmonic generation plateau cutoff 1015 W/cm2 Harmonic intensity (arb. unit) Wahlström et al., Phys. Rev. A 48, 4709 (1993) 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 800 nm, 1.6×1014 W/cm2 plateau cutoff Simulation 0 10 20 30 Harmonic order 40 50 プラトー(plateau):Efficiency does NOT decrease with increasing harmonic order. 次数が上がっても強度が落ちない。 カットオフ(cutoff):Maximum energy of harmonic photons e2 E02 2 2 14 Ec Ip + 3Up Up (eV) = = 9.3 10 I(W/cm ) (µm) 4m 2 ponderomotive energy • 摂動論的には解釈できない(non-perturbative) 2015/10/8 No. 8 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高次高調波発生のメカニズム = 3 step model Mechanism of HHG = 3 step model 摂動論的高調波 perturbative 電離 ionization 高次高調波(非摂動論的) HHG(non-perturbative) Laser field レーザー電場 recombination virtual state 仮想準位 再結合→ 発光 photon emission (HHG) !ω !ω € € € !ω € 3!ω ground state 基底状態 electron 電子 トンネル 電離 tunneling ionization 電場中の古典 的運動 Semiclassical electron motion 3-step model Paul B. Corkum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1994 (1993) 2015/10/8 No. 9 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高次高調波発生のメカニズム = 3 step model Mechanism of HHG = 3 step model 2015/10/8 No. 10 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高次高調波発生の3ステップモデル 3-step model of HHG Paul B. Corkum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1994 (1993) Ionization at z= ωt0 = φ0 E0 [(cos 2 ! cos 0) +( 0 ) sin 0] Ekin = 2Up (sin φ − sin φ0 )2 Recombination at φ = φret (φ0 ) , which satisfies z = 0 Laser field E(t) = E0 cos ωt レーザー電場 recombination Phase of recombination (phi_r) 350 300 250 再結合→ 発光 photon emission (HHG) 200 150 100 electron 電子 50 0 0 50 100 Phase of electron release (phi0) 150 トンネル 電離 tunneling ionization 電場中の古典 的運動 Semiclassical electron motion 2015/10/8 No. 11 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高次高調波発生の3ステップモデル 3-step model of HHG Paul B. Corkum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1994 (1993) 2015/10/8 No. 12 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) 高次高調波発生の3ステップモデル 3-step model of HHG Field (in E0) 1 field 0 recombination ionization -1 3 There is the maximum kinetic energy which is classically allowed. Ec = Ip + 3.17Up 1 0 0 90 180 long short short 2 long Electron kinetic energy (in Up) Simple explanation of the cutoff law カットオフ則のシンプルな説明 270 360 Phase (degrees) There are two pairs of ionization and recombination times which contribute to the same harmonic energy. Short and long trajectories 2015/10/8 No. 13 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Even up to 1.6 keV, > 5000 orders (almost) x-ray! Popmintchev et al., Science 336, 1287 (2012) a new type of laser-based radiation source レーザーをベースにした新しいタイプの放射線源 2015/10/8 No. 14 the retrieved pulse duration was 88 as. e I ωL and I 2ωL ,)2;#0 <+=4#22>, 4+;# #?-+/3)', 3' /"%## 03$#',3)', +'0 ()$1-/#0 )./+3'#0 *% %+03+/3)' )* /"# ,/%)'&2650%3;#' +/)$3( 031)2#, -,3'& +of &#'#%+25 /+2 #%%)%K , Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. Tokyo) Both PROOF and FROG-CRAB /"# assume only 3@+/3)' )* /"# ?-+'/-$ that /%#+/$#'/ )* %#*: 8A: !"#,# ,3$-2+/3)', 63#20 /"# ;3,3.2# , ωL , and twice + BCD5+, 75%+6 1-2,# '#+% /"# 1%)1+&+/3)' +=3, 3' /"# *+% E#20 43/"3' #=1#%3$#' + B5#F ,1#(/%+2 %+'&# '#+%streaking GD #F H*-22 23'# 3' I3&: JKL +(()$1+'3#0 .6 /"# (+%%3#% photoelectrons emitted in a small angle in the delay between + *#4 ,$+22 ,+/#223/# 1-2,#,: !"# +11#+%+'(# )* ,+/#223/#, ,#1+%+/#0 .6 ,#()'0 1%# What happens if the fundamental laser !! MN *%)$ /"# (#'/%+2 1-2,# 2#+0, /) + ,1#(/%+2 $)0-2+/3)' 43/" + )* /"# 4+; photoelectron 1#%3)0 )* /43(# /"# 2+,#% 1")/)' #'#%&6L +, %#;#+2#0 .6 /"# (+2(-2+/#0 +$123/-0# ,1#(/%-$ H*-22 23'#K 3' /"# 3',#/ )* I3&: J: !"# 0#1/" )* /"3, 3'& /"# #; nformation of $)0-2+/3)' 1%);30#, + ,#',3/3;# $#+,-%# )* ,+/#223/# ()'/#'/: !"# +//),#()'0 pulse is very short? では、超短パルスレーザ $#+,-%#0 ,1#(/%-$ )* /"# "+%$)'3( 75%+6 1-2,# %#O#(/#0 .6 )-% *#45(6(2# 0 <)MP3 $-2/32+6#% H0)//#0 23'# 3' /"# 3',#/ )* I3&: JK ,#/, + ,+*# -11#% "3&"5"+%$ ncoded in I ωL , 23T# Hentschel et al. (2001) H$)%# ーによる高次高調波はどんな感じ? )/"#% /"+' se are guessed *%+(/3)' )* 8 6 86 4 90 Energy (eV) 94 τx = 530 as 2 0 –6 –4 –2 0 Time (fs) 2 4 6 Laser electric field (arbitrary units) X-ray intensity (arbitrary units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hao et al. (2012) Light emission takes place only once. )*+ !"#$%&' (% V3/" 3/, 0%+6 1-2,# #;)2-/3)' 3',/+'/+'# ;3,3.2# 23&" ,3'-,)30+2 !"# 0)/, 3' $+''#%L %# !9BD '$ "+;# /) %#$ )'# &#'#%+ (+2(-2+/#0 75%+6 ,)-% !"# $#+ 2+%&#% /"+' /3;#26 /"# 1 /"+/ /"# ). © 2001 Macmillan Magazine -18 sec) pulse Attosecond Fig. 3. (Color online) Characterization of a 67 as(10 XUV pulse. 光の放出は1回だけ (a) Streaked photoelectron spectrogram obtained experimenアト秒パルス trace (left) from the spectrogram in tally. (b) Filtered I ωL /3)' /) /"# 0%3;#% 13$1%);# /" $#'/,: spec(a) and the retrieved I ωL trace (right). (c) Photoelectron2015/10/8 No. 15 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) From femtosecond to attosecond 10-15 sec 10-18 sec 5 Molecular rotation 5 10 10 FWHM 5 fs (λ=800 nm) 44 Pulse (fs) Pulseduration width (fs) Molecular Electronic vibration dynamics 10 10 3 3 10 10 22 10 10 11 10 10 Single cycle at 800 nm 00 -6 10 10 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 fs -1 -1 10 10 -2 -2 10 10 1960 1960 1970 1970 1980 1980 Year 1990 1990 Year 2000 2000 2010 FWHM 500 as (λ=13 nm) c = 3 ×108 m/s dt = 1 as = 10−18 sec c dt = 0.3 nm 2015/10/8 No. 16 How to generate IAP 17 K. L. Ishikawa 80 70 60 50 40 30 86 4 90 Energy (eV) 94 2 –4 –2 0 Time (fs) 2 0.6 )*+ 2 0.4 80 as -300 60 τx = 530 as 50 40 30 4 6 -200 -100 1 0 100 Time (as) 200 300 Attosecond (10 3'& /"# #;)2-/3) +//),#()'0 /3$3' *#45(6(2# 0%3;#% "3&"5"+%$)'3( H$)%# 23T#26K /) )/"#% /"+' /"# ) *%+(/3)' )* +22 2+ /3)' /) /"# 0#/# 0%3;#% 1-2,#, 4 3$1%);# /"# 0+/ $#'/,: !"#$%&' (%')*+, V3/" 3/, 0-%+/3) %+6 1-2,# (+' ' #;)2-/3)' )* /"# 3',/+'/+'#)-, ( ;3,3.2# 23&"/ 1,3'-,)30+2 ),(322 !"# 0)/, 3' I3&: 9 0 %#;#+23' 2 $+''#%L Delay (fs) !9BD '$ /) ,)$ "+;# /) %#$#$. )'# &#'#%+/3'& / (+2(-2+/#0 *%#?75%+6 ,)-%(#: !"# $#+,-%#0 2+%&#% /"+' 1%#0 /3;#26 /"# 1%#03( /"+/ /"# ).,#%;#0 −2 5 P'($3('%#+ 0 .'&<E#(+8 2 1#'&<'Q*2 4 −4 −2 2%'3"%#7"-&'( *1%#12*%; "&-E(# -. ' 2-.%<@<&'; "3(2#4 Delay 5,# @<&'; "3(2# (fs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τx2#(#$%#+ = 80 ±>; 5 %,# as X-S!* &#Y#$%-&8 2,-)*16 %,'% '>-3% LDZ -. %,# %-%'( Y3#1$# *2 )*%,*1 ' 3 C<#M &'16# '&-31+ LD #M4 Ne 0.8 B 70 XUV spectral intensity (arb.u.) C 0.2 Light emission takes place only once. 6 phase (rad) 5 fs XUV intensity (arb.u.) 1.0 90 80 530 as 8 0 –6 −4 Photoelectron energy ( eV) A X-ray intensity (arbitrary units) Photoelectron energy ( eV) Baltuska et al. Nature 421, 611 (2003) 90 ,1#(/%-$ H*-22 23'#K 3' /"# 3',#/ )* I3&: J: !"# 0#1/" )* /"3, $)0-2+/3)' 1%);30#, + ,#',3/3;# $#+,-%# )* ,+/#223/# ()'/#'/: !"# $#+,-%#0 ,1#(/%-$ )* /"# "+%$)'3( 75%+6 1-2,# %#O#(/#0 .6 )-% <)MP3 $-2/32+6#% H0)//#0 23'# Nature 3' /"# 3',#/ )*414, I3&: JK ,#/, + ,+*# -11#% Hentschel et al. 509 (2001) Laser electric field (arbitrary units) Isolated attosecond pulse generation by a few-cycle laser pulse rad). (C to E) Spectra measured at the CE phase setting closest to the ~11° ( *#4 ,$+22 ,+/#223/# 1-2,#,: !"# +11#+%+'(# )* ,+/#223/#, ,#1+%+/#0 .6 ,#()'0 1%#(3,3)' Fig. 1A. The zero+!! ofMNthe CE phase scale in (A) was set to yield the best agreement *%)$ /"# (#'/%+2 1-2,# 2#+0, /) + ,1#(/%+2 $)0-2+/3)' 43/" + )* /"# 4+;# H0# D spectra in (B). 1#%3)0 )* /43(# /"# 2+,#% 1")/)' #'#%&6L +, %#;#+2#0 .6 /"# (+2(-2+/#0 +$123/-0# #';#2 D 0.6 Goulielmakis etMagazines Ltd © 2001 Macmillan al. 0.4 Science 320, 1614 (2008) 0.2 φ″=(1.5 ± 0.2)×1 40 50 60 70 80 90 Photon energ sec) pulse Fig. 3. Sub-100-as XUV pulse retrieval. (A) Measured ATR spectrogram compiled -18 spectra of photoelectrons launched by an XUV pulse with a bandwidth of ~28 eV (FW at delay settings increased in steps of 80 as. Here, a positive delay corresponds arriving before the NIR pulse. The high flux of the XUV source allows this spectrogr within ~30 min. (B) ATR spectrogram reconstructed after ~103 iterations of the FRO (C) Retrieved temporal intensity profile and spectral phase of the XUV pulse. The in 18 XUV emission (Fig. 4B) is almost fully compensated by a 300-nm-thick Zr foil introd K. L. Ishikawa model17. The ninth-harmonic pulse driven by an 8-fs pulse evolves steeply with the highly nonlinear response of the dipole moment in the rising edge of a driving pulse. When the optical electric field becomes high enough to ionize the interacting atoms18, high harmonic generation is shut off because of the small dipole moment of the ions. In this case, a driving laser with a shorter pulse duration is also preferred. With the foregoing as a basis, modifications could be made by taking account of the spatial intensity distribution in the driving laser beam and the propagation of harmonics. For example, harmonic pulses would be generated at different times at different positions, but the phase-matching effect would not preserve the difference19. However, two-dimensional or three-dimensional fundamental field simulations harmonic that the harmodensityofofhigh neutral Argeneration atoms indicate nic pulses still retain the features of the single atom in the cut-off envelope (400 nm) tion traces were 1.3 ^ 0.1 and 1.8 ^ 0.1 fs, resulting in pulse durations of 950 ^ 90 as and 1.3 ^ 0.1 fs, respectively. In the 950-as pulse, however, bumps appeared around the main peak and the gaussian function does not seem to be appropriate to describe the pulse shape. To check the validity of the experimental results, the spectra of the ninth harmonic (Fig. 3c) were Fouriertransformed with an assumption of a flat phase in the frequency domain, and the autocorrelation functions were then calculated. The results are shown by the blue lines in Fig 3a, b. Both the autocorrelation trace of the 1.3-fs pulse and that of 8.3-fs pulse are reproduced well. The bumps are therefore attributable to the spectrum shape. Consequently, no other pulses were observed within the scanned time range of 20 fs, showing the isolated single IONIZATION SHUTTER HHG is suppressed when neutral atoms are depleted Ar 950 as from 8.3 fs 1.3 fs from 12 fs The spec Ti:sapphire around 800 amplifier of with two pea duration, al spectra are m For furth use of a mu generate hig earlier than duration. H attosecond p duration is the tempor (650 as). Th to induce no Finally, w two-photon volume V ( ¼ 1011 cm cross-sectio the pulse du were 7.8 £ 1 was set to 10 1.6 £ 1023 e electrons pe efficiencies, Methods Driving laser Figure 1 High harmonic pulse generation in the adiabatic picture. The red line is the ninth harmonic pulse of the 8-fs driving pulse with a peak intensity of 5.5 £ 1014 W cm22 (dashed line). The blue line is the density of the neutral Ar atoms radiating high harmonics calculated by using a tunnelling ionization theory18. The generation of high harmonics ceases with the ionization of neutral atoms. 9th harmonic (of 400 nm) = 27.9 eV 606 Blue laser pulses pulses to obtain Figure 2 Two-photon above-threshold-ionization (ATI) autocorrelator. a, Experimentalthe laser pulse, b spectrum comp setup for the autocorrelation measurement of the ninth harmonic (9q) of the blue laser. To pulse energies o improve the spectral resolution of the photoelectron spectrometer, an electrostatic field durations were was applied to the time-of-flight (TOF) tube and the photoelectrons were decelerated system. The opt configuration fo inside the tube. b, The photoelectron spectrum. c, Diagram of the two-photon ATI tilt and phase m coherence of th process. The area in red in b indicates the photoelectrons ejected from He atoms by the pulses. The puls process shown in c. and were found Isolated sub-fs pulse generation from a ~10 fs pulse ©2004 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 432 | 2 DECEMBER 2004 | Autocorrelatio Sekikawa et al., Nature 432, 605 (2004) 19 K. L. In the present produced by sp Ishikawa conventional a POLARIZATION GATING (PG) FOCUS | REVIEW ARTICLE 2010.256 HHG is suppressed when circular polarization is used counter-rotating circularly polarized pulses with a delay b Linearly polarized laser field EUV intensity 1.0 4 3 2 1 L = 0.8 µm 10 0.6 0.8 5 130 as 0.4 0 0.2 0 Contributing subcycle 4 Phase (rad) fs) Ar –300 –150 0 150 Time (as) 300 Phase (rad) Circularly polarized laser field –5 Sansone et al., Science 314, 443 (2006) 200 d 20 Experiment 1 K. L. Ishikawa e information of encoded in I ωL , pulse are guessed DOUBLE OPTICAL GATING (DOG) Polarization gating + two-color gating PRL 100, 103906 (2008) week ending 14 MARCH 2008 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2 2 Egate "t# $ E0 "e'2ln2&"t%Td =2'T0 =4# ="! ( 2 2 ' e'2ln2&"t'Td =2'T0 =4# ="! ( #sin"!0 t % ’CE #; (2) where E0 is the amplitude of the circularly polarized fundamental laser field with carrier frequency !0 (period T0 ), pulse duration "! , and CE phase ’CE . Td is the time delay between the two circular pulses. The delay, T0 =4, between the gating and the driving fields is introduced by the quarter-wave plate. #!;2! is the relative phase between the fundamental and second harmonic pulses. The duration of the SH pulse is "2! . Finally, a represents the strength of the second harmonic field relative to the fundamental field. Figure 2(a) shows harmonic spectra of argon for onecolor (linearly polarized fundamental field only, Td $ 0, a $ 0), two-color (a second harmonic field added to a fundamental field polarized in the same direction, Td $ 0), conventional PG (a $ 0), and DOG fields. Notice that +2 Ne with secondharmonic field Fig. 3. (Color online) Characterization of a 67 as XUV pulse. (a) Streaked photoelectron spectrogram obtained experimentally. (b) Filtered I ωL trace (left) from the spectrogram in (a) and the retrieved I ωL trace (right). (c) Photoelectron specnerated by DOG in trum obtained experimentally (thick solid) and retrieved specal., PRL and 2008,FROG-CRAB 103906 (2008) e gas cell is 1 mm. tra and spectral phases from Mashiko PROOFet(solid) Zhao etprofiles al., Opt. Lett. 3891 (2012) polarization gate is FIG. 1 (color). (dashed). (d) Retrieved temporal and 37, phases from The driving filed components for PG correspond to (a) without and (b) with the second harmonic field, PROOF (solid) and (dashed). respectively. The driving field is shown as the red line. FROG-CRAB The two 21 K. L. Ishikawa IAP generation from a ~10 fs pulse vertical lines represent the gate width. Here, the filled curves are Elec 40 20 GENERALIZED DOUBLE OPTICAL GATING (GDOG) 0 2 4 Ne 4 0.8 0.4 3 80 as 2 1 0.2 L = 0.8 µm Elliptical instead of circular polarization 0 –200 0 Time (as) 200 d c Laser field HHG bursts L = 0.8 µm Experimen IAP generation from a v =c > 20 fs pulse without E need of carrierTime dela envelope stabilization Theory, E L Bi-colour field with shaped polarization Single HHG burst e 4 163 as 0 Phase (rad) 1.0 Ar 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 –200 EUV intensity L = 0.8 µm initial L 30 20 10 0 initial EX-ray isolated pu 30 Gilbertson et al., PRL 105, 093902 (2010) 20 final E Gilbertson et al., PRA 81, 043810 (2010) X-ray vX-ray = c 10 0 22 2 final L –4 0 200 400 Time (as) Photoelectron energy (eV) 0.6 Contributing subcycle Time delay (fs) Photoelectron energy (eV) Contributing subcycle EUV intensity 1.0 –2 Phase (rad) L = 0.8 µm –4 1 Time dela L = 2.0 µm He 2 K. L. Ishikawa –60 Ionization probability 0.8 (×10–3 a.u.) (×10–3 a central peak is markedly suppressed [see Fig. 1(a)]. Here, the intensity ratio (# ¼ E21 =E20 ) and the phases (!CE , !1 ) –50 are fixed at 0.15 and 0 rad, respectively. The intensity ratio INFRARED TWO-COLOR SYNTHESIS between the central peak and the highest side peak is 0.8, –40 which is800 almost same as of a 5 fs pulse at field 800 nm nm the + 1300 nmthat two-color driving –5.32most intense –2.66 0.00 appears 2.66 (red line). Note that–7.98 the second peak autocorrelation trace 800 nm 800 nm + 1300 nm 0 Xe 500 as 10 (a) (b) –70 1.0 29 eV 4 [arb. units] nee E) of P er e 5.3 2 mix 2 -1 0.6 m 10 0.4 –50 4 o0.2 2 n –40 -2 0.0 10 0 5 10 15 y 10 20 30 40 –7.0 –6.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 Pulse duration [fs] Time [fs] or !t (fs) Takahashi et al., PRL 104, 233901 (2010) n Takahashi et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2691 (2013) 2 þ re 3 | Measured traces of (a) an IAP obtained from the(E side peak of N ion signals. The time resolutio FIG. 1 AC (color). Field amplitude mix ) of an 800 nm, 5 fs d 48 and 28 as, respectively. Theand error show theJ),s.d. of eachline). data point. The grey solid profiles are AC t High-energy (1.3abarsmicro high-power (2.6 GW) IAP pulse (red line) TC field (green The TC field is As generated by an 800 nm,more 30 than fs pulse mixed a 1300 nm,| 4:2691 40reported fs| DOI: 10.1038/nco 100 times more with energetic than previously NATURE COMMUNICATIONS is pulse. The intensity ratio (#) and the phases (! , ! ) are fixed 23 CE Limited. 1 L. Ishikawa & 2013 Macmillan Publishers All rights K.reserved. FROM FEMTOSECOND TO ATTOSECOND 5 Molecular rotation 5 10 10 FWHM 5 fs (λ=800 nm) 44 Pulse (fs) Pulseduration width (fs) Molecular Electronic vibration dynamics 10 10 3 3 10 10 22 10 10 11 10 10 Single cycle at 800 nm 00 -6 10 10 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 fs -1 -1 10 10 -2 -2 10 10 1960 1960 1970 1970 1980 1980 Year 1990 1990 Year 2000 2000 2010 FWHM 500 as (λ=13 nm) c = 3 ×108 m/s dt = 1 as = 10−18 sec c dt = 0.3 nm 24 K. L. Ishikawa Quest for higher photon energy (shorter wavelength) cutoff Ec = Ip + 3.17Up e2 E02 Up (eV) = = 9.3 4m 2 10 14 2 I(W/cm ) 2 (µm) Longer fundamental wavelength is advantageous Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) 25 K. L. Ishikawa roximately 20 atm with a matching is substantially satisfied along the propagation By using the configuration axis of the pump pulse. Moreover, this 2D image ensures get [29], the effective gas that our coherent water window source will be useful for gion is estimated to be apacquiring 2D diffraction images. 50 eV photon energy, Gouy We further explored the generation of HH under a "1 evaluated to be 360 cm neutral-medium condition by changing the nonlinear me"1 pulse and 615 cm from dium from Ne to He with the aim of obtaining a higher Also, plasma dispersion is spectral range between the K-absorption of Cthe(284 eV) and (543 eV) photon energy. Figureedges 3 shows measured HeOHH spec- WATER-WINDOW HHG tra driven by a 1:55 !m pulse with a focusing intensity of absorbed by5:5 biological samples not by water 2 , but which is obtained with a ! 1014 W=cm 0.8 2400 grooves=mm grating. The pump energy, beam diattractive for high-contrast biological imaging I = 5.5 ⇥ 10 Space W/cm 0.2 300 350 400 0.0 rgy [eV] onic spectra from neutral Ne the reciprocal of imaginary ine and the dashed blue line e spectrum obtained with a 2 He Carbon K edge 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 Photon energy 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Transmission of Mylar filter 0.4 14 1.0 Space = 1.55 µm (1/f2 )2 0 1.55 µm He HHG [arb. units] Int. 0.6 0.0 Photon energy [eV] FIG. 3 (color). Takahashi et al., PRL 101, 253901 (2008) harmonic spectra from neutral He.K. L. Ishikawa 26 Measured keV HHG Even up to 1.6 keV, > 5000 orders almost x-ray! 0 = 3.9 µm Popmintchev et al., Science 336, 1287 (2012) a new type of laser-based radiation source 27 K. L. Ishikawa Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Attosecond Science アト秒科学 2015/10/8 No. 28 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) femtosecond, attosecond ミリ m 10-3 マイクロ μ 10-6 ナノ n 10-9 ピコ p 10-12 フェムト f 10-15 アト a 10-18 Light propagates during 30 fs … 3 × 108 (m/s) × 30 × 10−15 (s) = 9 × 10−6 (m) = 9 µm 2015/10/8 No. 29 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Why so short pulses? necessary shutter speed snapping ultrafast motion for 2015/10/8 No. 30 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Electrons moving around the nucleus Orbital period of the electron inside an atom Electron Nucleus 2π T = = 2π ω ! 2 1 e mω 2 r = 4πϵ0 r2 4πϵ0 mr3 −18 = 152 × 10 s = 152 as 2 e Need for attosecond shutter 2015/10/8 No. 31 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Dynamics of the Auger effect オージェ効果のダイナミクス A method to analyze ultrafast processes with a laser field. 2015/10/8 No. 32 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Auger effect Ejection of a core electron オージェ効果 Photoelectron 光電子 Augerオージェ電子 electron 光電子 Photoelectron 内殻電子が電離(光電効果) Instantaneous Core-excited ion 内殻励起状態のイオン ~ a few fs Ejection of a valence electron 特性X線を放出するかわり に軌道電子を放出 Observation of the ejection of Auger electrons →Ionizing X rays < a few fs →Attosecond pulse 2015/10/8 No. 33 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) How to measure the electron ejection time? Pump(イオン化を引き起こす) 高調波(HHG) Probe(電子の放出時刻を測る) レーザー光(laser) 2015/10/8 No. 34 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) How to measure the electron ejection time? 高調波とレーザー光を遅 延時間を持たせて照射 Irradiate an atom with an attosecond pulse and laser pulse with delay 2015/10/8 No. 35 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) How to measure the electron ejection time? E(t) = E0 (t) cos(ωt + φ) dv dp =m = −eE(t) dt dt ionization at t = tr で電離 Initial momentum 初速度(運動量) ! p0 = 2m(h̄ωX − Ip ) p = p0 + ∆p ! ∞ " eE0 (t) ∆p = −e E(t)dt = −eA(tr ) ≈ sin(ωtr +φ) = 4mUp (tr ) sin(ωtr +φ) ω tr 検出器での運動量 Momentum at the detector 検出器での運動エネルギー Kinetic energy at the detector p0 ∆p W ≈ W0 + = W0 + m ! 8W0 Up (tr ) sin(ωtr + φ) 2015/10/8 No. 36 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) How to measure the electron ejection time? 検出器での運動エネルギー ! W ≈ W0 + 8W0 Up (tr ) sin(ωtr + φ) Electron kinetic energy Ejection time 光電子のエネルギーと 遅延時間の関係 2015/10/8 No. 37 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Life time of the Auger decay∼8 fs Auger effect 光電子 オージェ電子 Auger electron 光電子 Probe…Laser 750 nm Photoelectron Pump…HHG soft x rays 13 nm 10フェムト秒程度の超高速過程が見える! Ultrafast process 10 fs 2015/10/8 No. 38 Advanced Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Delay in photoemission 光電効果には何アト秒かかるか? 2015/10/8 No. 39 online 29 October 2009 (10.1126/science.1178535). tant addition to this field, which should evenAdvanced Radiation Application tually lead to a better understanding of how membrane proteins fold. (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) Downloaded from on June 21, 2011 would require a translocon pore size with a diameter of ~50 Å, which is consistent with biochemical data (11) but which is too large 10.1126/science.1193065 PHYSICS When Does Photoemission When Does Begin? Photoemission Begin? Ultrafast spectroscopy and multielectron calculations reveal complex electron dynamics occurring just before an atom emits a photoelectron. H. W. van der Hart T The complex dynamics of atomic in the positive ion, and as the electrons adjust The photoelectric effect is photousually considered instantaneous. emission has a simple origin—the emission to their new energy levels, they release energy he process of photoemission was one of the effects that led to the formulation of quantum mechanics. If an atom or surface absorbs sufficient energy from incoming light, it can transfer that energy to an electron, which is then emitted. Theories of photoemission mainly focus on energetics—the temporal or dynamic aspects are ignored—but complex electron interactions occur that will create a slight delay between light absorption and electron emission. This time delay has been poorly understood for a fundamental reason: We cannot “see” an atom absorbing a photon. At best, we can follow subsequent emission events and use them to establish a “time zero” when the light was absorbed. A practical challenge has been that the time delay is extremely short, and only recently have direct experiments been feasible with the advent of lasers that emit pulses on the attosecond (as, 10 18 s) time scale. On page 1658 of this issue (1), Schultze and co-workers present measurements of time delays between different photoemission processes generated by the same ultrashort light pulse. This finding not only allows further studies of the timing of photoemission but also provides a new way to investigate electron interactions in atoms. Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK. E-mail: [email protected] of a negatively charged electron changes the neutral atom into a positive ion. The energy levels of the remaining electrons are different that is transferred to the outgoing electron. The time needed for this transfer is the origin of the small time delays. e– Ne Ne + ∆t2s 2p Ne 2s Short light pulse Ne Ne+ ∆t2p e– Electron hesitation. Schematic diagram of a photoemission process for Ne. An incoming photon of an ultrashort light pulse is absorbed by either a 2s (top row) or a 2p (bottom row) electron. After photoabsorption, the electron escapes, while the orbitals of the other electrons adjust to the new surroundings as the atom becomes an ion. This adjustment leads to a time delay ∆t in the emission of the electron, which is longer for emission of a 2p electron than for emission of a 2s electron. SCIENCE VOL 328 25 JUNE 2010 Published by AAAS 1645 2015/10/8 No. 40 the measured delay of ~20 as cannot be explained by a delayed onset of streaking, which was the dominant effect in (17). The streaking NIR field may be significantly screened by bound electrons at small distances from the nucleus. After the absorption of an XUV photon, it takes the positive-energy electron a finite time to leave this screened volume, and this time interval may be different for electrons originating from different orbitals. However, for an atom, this difference cannot exceed a few attoseconds. The characteristic scales can be extracted from the classical trajectories shown in Fig. 1B. If we assume that the 2s and 2p electrons are set in motion at the same moment, their classical distance of less than 1 Å from the nucleus. Further- parameters, function cðeÞ describes properties of for allowing us to track the history of rent experimental thefully small devia- thetime more, ifAdvanced screening played a dominant role, the the wave packet. In this representation, a delay Dt Radiation Application (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for useaccurately only (Univ. of phenomena (Fig. 1A) tions between the electron’s exact motion and microscopicinternal faster 2p electrons would be exposed to the in photoemission, shown as a shift of the electhat modeled via the CVA give rise to a 2-as calls for precise knowledge of the delay bestreaking field earlier than the slower 2s ones, tron’s trajectory in Fig. 1B, adds eℏ Dt to the phase tween the XUV pulse and an outgoing electron discrepancy in the relative delay. whereas measurements and quantum simulations of cðeÞ. It is therefore meaningful to define the wave packet Accepting this small discrepancy, manyshow that the slower electron is emitted first. group delay of the outgoing electron wave pack-(henceforth, absolute delay). This can only electron models were applied to investigate the Now we turn our attention to the quantum- et, in accordance with earlier work (4, 5, 25),beas inferred from theory. For multidAs a first attempt, systems, such as Ne, physical descripof electron mechanical description. First effects of all, we need a correlation. aðeÞ ¼ ℏ de arg½cðeÞ%. Analyzingelectron our simulaof the discrepancies revealed by this work thedelay. multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock was the tion definition for the photoemission Consider tions, we averagemethod aðeÞover bandwidth of proved to created evaluate matrix a photoelectron wave functionused jyðtÞ〉 bytransition the XUV pulseelements (29) andfrom denote the resulttoasbe a. a challenge. The sensitive experstateofof Ne toAs states where electron an XUV pulse centered at t ¼the 0. ground The motion the first andthe most importantimental task, wetest val-to which time-dependent manythe wave packet after photoionization is conve- idate the experimental Intuitively, models can now be subjected will benefit wave asymptotically propagated along the methodology. direc- electron niently described in a basis oftion continuum states one expects thatfield. a delay in the formation of a their development. of the streaking NIR electric These je〉, each of which has a well-defined energy e wave packet causes a corresponding temporal and describes a wave that propagates in the di- shift of the streaking spectrogram. This holds true Downloaded from on June 21, 2011 The 2s electron appears to come out 21 attoseconds earlier than the 2p electron! measure only re Tokyo) photoemission c lute delays relies tested time-dep Presently, only tw provide this de photoionization cause of low S/N complex system of the photoelect streaking will atomic photoion sensitive tests, w ually improving predictions. Thes understanding of and will make t atomic chronosc References a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fig. 3. The relative delay between photoemission from the 2p and 2s subshells of Ne atoms, induced by Schultze et al.,sub–200-as, Science 328, 1658 (2010) near–100-eV XUV pulses. The depicted delays are extracted from measured attosecond streaking spectrograms by fitting a spectrogram, within the strong-field approximation, with parameterized NIR and XUV fields. Our optimization procedure matches the first derivatives along the time delay dimension of the measured and reconstructed spectrograms, thereby eliminating the influence of unstreaked background electrons [for details on the fitting algorithm, see (29)]. From the analysis of a set of spectrograms, the measured delays and associated retrieval uncertainties are plotted against the amplitude of the vector potential applied in the attosecond streak camera. Spectrograms measured in the presence of a satellite attosecond pulse were found to exhibit a less accurate retrieval of the delay value. When a subset of data (red diamonds) that represents scans with less than 3% satellite pulse content was evaluated, a mean delay value of 21 as with a standard deviation of ~5 as was found. The green circles represent the result of analyzing spectrograms recorded with an XUV pulse with narrower bandwidth in order to exclude the potential influence of shakeup states contributing to the electron kinetic energy spectrum. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. H. Hertz, Annal W. Hallwachs, A A. Einstein, Ann E. P. Wigner, P C. A. A. de Carv 83 (2002). A. F. Starace, in (Springer, Berli S. T. Manson, R M. Y. Ivanov, J. (2007). A. Baltuška et a R. Kienberger e M. Nisoli, G. Sa (2009). G. Sansone et a M. Schultze et a E. Goulielmakis M. Hentschel et A. Borisov, D. S Echenique, Che A. L. Cavalieri e A. K. Kazansky, 177401 (2009) C. Lemell, B. So A 79, 062901 J. C. Baggesen, 043602; and er U. Becker, D. A Photoionization (Plenum, New Y A. Rudenko et a J. Mauritsson et 22. 41 2015/10/8 No. 23. plication of isolated attosecond pulses in 2002 (2). This demonstration was then followed by other important experimental results in the field of ultrafast atomic physics, such as the real-time observation of electron tunneling (3) and the measurement of temporal delays of the order of a few tens of attoseconds in the photoemission of electrons from different atomic orbitals of neon (4) and argon (5). The unprecedented time resolution offered by attosecond pulses has also allowed quantum mechanical electron motion and its degree of coherence to be measured in atoms by using attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (6). Attosecond techniques have been applied in the field of ultrafast solid-state physics, with the measurement of delays in electron photoemission from crystalline solids (7) and the investigation of the ultrafast field-induced insulator-to-conductor state transition in a dielectric (8). In the past few years, attosecond pulses have also been used to measure ultrafast electronic processes in simple molecules (9). Subfemtosecond electron localization after attosecond excitation has been observed in H2 and D2 produced a doubly charged for molecular fragment ical reaction in a D2 molecule (13). Although Quantum Beamthe Generation Engineering (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) by ejection of a second electron, and charge mistudy of more complex molecules is challenging, gration manifested itself as a sub-4.5-fs oscillaa formative measurement of the amino acid tion in the yield of this fragment as a function phenylalanine has shown that ionization by a フェニルアラニン of pump-probe delay. Numerical simulations of short APT leads to dynamics on a temporal scale the temporal evolution of the electronic wave of a few tens of femtoseconds. This has been inpacket created by the attosecond pulse strongly terpreted as the possible signature of ultrafast support the interpretation of the experimental electron transfer inside the molecule (14). data in terms of charge migration resulting from The application of attosecond techniques to ultrafast electron dynamics preceding nuclear molecules offers the possibility of investigating rearrangement. primary relaxation processes, which involve elecamino The a-amino acids consist of a acid central carbon tronic and nuclear degrees of freedom and their atom (a carbon) linked to an amine (-NH2) coupling. In the case of large molecules (e.g., biアミノ酸 ologically relevant molecules), prompt ionizagroup, a carboxylic group (-COOH), a hydrogen Ultrafast electron dynamics in phenylalanine initiated through ionization by attosecond pulses Calegari et al., Science 346, 336-339 (2014) 1 Fig. 1. Three-dimensional structure of phenylalanine. Molecular structure of the most abundant conformer of the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine. Dark gray spheres represent carbon atoms; light gray spheres, hydrogen atoms; blue sphere, nitrogen; and red spheres, oxygen. The molecular geometry has been optimized by using density functional theory (DFT) with a B3LYP functional. N O biological effect of ionizing radiation Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies (IFN)–Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy. 2Departamento de Química, Modulo 13, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid, Spain. 3Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy. 4 Centre for Plasma Physics, School of Maths and Physics, Queen’s University, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK. 5IFN-CNR, Via Trasea 7, 35131 Padova, Italy. 6Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Farmaceutiche, Università di Trieste and CNR–Istituto Officina dei Materiali, 34127 Trieste, Italy. 7 Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Nanociencia, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain. 放射線の生物効果 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (F.M.); [email protected] (M.N.) 336 17 OCTOBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6207 SCIENCE of attosecond techniques to he possibility of investigating processes, which involve elecdegrees of freedom and their se of large molecules (e.g., bimolecules), prompt ioniza- nsional lalanine. of the most r of the d phenylalanine. epresent gray spheres, ue sphere, pheres, oxygen. metry has using density FT) with a data in terms of charge migration resulting from ultrafast electron dynamics preceding nuclear rearrangement. The a-amino acids consist of a central carbon atom (a carbon) linked to an amine (-NH2) group, a carboxylic group (-COOH), a hydrogen N O Quantum Beam Generation Engineering (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) pump sub-300 as XUV 15-35 eV probe 4 fs VIS/NIR 1.77 eV / 700 nm SCIENCE detect ++NH -CH-R dication 2 scale. The experimental data display a rise time of 10 T 2 fs and an exponential decay with time constant of 25 T 2 fs [this longer relaxation time constant is in agreement with earlier experi- Quantum Beam Generation Engineering (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use 430 only (Univ. of Tokyo) K, only the be related to nuclear dynamics, which usually come into play on a longer temporal scale, ultimately leading to charge localization in a particular molecular fragment. Indeed, standard dication yield oscillates with period ~ 4.3 fs Fig. 2. Pump-probe measurements. (A) Yield of doubly charged immonium ion (mass/charge = 60) as a function of pump-probe delay, measured with 3-fs temporal steps.The red line is a fitting curve with an exponential rise time of 10 fs and an exponential relaxation time of 25 fs. (B) Yield of doubly charged immonium ion versus pump-probe delay measured with 0.5-fs temporal steps, within the temporal window shown as dotted box in (A). Error bars show the standard error of the results of four measure- six substantially presen mentary materials, w figuration shown in To further investi we also varied the width of the attosec an indium foil in th XUV spectrum was width at half maxim 15 eV, followed by component extendi doubly charged imm ly visible, suggesting involves relatively cation. We have cal gram with all the sta alanine generated b all the states of the materials). A numbe states of the cation dication are possibl tion of just a few VI cannot be accessed in the case of XUV dium foil. In this c states to the lowest the less probable a photons. We also performe describe the hole d second pulse simila ment. Details of the supplementary ma central frequency a the pulse, a manifo assigned to electron dynamics in the molecule Quantum Beam Generation Engineering (Kenichi ISHIKAWA) for internal use only (Univ. of Tokyo) report assignment
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