Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd. Singapore Regional Office 16 Raffles Quay #38-01/02 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 Tel: 6220-2016 Fax: 6224-8870 2015 JAL Scholarship Program Application and Selection of Participants The JAL Scholarship Program has been held annually since 1975, with the objective of enhancing the younger generation’s understanding of Japan. The program aims to promote mutual understanding beyond national borders, as well as to develop young men and women who will assume leadership roles in Asia and Oceania region in the future. The full details of the program are appended below for your easy reference. 1. Duration 01 July 2015, Wednesday to 21 July 2015, Tuesday (The schedule and duration may be subject to changes.) 2. Countries and regions participating in this Program Sydney, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dalian, Tianjin, Hong Kong, Seoul, Busan, New Delhi, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Guam, Bangkok, Cambodia, Laos, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City 3. Theme Considerations of Japan in Asia (Chemical reaction between Japan and Asian countries) 4. Language Japanese (Required Proficiency Level: JLPT N2 and above) All the lectures and discussions will be prepared and conducted in Japanese. 5. Cities to be visited: (1) Tokyo (2) City of Kanazawa, City of Hakusan (Both in Ishikawa Prefecture, northwest Japan) Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd. Singapore Regional Office 16 Raffles Quay #38-01/02 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 Tel: 6220-2016 Fax: 6224-8870 6. Program Outline (1) Opening Seminar & Closing Seminar Both seminars will be held in Tokyo. Participants will acquire and develop comprehensive knowledge and a clear understanding of the program’s theme. In the Closing Seminar, they will do a presentation on what they have learnt over the course of the Program. (2) Field Work Field work consists of visits to various facilities and historic sites, joint field surveys with Japanese students, and interviews with local people. Through visiting actual field sites, participants can gain a greater awareness of Japan. (3) Students Session & Group Discussion The participants will form groups mixed of mixed nationalities to collaborate on discussions and surveys based on the set topic. (4) “Asia Forum in Ishikawa” This forum will consist of lectures and a public symposium. The participants will give presentations based on their findings from the field work, student sessions and group discussions. (5) Home stays (Tokyo & Ishikawa Prefecture) Participants will deepen their knowledge and understanding of Japanese customs and way of life through first hand experiences during the home stays. 7. Application and Selection Process etc. (1) Application Criteria Participants must: - Be healthy, of a cheerful disposition, and able to get along well with others. - Have an interest in Japan and be willing to experience Japanese culture and customs. - Be aged 20 to 25 years old when the program commences. Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd. Singapore Regional Office 16 Raffles Quay #38-01/02 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 Tel: 6220-2016 Fax: 6224-8870 - Be Singaporean, and must be either an undergraduate or postgraduate student. - Have a command of Japanese equivalent to, or above Japanese Proficiency Test Level 2. (2) Qualification requirements Participants must: - Maintain self-discipline and be actively involved in the program activities. - Bear in mind that this program is a group activity. Straying from the group will not be permitted. - Attend all classes, sessions, and activities scheduled by the organizer. -Take the specified transportation and flights to and from Japan. No changes of flights for personal reasons will be permitted. - Submit reports on the task assigned prior to the program start as well as on the program activities by the stipulated deadlines. 8. Application Details Applicants are required to submit an essay based on the theme of “Considerations of Japan in Asia”. The essay should not exceed 500 words, and should be double spaced and type written in English. The completed application form and essay must reach us no later than 9 March 2015 (Monday), to: Japan Airlines Co., Ltd Attn: JAL Scholarship Program 2015 16 Raffles Quay, #38-01/02 Hong Leong Building Singapore 048581 Shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview in mid-March. Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd. Singapore Regional Office 16 Raffles Quay #38-01/02 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581 Tel: 6220-2016 Fax: 6224-8870 9. Schedule Date/Day of the week Contents Accommodation 1 01-Jul Wed Arrival Kitaurawa City 2 02-Jul Thu Opening Seminar Kitaurawa City 3 03-Jul Fri Field Work Kitaurawa City 4 04-Jul Sat Opening Seminar Kitaurawa City 5 05-Jul Sun Free time Kitaurawa City 6 06-Jul Mon 7 07-Jul Tue 8 08-Jul Wed 9 09-Jul Thu 10 10-Jul Fri 11 11-Jul Sat AM: Group Work PM: Free time Kitaurawa City Field Work (Train Museum) Kitaurawa City Move from Tokyo to Ishikawa Prefecture Fieldwork (Hosted by the City of Hakusan) Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture Move from Hakusan-city to Kanazawa Japanese Culture Experience Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Orientation in Ishikawa Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Fieldwork and Group Discussion Asia Forum in Ishikawa, International Exchange Festival Move to Host Family's Home Host Family's home at Ishikawa 12 12-Jul Sun Ishikawa Region Host Family Day Host Family's home at Ishikawa 13 13-Jul Mon DAY: Return from Host Family's Home in Ishikawa PM: Fieldwork (Noto Area) Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture 14 14-Jul Tue PM: Field Work to Japan Airlines Facilities Kitaurawa City 15 15-Jul Wed Free Time Kitaurawa City 16 16-Jul Thu Closing Seminar Kitaurawa City 17 17-Jul Fri Closing Seminar Kitaurawa City 19 18-Jul Sat Closing Seminar (Program Reviewing Symposium) Evening: Move to Host Families' home Host Family's home at Tokyo 20 19-Jul Sun Tokyo Region Host Family Day Host Family's home at Tokyo Narita 22 20-Jul Mon Day: Tokyo Region Host Family Day (or Field Work) Evening: Closing Ceremony and Farewell Reception 22 21-Jul Tue Return Home from Tokyo Narita Airport ※Program schedule and contents may be subject to change. (Attachment②) Application Form 2015 JAL スカラシッププログラム アプリケーション 記入日 年 月 日 写真 基本情報 名前 ローマ字 姓 名 Middle Name (if any) 姓 名 Middle Name (if any) 姓 名 カタカナ 漢字 Kanji (if any) プログラム中に呼んでほしいニックネーム 国籍 性別 生年月日 年齢 月 現住所 / 日 / □男 □女 年 (郵送に使用いたします。国名から郵便番号まで含めて、自宅のご住所を明確に記入してください。カタカナ使用不可。) (郵便番号 Zip-code: ) 電話(国/地域番号を明記してください) FAX(同左) E-mail Address パスポート番号 緊急時の母国の連絡先 名前 続柄 住所 電話(国番号を明記してください) FAX(同左) E-mail Address 学校名 専攻 母国語 1 日本語能力 日本語検定 ( )級 ( 年) 日本語履修暦 英語能力(参考) TOEIC( )点 TOEFL( )点 □討論ができる □日常会話ができる □片言 その他の外国語 (参考) □討論ができる □日常会話ができる □片言 健康状態 □良い □あまりよくない 常用の薬の有無 □ある □ない (ある場合、具体的に記入) アレルギー □ある □ない (ある場合、具体的に記入) □ペット □医薬品 □食 物 □その他 食事制限の有無 □ある □ない ある場合、具体的に記入してください。 <例: 豚肉、海老、卵、乳製品(ミルク、バター、チーズ)> □宗教上の理由 □アレルギー □その他 好きな食べ物 嫌いな食べ物、日本食で食べられない物 飲酒 □お酒を飲む □お酒を飲まない 喫煙 □煙草を吸う □煙草を吸わない ペットは好きですか? □はい □いいえ いいえの場合、具体的に □犬 □猫 □その他 ★「健康状態」以下、 「食事制限」、 「食事好き嫌い」、 「飲酒」 「喫煙」などの質問項目は、日本での受け入れ準備に必 要な情報であり、スカラー採用の合否には直接関係いたしませんので、正確なご記入をお願いいたします。 2 海外旅行経験 時期・期間 国名 目的 趣味・特技 将来の希望(職業など) 日本について興味のあること 日本滞在中に学びたいこと、知りたいこと 自己 PR 3
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