レッスン 39 - Cloudfront.net

レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Lesson 39 (レッスン 39) (14-20 min)
Today’s Topic (今日のトピック): Hobby (趣味)
We Love Watching Movies!
Good day! Today, we are going to talk about MOVIES! In this lesson,
you are going to learn common words, phrases and expressions used
to express yourself in this area. Enjoy your lesson!
Exercise 1 (エクササイズ 1): PICTURE DESCRIPTION (画像描写)
(1-2 min)
Directions: Please describe the picture shown below.
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 2 (エクササイズ 2): VOCABULARY BUILDING (語彙構築)
(5-6 min)
Directions: Repeat after your tutor. Read the words, phrases or sentences aloud.
Vocabulary (語彙)
Example sentence (例文)
The movie, “The Ring”, is a very scary Japanese film.
This movie is really funny! It always makes me laugh!
(この映画はとてもおかしいです! いつも笑ってしまいます!)
box office
The movie “Titanic” became a box office hit!
What movie have you watched recently?
Who is your favorite actor or actress?
I am a big fan of Johnny Depp! He is very handsome.
(私はジョニー・デップの大ファンです! 彼はとてもハンサムで
It is the best horror movie I have ever seen!
science fiction
Science fiction films are exciting to watch.
(SF 映画を観るのはとても興奮します。)
Most girls like watching romantic movies.
Useful Expressions (役立つ表現)
I usually go to the movies once a month. I prefer to rent DVDs.
(私が映画を観に行くのは、たいてい月に 1 回だけです。DVD を借りる方が好きなんです。)
What kinds of movies do you like? -I like action movies!
Activity 1:
Using the expressions you have learned, describe the picture in Page1
(習った表現を使い、1 ページ目の絵についてもう一度説明してみましょう。)
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 3 (エクササイズ 3): SEQUENCING STORY (文章並びかえ)
(3-6 min)
Directions: Arrange the following sequence of story depending on how it happens.
Read aloud the sentences in proper order from the first to the last event.
Jane and Ken are trying to decide what movie to watch first. They have a number of
DVDs to choose from.
ための DVD をたくさん持っています。)
3-1. _________
Alright, Jane. What movie do you like to watch?
3-2. _________
You’re right. Why don't we try something else? I want to see an action
film this time.
(そうだったね。何か別のにしないかい? 僕は今回はアクション映画が観
3-3. _________
Now that you’re here Ken, let's decide what movie to watch.
3-4. __________ Hmmm…we already watched a horror movie yesterday and science
fiction the other day.
(昨日はホラー映画を、別の日に SF 映画を私たちすでに観ていたわね)
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 4 (エクササイズ 4): FREE TALK (フリートーク)
(5-6 min)
Directions: Practice and enjoy a free talk with your tutor.
Guide Questions from the tutor: (講師は次の質問で会話を始めます)
Do you like watching movies?
What kinds of movies do you like watching?
Which do you prefer: watching movies in the movie theatre or at home?
What movie have you watched recently? Tell me about it.
(最近どのような映画を観ましたか? その映画について教えてください。)
Ask your tutor about his/her experience in watching movies.
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