高1英語【虎の穴】№3 - FC2

15 次の会話文の(
1)A:Excuse me, (
B:Yes. It's 5:30.
A:Really? I can't believe it's so late already.
B:Time really flies when you're having fun!
① Do you know a watch?
② Do you have time?
③ Do you have the time?
④ Do you have what time?
→③。Do you have the time? = What time is it?
Do you have time? は「時間[暇]がありますか」の意味。
2)A:Is that girl in the living room your sister?
B:Yes. She is my elder sister.
A:What does she do?
① She always watches TV after meals.
② She is going to play the piano.
③ She listens to the radio.
④ She works for a bank.
→④。《What does she do?:彼女の仕事は?》…《What do you do?:お仕事は?》
3)A:What did you think about the movie?
B:Well, (
A:Was it? I thought it was good.
① it was wonderful
② it was too slow for me
③ the acting was great
④ the main actor was terrible
→②。Aが次に Was it?…「そうだったかい?ぼくはいいと思ったよ」と it を用いて応答しているので、
「主演男優がひどかったね」ならば、Was he?
I thought he was~となるはず。
16 次の上下の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、
1)This is a very exciting movie.
) movie this is!
→ What/an/exciting。「とてもおもしろい映画だ」→「なんておもしろい映画だろう」
『なんて~だろう』(感嘆文)は 《What+(a/an)+形容詞+名詞+(主語+動詞)!》 か
《How+形容詞+(主語+動詞)!》 で表わす。
2)Tell me the way to the post office.
Tell me (
) get to the post office.
→ how/to。「郵便局への道』⇒「郵便局への行き方」と考える。
3)Our house is twice the size of this one.
This house is (
) as large as ours.
→ half。「私達の家はこの家の2倍の広さです」⇒この家は私達の家の2分の1。
4)Take care that you don't work too hard.
Take care (
) work too hard.
→ not/to。「働き過ぎないように注意しなさい」⇒ take care that S V:~ということに気をつける。
《~しないように》は不定詞の否定を使って《not to~》で表わせる。
5)Because I was ill, I couldn't attend the meeting.
Because (
), I couldn't attend the meeting.
→ of/illness。「病気だったのでその会合に出席できなかった」⇒ becauseを使った『~なので、~のため
に』の表現は2通り。《because+主語+動詞…》か《because of+名詞/動名詞》→『病気で:ill』を『病気』
6)It is certain that he told a lie.
He (
) told a lie.
→ must/have。⇒it is certain that…:…は確かである、tell a lie: 嘘をつく、
17 次の英文の(
1)A:I won't be able to finish the novel before our next class.
① I won't, too
② Neither I will
③ Neither will I
④ I will, either
→③。定文を受けて「Sもまたそうではない」 は 《Neither+be動詞[助動詞]+S》 で表わす。
2)Tom didn't hear his name (
① calling
② called
③ call
④ to call
3)I was busy (
① helped
) my sister in the kitchen.
② to help
③ help
④ helping
→④。《be busy ~ing:~をして忙しい》
4) “Would you please help me?" “(
① With
② On
→①。《With pleasure.:よろこんで》
) pleasure."
③ In
④ For
15 次の会話文の(
1)A:Excuse me, (
B:Yes. It's 5:30.
A:Really? I can't believe it's so late already.
B:Time really flies when you're having fun!
① Do you know a watch?
② Do you have time?
③ Do you have the time?
④ Do you have what time?
2)A:Is that girl in the living room your sister?
B:Yes. She is my elder sister.
A:What does she do?
① She always watches TV after meals.
② She is going to play the piano.
③ She listens to the radio.
④ She works for a bank.
3)A:What did you think about the movie?
B:Well, (
A:Was it? I thought it was good.
① it was wonderful
② it was too slow for me
③ the acting was great
④ the main actor was terrible
16 次の上下の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、
1)This is a very exciting movie.
) movie this is!
2)Tell me the way to the post office.
Tell me (
) get to the post office.
3)Our house is twice the size of this one.
This house is (
) as large as ours.
4)Take care that you don't work too hard.
Take care (
) work too hard.
5)Because I was ill, I couldn't attend the meeting.
Because (
), I couldn't attend the meeting.
6)It is certain that he told a lie.
He (
17 次の英文の(
) told a lie.
1)A:I won't be able to finish the novel before our next class.
① I won't, too
② Neither I will
2)Tom didn't hear his name (
① calling
3)I was busy (
① helped
② called
③ call
④ to call
) my sister in the kitchen.
② to help
4) “Would you please help me?" “(
① With
③ Neither will I
② On
③ help
④ helping
) pleasure."
③ In
④ For
④ I will, either