2014 Tohoku Gakuin University 1/4 STUDY ABROAD in JAPAN INTENSIVE JAPANESE LANGUAGE COURSE 集中日本語講座 TOHOKU GAKUIN UNIV. w w w. t o h o k u - g a k u i n . a c . j p September 2014 - August 2015 この講座は、毎年9月中旬から翌年8月中旬に開講される1年間のプログラムです。日本の留学資格で必要 とされるN2(*)合格をめざします。講座の参加者は、日本語能力試験N3程度の能力(漢字300字以上 の知識と文法、会話、筆記の基礎力)があることが求められます。 講座は1週間あたり9コマ(1コマ90分)を履修します。日本語の授業では文法、読解、記述、会話、聴 解を学び、宿題が課される他、日本語の授業以外でのプロジェクトが必修です。日本語能力試験N2合格者 は本学前期(4月∼8月)の一般科目受講も可能となります。4月から8月まではアンケート調査・発表や 新聞作成のほかに、希望分野のリサーチ・プロジェクトに取り組み、8月に論文作成と発表を行います。 This one-year intensive Japanese Language Course, which runs from mid-September to mid-August, is designed for students who have reached an ability corresponding to a passing grade on level N3 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and who are aiming at passing the level N2* test. They should know at least 300 kanji, and have a good grounding in grammar, speaking and writing. Students who have passed level N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test can enroll in courses offered as part of the regular undergraduate curriculum. The course consists of nine 90-minute classes per week. These include grammar, reading/writing, speaking/listening, as well as regular homework assignments which include a required research project outside of the classroom. 78=:5<?+'/32,-;=4>691.0*@)( $"!# &!"!#$""$ " # % #! 概要 Outline Àì¢Þ& §Ò4Æ*£ÃÆÑÃÆ&c% §¾f.s%2½Õ-(*Ô&u ì<¤!'W@[FNXB9>I%v1Á+"j"$ * Students will have approximately three hours of Japanese instruction everyday. In addition to classes on written and spoken Japanese, classes that look at Japanese society and culture though extra curricular activities will also be included. During the last 3 months of the course, students are required to undertake a research project in Japanese. 課外活動 Extracurricular activities Ó.Û¦4n¶ Ó¯r`3 *Û¦O[RCH8ÉÜ.ÊÜqÜ$#& §shæ4Ù §s4°hæ2"!* Various extracurricular activities in the afternoon and excursions on the weekends will also be arranged. These include a home-stay, and chances to experience Japanese tea ceremony, ikebana and kendo. 宿舎 Accommodation dx%²_'®=SYLC"^Ý®_ åØ&6L[I%²* While in Sendai, students will reside in apartments near Izumi campus and Izumi Chuo Station. JAPANESE STUDIES SUMMER PROGRAM 日本研究夏季講座 TOHOKU GAKUIN UNIV. w w w. t o h o k u - g a k u i n . a c . j p May 16 - June 19, 2014 この講座では現代日本への理解と初級程度の日本語能力の獲得を目指します。このコースは、日本語学習を 始めたい人、または初級レベルの日本語学習者で日本社会、または文化を学んで2年以内の人を対象として います。 The program aims to provide students with an understanding of contemporary Japan and improve their Japanese language skills. This course is designed for students who want to start or who have been studying Japanese language, society and/or culture for 2 years or less. 概要 Outline NX?VRpuìÛÞ'¨tâ! §Ò& fÑ4j* §Ò>VC' §ÒƬue^& µ{" §ÒƬue]&µ{&ë>VC%m03* §Ò&c%ÈÒ%/2 §s"¾f %ß2\Ú&ÔÅ4wÔ* §²_%Ð|2y×.sh浯©% &´Î4°,2»º!Ô 'i3*=SYLC!&NX?VR& §}k4Ë* During the first three weeks of the course, students are required to take daily Japanese language classes. Two levels of Japanese classes are offered: (1) Japanese Language I for students who have studied Japanese for less than one semester; and (2) Japanese Language II for more advanced students. Students are also required to attend a series of lectures titled "Japanese culture and society" conducted in English. These lectures provide students with the necessary background to gain a greater understanding of Japan’s historic sites, culture and lifestyle which they will visit and experience during the course. The study portion of the program is followed by an participation in an optional tour of various areas throughout Japan. 課外活動 Extracurricular activities dx²_&Ó.Û¦%**$Ó¯r4` hæ̳Í4Ë* *¿¾bàÍ.ÉÜÊÜqÜ$#& §s Various extracurricular activities in the afternoon and weekend excursions are also arranged during participants’ stay in Sendai. These include visits to shrines, hot springs, and the chance to experience Japanese tea ceremony, ikebana and kendo. 宿舎 Accommodation dx²_' §&"&µ¯4hæ2,%O[RCH8"$1* While in Sendai, students are housed with Japanese families to obtain an understanding of Japanese family life. 基本情報 Basic Information NX?VR¥Þç`èñëéêíî¤êï çdxo¼èòï¤êð ç·l¹è Dates:May 16 (Arrival in Sendai) – June 19 (Departure from Narita), 2014 *Dates are subject to change. TOHOKU GAKUIN UNIVERITY TOHOKU GAKUIN UNIV. w w w. t o h o k u - g a k u i n . a c . j p 東北学院大学は1886年仙台に設立されました。仙台は東京から350キロ北 の太平洋側に位置しており、東京から新幹線で約2時間で到着します。 1602年に伊達家が仙台城を築いて以来、仙台市は宮城県の県庁所在地と して発展しています。仙台は「杜の都」と呼ばれており、東北の文化・経 済の中心として位置付けられています。人口は急激に増加しており、現在 は100万人を超えています。 1982年より東北学院大学は、「日本研究夏季講座」「集中日本語講座」 などの講座を、外国人向けの特別プログラムとして提供しています。 Tohoku Gakuin University, founded in 1886, is located in Sendai about 350km (215 miles) north of Tokyo and is situated near the Pacific Ocean. It takes only 2 hours by Super Express (Shinkansen) from Tokyo. Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture, dates back to 1602, when the Date Clan moved to Sendai where they built their castle. Since then the city, nicknamed Mori no Miyako, the City of Trees, has prospered as the economic and cultural center of northern Japan. The population is growing rapidly and is now over one million. Since 1982 Tohoku Gakuin University has been offering special programs for foreign students. Two are currently offered: Japanese Studies Summer Program and the year-long Intensive Japanese Language Course. LIFE IN SENDAI キャンパス Campus ¨tâ'dxk%ëÖ%êzÏì&=SYLC1 *¸µ'dxk%2~ª=SYLC"®=SYLC!(* Tohoku Gakuin University (TGU) has 3 campuses (2 in Sendai City and 1 in Tagajo City). Participants of these programs study at the Tsuchitoi campus and Izumi campus in Sendai City. 地震について About the Great East Japan Earthquake ¨tâ&=SYLCgÄ2dx'¤ %¹µQ?KFT[J&ä¨ § ä³%/1Ì4w*}k003 2%/1dx'¼ "¡ZÇ)"«5! * ¸µ µ¯!2/± %á³;W:YH[AUY4Ë*dx}ãDYE[& §aCEG M"¸µPVYH76ä.dx% Ñ4 3* The Great East Japan Earthquake magnitude 9.0 which occurred on March 11, 2011, hit Sendai, where Tohoku Gakuin is located. Thanks to the generous domestic and international support, Sendai city is making great progress toward rehabilitation and reconstruction. TGU provides international students with Disaster Prevention Orientation by Japanese staff and foreign student volunteers from Sendai International Center in order to enjoy living with peace of mind in Sendai. Tohoku Gakuin University 1-3-1 Tsuchitoi, Aoba, Sendai 980-8511 Miyagi, Japan
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