WELCOME RIDING GUIDE Prices & Information Winter 2014/2015 GB Stef Candé 02/03 skipass-tign es.co m VEN TE EN LIG NE /BO OK ONL IN E photo © PASS’TIGNES skipass -tignes .com The Pass’Tignes,€10, is valid for 3 years and comes with the following advantages: > for sale and rechargeable exclusively online at preferential rates (5 to 10% off espace killy public price for 2 to 15 days) right up to last minute, > in case of loss or theft, administration costs (€10) waived and temporary pass made available immediately at STGM sales office, > frequency rewarded with discount vouchers > special offers etc. INFINI’TIGNES photo © STGM Stef Candé Remember to buy your ski pass before arriving in Tignes! For your first card or a renewal, please order your Pass’Tignes at least 5 days before you are due to arrive. ski-tign es.com STGM Subscribe to the Infini’Tignes program for €29/year: > As soon as your card arrives you can go skiing without going to the sales office. Each ski day is registered on your card and billed monthly to your credit card, > reduced rates for adult espace Killy day passes, > special offers, > day passes at 1€ depending on frequency of use etc. Your card gives you access to 5 other large alpine ski areas (Les Arcs/Peisey-Vallandry, La Plagne, Paradiski, Serre Chevalier, Grand Massif) and reductions at lift pass offices in La Rosière/San Bernado, Ste Foy Tarentaise and Valmorel. Order your card at www. skialacarte.fr or at the Grande Motte reception desk. Please allow 3 days to receive your Infini’Tignes card. LAST YEAR BEFORE OFFER CHANGES WELCOME For this new season, the accent is on digital! Your online purchase site www.skipass-tignes.com continues to improve and offers you advance sales at preferential prices, guaranteeing you more time on the pistes! More time on your skis? This is your opportunity to try out the #MyTignes application available on your iPhone. Challenges, information and tracking to add more fun to your ski day! Once home, prolong the pleasure by keeping an eye on our 4 seasons installations via our facebook page facebook.com/Tignes.ski.golf And finally, like last year, we want to know what you think of us. By answering our questionnaire you will be entered into a draw to get your ski pass for free (€260 maximum, 6 day espace killy pass). How? Send us your email address by text, flash code or Internet. Information on your ski pass, piste map and other resort guides. INDEX SKI PASSES > Online Sales P02 Pass Tignes/Infini’tignes > Espace killy & Tignes key figures P04 > Prices: espace killy P07 Tignes P08 & nouvelles glisses Families P09 > Fresh tracksLLava P10 > Pedestrians P 1 1 > My ski pass... P13 > Ski Pass machineeP 13 TIGNES ASSETS INFO > A ski pass + more P15 > Fun zones P15 > Free access P15 > SnowparkP16 > Freeride P16 > Live : weather/pistesP17 > Rules of conduct P17 > SafetyP18 > Ski Key P18 > Carré Neige Insurance chet : P19 > ReceptionP21 > Sales pointsP21 > Lift opening timesP22 > Free buses P23 > Last lifts P23 Rosset, téléski Lavachet, tapis du Centre Les Brévières : téléski Pitôts Customer services Gare de la Grande Motte B.P. 53 / 73 321 TIGNES cedex - F Tél. 33 (0) 4 79 06 60 00 [email protected] www.skipass-tignes.com 04/05 STGM TIGNES + VAL d’ISère ESPACE KILLY 300 KM TIGNES 150 KM POINTE DU MONTET 3428 LA GRANDE CASSE 3852 OUILLE NOIRE 3355 ROUSSE 3482 LA GRANDE MOTTE 3656 3456 VES COL DES log n de pla n beau stade de slalom g s a xifra e lac EX LLON MI rosset VALLON DE LA SACHE bleuets ROSSET be ilo ép CHAUDANNES LAVACHET PAS DE LA TOVIÈRE oeillet OUR PALAF ES ALM pe tit LE LAVACHET TIGNES 2100 GLATTIER MARAIS du ne silè co l rh od od en dr on myosotis TO MM EU SES lac pé Half -pip e de sla lom de traver sée Lac sach e BALISE RADIO di eb ol d aire lle VALLÉE PERDUE cha rdo ns on de LES BOISSES LAC DU CHEVRIL LE VILLARET DU NIAL PITO TS TIGNES LES BREVIERES 1550 2 panoramic viewpoints 79 ski lifts SNOW PARKS 10000 HA ski area pavo t myrtilles LE CHEVRIL 11 GLACIERS TIGNES 1800 maximum altitude drop LE FRANCHET 2 BRÉV IÈR ES LA RECULAZ LA DAILLE 1785 1900 M LE CRÊT Grande Motte Cable car arcosses ra ye LANCHES I.II mélèzes let ffo tri ts to pi lifts accessible to pedestrians in Tignes VALLON DE LA SACHETTE AIGUILLE ROUGE crêtes ET NN DO anémone AR e CH comb chartreux TIGNES LE LAC PAQUIS almes FUNIVAL or an ge Sta jos era y i percée e aiguille ich corn S BOISSE highest ski lift station sta de scen te PANO gé né py bo ar de r board er OLYM PIQ UE eB el LO YE S lo n v CUG NAI jos er a ll on ed ’o FORNET AIGUILLE PERCÉE 2748 ancolie cyclamen AIGUILLE PERCÉE bruyères E CH SA diebold PORTILLO VAL d’isère 9 lys colchique FUNIVAL 20 VAL CLARET TOVIERE trolles OFFICE DE TOURISME mountain restaurants lys golf Henri com be foll e COMBE FOLLE COL DE LA SACHETTE eige perce-n D HUIT GRAN LOGNAN verte UCPA 3456 M Henri crocus les mer m él èz es M du pe Cou ok GARE ROUTIERE s TRA NSCO RDE CLARET aster on titi co m an- es digu DE AR EV LL BE S ES PR EX CIRCUIT DE GLACE RICHARDES grizzly de ue piq ym Ol VAL D’ISÈRE 1850 LE LAISINANT ion tit ILLE mpé co DA e de Stad campanules TUFS pa i le mur stad e BOLLIN prariond e ere t t qu DES PISTES les anu a mp LET PA Stade Olympique 1992 verte QUE MPI OLY ROND POINT ux cre s roc violettes LE ANMIL SEM ETTE SAVONN VI villa LLAG ge E I II traversé e du laisi nant s ge villa LE VILLAGE NEY GO RO martin combe LE FORNET ITS RO ET ium criter LE CHATELARD LE JOSERAY s de c ver en i edelweiss x eu cr CLOCHETONS stad LEGE e le TTAZ ge ttaz tine piste M LAISE SO i es tin TOVIÈRE 2704 old dieb lpes Rhône-A mangard cogn on O AL CAIRN LEGETTAZ trav. rogoney SL M on de LA SPATULE ay u grattal OT TICH e carlin cirse BLANC MONT LAISINANT forêt BANANE piste M Co up e du n uto mo e M Stad L DU CO GRATTALU prémou FRESSE fresse snowpark l signa isolée ok ard lev e FU NIC ULA IRE GRA NDE MO TTE AIGUILLE DU CHARDONNET h LES LANC HE S COL DE FRESSE die bold rvet cha ed ou ec am pr M COL DU PALET MERLES cros s AIGUILLE NOIRE DE PRAMECOU er ich it p’tit “3j” ora nge MA RM OT TES AT BORS e du épaul s on sant pi ste S dou b mont blanc sse fre LE MANCHET cairn verte ROCHER DE BELLEVARDE 2827 COL DES VES roso lin face ra bo tch le rsat bo ESS EXPR LES DANAÏDES LES MARMOTTES L ste pi LE LAVANCHER épy gén i FROIDE FONTAINE froide fontaine ar ce lle plan ttis Ma EX PR ES S mar mot tons SOLAISE 2560 ISE SOLA ain Germ LE LIÈVRE BLANC MAN CH ET SE AS RR TE i ation rient ta b l i mangard TÊTE DE SOLAISE VALLO N DES PYRAMI v aiglon pré Lac Ouillette arollay la route du col es id m ra py la ais l de co HA mar TC DA L’OUILLETT E lac-parc al COL DE LA LEISSE gra nd t lle co ol ec nt arce lle LAC v a ria petit bois plan milet pyramides GLACIER leissièr e s ARRÊTE DE LEISSIÈRES signal bas LE GRAND VALLON ROCHER DU CHARVET la col de ine madele e ne urch elei fo mad É D PR GRAN ERES LEISSI rs glacie col pré-chemin ab at te STGM LE DÔME DE PRAMECOU ROSO LIN VA NO ISE dahu erlain C Gu LEIS SIER ES po nt i leisse LEISSE te cen des i l ac céma COL DE L’ISERAN 2762 sig na l st jacqu es e ay rim rt dése ERT S DES PAYCEMA pays arses SIGN AL POINTE DE LA SANA 3436 GLACIER DU PISSAILLAS ca sc ad e plan milet SIGNAL DE L’ISERAN 3241 mor ain pis e sa illas géan t 35 00 MEAN MARTIN 3330 POINTE DE L’OUILLETTE CA SC AD E com be du COL PERS 00 35 PAYS DESERT Fa c M ON TE T s on cugnai pi GNY CHAMPA es ch ro ep s dele ine a m er ma ch uil l MA DELE INE les a ig GRANDE MOTTE ier glac t te on m PERS 3386 06/07 STGM Prices Ski passes and packs TIGNES + VAL d'isère 1/JOUR DAY 6 JOURS / DAYS 7 JOURS / DAYS ESPACE KILLY €52.00 €260.00 €297.50 €41.50 €208.00 €238.00 DurATION 2 to 15 day ski pass: free swimming pool and ice rink entry >>> page 15 ADULT Concession (1) 1/2 day (2) 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 8 days 9 days 10 days 11 days 12 days 13 days (5) 14 days (5) 15 days (5) Season pass (5) € 40.00 € 91.00 € 136.50 € 182.00 € 227.50 € 300.00 € 337.50 € 370.00 € 407.00 € 444.00 € 481.00 € 518.00 € 555.00 € 1170.00 € 32.00 € 73.00 € 109.00 € 145.50 € 182.00 € 240.00 € 270.00 € 296.00 € 325.50 € 355.00 € 385.00 € 414.50 € 444.00 € 936.00 Extension 1 day ESPACE KILLY (4) on a 6 to 15 day ski pass/ price per day € 43.50 € 35.00 Extension 1 day ESPACE KILLY (4) from 16th to 21st day maximum/ price per day € 18.50 € 15.00 Insurance: prices and cover >>> page 19 08/09 FAMILY TIGNES 1/JOUR DAY 6 JOURS / DAYS 7 JOURS DAYS / €220.00 €250.00 €35. €176. €200. DurATION ADULT Concession (1) 1/2 day (2) Extension 1 day TIGNES (3) Extension ESPACE KILLY(4) area € 36.00 € 36.50 € 47.50 € 29.00 € 29.50 € 38.00 Insurance: Prices and cover >>> page 19 NOUVELLES GLISSES Access to Palet, Palafour and Almes sectors. Access to Snowpark >>> page 16 DurATION 1/2 day afternoon (2) 1 day ADULT/Concession (1) € 29.00 € 35.00 HILD/SENIOR: 5 to 13 years inclusive and 65 to 74 years inclusive. proof of age required. C 1/2 day morning ski pass : Valid up to 12.15 pm. Deposit to be paid and reimbursed if the ski pass is returned to the sales point before 12.15 pm. 1/2 day afternoon ski pass : valid from 12.45 pm. Available to buy in the morning. (3) The extension allows the holder of a ski pass of 6 days or more to ski an extra day at the end of his trip. Ski pass and original receipt required. (4) The extension allows the holder of a Tignes ski pass of 6 or 7 days to ski the espace killy ski area (Tignes-Val d’Isère). Valid for the remaining period of the pass. Ski pass and original receipt required. (5) Photo required (1) (2) ESPACE KILLY 00 ESPACE KILLY 00 / €208. 00 /pers. TIGNES €176.00 /pers. = € €238. /pers. TIGNES €200.00 /pers. Everyone skis at the child’s price! From a minimum of 4 people from the same family (minimum 1 parent): everyone skis at the child’s price! Children aged from 5 to 13 years, young people from 14 to 17 years and students up to 21 years must show proof of age. All passes must be bought at the same time for the same duration, ski area, and dates for every family member. Offer available on presentation of proof of ages, family relationship and student status. -5 YEARS 00 7 JOURS DAYS / €44.00 00 6 JOURS DAYS SAFETY ADVICE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN > Helmets are strongly recommended for all children. > Baby carriers are not recommended on the slopes. > We do not recommend taking babies and young children on the funicular due to the rapidity and height of ascent. FREE -5 years /+75 years Ski passes of 1 to 15 days are free, photo and proof of age required. 10/11 Ski before everybody else on the slopes of the Grande Motte. Every Wednesday from Christmas to Easter Enjoy a croissant and coffee whilst being briefed by ski patrol and STGM staff before skiing down the «Double M» piste before it opens for the day. FULL VIEW OVER THE MOUNTAINS 10 summits over 3600m Take the funicular then the cable car and enjoy the panoramic view over the surrounding summits. Warning: you are on a glacial zone. To make the most of your visit, take a high mountain guide with you! www.guides-montagne-tignes.com Seven other lifts accessible to pedestrians will allow you access to mountain restaurants and different views over the mountains. Unmissable: the fabulous viewpoint at the top of the Tovière cable car. Pedestrians ADULT 1 Return trip: Funicular Perce-Neige /Chaudannes/ Sache/Tovière/Boisses/Tichot € 14.00 € 11.00 1 day pass including access to the Grande Motte glacier € 20.00 € 16.00 Bollin and Brévières FRESH TRACKS Book your place from Saturday to Tuesday at the Grande Motte sales office. You must have a valid Tignes or espace killy ski pass to take part in Fresh Tracks. Snow conditions and weather dependent, Fresh Tracks may be postponed to Thursday morning. www.skipass-tignes.com €15 FreE COFFEE & croissant sday Every Wedne morning 20 am Departure 8.cular. at the funi (1) Child(1) free access child: 5 to 13 years inclusive Pedestrians lifts Altitude services Grande Motte: funicular + cable car 3032/3456 m I I I Bollin: free chairlift 2214 m Tichot: chairlift 2468 m Tovière: cable car 2704 m Chaudannes: chairlift 2438 m I Boisses: cable car 2181 m I Sache: cable car Brévières: free chairlift 2182 m 1830 m I I I I - #Mytignes. SKI.PLAY SHARE. yTignes Join the #Mand get community es live updat area on the ski .fr www.mytignes / app Store 12/13 FACEBOOK MY SKI PASS Keep in touc h with your ski area all year rou nd www.facebook /Tignes.Ski.Golf.com … is always accompanied by its receipt …… is kept in a left hand side pocket … is never lent to anyone else … is recyclable to replace my pass in case of loss/theft/damage to ease passage at the entry gates KEEP CONNECTED! video-recognition control system give my ski pass a second life SKI PASS SELF-SERVICE MACHINES The self-service machines allow you to buy and recharge your ski pass at the full public price. 6 machines are available in the resort: Grande Motte/ Tovière/ Val Claret/ Lavachet/ Brevières. Hint: Daily ski passes can be bought at the self-service machines and you can choose which day to ski. The day ski pass will start when you go through the control gate for the first time. T Terms and conditions available at the sales points and at www.skipass-tignes.com 14/15 A SKI AREA, WHERE YOU CAN DO MORE! Multiply the pleasure! Free entry to the swimming pool included with any 2 to 15 day espace killy ski pas bought. Also ice rink entry and loan of ice skates. FUN ZONES Free access to Gliss’Park A mini parallel slalom and a mini boardercross on the Millonex piste with banked turns and whoops for small champions! Open Sunday to Friday from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. Opening times susceptible to change. Bonus: 2 airbags to safely try out some jumps. Boardercross STGM TIGNES ASSETS An Easy Boardercross fun run to start with is accessible via the Grattalu chairlift. Then head for the 1200m expert course with banked corners, whoops, bumps and extreme bends. Access via the Col de Palet drag lift. Open every day from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. Free entry. Opening times susceptible to change. Espace Rails In Lavachet, a new small rail zone for all levels! (next to the sledging zone). FREE Beginners’ lifts Val Claret: Claret drag lift, Bollin chair lift Tignes le Lac-Le Lavachet: Rosset chair lift, Lavachet drag lift, Centre moving carpet Les Boisses/Tignes 1800: Boisses moving carpet Les Brevières: Brevières chair lift, Pitôts drag lift 16/17 snowpark LIVE Modules for all abilities R’Tignes The Radio Station Beginner or expert, enjoy riding the tables and rails in the park, some of which have been ridden by some of the world’s best riders. Ride the different lines evolving with each snow fall, following the shapers inspiration. Free access via the Grattalu and Merles chairlifts. Open every day from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm (unless reserved for training sessions or competition) Halfpipe If you love excitement, you’ll love the famous Val Claret halfpipe. Open from midJanuary until mid-April. Feel like flying? freeride DVA training zone The Avalanche tranceiver training zone, situated in the heart of Tignes, next to the lake, consists of 6 beacons permanently buried in the snow which allow you to learn, practice or perfect your technique using your avalanche tranceiver. Freeride Points 4 information points dedicated to freeriders spread across the ski area close to ski patrol chalets. At each point: a daily weather report, pack conditions and avalanche risk, a reminder about safety regulations and an «avalanche tranceiver check point» to check that your tranceiver is working properly. Naturides These are marked black runs which have been made safe but not groomed. The natural snow conditions are maintained, depending on the changing weather. Before setting out tune in to R’Tignes radio station at breakfast time to hear snow reports and the weather forecast for the espace killy every 30 minutes from 7.45 am. And at 8.15 am, the STGM report with ski area updates. R’Tignes on 92.2 at the heart of the resort and 88.2 near the dam. www.laradiostation.fr Weather forecast & lift opening times It is sometimes difficult to accept that certain areas are closed or forbidden when the sun is out and the wind is light at resort level. But, at the same time, at 3000m altitude, the wind may be blowing at 100km/h. Even light snow falls may render certain sectors dangerous. A closed piste always indicates a potential danger. Be patient and respect the limits imposed by nature. RULES OF CONDUCT On the Pistes Respect others, control your speed and your behaviour. Give priority to the skier below you. Be particularly careful where pistes cross and when you are stationary on a piste. Please respect the piste markers and signs as well as advice given by professionals. Consult the piste map for more details! On the lifts Fill the cabins and chairs, respecting the maximum capacity indicated. Don’t throw anything from the lifts, don’t lean out, don’t swing the lift. On a drag lift, don’t slalom. To join a chair lift, follow the instructions indicated. If the lift stops for a long time, stay calm and await instructions from the lift operator personnel. Your behaviour contributes to the safety of our lift system. Find the rules of conduct on your piste map! 18/19 CARRÉ NEIGE INSURANCE SAFETY Avalanche risk & snow pack stability One rate for eveyone, € 2.80 per person and per day! local risk - yellow flag > Risk 1 - weak: snow pack very stable on most slopes > Risk 2 - limited: on some steeper slopes* the snow pack is only moderately stable. Elsewhere very stable. High risk - yellow and black checked flag > Risk 3 - marked risk: on numerous steeper slopes* the snow pack is only moderately stable > Risk 4 - strong risk: the snow pack is only moderately stable on most steeper slopes* Generalised risk - black flag > Risk 5 - very strong: generalised instability of snow pack. * The characteristics of these slopes are described in avalanche reports: by attitude, exposition, position... The off-piste sectors of the ski area are not made safe, or marked or patrolled. Off-piste skiing is carried out at your own risk and responsibility. Avalanche transceiver, shovel and pole are strongly recommended. SKI PATROL AND SAFETY La Marlière TIGNES Tél. 04 79 06 32 00 SKI KEY New generation of ski and snowboard racks with padlock system at your disposal around the resort. A perfect, worry-free way to enjoy your lunch or shopping spree! Padlock price: €20. Available at lift pass offices, Maisons de Tignes and participating shops. www.skikey.fr > rescue and removal from piste > reimbursement of medical and pharmacy costs and hospitalisation not covered by other insurance policies. > Repatriation > Reimbursement of ski pass and ski school costs > legal costs > broken skis For sale at ski pass sales points and at www.skipass-tignes.com Keep your receipt on you, you may need to show it in case of an accident. Details of insurance cover and how to claim can be found in the insurance leaflet available at STGM sales offices. Piste rescue charges Winter 2014/2015 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4* Helicopter Snow front zone Lower piste zone Upper piste zone Off-piste zone Minimum cost per minute of flight First aid cover on piste first aid cover off-piste Surcharge for winching € 49,00 € 195,00 € 342,00 € 684,00 € 55,00 € 371,00 € 477,00 € 221,00 Ambulance bottom of piste Tignes Le Lac € 172,00 Ambulance and Val Claret to medical centre (supplement from Brévières/Daille) Carré Neige supports Savoyard and HauteSavoyard skiers. Helping to train our champions. *Hourly charge pisteur/machine/snowmobile added to off-piste charge if necessary Carte Neige Annual insurance, individual or family (alpine skiing). On sale at the Grande Motte sales desk. 20/21 WELCOME RECEPTION At the Grande Motte reception: get real-time information about the opening times of the ski lifts in Tignes, weather forecasts and snow conditions. Help yourself to all the leaflets about the resort. Ask our customer relations receptionists for advice and information on our products and deals. Buy your Infini’Tignes card. Recharge your Pass’Tignes card at one of our interactive machines for direct access to our online sales site www.skipass-tignes.com. Buy your Carte Neige insurance for year round ski cover. Opening hours from 29/11/2014 au 17/04/2015 FROM 18/04/2015 TO 03/05/2015 weekdays every day 8.30am|5.15pm 8.30am|6.00pm 8.30am|5.15pm Saturday Sunday 8.30am|5.15pm FROM 04/05/2014 TO 10/05/2015 every day 8.30am|4.45pm SALES POINTS Grande Motte - Funicular Tovière - Maison du LAC FROM 29/11/2014 FROM 20/12/2014 TO 19/12/2014 TO 18/04/2015 FROM 19/04/2015 TO 10/05/2015 STGM PRACTICAL INFORMATION weekdays Saturday Sunday 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|5.30pm 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|5.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm LAVACHET weekdays Saturday Dimanche weekdays Saturday Sunday 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|6.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|5.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm VAL CLARET - CENTRE FROM 19/12/2014 FROM 19/04/2015 TO 18/04/2015 TO 22/04/2015 8.30am|1.15pm 8h30am|1.15pm 8.30am|6.00pm 8h30am|4.30pm 8.30am|5.00pm 8h30am|4.30pm LES Brévières weekdays Saturday Sunday FROM 29/11/2014 FROM 20/12/2014 TO 19/12/2014 TO 18/04/2015 FROM 19/04/2015 TO 03/05/2015 FROM 19/12/2014 FROM 19/04/2015 TO 18/04/2015 TO 03/05/2015 8.30am|3.30pm 8.30am|2.30pm 8.30am|6.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|5.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm FROM 13/12/2014 FROM 20/12/2014 TO 19/12/2014 TO 18/04/2015 FROM 19/04/2015 TO 26/04/2015 weekdays Samedi Sunday 8.30am|2.15pm 8.30am|2.15pm 8.30am|6.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm 8.30am|5.00pm 8.30am|4.30pm VILLAGE MONTANA Saturday Sunday FROM 20/12/2014 TO 19/04/2015 These times are subject to change, please consult the website. In high season the sales points may be open from 8 a.m. and close at 6.30 p.m. at weekends. 3.00pm|6.00pm 8.30am|11.30am 22/23 LIFT OPENING TIMES FREE SHUTTLE BUS Period 2 Period 3 Period 1 from 29/11/2014 from 31/01/2015 from 21/03/2015 to 20/03/2015 to 03/05/2015 to 30/01/2015 GRANDE MOTTE MOUNTAIN RANGE Perce Neige funicular 9.15 am 4.00 pm* 9.15 am 4.30 pm 9.15 am Lanches chairlift 9.30 am 4.15 pm* 9.30 am 4.45 pm 9.30 am 4.45 pm Vanoise chairlift 9.45 am 4.00 pm* 9.45 am 4.30 pm 9.45 am 4.30 pm Grande Motte cable car 9.30 am 3.30 pm* 9.30 am 4.15 pm 9.30 am 4.15 pm Leisse chairlift 9.30 am 3.45 pm* 9.30 am 4.30 pm 9.30 am 4.30 pm Tichot chairlift 8.55 am 4.45 pm 8.55 am 5.00 pm 8.55 am 5.00 pm PALET MOUNTAIN RANGE 4.30 pm Transcorde 8.45 am 5.00 pm* 8.45 am 5.15 pm 8.45 am 5.15 pm Grattalu chairlift 9.00 am 4.30 pm 9.00 am 4.45 pm 9.00 am 4.45 pm Col du Palet drag lift 9.00 am 4.00 pm 9.00 am 4.30 pm 9.00 am 4.30 pm Col des Vés chairlift 9.30 am 3.45 pm 9.30 am 4.00 pm 9.30 am 4.15 pm Merles chairlift 9.00 am 4.30 pm 9.00 am 4.45 pm 9.00 am 4.45 pm Grand Huit chairlift 9.30 am 4.45 pm 9.15 am 5.00 pm 9.15 am 5.00 pm Chardonnet drag lift 9.00 am 4.45 pm* 9.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am 5.00 pm Palafour chairlift 8.55 am 4.45 pm 8.55 am 5.00 pm 8.55 am 5.00 pm Aiguille Percée chairlift 9.15 am 4.00 pm* 9.15 am 4.30 pm 9.15 am 4.30 pm Chaudannes chairlift 9.00 am 4.30 pm* 9.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am 5.00 pm Millonex I & II drag lift 9.00 am 5.00 pm* 9.00 am 5.30 pm 9.15 am 5.30 pm AIGUILLE PERCEE MOUNTAIN RANGE Almes drag lift 9.00 am 4.45 pm* 9.00 am 5.15 pm 9.00 am Aiguille Rouge chairlift 9.15 am 4.30 pm* 9.15 am 5.00 pm 9.15 am 4.45 pm Marais chairlift 9.15 am 4.00 pm 9.15 am 4.30 pm 9.15 am 4.30 pm 4.30 pm LAST LIFTS Liaison Val d’Isère > Tignes from 29/11/2014 from 31/01/2015 from 21/03/2015 to 20/03/2015 to 03/05/2015 to 30/01/2015 Funival 4.30 pm 4.45 pm 5.00 pm THP Olympique 4.30 pm 4.45 pm 5.00 pm TSD Borsat Express 4.30 pm 4.45 pm 4.45 pm TSD Tommeuses 4.30 pm* 5.00 pm 5.00 pm * cf lift times on left-hand page 5.15 pm Sache cable car 9.00 am 4.15 pm* 9.00 am 4.45 pm 9.00 am Brévières chairlift 8.45 am 4.30 pm* 8.45 am 5.00 pm 8.45 am 4.45 pm Boisses cable car 9.00 am 4.15 pm* 9.00 am 4.45 pm 9.00 am 4.30 pm Pitôts drag lift 9.00 am 4.45 pm* 9.00 am 5.15 pm 9.00 am 5.15 pm Tignes 1800 moving carpet 9.00 am 4.45 pm 9.00 am 5.15 pm 9.00 am 5.15 pm Tovière cable car 8.45 am 4.30 pm 8.45 am 5.00 pm 8.45 am 5.00 pm Paquis chairlift 9.00 am 4.30 pm* 9.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am 5.00 pm Combe Folle drag lift 9.15 am 4.30 pm* 9.15 am 5.00 pm 9.15 am 5.00 pm Lavachet drag lift 8.45 am 5.00 pm* 8.45 am 5.15 pm 8.45 am 5.05 pm Rosset chairlift 9.00 am 4.45 pm* 9.00 am 5.15 pm 9.00 am 5.05 pm Bollin chairlift 8.45 am 4.45 pm* 8.45 am 5.15 pm 8.45 am 5.15 pm Fresse chairlift 9.15 am 4.30 pm 9.15 am 4.45 pm 9.15 am 4.45 pm Tommeuses chairlift 9.15 am 4.30 pm* 9.15 am 5.00 pm 9.15 am 5.00 pm Tufs chairlift 8.45 am 4.30 pm 8.45 am 5.00 pm 8.45 am 5.00 pm Claret drag lift 9.00 am 4.45 pm* 9.00 am 5.15 pm 9.00 am 5.00 pm Centre moving carpet 9.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am 5.00 pm 9.00 am 5.00 pm TOVIèrE MOUNTAIN RANGE A free bus service is available covering two circuits over the villages of Tignes 2100 and Tignes 1800. One from Tignes le Lac to the Grande Motte via Le Lavachet and the other, from Tignes le Lac to Tignes 1800. Maps and details of timetables are available in our bus guide. Timetable for the bus service can be consulted at each bus stop. Liaison between Tignes Les Brévières and Tignes 1800 by the Brévières chairlift is free. * from 20th December 2014 to 2nd January 2015: closing 15 minutes later. COURSE TIGNES GOLF course Marmots golf 2100M golf The highest rope Eu in e cours hAPPY? ( ) Answer our survey 1 for a chance to get your ski pass free 2 ! ( ) To take part, send your e-mail address: www. onetwoski.com flash code via sms (3) +33 (0)6 73 74 41 59 Photo credit: NVI Conseil Your ski resort values your opinion (1) Customer satisfaction survey conducted only via a questionnaire sent to the participant’s e-mail address. Satisfaction survey and free game with no obligation to buy organized from 29th November 2014 to 26th April 2015 with a random draw of 1 winner on 29th May 2015. The rules governing the competition are held by COHEN-SKALLI-HOBA located at 5 avenue Gabriel Péri-BP 42, 93401 Saint-Ouen Cedex – France, and are available for free upon written request at: GfK ISL CR France, Terrain Online & Digital, Etude Satisfaction Domaine Skiable, 40 rue Pasteur, CS 90004, 92156 Suresnes Cedex France. (2) For the winner: reimbursement (upon delivery of proofs of purchase) of 1 adult ski pass (any kind of pass) which is valid between 29th November 2014 and 25th April 2015 inclusive, within the limits of € 260 (including VAT). (3) The cost of the sms depends on your operator. STGM - SA à conseil d’administration au capital de 3 240 000 € - Gare de la Grande Motte - BP 53 - 73321 Tignes Cedex - F - RCS Chambéry N°076920024 Design graphique : Super Regular / Maquette : www.thuria.com / Crédit photos : Stef Candé - Andy Parant - Vincent Thiébaut - Tristan Shu - D 11729w satisfaction SURVEY A A
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