
東日本大震災 5 周年国際シンポジウム
The Possibilities for Art in Disasters
International Symposium on the Five-Year Commemoration of the Great East Japan Earthquake
2016 年 3 月 4 日(金)18:00−21:00(開場17:30)
入場無料 定員 : 150 人程度(先着順・日英同時通訳)
March 4, 2016 18:00-21:00 (Doors open 17:30)
The International House of Japan
Admission Free Capacity: 150 (No reservation required, English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation)
Organized by University of Tsukuba
Co-organized by Mori Art Museum
Supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
In cooperation with The International House of Japan
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, a wide range of art, design and architecture projects appeared to assist in
the recovery and reconstruction. Many of these projects still continue today, five years on from the disaster. This
international symposium presents the activities of the Creative Reconstruction Project, University of Tsukuba
along with global case studies from experts in a discussion about the possibilities for the role the arts and design
can play when disasters happen. The needs of a disaster-hit area are diverse and change based on the conditions
and type of the disaster, what happens after the disaster, and the context of the region. This symposium will
examine widely conceptual and practical frameworks that can lead to smooth and effective support activities.
Part Ⅰ
司会 ¦ 窪田研二(キュレーター、筑波大学芸術系准教授)
コメンテーター ¦ 飯田高誉(インディペンデント・キュレーター)
発表者 ¦ 近藤健一(森美術館キュレーター)「美術展に見る大惨事のイメージ」
ヤコブ・リルモーゼ (X AND BEYOND ディレクター )「大惨事について高度なリテラシー習得のプログラム
を作る:X AND BEYOND のキュラトリアル・コンセプト」
ジェイソン・ウェイト ( インディペンデント・キュレーター )「Don t Follow the Wind:福島の帰還困難
Moderator ¦ Kenji Kubota (Curator / Associate Professor of Art, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Commentator ¦ Takayo Iida (Independent Curator)
Presenters ¦ Kenichi Kondo (Curator, Mori Art Museum) “Disaster Image Seen in Art Exhibitions”
Jacob Lillemose (Director, X AND BEYOND) “Programming for an Advanced Disaster Literacy:
The Curatorial Concept of X AND BEYOND”
Katsuto Miyahara (Lacquer Artist / Associate Professor of Art, University of Tsukuba, Japan) “Human resource development program towards creative reconstruction”
Jason Waite (Independent Curator) “Don’t Follow the Wind: Expressions inside the Exclusion Zone in
Part Ⅱ Discussion
司会 ¦ 窪田研二
パネリスト ¦ 飯田高誉、近藤健一、ヤコブ・リルモーゼ、宮原克人、ジェイソン・ウェイト
Moderator ¦ Kenji Kubota
Panelists ¦ Takayo Iida, Kenichi Kondo, Jacob Lillemose, Katsuto Miyahara, Jason Waite
「Japan Art Donation」の立ち上げ等、震災直後より被災地とアートを結ぶ活動をおこなう。2012 年より筑波大学「多
領域と芸術の融合による創造的復興に向けた人材育成プログラムの構築」に参加。「Don t Follow the Wind」(2015)
の共同キュレーター。一般社団法人アート・アンド・パブリック協会理事。KENJI KUBOTA ART OFFICE 代表。
Kenji Kubota (Curator / Associate Professor of Art, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Immediately after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Kubota worked on projects connecting the disaster zones
with art, including launching Japan Art Donation. Since 2012 he has been part of the Creative Reconstruction Project,
University of Tsukuba. He co-curated “Don’t Follow the Wind” (2015) and is a board member of Art and Public
Association. He is also director of KENJI KUBOTA ART OFFICE.
飯田高誉(インディペンデント・キュレーター) 東京大学大総合研究博物館小石川分館「アート&サイエンス協議会」顧問を務め、同大学と企画連動した展覧会を
Takayo Iida (Independent Curator) Iida’s curatorial projects include “War and Art: Terror and Simulacrum of Beauty I-IV” (Kyoto University of Art and
Design) and “Hiroshi Sugimoto, Étant donné: Le Grand Verre” (Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris). He
is currently a board member of Mori Art Museum, Tokyo. He was previously chief curator at Aomori Museum of Art
and a professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design. He also worked as curator for the Art and Science Project
Committee at Koishikawa Annex of the University of Tokyo's University Museum.
「六本木クロッシング 2010 展」(2010)、「アラブ・エクスプレス展」(2012)、「アンディ・ウォーホル展」(2014)
を共同企画。2014 年∼ 15 年には、ベルリン国立博物館群ハンブルガー・バーンホフ現代美術館で客員研究員を務める。
現在カタストロフィーと再生をテーマに 2017 年開催予定の展覧会を企画中。
Photo: Mikuriya Shinichiro
Kenichi Kondo (Curator, Mori Art Museum)
Kondo co-curated “Roppongi Crossing 2010” (2010), “Arab Express” (2012), and “Andy Warhol” (2014), and was a
research fellow at Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin (2014-15). He is currently preparing for an
exhibition focused on catastrophe and reconstruction (scheduled for 2017).
ヤコブ・リルモーゼ(X AND BEYOND ディレクター)
現代社会においてアートや大衆文化と大惨事との関係性を研究するコペンハーゲンのプロジェクト・スペース X
AND BEYOND のディレクター兼キュレーター。コペンハーゲン大学大惨事研究所の超領域的リサーチ・プロジェクト
Jacob Lillemose (Director, X AND BEYOND)
Lillemose is director and curator at the project space X AND BEYOND in Copenhagen. The space is dedicated to
how art and popular culture engage with the significance of disasters in contemporary society. He is a post-doctoral
researcher at the trans-disciplinary research project Changing Disaster at the Copenhagen Center for Disaster
Research/The University of Copenhagen.
2012 年より筑波大学「多領域と芸術の融合による創造的復興に向けた人材育成プログラムの構築」に取り組む。
「会津・漆の芸術祭 2010-13」に参加。日本文化財漆協会理事。
Katsuto Miyahara (Lacquer Artist / Associate Professor of Art, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Since 2012, Miyahara has been involved with University of Tsukuba’s human resource development program
towards creative reconstruction that fuses art and multiple disciplines. He participated in the Aizu Urushi Art Festival
from 2010 to 2013. He is a board member of the Japan Cultural Property Lacquer Association.
ルドスミス校芸術政治学修士課程修了後、2012 年∼13 年ホイットニー美術館インディペンデント・スタディー・プ
ログラム参加。近年はオランダ、ユトレヒトの Casco でキュレーターを務める。現在、福島の帰還困難区域を会場
とした展覧会「Don t Follow the Wind」共同キュレーター。
Jason Waite (Independent Curator)
Waite is an independent curator focused on forms of practice toward forming agency across diverse fields such as
art, society, politics and critical theory. He co-curated “Don’t Follow the Wind,” an ongoing project inside the
uninhabited Fukushima exclusion zone. He holds an M.A. in Art and Politics from Goldsmiths College, London, and
was a 2012-2013 Helen Rubinstein Curatorial Fellow at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, New
York. He was recently a curator at Casco, Utrecht.
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木 5-11-16
都営大江戸線 麻布十番駅 7 番出口より徒歩 5 分
東京メトロ南北線 麻布十番駅 4 番出口より徒歩 8 分 東京メトロ日比谷線 六本木駅 3 番出口より徒歩 10 分
The International House of Japan
5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
5 min. walk from Exit 7, Azabu-juban Station, Toei Oedo Line
8 min. walk from Exit 4, Azabu-juban Station, Tokyo Metro Namboku Line
10 min. walk from Exit 3, Roppongi Station, Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
お問い合わせ先 : 筑波大学創造的復興プロジェクト
電話 : 029-853-2813
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp/ cr/
Creative Reconstruction Project, University of Tsukuba
Tel: +81 29 853 2813 E-mail: [email protected]