FACT BOOK 2015年度 (2016年3月期) 第3四半期実績 FY2015 3rd Quarter Result 2016年2月3日 As of February 3rd, 2016 CONTENTS 目次 1.P/L Summary 1.損益概要 2.B/S Summary 2.貸借対照表概要 3.Business Segment Information 3.事業の種類別セグメント情報 Page ・Net Sales and Operating Income by Business Segment ・事業セグメント別売上高・営業利益 ・Breakdown of Each Business Segment ・各セグメント別売上高の主要製品内訳 (Forward-Looking Statements) This presentation contains various forward-looking statements which are based on the current expectations and assumptions of future events. All figures and statements with respect to the future performance, projections and business plans of Sumitomo Electric and its group companies constitute forward-looking statements. Although Sumitomo Electric believes that its expectations and assumptions are reasonable, actual results and trends of Sumitomo Electric's performance could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such figures or statements due to risks and uncertainties in the future business circumstances. The factors which may cause such difference include, without limitation: 1.General market and economic conditions in the U.S., Europe, Japan and other Asian countries, especially personal consumption and capital expenditure. 2.Fluctuations of currency exchange rates, especially between Japanese yen and U.S. dollar, Euro and Asian currencies. 3.Rapid technological development and Sumitomo Electric and its group companies’ ability to cope with it. 4.Changes in various assumptions including financial, managerial and environmental ones. 5.Current and future laws and regulations by foreign countries about trading and other activities. 6.Change in market value of securities that Sumitomo Electric and its group companies own. Please be advised that there are possibilities actual sales and profits could be different from those described in this material. Sumitomo Electric and its group companies are not obliged to update and make public any descriptions in forward-looking statements after releasing this material. (将来情報についての注意事項) この資料に記載されております売上高及び利益等の計画のうち、過去または現在の事実に関するもの以外は、当社グループの各事業に関する業界の動向についての見通しを含む経済状況、ならびに為替レートの変動その他の 業績に影響を与える要因について、現時点で入手可能な情報をもとにした当社グループの仮定及び判断に基づく見通しを前提としております。 これら将来予想に関する記述は、既知または未知のリスク及び不確実性が内在しており、例として以下のものが挙げられますが、これらに限られるものではありません。 ・米国、欧州、日本その他のアジア諸国の経済情勢、特に個人消費及び企業による設備投資の動向 ・米ドル、ユーロ、アジア諸国の各通貨の為替相場の変動 ・急速な技術革新と当社グループの対応能力 ・財務的、経営的、環境的な諸前提の変動 ・諸外国による現在及び将来の貿易規制等 ・当社グループが所有する有価証券等の時価の変動 従いまして、実際の売上高及び利益等と、この資料に記載されております計画とは大きく異なる場合があることをご承知おき下さい。なお、当社グループは、この資料の本リリース後においても、将来予想に関する記述を 更新して公表する義務を負うものではありません。 1 2 1/2 Fact Book (February, 2016) 1.P/L Summary (Millions of Yen) 損益概要 (百万円) 2013 Net Sales 売上高 Operating Income 営業利益 Equity in Net Income 持分法による投資利益 Other Non-Operating Income(Expense) その他営業外損益 2014 2015 3Q ② Change ②-① 1st Half 3Q 4Q Total 1st Half 3Q ① 4Q Total 1st Half 1,217,611 649,986 701,182 2,568,779 1,310,544 732,112 780,155 2,822,811 1,439,415 744,846 3,050,000 12,734 47,038 30,880 42,140 120,058 47,905 34,497 52,055 134,457 52,890 43,078 150,000 8,581 10,659 9,496 9,471 29,626 12,384 5,105 9,698 27,187 12,229 7,777 (3,245) (4,330) (1,047) (2,936) (1,675) 62,183 49,180 Total E 2,672 25,000 (444) Ordinary Income 経常利益 Extraordinary Profit 特別利益 1,487 Extraordinary Loss 特別損失 (10,664) Income (Loss) before Income Taxes 税金等調整前当期純利益 Income Taxes 法人税等 Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Non-Controlling Interests 非支配株主に帰属する当期純利益 Net Income(Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent 親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益 57,253 (641) 39,735 48,366 145,354 (826) 59,463 (73) 39,529 23 (148) 61,605 160,597 (1,602) 175,000 9,651 - - 1,487 52,808 2,579 55,410 2,994 3,633 3,610 (810) (11,534) (23,008) (14,441) (3,587) (30,912) (48,940) (5,807) (6,547) (2,960) 48,076 38,925 36,832 123,833 97,830 35,965 33,272 167,067 59,370 46,266 15,374 11,668 17,176 44,218 14,764 13,154 9,118 37,036 18,415 13,079 6,899 1,813 4,155 12,867 4,428 3,992 1,840 10,260 5,125 2,990 25,803 25,444 15,501 66,748 78,638 18,819 22,314 119,771 35,830 30,197 (85,000) 10,301 (75) (1,002) 90,000 11,378 2.B/S Summary 貸借対照表概要 Current Assets 流動資産 Property, Plant and Equipment 有形固定資産 Intangible Assets 無形固定資産 Investments and Long-Term Receivables 投資その他の資産 1st Half 2013 3Q 2nd Half 1st Half 2014 3Q 2nd Half 1st Half 2015 3Q 1,145,071 1,210,307 1,203,619 1,307,980 1,448,159 1,415,561 1,390,144 1,425,160 683,016 719,270 724,877 750,612 784,535 789,775 789,378 789,215 56,946 57,675 63,301 71,464 71,659 67,232 61,893 60,762 539,875 560,468 563,022 548,612 574,736 653,217 618,862 642,150 Total Fixed Assets 固定資産合計 1,279,837 1,337,413 1,351,200 1,370,688 1,430,930 1,510,224 1,470,133 1,492,127 Total Assets 資産合計 2,424,908 2,547,720 2,554,819 2,678,668 2,879,089 2,925,785 2,860,277 2,917,287 Current Liabilities 流動負債 678,234 762,528 740,446 734,142 834,672 809,869 822,714 837,955 Long-Term Liabilities 固定負債 434,829 412,700 434,461 455,822 477,507 469,003 429,056 451,908 Total Liabilities 負債合計 1,113,063 1,175,228 1,174,907 1,189,964 1,312,179 1,278,872 1,251,770 1,289,863 1,051,078 1,068,686 1,089,277 1,159,299 1,168,718 1,190,940 1,210,289 1,226,999 78,850 113,745 100,331 132,925 186,334 240,246 191,813 193,709 181,917 190,061 190,304 196,480 211,858 215,727 206,405 206,716 Shareholders' Equity 株主資本 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income その他の包括利益累計額 Non-Controlling Interests 非支配株主持分 Total Net Assets 純資産合計 1,311,845 1,372,492 1,379,912 1,488,704 1,566,910 1,646,913 1,608,507 1,627,424 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 負債・純資産合計 2,424,908 2,547,720 2,554,819 2,678,668 2,879,089 2,925,785 2,860,277 2,917,287 Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 住友電気工業㈱ 2/2 Fact Book (February, 2016) 3.Business Segment Information 事業の種類別セグメント情報 Net Sales and Operating Income by Business Segment (Millions of Yen) 事業セグメント別売上高・営業利益 (Business Segment) Automotive (百万円) 1st Half 2014 3Q 355,201 355,804 711,005 379,925 397,284 777,209 営業利益 17,879 18,133 36,012 24,862 28,378 情報通信 売上高 36,908 40,264 77,172 40,392 54,447 (セグメント区分) Infocommunications Electronics Environmtent and Energy Industrial Materials and Others Eliminations and Corporate Consolidated Total 1Q 売上高 2Q Net Sales 自動車 Operating Income Net Sales Operating Income 営業利益 (1,484) Net Sales エレクトロニクス 58,739 Operating Income 営業利益 Net Sales 環境エネルギー Operating Income 営業利益 Net Sales 産業素材他 売上高 Operating Income 営業利益 Net Sales 消去又は全社 Operating Income 営業利益 Net Sales 連結合計 Operating Income 営業利益 売上高 売上高 売上高 売上高 271 67,915 (1,084) (1,213) 150,648 (279) 126,654 583 127,972 4Q 91,673 (501) 278,620 2nd Half Total 1Q 2015 1st Half 2Q Total E 3Q 1,488,214 388,062 377,447 765,509 388,400 1,535,000 53,240 89,252 18,883 18,175 37,058 26,275 85,000 94,839 172,011 41,206 42,997 84,203 47,721 205,000 5,241 4,962 3,749 4 1,774 1,778 3,474 13,000 73,678 165,351 292,005 75,853 87,861 163,714 92,944 325,000 3,292 2,669 5,961 5,460 1,231 5,731 6,962 4,629 12,500 162,797 195,095 357,892 636,512 146,852 161,642 308,494 157,824 740,000 1,009 2,413 3,422 2,544 7,562 10,106 13,528 (1,166) 78,259 78,660 156,919 79,344 81,097 160,441 317,360 80,395 478 (688) 76,892 157,287 3,395 16,500 77,834 345,000 5,459 4,973 10,432 4,137 8,423 12,560 22,992 3,348 4,586 7,934 5,209 23,000 (18,909) (20,917) (39,826) (22,019) (21,446) (43,465) (83,291) (19,066) (20,726) (39,792) (19,877) (100,000) 96 0 638,170 0 672,374 (247) 1,310,544 (247) 732,112 (59) 780,155 (218) 1,512,267 (277) 2,822,811 (524) 713,302 (153) 726,113 (1) 1,439,415 (154) 744,846 3,050,000 21,779 26,126 47,905 34,497 52,055 86,552 134,457 22,147 30,743 52,890 43,078 150,000 Breakdown of Each Business Segment 各セグメント別売上高の主要製品内訳 500 Automotive 自動車 (Bil.Yen) 400 355.2 355.8 379.9 397.3 100 388.1 377.4 (Bil.Yen) (Bil.Yen) Infocommunications 情報通信 100 388.4 75 75 300 200 54.4 260.0 257.1 278.9 293.6 282.4 273.8 280.5 Wiring Harnesses 36.9 Sumitomo Riko & Others 100 95.2 98.7 101.0 103.7 105.7 103.6 2Q/14A 3Q/14A 4Q/14A 162.8 128.0 26.1 23.9 25.3 27.7 51.7 36.2 157.8 26.4 25.9 33.9 21.7 50 43.0 41.2 19.8 19.9 19.8 22.2 15.4 Access Network Equipments 14.7 11.8 3.0 12.4 9.6 12.2 2.5 3.4 4.8 8.4 6.7 4.2 1Q/14A 2Q/14A 3Q/14A 4Q/14A 14.6 14.2 4.6 2.5 1Q/15A 3.8 6.2 3.9 2Q/15A 3Q/15A 4.8 36.9 38.1 Nissin Electric 18.1 24.6 25.3 Magnet Wires & Others 32.5 33.4 40.5 31.0 31.0 29.4 27.4 1Q/14A 2Q/14A 3Q/14A 4Q/14A 1Q/15A 2Q/15A 3Q/15A 0 50 25 0 17.8 73.7 87.8 93.0 16.3 75.9 17.4 17.7 16.4 Electronic Wires 17.3 FPCs 16.5 52.3 3.2 5.8 9.3 6.8 1Q/14A 2Q/14A 54.3 60.0 Fine Polymer 39.8 41.7 6.2 3.0 6.4 7.0 7.8 6.5 7.9 4Q/14A 1Q/15A 2Q/15A 3Q/15A 35.1 24.1 5.6 Others Electronics エレクトロニクス 68.0 58.7 Fiber・ Cable/Accessories Optical & Electronic Devices Semiconductors Others 3.0 6.1 12.2 3Q/14A 3.2 3.6 6.5 3.1 3.1 5.7 Industrial Materials and Others 産業素材他 78.6 79.4 81.1 80.4 18.2 76.9 77.8 17.5 18.1 17.9 18.5 18.7 18.2 21.7 22.2 22.9 23.9 23.2 22.5 22.2 14.3 14.1 14.5 15.2 14.6 14.3 14.8 A.L.M.T. 12.6 12.2 11.2 12.0 11.7 10.7 9.8 Others 11.8 11.6 12.1 11.8 12.7 11.9 12.9 1Q/14A 2Q/14A 3Q/14A 4Q/14A 1Q/15A 2Q/15A 3Q/15A Special Steel Wires Hard Metal Sintered Parts Sumitomo Densetsu 23.3 39.4 Copper Wire Rods 41.1 28.0 16.4 40.4 75 Electric Power Cables 37.5 29.6 29.1 161.6 44.3 45.4 18.8 (Bil.Yen) 30.7 37.6 40.3 100 146.9 27.5 18.0 78.3 27.6 150.6 50 3Q/15A 195.1 200 100 2Q/15A 0 Environment and Energy 環境エネルギー 250 (Bil.Yen) 150 1Q/15A 25 107.9 0 1Q/14A 50 47.7 91.6 25 ※Sumitomo Riko Company Limited was renamed from Tokai Rubber Industries Limited as of October 1, 2014. 0 東海ゴム工業株式会社は、2014年10月1日付で社名を「住友理工株式会社」に変更いたしました。 • • • Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. 住友電気工業㈱
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