ダウンロード - なでしこアクション Japanese Women for Justice and

買の一つ です。慰安婦の総数は見方によって違いますが、何十万もの女性が日本占領期間に強制的にこのような状況に置かれたと言われていま
そこで、ねつ造慰安婦問題 草の根の会が、署名サイトChange.Org上にて歴史授業の指針について変更を求める請願を開始しました https://goo.gl/pZJXTl の電子署名のサポートを目的として、また、電子メールを持たない在米の高齢者の方も署名に参加出来るようにするため、
Change.orgでの請願の内容は以下の通りです (http://nadesiko-action.org/?p=9526)。
歴史-社会学フレームワーク 草案
第15章 10年生_世界史、文化、地理:「現代世界」 469ページ913行から919行の記述について要望します。
米軍や連合軍は1942年から1945年の間、慰安婦についての多くの調査資料や証言記録を残しています。ATIS, SEAT
EC, USOWI といった機関が27人の日本人捕虜、20人の朝鮮人慰安婦(捕虜尋問調書49号)、2人の慰安施設経営者等に対する
尋問レポート、二つの調査報告書、機関 誌に「日本軍の売春関係」を記録しています。それらには多かれ少なかれ、慰安婦は高給を得ていた売
春婦であり、日本軍は衛生管理や兵士と慰安婦の健康と尊 厳のためきびしく規則を設けていたことが説明されています。他方、戦後GHQの要
望もあり、Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA) )という名の下に、占領合軍用慰安婦施設が設けられました。このRAAは日本政府
が設立管理したもので、この点に関しては戦時中の日本軍用慰安婦施設とほ ぼ同じものでした。
Grass Roots Action about fabricated comfort women issue
ねつ造慰安婦問題 草の根の会
[email protected]
頂けたか把握しその数をこちらからも教育委員会へ報告したいので、[email protected] へ、住所の部分などを見えなくし
なでしこアクション http://nadesiko-action.org/?p=9526
<その1> カルフォルニア州教育委員会 のウエブサイトに行き、コメントを残す。改定案への意見受付は2月29日まで。
Subjectで School Curriculum を選択し、名前とメールアドレス(必須)を記入する。 コメント記入は 1500文字まで
RE: 2014-2016 Draft History-Social Science Framework Chapter 15: Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World (added 17-Dec-2015)
Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World Chapter of the History-Social Science Framework for California Public
Page 469, Line 913~919
“Comfort Women,” a euphemism for sexual ~(partially omitted) ~ forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.
My comments:
Comfort Women were camp following prostitutes earning high salaries. Brothels were run by private parties, but the Japanese Imperial Army got
involved in the management to protect the health and the dignity of Comfort Women from the exploitation and unfair working condition by the
brothel owners. These facts were described in many official Allied documents that were prepared by Office of War Information, South East Asia
Translation and Interrogation Center, Allied Translator and Interpreter Section during World War II (WWII), but distorted images of Comfort
Women are being spread by South Korea and China for anti-Japan propaganda.
Under the rule of Japan by the Allies right after WWII, brothels called Recreational Amusement Association were made for GIs, which was
requested by the General Head Quarters to prevent rape of Japanese women by GIs. Japanese women who worked there were same as
Comfort Women.
At schools, please teach historical facts: “Comfort Women were well paid prostitutes, sold their service to US Army as well".
<その2>メール を教育委員会へ送る [email protected]
RE: 2014-2016 Draft History-Social Science Framework for Grade Ten
To : The State Board of Education Members
The History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee of the Instructional Quality Commission Members
Chapter 15: Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World (added 17-Dec-2015)
Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World Chapter of the History-Social Science Framework for California Public
Page 469, Line 913 ~ 919
“Comfort Women,” a euphemism for sexual slaves, were taken by the Japanese Army in occupied territories before and during the war. “Comfort
Women” can be taught as an example of institutionalized sexual slavery, and one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the twentieth
century; estimates on the total number of Comfort Women vary, but most argue that hundreds of thousands of women were forced into these
situations during Japanese occupation.
My comments are;
Comfort Women are camp following prostitutes earning high salaries. Brothels were run by private parties, but the Japanese Imperial Army got
involved in the management to protect the health and the dignity of Comfort Women from the exploitation and unfair working condition by the
brothel owners. These facts were described in many official Allied documents that were prepared by Office of War Information, South East Asia
Translation and Interrogation Center, Allied Translator and Interpreter Section during World War II (WWII), but distorted images of Comfort
Women are being spread by South Korea and China for anti-Japan propaganda.
Prostitutes became Comfort Women by their own will, but many Comfort Women were poor victims who were sold to private brokers by their
parents for paying off their families’ debt and such Comfort Women had to work against their will. In Korea, Comfort Women were gathered by
Korean private brokers, but NOT abducted by Japanese Imperial Army.
Under the rule of Japan by the Allies right after WWII, brothels called Recreational Amusement Association (RAA) were made for GIs, which was
requested by the General Head Quarters to prevent rape of Japanese women by GIs. Japanese women who worked there were same as
Comfort Women, because Comfort Women system and RAA had the same purpose of preventing rape of local women by soldiers.
I am strongly against teaching distorted history in school history class. Please teach historical facts: “Comfort Women were well paid prostitutes,
sold their service to US Army as well".
Thank you for reading my comments,
Your Name
We are strongly against teaching false history at schools in California.
The California Department of Education is planning to include the topic of “Comfort Women” in History-Social Science classes for 10th Graders. Here are the contents: “Comfort
Women,” a euphemism for sexual slaves, were taken by the Japanese Army in occupied territories before and during the war. “Comfort Women” can be taught as an example of
institutionalized sexual slavery, and one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the twentieth century; estimates on the total number of comfort women vary, but most argue
that hundreds of thousands of women were forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.
These are distorted images of comfort women that are being spread by South Korea and People’s Republic of China for the purpose of Japan bashing. The fact is that “Comfort
Women” is a euphemism for camp following prostitute earning high salaries. Brothels were run by private parties, but the Japanese Imperial Army got involved in the
management to protect the health and the dignity of Comfort Women from the exploitation and unfair working condition by the brothel owners. These facts were described in
many official Allied documents that were prepared by Office of War Information, South East Asia Translation and Interrogation Center, Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
during World War II.
There were Comfort Women who had been connected with the “oldest profession on earth” before becoming comfort women, but many Comfort Women were poor victims who
were sold to private brokers by their parents for paying off their families’ debt and had to work against their will. In 1994, Japanese government acknowledged Comfort Women’s
sufferings brought by the Comfort Women system and sent a letter of apology signed by the Prime Minister with up to total $50,000 for the medical welfare support and
compensation to each of the former Comfort Women from Korea, Taiwan, Philippine, Indonesia and Netherlands, but not to Japanese Comfort Women who made up half of total
Comfort Women in World War II. The project solved all Comfort Women issues with other nations except for 175 former Korean Comfort Women who rejected to receive the
letter and money, which is the reason why Comfort Women issues have continued until now.
Japan was the first nation that acknowledged mistreatment of women during WWII, but there have been many female war victims in the world. There were Japanese Comfort
Women for GIs in state-run brothels called Recreation Amusement Association that was established by the request from the US to prevent numerous number of rapes of
Japanese women by GIs that happened during early occupation of Japan by the US. The US government has never mentioned about it, and Japan has never demanded
apology and compensation for it.
Should the distorted history of Comfort Women be taught at schools, it will definitely cause prejudice and discrimination against Japanese and Japanese-Americans and have
negative impact on Japan-US relation. It may even cause hatred amongst those who wish to live in a peaceful community. Indeed, harassing and bullying Japanese students
using this issue is happening. We are strongly against teaching distorted history of Comfort Women at schools and support the petition entitled “Write “Comfort Women were well
paid prostitutes, sold their service to US Army as well” at Change.org
Printed Name
Signed at