」,彫 nnoっ ηυnaυ lJη un筍 lm L■ 0゛ 閃NaⅥ ぎ●OtJ.9n3η ttИ loη UnaUaa」 Ninlせ 100nη υし し avaolJ、 qnon3JJttη llan」 彫 耐 0論 遇 Onttη anυ nd。 ,影 前 僑 ■旬 ηυttη m anttη う剛ηnnloonLLuυ 」 58Slnη nnl,胃 nせ η 斉 ■1015胃 nυ 1 mη (」 doan,a局 焔 鶴 2558(∩ き oデ 濶研らⅥunざ ulJn■ o%na NИ nら Ⅵunざ uaa」 η ∩、1群 」ぅ8∩ nnttJa■ ∩51∩ 目nυ n 6則 則nm号 )lu581Ju=も N8JaⅥ η ni 口11」 18う 1∩ n∩ n35日 ∩llnmu」 ∩nianu1 2558(∩ 子o研 3)i油 J 58υ υ詢 口5ヾ 3) Om t憫 Oι Jη 目 ∩υndO、 8″ u」 号則則η も鶴 うⅥuη ″uun■ 1%n昴 1∩ ゞ 剛0」 58∩ η ●lo010 gaouっ n∩ っηttJnη υη く∩ y鉗 咽m an■ 1う つ ηυ し tattaoυ っ∩∩ol渕 J″ ηuaa」 8ぎ ηⅥilJtta3・ ∩うManq働 、aa」 、 tlη ∩nloonttuu aoan5oQⅥ a anntJ nan41J∩ nl,3otlし tagannu研 aou∩ 。 i ・ 31n5 5Ⅵ a晰 」 ¶O IJlNana 1 1523001 unヾ anl潤 n 2 1523002 切ηU5uЛ シ 15 3 1523003 Mr.Shin― 4 1523004 unヾ anっ ら 創斬 5 1523005 u1{ar?yliiruil?\: 6 1523006 Miss Ekaterina 7 1523007 ■1く 0105則 芍,η 8 1523008 u'r{61?u?uFl1 1523009 nη υ ηo゛ nη υ ● 【 ^ 5aoll 脚aⅥ ^ `5oou Naη 目 ●へ 【 脚aⅥ 53otl 4^ ざ 潤aⅥ 5aou 3daⅥ Oaou 詢∩η ぅ unt九 濶aⅥ oaou hnniuntOu 潤aη 5aou 予 unniu∩ し 子ロ 4へ 【 脚aⅥ 53ou unuⅦ auⅥ %5N創 H∪ ANG Lun 1朝 aつ n Ⅵぅ ド∩例う囲un MAREE∨ l斉 1討 4uur5U A 1群 ttl飢 、Q宙 09tfl1n: 1荷 a55∩ ∩ina t″ 彰 目^ ざ 脚aИ 5aou 31潤 ηlコ 1口 彫 1」 nη uaa」 ●o だ も Ondl,L別 Nι n別 4.11 4^【 4へ g 脚aⅥ o3ou 4^【 ●へ 【 潤aⅥ o3oll ∩ niu∩ し 前」 ら 範 NaⅥ 53ou 詢∩ η 50∩ し れ ■へ 【 脚aⅥ 5aou ●o ` 412 421,4.22, 4.25 4.1.1,4.1.2, 4.2.3 10 1523010 unヾ anっ %Qalη 1523011 unUl創 η 創 l1111剛 し a号 脚 lKhnniuntOu ■^ ざ 脚aⅥ 53ou づη 号 l則 輌 1 ‐^ 【 潤aη 5oou 4へ κ 脚aⅥ 5aoll 412 群Qっ 号umぅ 12 1523012 uloO,っ 13 1523013 unt」 し an´ 〕 瓢 Ⅵo16o■ Ⅵヽ 14 1523014 unu%ul15、 口脚脚η口つ側un 15 1523015 A/1iss Chih Shan ⊂HEN o百 l斉 t荷 κ aへ 150ntttu 詢∩ lJaⅥ 5aolJ ヽへ 【 脚aⅥ 53olJ 潤aⅥ 53ou η 詢∩ 5o∩ し 子ロ κ ^へ 渕 aⅥ 54ou 4o【 4^【 4.12 4.1.1,41.2, gaoυ コ aⅥ 脚aⅥ 53oll 4.2.6 ′0 na 1523016 unく anっ ∩%■ 1523017 unlano%硼 lnn 脚u脚 く じ q7【 1群 Q7 何∩∩%■ ona llaⅥ 目^ 【 脚aⅥ 53ou gaou 脚 aⅥ ∩1ヽ し d゛ nη U兇 じ dヾ ∩ooolUし ∩ し tln30Uη ∩∩u句 彫轟oヾ じ じ 101LLυ U14n8o■ ― ザ∩何∩un И号ol∩ annⅥ 2. gaou れ∩η ぅ u∩ し 子u Lta彫 50ヾ LⅥ lη ttau t調 η ttu nlinη Иunnη 5dau ν J も つan 9uⅥ ,η 蘭 lデ aouし 0845u. t憫 o引 ■■taniⅥ doouⅥ 01町 1● OtJ Иoヾ 」5彫 筍潤314-315 」η デo13ou 剛■3 バlo3tJη ulun153ou く nao■ ■ ∩5ヾ し ⅥⅥη 6 inunu■ 2558 0900-1200■ 09,00-1200■ . . ∩lη 潤lnη υ00o∩ ηυ 30Uつ ∩ И3410も Иηl劇 員研●on50 И01」 昴愉 nn,っ Ⅵunaluunun%n働 aouoo∩ し し uu ヽ■ 3 oO∩ 15′ η曹∩ヾluoS∩ niu奇 ■■01Ⅵ mUⅥ ° maqttu nl,ヾ し Ⅵ 、1 l′ 71o"lo■ 2558 1300-16.00■ つ uⅦ η Ⅵall∩ Ⅵ l10ouη uu 2558 n■ o5n151j∩ oO∩ η う ぎ1■ ∩く 18.30■ . 3ouっ nntau Иttη Uι ttη ll員 oO,0 」5彫 ∩η ttinu%o '■ 働うつ¶30UinU%o 嗣aⅥ gaouね nlu面 調v、ハ ゛ ぃ ″.suic.org 3. κし イnaou旬 8召 0(奇 ht口 弓u3Jう u3o2B Unく au」 1∩ ∩ηコηluiuaou lJ01則 ηttl訪 たhし ∩1。 ヾ1。 が3aniし LagQ」 ∩うJ6し ぶ∩Ⅵ500∩ 石η∩%Q∩ Llチ ηデ0030υ 3.2 OUQ彫 済01柿 口号uttq」 n5J∩ ぅ彫∩nu10Nttuu ふ倫 ・ o■ η∩ 40x5033J.)研 Ⅵ倒uni彫 ∩nυ ttavlれ 、、輸 濶ηЮく 3.2.1 繭 ■∩nloo∩ 軋uu ol則 η飢飢 弼 И轟∩誡」anOg aふ m13Jnっ η脚oun Q」 ∩5佃Ⅵnヾ aa」 8 じ LattLVInunamη 渕∩ollJtИ tJl彫 att L止 3.2.2 繭unη 5っ n∩ Lれ 01則 η 飢帆輸 uaOdη 6B帰 o 4. aL引 ヾa国 芍∩。」nd∩ 。Jη く И僣ヾ Ⅵ号OⅥ anuo」 1, EE unヾ au」 η ∩∩ηl血 ,5焔 LOndη ■L別 田Ln田 4。 1,Lttud l陥 ヾ dヾ Ю nan蜆 焔,uttu luれ ,luヾ lu繭 記 日 nυ ■ И劇尋 彫 8∩ η 。 っ 」、 凩備,oυ moν 漁 "飾 4.1.1 4.1.2 luじ tano閃 ano,何 ntlo,8詢 飾 uNanuη 口OIJ」 anU(」 Ⅵ.1)し tav♂ ηtunlu」 、彰nη ●luJ口 ,(」 w.2) И通ヽaOザ u5。 ヾnnit,utJl掘 nl'日 nuη 尋ヾ00∩ 1∩ un,彫 Ⅵ、っヾanυ nsnl, (nidttattn,30U♂ nt号 ¶ ∩ nianu158前 飾u脚 何 nυ η mou」 anuИ 5oLttUυ し 引η ¶ η nanntlunn5何 nυndη o」 、 彰 ι Ⅵ何 uud 2陥 く doЮ nan帆 デ n,u論 ■1■ れ昭ng研 6働 Qulo■ 2558 “ 4.2.1 ど ■ OⅥ 彫 し GUuぜ 1■ 剛 oヾ nn50く ) 4.2。 1も "」 4.2.2 ぎη L■ 15口 ,」 58筍 1て u剛 oく 閃 」∩n,oヾ 4.2.3 ♂ηLulⅥ 彫LUUuUη utloヾ 因aNn5 4.2.4 ′η LunJn,」 ,8■ ngu■ oo対 a3Jni 4.2.5 ttttu⊂ D Portfouo И,OLOnanittutJ PO‖ fOuo inventOry Sheet 4.2.6 1」 doo(И tthm、 ヾlttaっ 脚 И渕っ n tta飢 潤 31渕 じ も う unndl)側 uno 1 01 4 1」 5. 」,8nη n側 っ ul ″ Ⅵηunl∩ コ 2558 イ (50ヾ 口nan,lQη 5」 g鶴 ) 95.Lnυ5伽 Ⅵ 閃 oη uっ un15う vluη ttuununtlη m コИlう Ⅵunttuaa」 ln5 N卜・ T Announcement of Sitpakorn University lnternationaI Cottege List of QuaLified Appticants for Entrance Examinations For the Direct Admission of Bachetor of Fine Arts in Digital. Communication Academic Semester t/2015 (lntake 3) Design Sitpakorn University lnternationaI Cottege has evatuated and determined the tist of quatified appticants for entrance examinations for the direct admission for Bachetor of Fine Arts in Digital. Communication for academic semester 1/201,5 (lntake 3), the list and information can be seen hereunder. 1. No. The List of Ouatified Appticants for Entrance Examinations Apptication First ID Name Last Name 1523001 Miss Mik 1523002 Mr. 1523003 Mr.Shin― 1523004 Miss Jinjutha 1523005 Miss Phanpaporn 6 1523006 Mlss Ekatenna 7 1523007 Miss 8 1523008 Miss Nawinda 2 つ0 4 Design YAMAMOttO Thanapat Lun Tanjira SUIC Engl.ish Art AdditionaI Exams Documents Quauned Quauned QuatFied Qua01ed Quauned Quauned PORNPUKDEEWATTANA Exempted Qua01ed POOSOMBOON Exempted Qua01ed Exempted Quauned Quauned Quauned Exempted Quauned NINWATCHARAMANEE H∪ANG MAREE∨ A JANGPHAIROT Al「 HAKORN 4.1,1 4.1,.2 4.2.7,4.2.2, 4.2.5 9 1523009 M「 Pontanut SANKORRAK∪ L Exempted Quaし ied 4.1..1,4.1,.2, 4.2.3 10 1523010 Miss Chanisara 1523011 Mr. Suchan BANGS∪ KSERM cHAMROONSRI 4 Exempted Quauned Quauned Quauned 4,1.2 Sirawong 1523012 Mr. 1523013 Mr.Lertwut 14 1523014 Mr. 15 1523015 A/1iss⊂ 12 Chayantorn hih Shan 16 1523016 Miss Kanapat 17 1523017 Miss Chadapa Dress Code: Appticant shatl wear 2. Exempted Quauned Qua01ed Quauned NIMMANWATHANA Exempted Quauned ⊂HEN Quauned Quatlned SUNGVARIBUDH THONG⊂ HAN 4.12 4.1.1,4.1.2, MENMING Exempted Qua01ed SAKCHTCHAWAN Quauned Qua‖ ned 4.2.6 student uniforms or formaI attire. Jeans and sandats are strong(y prohibited. Examination Schedute Time Date 08 45 hr Subject Enter the exam room and listen to a briefing Saturday 6th June 2015 Test Center Conference room 314-315 (3'd Floor) Office of the President Buitding Tating Chan, Bangkok 0900-12.00 hr SUIC Engl.ish Proficiency Test Remark No parking space SUlC Laboratory Room 09.00-12 00 hr Design Test Office of the President Buil.ding Sunday 7th 3'd Ftoor June 2015 Tating Chan, Bangkok 1300-16 00 hr Drawing Test Remark No parking space Thursday 11th June 2015 Announcement of Candidates 18 30 hr Shortl.isted for lnterview Admissions 3. 3.1. For SUIC Engtish Proficiencv ttest An appucant must bring 2B pencits,pens and an eraser、 3.2. An appucant must b‖ ng own wntlng bOard(40x50cm.). Announced on www.suic.org 3.2.1. DesiQn Test: An appucant is attowed to use ink, cotor pencits, water cotors, poster cotors,fett― 3.2.2. 4. up pens,and markers, EL配 山生ЩttI壼愛上 :An appucant is attowed to bring 6B or EE penclts,eraser,pen,scate. Addition Documents 4。 1.ェ 躊XLl丁 he document(s)must be submitted on New Student Regも trauon Day,which witt be lnformed tater 4.1.1. 4.1.2. ⊂oples of high schoot tevet educatlon transcript and diptOma. Hlgh Schoot Equlvatency ⊂ertlncate issued by the Ministry of Education, Royat Thal Government for appucant vvhO compteted a high schoOt tevet(or equi∨ atent)from an acadernic institute abroad. 4.2. Type 2 The document(s) must be submitted on 6th June 2015 4.2.L. A copy of House Registration - ParenVGuardian 4.2.2. A copy of Government lD Card - ParenVGuardian 4.2.3. A copy of House Registration - Appticant 4.2.4. A copy of Government lD Card - Appl.icant 4.2.5. CD Portfotio / Portfotio lnventory Sheet 4.2.6. 4 Photos (facing fon,rard and no sungtasses) in 1-inch size 5. Appticants must present the apptication card and receipt before entering exam room and can check their names and exam center at www.suic.org Announced on /″ /1 fi May 2015 M・ , Director Sitpakorn U niversity lnternationaI 犠 呻 (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gaysorn Chansiri)
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