The 2015 Information Environment Manual for Students ver.1.0E Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University Table of Contents for the 2015 Information Environment Manual for Students 1. Introduction to the Information Environment of Kyoto University … ……………………… 2 1.1. Notations… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 1.2. Information Related Services Provided by Kyoto University……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 1.3. Information Related Services Websites……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 2. Acquiring and Using University Authentication IDs (ECS-IDs)… ……………………………… 4 2.1. About ECS-IDs … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2.2. Procedure for Acquiring an ECS-ID … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2.3. Activating ECS-ID… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2.4. IT Services using ECS-ID… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 2.5. Managing your ECS-ID………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 2.6. Remark to use ECS-ID… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 3. Safe and Appropriate Use of the Information Systems… ……………………………………… 6 3.1. Appropriate Management of ECS-IDs and Passwords… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 3.2. Changing Your Password……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 3.3. Points to Keep in Mind When Using the Network… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 3.4. Information Security e-Learning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 4. Computer Terminal Services………………………………………………………………………… 9 4.1. Computer Terminal Services… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 4.2. Starting Up Computer Terminals… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 4.3. Shutting Down Computer Terminals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 4.4. What Can We Do Using Windows 7?… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 4.5. What Can We Do Using Linux?… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 4.6. Using USB Devices… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 4.7. Requests to Users… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 5. The Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System… ………………………………… 24 5.1. Using Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 5.2. Using CALL Autonomous Learning Terminals…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 6. Connecting Computers to the University Network… …………………………………………… 28 6.1. Using University Wireless LANs… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6.1.1. Setting for Windows 8… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6.1.2. Setting for Mac OS X…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6.1.3. Setting for iPhone/iPad………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 29 33 36 6.1.4. About using libraries e-journals… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 6.1.5. List of public wireless LANs Access Points…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 6.2. Using network from outside of the University…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 7. Logging In Using the Common Portal for All Students… ……………………………………… 39 7.1. About the Common Portal for All Students……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 8. The Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers………………………………………… 40 8.1. Sign in and Sign out………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40 8.2. Reading E-mails……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 8.3. Writing a new E-mail… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 8.4. Forwarding E-mails automatically………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42 8.5. Adding Contacts… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43 8.6. Changing your language setting… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44 8.7. When using other E-mail software………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45 9. The KULASIS School Affairs Information System… ……………………………………………… 46 9.1. About KULASIS… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9.2. Using KULASIS… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9.3. Pocket Seminar Pre-Registration (Liberal Arts and General Education courses)… ………………………………………………………………………… 9.4. " 履修登録 " (Class Registration)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 46 46 49 51 9.5. Functions after Determining Class Registration… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55 10. University Library Online Services………………………………………………………………… 59 10.1. Using KULINE… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59 10.2. Using MyKULINE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59 10.3. Using Electronic Journals and Databases… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 62 11. Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA"… …………………………………………… 63 11.1. About PandA… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63 11.2. Recommended Environment… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63 11.3. Logging In… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 11.4. Getting started… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 65 11.5. Resources…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69 11.6. Assignments… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 70 Appendix… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 73 1. Introduction to the Information Environment of Kyoto University The Institute for Information Management and Communication (IIMC) of Kyoto University provides services such as the "Kyoto University Integrated information Network System (KUINS)" that provides a high-speed information network, a "Large-Scale Computing System" that provides a high performance computer environment for researchers throughout Japan, the "Educational Computer System" that supports education and research at this university, the "Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System", the "Distance Lecture Support", a "Database Service", and an "Educational Materials Creation Service". In addition, an education research environment has been developed based on information communication technologies such as a syllabus information system and university library online services. The "Educational Computer System" and "Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System" are provided to help Kyoto 1.1. Notations In this manual, input and output to computers is expressed using different fonts. ・Website addresses are written in sans-serif font. ・Characters that are output automatically by computers such as character terminal prompts (displays requesting user input) are written in typewriter typeface as shown below. bash-3.00$ ・Input by a user from a computer terminal that should be input the same as an example such as a command is written in bold typewriter typeface as shown below. emacs & ・Input by a user from a computer terminal that should be input differently than an example such as an ECS-ID is written in italic typewriter typeface. a0XXXXXX ・W hen multiple keyboard keys need to be pressed, it is expressed according to the following. University students with their studies. Information media based [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Del] on the integration of computers and networks has been changing ・When an user needs to select a menu and then submenus at society. In order for people to function in this society, it is necessary to have information literacy based on "ICT (Information the same time, it is expressed according to the following. [Start] → [Program] → [Accessories] → [Note] and Communication Technology)" and ability as "Internationally- ・Notes for operation are expressed according to the following. Minded Persons" who can understand cultures and ideas, not just language. The "Educational Computer System" and "Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System" for the university students Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ An user needs to use with caution. were updated and began operating in March 2012. These ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ systems were designed to establish an adequate computing ・ The items that do not require caution, but are important are environment for education at Kyoto University. expressed according to the following. The following services are provided. ・About 1,400 computers running Windows are available at 26 locations throughout the university. ・Linux can be used with the Oracle VM VirtualBox. ・Student E-mail service (KUMOI) is provided so that students can send and receive e-mail using a web browser from inside and outside the university. ・A cooperation service using University Authentication IDs (ECS-ID) is available. The CALL room quality has been improved and the number of rooms for the CALL System has been increased. Equipment for CALL has also been installed in open space laboratories (here after referred to as OSLs) so that students can fully utilize them for self study and for reviewing. Both of these systems are used by many people. Therefore, we have established this manual so that this system can be used safely and effectively for education and research at this university. 2 Information‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ This is important information. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 1.2. Information Related Services Provided by Kyoto University The following table shows the information related services provided by Kyoto University and the department in charge. Service Department in Charge Contact Information The Institute for Information Management and Communication Introduction to the Information Environment of Kyoto University University Authentication IDs (ECS-ID) Information Environment Support Center Information Management and Communication Information Security e-Learning Department IT Service Division [email protected] Security Management Office Information Management and Communication Computer Terminal Services Department IT Service Division Educational Computing Services Group The Computer-Assisted Language Learning ( CALL ) System Information Management and Communication Department IT Service Division Educational Computing Services Group Information Management and Communication Computer Network Connection ( KUINS ) Department [email protected] IT Service Division Network Group Common Portal for All Students The Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers ( KUMOI ) The KULASIS School AAffairs Information System Information Environment Support Center Information Management and Communication Department IT Service Division Educational Computing Services Group University Common Class Student Desk / Student Affairs Division in your department Online Library Service (MyKULINE) Library System Online Service [email protected] Online Library Service (Electronic Journal) Library System Electronic Resources [email protected] Information Management and Communication Learning Support System (PandA) Department IT Service Division Educational Computing Services Group 1.3. Information Related Services Websites Service Website URL Institute for Information Management and Communication Educational Computer System Information Security e-Learning The Computer-Assisted Language Learning ( CALL ) System KUINS(Network Connection) Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers Kyoto University Library Network KULASIS(Common Portal for All Students) Learning Support System (PandA) 3 2. Acquiring and Using University Authentication IDs (ECS-IDs) 2.1. About ECS-IDs Please apply to the Media Center Information Environment University Authentication IDs (ECS-ID) are IDs for verifying Support Center for your ECS-ID. Students should bring their the identity of students. Using ECS-ID, they can use IT services Student ID Cards issued by their departments to verify your provided by the IIMC, the Kyoto University Library Network and identity. other departments. ◆ Faculty and Staff 2.2. Procedure for Acquiring an ECS-ID The IIMC provides a notification that contains your ECS-ID for new students via your department. If you do not receive the notification, please contact to the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies (hereinafter referred to as the "Media Center") Information Environment Support Center. Faculty and Staff who already have SPS-ID can use almost IT services with SPS-ID therefore they aren't provided with ECSID in principle. But, those who can't get SPS-ID, such as a parttime instructor, can acquire an ECS-ID. If they need to use IT services that require ECS-ID, please apply to the Media Center Information Environment Support Center or the representative reception counters(For example, Kyoto University Uji Library, Medical Library, and Center for Information Technology of Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ The procedures for acquiring ECS-IDs are handled in the Media Center Information Environment Support Centers, and by the representative reception counters (Uji Library, Center for Information Technology in Katsura Campus, Medical Library, etc ...). Please bring your student ID card or faculty ID card to verify your identity for the procedures. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 2.2.1. Usage Qualification The following people can acquire an ECS-ID. For more information about usage qualifications for individuals who are outside of the below 1. and 2., inquire at the ICT Support Center. 1. University students (including research students and exchange students) 2. Other individuals accepted by the Director-General of the IIMC Graduate School of Engineering). They should bring their Faculty Card to verify their identity. 2.3. Activating ECS-ID After receiving an ECS-ID and an activation key, you should activate your ECS-ID until the expiration date. Activating ECS-ID is necessary to use IT services at Kyoto University. ◆ Activating your ECS-ID through your PC, Cellular Phone or Smart Phone 1. Please prepare for your ECS-ID and an activation key on the notification, and decide on your password beforehand. 2. Access the following URL. You can access it using a PC, a Cellular Phone and a Smart Phone. 3. Input your ECS-ID and activation key. Next, input your password twice, then click the [ 実 行 (Run)] button. After that, your ECS-ID and password are activated. 2.2.2. ECS-ID Application For students who do not receive the ECS-ID notification, please refer to this section. 4. Memorize your password and do not tell it to others. The faculty and staff member will never ask for your password. We also recommend to read “3. Safe and Appropriate Use of the Information Systems.” (Page 6) ◆ Students with IC Student ID Cards (Undergraduate Students / Graduate Students) If you entered Kyoto University before April 2012, you can use your ECS-ID that the IIMC has already issued to you. If you do not have an ECS-ID, please apply to the Media Center Information Environment Support Center for your ECS-ID. If you entered Kyoto University on and after April 2012, the IIMC provides the notification that contains your ECS-ID via your department. If you do not receive it, please contact to the Student Affairs Section in your department or the Media Center Information Environment Support Center. ◆ Students with Non-IC Student ID Cards (Research Students etc.) 4 ◆ Activating your ECS-ID using Computer Terminals at the OSLs. 1. Turn ON the computer. For the location of the Power Button, refer to “4.2. Starting Up Computer Terminals.” please notify this to Information Environment Support Center at the Media Center South Buildings. 2. At logon window, click the [ 有効化処理 (activate)] button. 3. T h e f o l l o w i n g w i n d o w w i l l a p p e a r , i n p u t y o u r ECS-ID, an activation key and your password twice. 2.5.3. If You Forget Your ECS-ID and Password If you forget your ECS-ID and password, you need to follow the necessary procedure at the Media Center South Buildings Information Environment Support Center. The IIMC resets your Acquiring and Using University Authentication IDs (ECS-IDs) password and gives you an activation key, and you need to set a new password by following the procedure in 2.3. Students, faculties and staffs should bring their student, faculty ID cards to verify their identity. 2.6. Remark to use ECS-ID 4. After clicking [ 実行 (Run)], a window saying " 有効化を行い ますか? (The system will activate your ECS-ID.)" will appear. Click "OK". 2.4. IT Services using ECS-ID ECS-ID is a university authentication ID, which is ordained by the Rules for Using the Kyoto University Campus-wide Information System. Therefore, students must observe this rule when using ECS-ID. If students use ECS-ID fraudulently, Kyoto University may suspend your ECS-ID or take other actions. Please refer to Appendix 4.3- for the Rules for Using the Kyoto The following IT services are available using ECS-ID. University Campus-wide Information System and Appendix 5.3- • The Common Portal for All Students (Single Sign On to for Password Guideline for Users of Kyoto University Campus- KULASIS, MyKULINE and Student E-mail Service (KUMOI), wide Information System. refer to Section 7) • The Certifications Publisher (with Student IC Card/Student ID and ECS-ID password) • The Student E-mail Service (refer to Section 8) • Online Library Services such as electronic journals • Network services such as PPTP connection service and university wireless LANs. • Educational Computer System such as PC terminals in satellite laboratories in the departments and Open Space Laboratories (OSLs) at the Media Center North / South Buildings and Kyoto University Library etc. 2.5. Managing your ECS-ID 2.5.1. Changing the Status of Your ECS-ID The ECS-ID can be used while you are a student or a staff member at Kyoto University. If your status changes such as advancing to graduate school or changing from a student to a staff member, it may be necessary to change the status of your ECS-ID. The IIMC will inform you via e-mail when you need to change your ID status. If you receive this e-mail, please complete the necessary procedure as quickly as possible. 2.5.2. Terminating Your ECS-ID If you lose your Kyoto University ID because of graduating, completing your course, or resigning, you will no longer be able to use your ECS-ID. In this situation, download necessary files and e-mails or notify changes of your e-mail address in advance. If you want to terminate your ECS-ID for some other reason, 5 3. Safe and Appropriate Use of the Information Systems others. By using such tools, simple passwords can easily 3.1. Appropriate Management of ECS-IDs and Passwords 3.1.1. Why ECS-IDs and Passwords are Necessary The Educational Computer System must protect the rights of authorized users who use the system, and protect users files be guessed. In order to avoid this problem, do not use passwords mentioned in 3.1.4. Unsafe Passwords, and try to create secure passwords. • permitted for you to use another person's ECS-ID. • and information. The ECS-ID and password are used to identify temporarily. • as information that is only known by the actual user, and it can If you find a computer that is left logged on by someone else, do not touch it and notify OSL TAs at the Media Center South be used for notifying the person's identity to the system. The Educational Computer System uses the combination of an It is very dangerous to leave a computer where you have logged on. Always lock a computer when you leave users. One ECS-ID corresponds to one user so that the system can recognize which user is accessing it. The password is used It is not permitted for others to use your ECS-ID. It is also not Building. • Do not try to use a computer that is not approved. ECS-ID and its password to identify and authorize users. In other words, if the ECS-ID and password correspond, it is considered that an authorized user is accessing the system. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully manage your ECS-ID and password. 3.1.2. If Your Password Becomes Known to Others If your password becomes known to other persons, it means 3.1.4. Unsafe Passwords The following types of passwords are not safe. • Short passwords (e.g. A7U8) • Passwords that use only capital letters, only lower-case letters, or only numbers (e.g. JKUEDL, 4034712) • they may be able to access the Educational Computer System and related services using your ECS-ID. As a result, the following (e.g. TYamada, 19850401) • problems may occur. • You may lose your trust by sending e-mails from your account or leaving messages on message boards. • Passwords using actual words that are found in a dictionary, people's names, or product names (e.g. Tiger) Your received e-mails and your files may be viewed or be changed or deleted by others. • Passwords based on your name, birthday, or other attributes Other disrupting actions or crimes such as cracking of computers may be perpetrated using your account. Caution ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ The Educational Computer System requires that passwords be at least eight characters long. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ These actions through the computer do not show the 3.1.5. If You Think Someone Else is Using Your ECS-ID user's actual appearance, so the doer can only be known Referring to "Appendix 3" and consult us as soon as possible. through the ECS-ID. Therefore, actions done using your ECSID are considered as being done by you and you will be held 3.2. Changing Your Password responsible. The following method can be used to change your password. 1. Access using web browser. 3.1.3. ECS-ID and Password Management Passwords are confidential character strings known only by the ECS-ID holder. Passwords must not become known to anyone else. Therefore, necessary caution must be used when managing your password as shown in the following points. • Do not tell your password to anyone. Teaching Assistants (TAs) and staff members will never ask you for your password. • Do not write your password down. Please memorize it. • Change your password regularly. If the same password is used for a long time, the risk of it becoming known to others increases. It will also become more difficult for you to notice that your password has become known. For more details, refer to 3.2. Changing Your Password. • 6 The tools for guessing passwords can easily be acquired by 2. Enter your ECS-ID and current password to login. it is necessary to properly manage your ECS-ID and password. 3. Click the [ パスワード変更 (Changing password)] at left. ◆ Warning about Computer Viruses Computer viruses are malicious computer programs that can be received through e-mail attachments, browsing of websites, and external storage media devices such as USB Flash memory drives. Viruses then spread through networks or through external storage media such as USB Flash memory drives. Users must keep in mind the following points. ・Do not open suspicious e-mails (attached files) ・Do not access to suspicious websites Safe and Appropriate Use of the Information Systems ・Do not open files from unknown sources ◆ Security Countermeasures for Your Own Computer We request students to implement the following security 4. Type your current password and the new password twice, and click " 実 行 ". The following window will appear, and click OK. countermeasures for their own computers. ・Install antivirus software and always install the latest virus definition file (pattern file). ・Always use the latest updated versions of software such as Windows OS, Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader and Flash Player. ・When connecting to a network outside of the university, make sure there is sufficient security using firewall settings. Caution ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 5. If your password is changed successfully, it says [ パスワード の変更を依頼しました。(Your password has been changed.)] If your computer contains a virus, it can affect many people. You may be held responsible, so it is necessary to implement sufficient security countermeasure. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 3.3.2. Warning about Private Information Protection Always use caution when handling your own or another person's private information on the network. When inputting private information on a website, make sure that the service provider is trustworthy and that the information will be handled securely. When exchanging important information such as credit card numbers, make sure that the encrypted transmission or other safety measures by a certification body are taken to protect against impersonation. If your e-mail address becomes known to others or if your 3.3. Points to Keep in Mind When Using the Network e-mail address is made public on the Internet, a large amount Through the Internet, computers all over the world are of junk e-mail and virus containing e-mails may be sent to your connected and various information services are provided. On address. Once you start receiving junk e-mail, filtering is the only the other hand, network usage causes various social problems. countermeasure. Therefore, use caution when giving out your It is necessary to understand these dangers in order to use the e-mail address. network properly. The Educational Computer System User guidelines state that users must use their actual name, that another person's name or 3.3.1. Warning about Information Security fictitious name must not be used and that the user must show ◆ Proper Management of User IDs and Passwords their contact information such as their e-mail address. Therefore, In the Educational Computer System, ECS-IDs and passwords it is necessary to carefully select your service provider. For more are used to identify users and provide services such as computer information about protecting your private information related to terminals and e-mail. If your ECS-ID and password become the Educational Computer System, refer to Appendix 4.4. known to others, problems such as those explained in 3.1.2. If Your Password Becomes Known to Others can occur. Therefore, 7 3.3.3. Proper Use of Copyrighted Work Copyrighted material such as computer software, music, videos, and publications are protected under Copyright Laws. It is necessary to understand copyrights and to use such material properly. ・When using computer software, make sure what rights the user has and then use the software within that rights. ・Gnutella and related software (BareShare, LimeWire, etc.) ・BitTorrent and related software (Including BitComet, cTorrent, Opera BitTorrent function, and Firefox AllPeers plugin) In addition, the use of other software with functions for publishing files widely is not permitted. Most computer ・In order to duplicate copyrighted material outside of any terminals in the Educational Computer System are restricted exceptions in the Copyright Law, or to make access available from having these types of software installed. However, keep in through the network, it is necessary to acquire permission from mind that there is some software that can have them installed. the copyright holder. ・Quoting from another person's works in your paper without permission from the copyright holder is allowed only when 3.3.6. Prohibited Use of P2P Systems Other than File Sharing specified conditions under Copyright Law are met. It is According to the KUINS usage regulations, P2P systems that necessary to fully understand these restrictions before quoting are not for file sharing can be used. However, due to the design from another's work. of the Educational Computer System, all communications are ・Use of photos containing other people's face is protected based executed over a relay server (proxy) to the Internet. Therefore, on the concept of Portrait Rights. It is necessary to use caution if a P2P system is used, an overload can occur with the relay when dealing with such rights, and it may be necessary to server and may cause problems for other users. acquire the person's permission beforehand. Skype and other P2P systems that are not designed as file sharing software cannot be used with the Educational Computer 3.3.4. Crime, Disturbance, and Sexual Harassment Recently, many crimes such as fraud and other disruptive System. There are a few exceptions such as when creating programs using P2P system development frameworks such as actions have occurred through e-mail and the Internet. JXTA, SOBA, and OverlayWeaver as part of a class exercise. If ・Always be aware of the risks. necessary, consult the contact information shown in Appendix 3. ・If you believe you are the victim of a crime, remain calm and Troubleshooting through your course instructor. handle the situation. ・If a problem occurs, do not try to resolve the problem by yourself. Receive guidance from an expert. ・If you are a victim of sexual harassment, consult the Harassment Consultation Desk of IIMC or each department. 3.4. Information Security e-Learning All students and staff members must take the Information Security e-Leaning course. For more information about the Course, refer to the following URL. 3.3.5. Prohibited Use of P2P Type File Sharing Software P2P type file sharing software is a kind of P2P system used to share files between connected computers. These systems become issues because they are often used to share copyrighted materials without the prior consent of the copyright holder. It is also well known that such software is the source of information leakage due to viruses that target P2P type file sharing systems. KUINS managing the university network requires notification when a P2P type file sharing system is used. The Educational Computer System does not make this notification and P2P type file sharing software cannot be used with the Educational Computer System. The following programs cannot be used. ・Winny ・Share ・WinMX ・KaZaa ・eDonkey and related software (e.g. eMule) 8 4. Computer Terminal Services 4.1. Computer Terminal Services There are about 1,400 computer terminals available on the Educational Computer System throughout 26 different locations including the Multimedia Laboratory of the Media Center South Building, Open Space Laboratories (OSLs), and satellite laboratories of each department. These computer terminals run Windows 7. It is also possible to use Linux using Oracle VM VirtualBox installed in the computer terminal. Each user's files are stored in the file server at the Media Center Computer Terminal Services South Building, and the setting and files are available from any computer terminal on the network. Files cannot be accessed by others by default. In addition, you can print from any computer terminal using laser printers that are connected to the network at satellite laboratories and OSLs. ◆ Satellite Laboratories Satellite laboratories are computer rooms located in each department, and are used for department classes. Open hours and user conditions differ according to the department. For more information about satellite laboratory locations, refer to Appendix 6. ◆ Open Space Laboratories (OSL) Open Space Laboratories are computer rooms located on the first floor of the Media Center South Building, the second floor of the Media Center North Building, the third floor of the University Library, the second floor of the Yoshida-South Library, and Katsura Campus Funai Community Hall. These are not used for classes, but rather are for self learning. In the Media Center South Building, graduate students are working as teaching assistants (TAs) and can answer user's questions. ◆ Multimedia Laboratories Multimedia laboratories are located in the second and third floors of the Media Center South Building, and computer terminals and video projectors are available. These are used for liberal arts and general education courses including information education. 9 4.2. Starting Up Computer Terminals ① Turn on the computer. Press here to turn power ON. Monitor PC The green light is on while the PC is running. Mouse Keyboard If you need help with operating a computer, ask TAs at the Media Center South Building OSL. ② Clicking Getting Started. ・ Click: Quickly pressing the right or left button of the mouse one time ・D o u b l e - C l i c k : Q u i c k l y pressing a button twice Waiting for a while. ③ Right-Click Left-Click Logging on. Input your ECS-ID as Username. The ECS-ID is an 8-character long string such as "a0XXXXXX ". ("X" represents numbers.) Input your password corresponding to your ECS-ID. Activating your ECS-ID from here. After input the Username and the Password, click here. Opening "Common Portal for All student" page. 10 4.3. Shutting Down Computer Terminals ① Close all application you started. ② Go to [ スタート (Start)] → [ シャットダウン (Shutdown)] , and then press [OK]. ③ The operation is complete. Computer Terminal Services If another user is waiting to use the computer, select [ 再起動 ]. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ・Do not leave a computer in the logged on status. It could be abused by another user. ・When you are finished, do not press the power button to turn the computer OFF. If you do that, normal shutdown will not be executed and data will not be saved. ・If the computer is unused for a certain period, the screen will go blank and Windows will be locked. Please note that if this lock status continues for a certain period, it will automatically log off. ・When you finisih using computer terminals, make sure that the shut down process has completed. Shut down process sometimes fails. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 11 4.4. What Can We Do Using Windows 7? You can confirm how much space you have on the disk. You should save files here. For more information, refer to "4.4.1 Saving Files" You can move to the Information Security e-Learning course. For more information, refer to “3.4. Information Security e-Learning." FAQs are here. The Common Portal for All Students web page will appear. For more information, refer to " 7.Logging In Using the Common Portal for All Students. You can confirm how many sheets you have printed. ※ ECS-ID is required for checking. You can confirm job items waiting for printing. You can cancel an item waiting to be printed. ※ ECS-ID is required for checking. This brings up the Linux login screen. For more information, refer to “4.5. What Can We Do Using Linux?” You can use "Kyoto University Mail for Student and Researchers." For more information about e-mail services, refer to "8. Using the Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers " This is the Start Button. From here, you can use various applications. 12 This is the taskbar. Minimize The window will be minimized and will be move to the taskbar. Maximize The window will fill the screen. Close The window will close. Computer Terminal Services You can put files here that you want to delete. This is the task tray. Icons appear here when devices are connected to the computer. For more information, refer to “4.6. Using USB Devices” . 13 4.4.1. Saving Files When you save files, save it to the following location. ・Go to M Drive([マイコンピュータ]→[Home Directory (M:)]) ・My Documents on the Desktop. (My Documents and the M Drive point to the same location.) ・External storage device (e.g. Flash memory drive) In the Educational Computer System, disks on the network are used as the location for saving various files created by users. These disks are My Documents and M Drive on the desktop. By saving files to the disks on the network, you can access your files from any computer on the system. However, there is limitation 1. Select[印刷プレビュー (Print Preview)]from the application menu to confirm the output results. on disk size. For more information, refer to "4.7.2. Limitation on 2. Select[印刷 (Print)]to display the printing dialog box. Usage Amounts." 3. Confirm that the printer name is "Auth-by-Card-Printer ." If you save files to another location, the files will be removed after you shut down. 4. Click the[印刷 (Print)]button. 5. Push the 節電ボタン (Power Saving Button) on the printer if green light is turning on. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Do not use languages other than English or Japanese for file names using Windows 7. You may not be able to access such files. 6. Put your Student Card close to IC card reader next to the printer. The LCD monitor changes from [ ICカードヲチカヅ ケテクダサイ (Put the IC Card close to the reader)] to [ シヨウ デキマス (Ready to use)] and printing will start. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 4.4.2. Printing at Satellites Laser printers are available in satellite laboratories. You can print out documents from various applications. Educational Computer System printers automatically print out the ECS-ID on the bottom-left corner of the printed document. There is a limit on the number of sheets that can be printed. For more information, refer to "Printing Limitations" in "4.7.2. Limitations on Usage Amounts." The following is the procedure for printing. 1. Select[印刷プレビュー (Print Preview)]from the application menu to confirm the output results. 2. After confirming the preview, select[印刷 (Print)]to display the printing dialog box. • If no setting are made, printing will be done on both sides of the paper. To print only on one side, specify in the page settings. • We ask users to help supply the paper and toner to the 3. Select a printer name such as "prXXY -XXX -JP" (here, X printers in the OSLs and satellite laboratories. Paper and toner represents numbers, and Y represents letters. They differ are managed by each division (mainly department offices), so according to the computer room.) go there to get necessary supplies. 4. Click the[印刷 (Print)]button. • If no setting are made, printing will be done on both sides • If you find printer failure, contact TAs and the Media Center South Building OSL. of the paper. To print only on one side, specify in the page settings. 4.4.3. Printing at OSLs Laser printers are also available in OSLs. You can print out documents from various applications. When using printers at OSLs, you need to bring your IC Student Card. The following is the printing procedure. 14 Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Many students use the printers every day and they are important devices, but some use the printers improperly. Please use good manners when printing. For example, do not print many unnecessary pages. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 5. The "CubePDF" dialog appears, Click " ... " to select the location Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ and name the file. Students who are taking courses using the Educational Computer System should keep in mind that if the number of sheets they have printing is over the specified limit, printing will not be executed even if it is during a class. You should use the printers wisely. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ※ If you have no IC Student Card. The following is the procedure for printing. 1. Select[印刷プレビュー (Print Preview)]from the application menu to confirm the output results. 2. Select[印刷 (Print)]to display the printing dialog box. Computer Terminal Services 3. Select a printer name such as "Auth-Free-Printer-XXXX" (here, X represents numbers, and varies according to a terminal room.) 4. Click the[印刷 (Print)]button. 6. Click[変換 (convert)]button. 7. Confirm the output. 4.4.4. Creating PDF Files For converting documents such as Word documents into PDF, follow the following procedure. 1. Select[印刷 (Print)]from the application menu. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ If some part of the PDF documents needs to be extracted, execute the same operation using Adobe Reader. 2. Select pages you want to convert. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 3. Select "CubePDF" as a printer name. 4.4.5. Using the World Wide Web (WWW) 4. Click "OK" or "Print" button. The button name differs from The World Wide Web is a global information system that applications. (At the figure, Word2010 is used.) makes it possible to publish or view various information resources such as text, images, and sound. Now, many individuals and organizations throughout the world provide information through the WWW, and anyone can access this information by using services such as search engines. Usually, information sources on the WWW can be viewed through a web browser. The Educational Computer System uses Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla Firefox web browsers for Windows 7. To start Internet Explorer, go to [ スタート]→[すべてのプロ グラム]→[Web 閲覧]→[Internet Explorer]or click IE icon at desktop. To start Firefox, go to[スタート]→[すべてのプログラム] →[Web 閲覧]→[Mozilla Firefox]. After starting the web browser, the top page of the IIMC Educational Computer System website will appear. In the [ ア ド レス (Address)] box, you will see “ ja/services/ecs/.” This is referred to as the URL. You can input a URL into the [ ア ド レ ス (Address)] box and you will move to the website that you entered. Sometimes you will find a “Link” on a screen that will allow you to jump to another website. By clicking on links, it is possible to view linked websites. 15 4.4.6. Applications Many convenient applications are installed in the Windows 7 of the Educational Computer System. These can be executed by Specialized Applications ・Maple:A computer algebra system, facilitating symbolic mathematics. clicking the [ ス タ ー ト (Start)] button at the bottom-left corner ・SPSS:Statistical analysis software of the screen, then [ す べ て の プ ロ グ ラ ム (All Programs)], and ・R : Language and environment for statistic calculation and clicking on the program. graphics Keep in mind that the same applications are not installed on all ・Mandara:Geographical information analysis system software computers. Due to license agreements, some software cannot be installed on all computers. Also, some software is only available Text Editing at certain satellite laboratories. In addition to [ メ モ 帳 (Notepad)] included with Windows, the The following are some of the software that is available. following software is also installed ・TeraPad : Standard function Text editor with standard Microsoft Office 2010 functions ・Word:Word processing software ・Vim:Windows version of vi ・Excel:Spreadsheet software ・Meadow:Windows version of emacs ・PowerPoint:Presentation software ・秀丸:High-function text editor ・Access:Database management software ・サクラエディタ:text editor LibreOffice Programming Software ・Writer:Word processing software ・Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition:C++ development ・Calc:Spreadsheet software environment ・Impress:Presentation software ・Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition:C# development ・Draw:Drawing software environment ・Math:Equation editor ・Microsoft Visual Basic Express Edition:Basic development environment Linux ・Eclipse:Java development environment ・Vine Linux 6 ・Perl:Perl interpreter ・Python:Python interpreter Web Browsers ・Ruby:Ruby interpreter ・Internet Explorer ・Firefox Utilities ・Lynx ・Type Trainer:Typing exercise software ・Lhaplus:Compression and decompression Archiving software Multimedia Software ・IrfanView:Image viewing / editing / formatting software Communication Applications ・Dynamic Draw:Drawing software for creating diagrams ・WinSCP:File transfer software ・Windows Media Player:Audio / Video player ・TeraTerm:Terminal software ・Quick Time:Audio / Video player ・Real Player:Audio / Video player Following applications are installed only PC terminal at the Media Center South Building OSL. Document Processing Tools Adobe Web Premium CS4 ・pLaTeX, dviout:TeX compiler and viewer ・Adobe Illustrator CS4:Vector graphic software ・GhostScript, GhostView :PS/PDF printing/ File creation ・Adobe Photoshop CS4:Graphics editing software software ・EasyTeX,TeXworks:Software for simplifying commands and input for TeX ・Adobe Reader :PDF viewing software ・CubePDF:PDF creation tool for using virtual printers 16 Computer Terminal Services 17 4.5. What Can We Do Using Linux? GNOME Terminals A GNOME Terminal is used to send f ile operation commands such as copy or delete document, to output commands to printers, and execute commands to start various software. To start it, from the top left part of the screen select [ アプリケーション( Applications )] → [シ ステムツール ( System Tools )] → [ GNOME 端 末 ( GNOME Terminal )]. When using Linux and other software in Windows 7 together, right-click here or click Minimize button in upper right screen. 18 Computer Terminal Services emacs This is a representative text editor. 19 In the Educational Computer System, Linux is available in addition to the Windows environment. Using a virtualization Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ software "Oracle VM VirtualBox", it is able to be run Linux on the Windows environment. 4.5.1. Start Linux 1. D ouble-click “Linux” on the Windows 7 desktop. You can also start the program by selecting [ ス タ ー ト (Start)] from the bottom-left corner of the screen and then [ す べ て の プ ロ グ ラ ム (All Programs)] → [Linux] → [Linux] → [Vine Linux 6]. 2. After a while, a window shown on the below will appear. Enter your ECS-ID in the textbox and click [ ログイン ]. Then, enter your ECS-ID's password in the form and click [ ログイン ]. This operation will not shut down Windows 7. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 4.5.3. Starting GNOME Terminals To start GNOME Terminal for inputting commands, click the icon, or [Applications] → [System Tools] → [Terminal]. 4.5.4. Printing When printing a text file such as a paper.txt file, input the following from the GNOME Terminal. lpr paper.txt It will be output to the printer in the using satellite laboratory, For Postscript format files (e.g., input the following. lpr If it does not work, input the following. lpr -P PRXXY-XXX-JP-PS paper.txt X represents numbers, Y represents letters. They vary according to a room. Confirm the tape which is put on the printer. Information‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ For user authentication with Windows, the expression “log on” is used and with Linux “log in” is used. When finishing, the expressions “log off” and “log out” are used. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ For example, you see the character strings, "PR18A-211" on the printer. So type the following. lpr -P PR18A-211-JP-PS paper.txt 4.5.2 Logging Off (Logging Out) From the top left of the screen, select [ シ ス テ ム (System)] → The number of pages printed using UNIX will be counted along [ シャットダウン (Shut Down )]. A window saying " このシステム with the number of pages printed using Windows 7. を今すぐシャットダウンしますか? (Do you want to shut down (For more information, refer to “Printing Limitations” in “4.7.2. this system right now?)" will appear. Select the rightmost button, Limitations on Usage Amounts .” ) [ シャットダウン (Shut down)]. 4.5.5. Using Web Browser. With Linux, firefox is used as a web browser. To start firefox, input the following from the GNOME Terminal. firefox & 20 You can also start firefox by going to [ ア プ リ ケ ー シ ョ ン (Applications)] → [ インターネット (Internet)] → [Fx ウェブブラ ウザ (firefox)]. 4. Confirm and select USB flash drive's name. 5. Waiting for a while, Nautilus the file manager window will open and show the contents in USB flash drive automatically. ◆ Removing USB flash drive Right click the USB flash drive icon and select [ ドライブの安全 な取り出し (Remove)]. ※ USB flash drive cannot be used on both Windows and Linux at the same time. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Keep in mind that if you specify the incorrect access permission on Linux, a file may be read or written by another user. (The default setting does not allow other users to read or write files.) ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Both Windows7 and Linux refer mutually through the "Linux" Computer Terminal Services 4.5.8. Exchanging files between Windows 7 and Linux folder (M: ¥Linux ¥home) under your "Home Directory" of Windows 7(M:). ◆ Using Windows7 Move to M:¥Linux ¥home [ コンピューター (Computer)] → [Home Directory (M:)] → [Linux] Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ → [home] Be careful when changing the default setting files for Linux (these start ◆ Using Linux with a “.” ). The home directory of linux is following line. If you make a mistake with the settings, you may not be able to log in. In this situation, send the inquiry form from the Educational Computer System website ( ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ /home/ecsfsX/ecs/a0XXX/a0XXXXXX There is the directory named "Windows" under home directory, move there and see the files under M:¥Linux ¥home at Windows 7. 4.5.6. Using Windows 7 and Linux together In the Educational Computer System, because the use of virtualization software, you can treat Linux like any other application windows. You can also return Windows clicking Minimize button in upper right screen. 4.5.7. Using USB flash drive at Linux To access files at USB flash drive from Linux, follow the Files that contain Japanese characters in the file name from Windows 7 may have a file name containing numbers or letters in UNIX. Keep in mind that for text file Kanji character codes and linefeed codes, shift JIS code / CR + LF is used for Windows 7, and in Linux, UTF8/LF is used. Use the nkf command to confirm the Kanji code. Example: nkf -g following steps. foo.tex UTF-8 ◆ Connecting USB flash drive 1. Connect the USB flash drive to an USB port. If it is already connected, (This indicates that the Kanji code for the file foo.tex is UTF-8 code.) ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ remove it and connect it again. 2. Automatic Start window will appear at Windows7, ignore this In the following site, you see the list of applications available for Linux in the Educational Computer System, and Use of Linux. window and not to click. 3. At Virtual Box, Right click the Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ icon at right bottom of the window. terminal/linux.html 21 4.6. Using USB Devices 4.6.1. Using USB Devices USB (Universal Serial Bus) is one of the standards for transferring data between computers and peripheral devices. 3. Select the USB device that you want to disconnect. You will see the following message indicating that you can now safely disconnect the USB device. Remove the USB device from the USB port. By using devices compatible with USB, you can store large amounts of data to external storage devices easily and to read various types of removable disks. This section will explain how to use plug and play (no driver installation needed) Windows 7 compatible USB devices to store large amounts of data. Most plug and play type USB devices have the same operation method. This is the basic usage method for any USB device. If you have any questions about the USB device you are using, refer to the manual for the USB device. 4.6.2. Connecting Devices to USB Ports You can connect devices to the USB ports on the front of the computer terminal. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ・Keep in mind that you may not be able to use USB flash memory devices with some Educational Computer System computer terminals that have security protection. ・You are responsible for problems with any USB device you bring. ・Some USB devices require drivers to be installed on the computer. USB h flas e driv However, it may not be possible to install the drivers for your device. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 4.6.4. Using USB Flash Drive USB flash drives are small drives that can store large amounts of data, and they are relatively inexpensive. It is recommended that you use USB flash drive for external storage with Educational Computer System computer terminals. 注意‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Many people forget to remove their USB flash memory devices. This can cause loss of data and may result in information leakage. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ After connecting a device to the USB port, waiting a while. A window like upper figure appears automatically. 4.6.5. Borrowing USB Devices You can borrow image scanners connecting to USB ports at 4.6.3. Disconnecting Devices from USB Ports When you have finished using a USB device, do not immediately disconnect it from the USB port. This may cause problems with the USB device or the data. To disconnect a USB device after you have finished using it, execute the following procedure. the Media Center South Building OSL. These can be used for scanning photo and documents so that you can import them to a computer. If you want to borrow a scanner, ask TAs on the east side of OSL. You can also ask TAs to borrow USB flash memory drives and card readers for SD cards and Memory Sticks. 1. Confirm the name of the USB device that you want to disconnect. Open [ コ ン ピ ュ ー タ ー (Computer)] to confirm 注意‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ These loaned items are shared by others. Please, be sure to return the this. 2. Click this icon on the right side of the task tray. item quickly so that others can use. In addition, lending USB flash memory is not allowed to bring back to home. Please return it after you use. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 22 4.7. Requests to Users The Educational Computer System is provided for educational 4.7.3. Information about the Educational Computer System purposes at this university. Therefore, it should be used Information about the Educational Computer System is appropriately. provided at the following website. Equipment and the budget for the Educational Computer System are limited, and it is shared by many users. As a result, This website shows users how to register the ECS-IDs and the following limitations have been set for usage. provides other important notification such as system outage. It also contains documents that show how to use various services, 4.7.1. Educational Computer System User Guidelines Users must follow the user guidelines (refer to Appendix 4-2). a user support FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page, and an inquiry form. If a user violates the user guidelines, they may be prohibited from using the educational computer system. 4.7.4. Rules for OSLs and Satellite Laboratories 4.7.2. Limitations on Usage Amounts users should cooperate with each other so that it can be used ◆ Limitations on Printing properly. Please observe basic manners such as being quiet and Users are limited to printing 200 sheets per year. Counting starts from April 1st and ends March 31st. If you click “Usage Computer Terminal Services OSLs and satellite laboratories are used by many people. All give your seat others when OSLs and satellite laboratories are crowded. Information” on the desktop of an Educational Computer You are not allowed to bring food or drinks into OSLs and System computer terminal, you will be able to see the number satellite laboratories, and you are not allowed to use erasers. of sheets you have already printed and your file and e-mail These rules are designed to prevent damage to the computer usage amounts. terminals. Many users may use the printers. Therefore, take others into consideration and try to minimize your printer usage time and number of pages you print. Information about using printers effectively is available from the Educational Computer System at the following URL. 4.7.5. Operation Rules at Satellite Laboratories Open hours and user conditions differ according to the department where the satellite laboratory is located. For more details, please ask each department. printips.html ◆ File and Limitations Each user may store up to 300MB of files (stored in My Documents). If you click “Usage Information” on the desktop of an Educational Computer System computer terminal, you will be able to see your file usage amounts. If you greatly exceed these limitations, you may be prohibited from using the system. Please use USB Flash memory devices to store files that are over your limited amount, or to move files from the computer terminals to your own computer. ◆ Multiple Logon Prohibited Due to security reasons, logging on to multiple computer terminals at the same time is prohibited. 23 5. The Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System 5.1. Using Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System Language learning CALL rooms are located on the third floor of the Media Center South Building. (Language Learning CALL classrooms 301, 302, and 304). The Calabo EX Courseware Management Tool is available in 301 and 302 rooms. This allows videos from AV devices to be viewed on the computer, and allows files containing study assignments to be distributed and collected easily. 304 room is designed for classes with small number of students and equipped with AV devices. Each computer is equipped with a video camera and headset so that you can record pronunciation of words in foreign languages and record lip movement. Classroom Scene (Language Learning CALL classroom 301) Keep in mind that CALL classrooms can only be used during classes. There are CALL autonomous learning terminals available at OSL on the first floor of the Media Center South Building. For more information, refer to Section 5.2. Common functions for CALL classroom terminals and differences in the usage method for computers between other classrooms and OSL will be explained in the following section. 5.1.1. Media for Transferring Digital Files Digital files can be transferred to computers using media other than USB flash memory devices by using the card reader/ writer of each terminal. It is possible to use “CompactFlash,” “Microdrive,” “SmartMedia,” “SD memory card,” “miniSD card,” “MMC (Multimedia Card),” “RS-MMC,” “Memory Stick,” “Memory Stick Duo,” “Memory Stick PRO,” “Memory Stick PRO Duo,” “xD-Picture card,” “xD-Picture Card Type M,” and “xD-Picture Card Type H.” For more information about using USB memory devices, refer to [4.6. Using USB Devices]. Insert your media device to the compatible port. 5.1.2. Sending and Receiving E-mail For more information, refer to [8. The Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers]. 5.1.3. Adjusting the Volume Videos and audio are used for classes. The audio is output from the headset. To adjust the volume, use the dial on the headset cord. After logging in, it is also possible to use the volume control provided by Windows. Headset should be set with the microphone on your left side. Video Cameras and Headsets 24 5.1.4. Selecting Language and Input Method. To use a language other than Japanese or English, it is necessary to change the language setting. When you change the language setting, the input from the keyboard will also change to the selected language. (1)Click the left side of the taskbar (language bar) and select the language you want to use. (2)You can select one of the following languages. Chinese (Taiwan), Chinese (China), German (Germany), English (America), French (France), Japanese (Japan), Korean (Korea), Chinese (Hong Kong), Spanish (International Sort). (3)To confirm the layout of the current keyboard, go to [ すべ てのプログラム (All Programs)] → [ アクセサリ (Accessories)] → [ コンピュータの簡単操作 (Ease of Access)] → [ スクリーンキー ボード (On Screen Keyboard)]. Using the Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System 5.1.5. Using the Camera Student terminals are equipped with a camera to take photos of lip shapes and record video. The following is a simple explanation for using the camera. ① Double-click Logicool icon. ② Click [ クイックキャプチャ (Quick Capture)], then you see an image from the camera. ③ For capturing still image, select [ フォト (Photo)], for recording video, select [ ビデオ (video)] respectively. ④ Click camera button, then recording will start. ⑤ When recording has finished, thumbnail will appear in the button. Click one you want to see. 25 5.2. Using CALL Autonomous Learning Terminals There are CALL autonomous learning terminals in OSLs and Satellites. To use CALL autonomous learning terminals, following the steps. 1. Logon to PC terminals. Logon with your ECS-ID and password. 2. Select a teaching material Select a teaching material from [ ス タ ー ト (Start)] → [ す べ て の プ ロ グ ラ ム (All Program)] → [CALL 教 材 (CALL teaching material)]. 5.3. Materials Available through CALL Autonomous Learning Terminals The following materials are available (as of March, 2014). Chinese ChinaCALL Vietnamese CALL Material for Conversation Country Name Quiz in Chinese Vietnamese CALL Material for Pronunciation Chinese Multimedia CALL Material for Pronunciation Chinese Multimedia CALL Material, Shanghai Chinese Multimedia CALL Material, Beijing English English Multimedia CALL Material, Kumamoto Castle English Multimedia CALL Material, Mt. Aso English Multimedia CALL Material, Goko French CALL French Pronunciation CALL French Grammar Pt. 1 CALL French Grammar Pt. 2 German German CALL General Grammar CALL German Grammar CALL German DUAL Beginner German 2007 Beginner German Grammar Dutch Dutch CALL 26 Vietnamese Using the Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) System 27 6. Connecting Computers to the University Network The network in Kyoto University is called the “Kyoto University Integrated information Network System (KUINS).” This network covers the main facilities including the Yoshida Campus, Uji Campus, Katsura Campus, and other remote research institutes. KUINS consists of KUINS II, which uses global IP addresses for connecting internal and external servers (Web server, e-mail server, etc.), and KUINS III, which uses private IP addresses to connect private computer terminals. KUINS Ⅲ is available in the spaces where users are restricted such as laboratory. In this section, we explain how to connect to KUINS from wireless LANs and outside the university network. 6.1. Using University Wireless LANs This section explains about how to connect your PC to the Internet from university wireless LANs. Wireless LANs Acceses Points are mainly located in public areas such as lecture rooms, seminar rooms, and meeting rooms). Wireless LANs provide the network called "KUINS-Air". To connect Kuins Air, you need to select an SSID "KUINS-Air". 28 6.1.1. Setting for Windows 8 (1)Start the computer and turn on the wireless on/off switch in KUINS-Air service area. Click the “デスクトップ (Desktop)” tile, click the network icon in the toolbar. (2)Make sure that "KUINS-Air" is displayed. Network Connection (3)Right-click the start button, and select " コントロール パネル” (Control Panel)" (4)In the " コントロール パネル (Control Panel)" window, click the " ネットワークとインターネット (Network and Internet)" 29 (5)" ネ ッ ト ワ ー ク と イ ン タ ー ネ ッ ト (Network and Internet)" window appear, click “ ネ ッ ト ワ ー ク と 共 有 セ ン タ ー (Network and Sharing Center)” . (6)Click on “アダプターの設定の変更 (Change adapter settings)". (7)Right-click the "Wi-Fi" icon, and choose " プロパティ (Properties)". (8)Make sure that the box labeled “ イ ン タ ー ネ ッ ト プ ロ ト コ ル バ ー ジ ョ ン 4(TCP/IPv4) (Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/ IPv4))” is checked. Select “ イ ン タ ー ネ ッ ト プ ロ ト コ ル バ ー ジ ョ ン 4(TCP/IPv4) (Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4))” and click on “ プ ロ パ ティ (Properties)” . (9)Make sure that the “IP アドレスを自動的に取得する (Obtain an IP Address automatically)” and “DNS サーバーのアドレスを自動的に取得す る (Obtain DNS server addresses automatically)” radio buttons are checked. Change to above settings if you have configured a static IP address for another location. 30 (10)In the " ネットワーク接続 (Network connections)" window, double-click the "Wi-Fi" icon. (11)Choose "KUINS-Air" from the acceses points list. Network Connection (12)Input your ECS-ID or SPS-ID and password and click "OK". (13) When " 接続を実行しますか? (Continue connecting?)" is displayed, and click " 証 明 書 詳 細 の 表 示 (Show certificate details)" 31 (14)Make sure the server thumbprint, click " 接続 (Connect)" button. (15)When " 接続済み (Connected)" is displayed under the "KUINS-Air", the setting is concluded. 32 6.1.2. Setting for Mac OS X (1) Go to KUINS Air service area, and switch on your PC. From the Apple menu, select “ シ ス テ ム 環 境 設 定 (System Preferences)” Network Connection (2) Then select " ネットワーク (Network)” in the " システム環境 設定 (System Preferences)" window. (3)From the displayed window, select "AirMac". ※ In 10.7 or later, "AirMac" is written as "Wi-Fi" So, please replace "AirMac" with "Wi-Fi". Next, click the “AirMac を入にする (Turn AirMac On)” button at the top right of the window. 33 (4) From the " ネットワーク名 (Network Name)” pull-down menu, select “KUINS-Air.” (5)When you are asked your credentials, input your ECS-ID and password. (6)When the "Verify Certificate" window appear, click " 証明書の 表示 (Show Certificate)" 34 (7) Make sure that the server name is "", and select " 続ける (Continue)". Network Connection (8) The window shown on the left is displayed, input your administration password and click "OK". (9) Make sure " 状況 (Status): Connected". The setting is concluded. 35 6.1.3. Setting for iPhone/iPad (1)Open " 設定 (Settings)(Gear icon)", and select "Wi-Fi". (2) Turn on "Wi-Fi". (3) From "Wi-Fi のネットワークを選択…(Choose a network)", select "KUINS-Air". 36 (4) The " パスワードを入力 (Enter Password)" window appears, input your ECS-ID and password. (5) The " 証明書 (Certification)" window is displayed, make sure that the server name is "", Network Connection and select " 了解 (OK)". (6) The window shown on the left is displayed, the setting is concluded. 37 ※ About using e-journals provided by Kyoto University Library You need to configure a proxy to access e-journals provided by Kyoto University Library. Setting information is provided below. IIMC HP: 6.2. Using network from outside of the University KUINS provides a VPN service so that you can connect your PC to KUINS from outside of the university, for example your home. With this service, you can use services available only from the campas, such as e-journals. KUINS provides PPTP connection services, and you require ECS-ID to use this service. Configuration is rather complex, but you don't need to do it again once you set up. Configuration instructions are provided below. IIMC HP(PPTP Connection from outside of the university): 38 7. Logging In Using the Common Portal for All Students 7.1. About the Common Portal for All Students The Common portal for all students is a single-sign-on service that requires the user to log in one time using their ECS-ID in ◆ Internet Explorer (Windows) order to use the following services. 1. Go to “ツール (Tools)” > “インターネットオプション (Internet (1) KULASIS for course registration (2) MyKULINE for searching publications needed for assignments (3) S t u d e n t e - m a i l s e r v i c e ( K U M O I ) f o r s e n d i n g assignments or making inquiries 7.1.1. Accessing the Common Portal for All Students The common portal for all students can be accessed by going to the following URL. Options),” click " プライバシー (Privacy)” tab and then click the [ 詳細設定 (Advanced...)] button. 2. Make sure that “ 自 動 Cookie 処 理 を 上 書 き す る (Override automatic cookie handling)” is selected, and then click the [OK] button. ◆ Firefox (Windows) Go to “ツール (Tools)” > “オプション (Options)” and then click “プライバシー (Privacy).” Make sure that “サイトから送られてき た Cookie を保存する (Accept cookies from sites)” is selected and then click the [OK] button. ◆ Firefox (Mac) Go to “Firefox” > “環境設定 (Preferences)” and then click “プラ イバシー (Privacy).” Make sure that “サイトから送られてきた Cookie を保存する (Accept cookies from sites” is selected). Logging In Using the Common Portal for All Students ◆ Safari (Mac) Go to “Safari” > “環境設定 (Preferences)” and then click “セキュ リティ (Security).” Select “訪問したページのサーバからのみ受け 入れる (Only from sites I visit)” under “Cookie の受け入れ (Accept cookies).” 7.1.2. Software Requirements The following software is recommended for using the common portal for all students. (For Windows) Compatible Browsers •Internet Explorer 6.0 and later •Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and later (For Mac) Compatible Browsers •Safari •Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and later (Cookie Settings) 7.1.3. Usage Notes ・If you're in trouble with logging into this portal system, please ask ACCMS (South Buildings) or send an inquiry by the form on this site. Please refer this site when you meet trouble. We can not receive the inquiries by phone. ・P lease contact each service counter regarding KULASIS or MyKULINE. ・You can log in MyKULINE and KUMOI directly using your ECSID and the corresponding password. ・Please refer to the inquire form on the log in page or FAQ if you have any quesitons. ・This site can be also accessed on mobile phone with same URL. The common portal for all students uses cookies. Please configure your browser to accept cookies in order to use the services. For more information on browser settings, refer to the following. * The browsers accept cookies by default. 39 8. The Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers The e-mail Service for Students and Researchers, "KUMOI"(Kyoto University Mail clOud Interface", is provided by Microsoft Office365. You can use this e-mail service anywhere. 8.1. Sign in and Sign out 1. Sign in. Use a Web browser to access . 2. Enter your ECS-ID and password. Then click [Login]. *If you want to use other than Japanese, please refer to "8.6. Changing your language setting." 3. The language setting is required only at the first access. Choose the [language] and [time zone] and click the [save]. Language Time Zone 4. Click the mail address and the [Sign out]. 40 8.2. Reading E-mails When you sign in, you will see a list of received e-mails by default. Sign out Option settings See the help Address Book Write a new e-mail Sort the e-mails A list of e-mails showed Selected e-mails are showed 8.3.Writing a new E-mail 1. Click the [new mail] to compose an e-mail. E-mail Service 2. The following window appears. Write a message here. ※ If you attach files, Click icon to select files. When you attach files, click this icon. Send the e-mails Save the e-mails Select E-mail addresses from Address Book. Enter recipients' e-mail addresses. Using " ; " to input multiple e-mail addresses. ex. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Write the entry. 41 8.4.Forwarding E-mails automatically To forward your Student Mail automatically, follow steps as shown below. 1. Access to 2. Choose the [language], click [change]. 3. Click [Login to Setting] at the right side of the gear wheel icon, then enter your ECS-ID and password 3. Click the [Set mail forwarding] at the left column. 4. Type the e-mail address which you want to forward e-mails to. Select [PC] or [mobile], according to the e-mail address you have input. ※ You can set up three addresses as forwarding address. 5.When you click [Setup] and then the message saying "This setting will available within after 10 minutes." will appear. 6. To logout from the configuration, click [Logout] from the left column. 42 8.5. Adding Contacts 1. Click [People] at the top-right of the page. 2. Address Book page opens. Click [New] -> [Create Contact] E-mail Service 3. Fill in the blanks and click [SAVE]. When you want to discard the entry, click [DISCARD] to close the window. 4. Click [Outlook] at the top-right of the page and retrun to Inbox. 43 8.6. Changing your language setting You can change the language you use in student e-mail service (KUMOI) by following these steps. 1. Click the gear wheel icon at the top-right of the page. Click the “オプション” [Option]. 2. Click “設定” [Settings]. 3. Click “地域” [Regional]. 4. Select the language you want to use. 44 5. Click “保存” [Save]. E-mail Service 8.7. When using other E-mail software If you are familiar with setting up POP3, IMAP or SMTP clients, the basic information you need to get started is below. ◆ POP3, IMAP Setting ・ ・ Username:(your ECS-ID) (for example, your ECS-ID is "a00XXXY", input "a00XXXY" ) ・ Password:Password of your ECS-ID ・ IMAP4 Port:993 ( SSL ) ・ POP3 Port:995 ( SSL ) ◆ SMTP Setting ・ Server: ・ Username:(your ECS-ID) (for example, your ECS-ID is "a00XXXY", input "a00XXXY" ) ・ Password:Password of your ECS-ID ・ SMTP Port:587 ( TLS ) notice‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ If you can't understand this explanation, please use the web interface. We do not support your e-mail software. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 45 9. The KULASIS School Affairs Information System 9.1. About KULASIS KULASIS is a school affairs information system available on the Internet that allows all students to get information about lecture cancellations or class changes “Quickly, Easily, and Clearly.” List of KULASIS Functions (Available functions differ according to the department) Education Law Economics Science Medicine(Dept. of Medicine) Medicine(Dept. of Human Health Science) Pharmaceutical Sciences Engineering Agriculture Integrated Human Studies Letters Education Law Economics Science Medicine(Dept. of Medicine) Pharmaceutical Sciences Engineering Agriculture Human and Environmental Studies Energy Science Asian and African Area Studies Informatics Biostudies Global Environmental Studies Government Management AdvancedIntegratedStudiesinHumanSuivivability ● confirm your results ● time table of exams* ● class registration ● preliminary registration of Foreign Languages* ● preliminary registration of Pocket Seminar* ● Office hour ● course support ● Syllabus ● time table* ● Information* As of October 2014 Graduate Schools Letters Functions Liberal Arts and General Education courses Division Faculties ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ● - ● ● - - - ● ● ● ● ● - - - ● ● ● - ● ● ● ● - ● - ● ● - ● - - - ● - - - ● ● ● ● - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● - ● ● ● ● - * Mobile phones can also be used. (Note) For more information about class registration, examination schedules, and grade confirmation, ask each department. 9.2. Using KULASIS 9.2.1. Logging In To log in to KULASIS, you need to have an Educational Computer System user ID (ECS-ID) (a0******) issued by the IIMC. Go to the login screen at (same URL for both computers and mobile phones). For more information about receiving or being reissued an ECS-ID or resetting a password, consult the Media Center South Building. 46 9.2.2. Logging Out To finish using KULASIS, click "Log out" button. KULASIS contains personal information. If you leave the computer while you are logged in, it may lead to leakage of information. When you are finished using KULASIS, you must also log out from the Common Portal for All Students. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ If no operation is executed for over 30 minutes, the system will automatically log out for security. Be careful when using KULASIS because it contains your personal information. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 9.2.3. Registration Information When you log in to KULASIS for the first time, you will be requested to register your contact information. Using the Syllabus Information System KULASIS It is necessary to register your e-mail addresses in order to use KULASIS. Notices from instructors such calls and other information are sent to the e-mail addresses you use, so register an e-mail addresses that you check regularly. In general, the information that you register here is only used for affairs related to Liberal Arts and General Education courses, Faculties and Graduate Schools. However, this information may also be used for other operations in Kyoto University while respecting your privacy. A registration confirmation e-mail will be sent to the newly registered e-mail addresses. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, there may be an input mistake or a problem with your e-mail rejection settings. If you have some e-mail rejection settings, add [email protected] to your list of approved addresses. 47 9.2.4. Home Screen After inputting your contact information and logging in to KULASIS, this screen will appear. The default screen is the Liberal Arts and General Education courses page for the 1st and 2nd grade undergraduate students, and for other students the screen is the page for your department. When you click the ▲ button below "Faculty" and "Graduate School" of the INDEX on the left side of the screen, the INDEX for departments that use KULASIS will be displayed. After selecting the department that you want, you can view the page for that department. 9.2.5. Information This page shows various information such as notices to students for meetings, classroom changes, class cancellations, and makeup classes. You should access this page at least once a day. It is recommended that you access this page from a computer because it may contain images and PDF files. * After you register your classes, information only about your classes will be displayed. 48 9.2.6. Syllabus, Class Research / Contents You can search class contents (syllabus) for Liberal Arts and General Education courses and major courses. You can also confirm updated information such as classroom changes and changes to class contents. You can use this page to select classes before registering, and to confirm classrooms. This is compatible with mobile phones, but class contents cannot be viewed from mobile phones. It is recommended that you access this page from a computer. The latest information for schedule / classroom changes and instructor changes will be displayed here. Using the Syllabus Information System KULASIS 9.3. Pocket Seminar Pre-Registration (Liberal Arts and General Education courses) 9.3.1. ポケット・ゼミ (Pocket Seminar) Small orientation seminars (called "Pocket-semi" or "Poke-Semi") are classes that only first year student can register just one class, just one time. These pocket seminars include reading of publications on history, geography, and classics, introductions to cutting-edge knowledge related to the environment, resources, the universe, the medical field, and include field training. These seminars are normally held in the instructor's laboratory, and there are usually about 10 students in each class so that the classes can be more intimate. It is recommended that you attend these pocket seminars to broaden your viewpoint as an university student. For more information, please refer to the Poke-Semi guide book. To attend one of these seminars, pre-registration is necessary. For information about the pre-registration schedule, you can go to KULASIS or go to the Liberal Arts and General Education support desk (first floor of the Yoshida Campus South-1 Building). After you are approved to attend, register it as same as other Liberal Arts and General Education classes. 49 9.3.2. Pre-Registration Procedure 1. Access " ポケット・ゼミ " (Pocket-Semi) webpage and click ※ In the early-spring period, Application place is the " 予備登録 "(Preliminary Registration). Liberal Arts and General Education support desk. 2. Find the class that you want to take and add it to your list of desired classes. To add a “2nd Choice” class, click " 次の希望科目を追加する " (Add Next Choice), and when you are finished, click " 予備登録の 確定 " (Confirm Pre-Registration). * You can specify up to a “3rd Choice” class for preliminary registration. However, if you apply for classes where the instructor selects the students as one of your first or second choices, you will not be able to add other classes. After completing preliminary registration, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail addresses you registered with KULASIS. ●選抜結果 (Selection Results) After students are selected by lottery or are selected by the instructor, the results will be sent by e-mail. You can also confirm the results using KULASIS. If a class is not full, requests for more students will be posted on KULASIS (in first come, first served way). 50 9.4. Class Registration 9.4.1. Class Registration Classes can be registered using KULASIS for Liberal Arts and General Education courses and some specialized education courses (Faculties of Integrated Human Studies, Letters, Law, Economics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering and Agriculture, Graduate school of Letters, Science, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Agriculture, Human and Environmental Studies, Energy Science, Asian and African Area Studies, Biostudies, School of Government, and Management while others use paper application. You can register both Liberal Arts and General Education courses and specialized classes of departments that use KULASIS. When registering for classes, you can switch between “Liberal Arts and General Education courses" and “Major Classes” to search for a particular class. For departments that do not use KULASIS, registration must be done according to the instructions from that department. 9.4.2. Starting Class Registration Using the Syllabus Information System KULASIS If you forget to register for your classes, your credits will not be approved even if you actually attend the class. Please make sure you register correctly. This class registration page is not compatible with mobile phones. If you cannot access the internet, use one of the computers at the Media Center North / South Buildings or library OSLs. During the timetable creation period, the "Class Registration" will be displayed with the tabs at the top. Confirm the schedule and notes, and then move to the class registration page. 51 9.4.3. Timetable Creation Period During this period, you can select the classes (candidate classes) that you want to take. You can specify up to three choices for one class period. * Printing the List of Selected Classes for Registration Click "Print list of selected courses to register" to display the list as a PDF file. This can be used to determine candidate classes. 52 During this time, you must determine your classes (one class 9.4.4. Class Registration Period for one class period) from your list of candidate classes. Do not forget to access this page and determine your classes. After registering for your classes, it is not possible to change the contents until the class registration confirmation / adjustment period. Therefore, confirm the classes before registering for them. After you determine your candidate classes, click "Finalize courses to register) . Using the Syllabus Information System KULASIS The final confirmation screen for class registration will appear. Make sure that there are no mistakes with the classes for registration. If it is correct, click “Finalize". If you forget to click the “Finalize" button after selecting your candidate classes, your selected classes will not be registered. In order to avoid mistakes, print out or check the confirmation e-mail. 53 Your application for class registration will then be complete. After completing application, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to notify that your application is complete. Click the "Back to List" button on the next screen to return to the class registration screen. Click the "Print list for confirming the entered class registration data" to print and save the list. If there are any problems, this list will be used. Caution‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ If there is a mistake with your classes, make necessary changes during the class registration confirmation / modification period. ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 9.4.5. Class Registration Confirmation / Change Period The class registration confirmation / modification screen will appear when you access this page during this period. If there is a mistake with the classes you registered during the class registration period, an error message will be displayed. Be sure to access this page during the class registration confirmation / modification period to make sure there is no mistake, and if there is a mistake, make necessary changes. If there is a problem with one of your classes, it will be displayed below your timetable. Read the contents of the error. If you still want to register for the problem class again, resolve the issue and then add the class again. (If You Do Not Want to Make Changes) After confirming the registration contents, click "Do Not Change"and move to the next screen. (If You Want to Make Changes) Click "Change" and register using the same procedure as class registration. 9.4.6 Determining Class Registration After determining your class registration, the "Timetable" page will show your classes. Be sure to confirm the contents. 54 9.5. Functions after Determining Class Registration 9.5.1. Timetable When class registration is finalized, the "Timetable" tab will be displayed. On this page, you can confirm the timetable that you have registered. Use this page to make final confirmation of your class registration. * About the timetable in KULASIS for specialized classes, ask the affair section of each department. 9.5.2. Class Support When you click on one of the classes on your schedule page, you will move to the support page for that class. From that page, you can download class materials and confirm assignment information and class notification e-mails. After the class support page is updated, updated information will be displayed as new messages on the home page for three days, so be sure to check. “New” will be displayed on the schedule when the class support page is updated. Using the Syllabus Information System KULASIS ※ You can move to this page from 9.4.3.Timetable Creation Period (only for departments that use KULASIS). 55 ① Class Materials You can download class materials posted by your instructors. ② Assignment Information Click "Details" button to display information from your instructors about to your assignments. When an instructor sends a class notification e-mail, it will be ③ Class notification e-mail) sent to the addresses that you registered with KULASIS. This notification is issued from e-mail address only for sending, and you cannot reply to such e-mails. 9.5.3. Office Hours Office hours indicate the time during which students can visit instructor laboratories to consult about their studies and to receive guidance. When you make an appointment to see your instructor (or if you do not need to make an appointment, when you visit the laboratory), it is necessary to organize your questions and inform the matter you want to discuss in order to get permission. 56 9.5.4. 試験時間割 (Examination Timetable) From this page, you can confirm the timetable for examinations (announced at different times according to the department). The time that this page opens will be notified via e-mail. The examination timetable may be changed, so check for updated dates. 9.5.5. Confirm grade evaluation ▼ Liberal Arts and General Education courses You can use KULASIS to check your class grades. The period for confirming grades depends on the department. An e-mail notification will be sent to inform you of the period. Keep in mind that some departments use paper to give notification of grades. Using the Syllabus Information System KULASIS ▼ Faculty/ Graduate School 57 9.5.6. Appeal of grade evaluation To make sure that scores for Liberal Arts and General Education courses are accurate, students question their scores. Only in the following cases, students file a formal request for clarification of their grades for the current semester. ① There is a clear mistake by the instructor such as the wrong score being recorded. ② There is a clear question based on the evaluation method shown in the syllabus. However, you may not simply question the reason for your score, and may not request special consideration. For more details about this, carefully read the “Handbook of Liberal Arts and General Education Courses" and the message displayed when you ask a question. 9.5.7. 授業評価アンケート (Class Evaluations) You can reply class evaluations to improve Liberal Arts and General Education courses and instructors. When this page opens, you will be notified via e-mail. Please cooperate to reply class evaluations that you registered. 58 10. University Library Online Services The Kyoto University Library offers various web services, such 10.2.2. Registration as KULINE (Kyoto University Libraries Information NEtwork In order to use MyKULINE, you need to register as follows. system). MyKULINE is a web library that offers one stop library • services through the Internet. Kyoto University subscribes to a [KULINE] → [Service] → [Online Services Guide] → [How to apply] wide range of e-journals (academic journals that can be accessed on the Web) and databases for education and research. index.php?content_id=18&ml_lang=en#how These services authenticate the user by ECS-ID(Student Account). 10.1. Using KULINE In KULINE, you can search not for only books, journals, e-journals, and e-books held by Kyoto University holds, but also for articles, rare books, dissertations, KURENAI (Kyoto University Research Information Repository), and materials held by National 10.2.3. How to Use MyKULINE 0. Log In to MyKULINE Access KULINE, and click the “Login” button. Then, on the next authentication window, input your ECS-ID and password. If the authentication has successfully finished, the window is automatically redirected to MyKULINE. Diet Library and other universities. You can change the type of the materials by 6 tabs on the top page of KULINE depending on what you are looking for. • KULINE ▼ This authentication window will appear. Using University Library Online Services More information about how to use KULINE can be found in the help or the following: • [KULINE] → [Guide & Course] → [Reference Guide] → [How to use KULINE] 1. Confirmation of your library record, extension of the loan period and reservation Log in to MyKUILNE, and click the “Kyoto University Library Notifications to Mr./Ms.: ○○” , then you can check Your Library RefGuide_OPAC_en.pdf Record. From “Your Library Record” click the “Borrowing Record List” , then you can check “Borrowing Library,” “Due Date,” “Bib- 10.2. Using MyKULINE 10.2.1. About MyKULINE liography information” and so on. In addition, you can extend the loan period and check your borrowing history. MyKULINE is a personalized online library to every Kyoto University members. You can use the following services in MyKULINE. • Confirmation of your library record, extension of the loan period and book reservation • My Folder (save search conditions, bookmarks) • New Arrival Alert • Requests for Loan and Photocopy to other university libraries or remote Kyoto University libraries In addition, you can see announcements from libraries . 59 2. My Folder (save search conditions, bookmarks) You can save your search conditions. You can quickly load the saved search conditions and search materials by them. The saved search conditions can be checked by “My Search” of My Folder. You can also search by a combination of search criteria that you registered in your favorite search. You can reserve materials shown as “Loaned Out” on KULINE by clicking the “Reserve” button. More information about how to extend the loan period and to reserve books can be found in the following: [KULINE] → [Guide & Course] → [Reference Guide] → [How • to use MyKULINE -Book Renewal & Reservation] You can bookmark materials in a search result list or a bibliography details screen and create a list of materials. The bookmarked items can be checked by using the bookmark feature of MyKULINE. RefGuide_MyKULINE_en.pdf Caution!‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ * Renewal & Reservation policy differs among libraries. Please confirm it from the List of KU libraries. • KULINE > List of KU libraries list.php?id=3&n=100&sort=52&sort_method=asc& item=0&ml_lang=en * In many cases, you can extend the loan period of an item only one time, although this policy differs among libraries. * You cannot extend the loan period in some cases, for example, if you have an overdue material or are in penalty period. For more information, please check the Reference Guide. * When the library notifies you that your reserved item is available, please go to check it out as quickly as possible. * To check your borrowing history, please validate “Borrowing History” through the settings of MyKULINE ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 60 ▼ Bookmarks in My Folder, MyKULINE KULINE). For more information about how to use My Folder, please refer to the following. • • [KULINE] → [Guide & Course] → [Reference Guide] → [How Mobile KULINE to use MyKULINE -New Arrival Alert & My Folder] RefGuide_MyKULINE_alert_en.pdf 3. New Arrival Alert MyKULINE provides two types of new arrival alert service, “Search Alert” and “Serials Alert” . These alerts notify you when books and serials arrive at the library. By using the KULINE app for iPhone and Android, you can search the materials held by Kyoto University in 4 different ways and you can check new arrivals and the borrowed ranking. You can also use MyKULINE from the app by jumping to Mobile MyKULINE. More information about how to use New Arrival Alert services can be found in the following: • To use the app, it is required to install the app named “Ufinity” . to use MyKULINE -New Arrival Alert & My Folder] For more information about the app, please refer to the following: RefGuide_MyKULINE_alert_en.pdf • Using University Library Online Services [KULINE] → [Guide & Course] → [Reference Guide] → [How [KULINE] → [KULINE for smartphone] →[Access KULINE by smartphone! The Guide to KULINE app for iPhone & Android] 4. Requests for Loan and Photocopy to other You can access this page by scanning the QR code above. University Libraries or Remote KU Libraries You can request for loan and photocopy to other university php?content_id=63&ml_lang=en libraries or remote KU libraries. You can also confirm the status and cancel the request. More information can be found in the following: • 10.2.5. Opinions and Questions about KULINE and MyKULINE [KULINE] → [Guide & Course] → [Reference Guide] → [Guide If you are suddenly unable to log in or forget your password, go to Interlibrary Loan Services] to the following FAQ. RefGuide_ILL_en.pdf • [KULINE] → [Online Services Guide] → [FAQ] 10.2.4. KULINE and MyKULINE for Mobile Phone and php?content_id=18&ml_lang=en#faq Smartphone You can search, reserve, and extend the loan period by using KULINE and MyKULINE through your mobile phone(Mobile 61 If you have any question, please send an e-mail to the Kyoto University Library Network KULINE Services WG (kuline@kulib. You can also contact the WG from the following contact form. 10.3.3. Usage Notes Publishing companies determine the terms of use as the providers of electronic resources. The following are common items prohibited by most publishing companies. • [KULINE] → [Contact us] → [Question about KULINE] • Downloading large amounts of data that are excessive for personal use • Automatic downloading of large amounts of data using programs 10.3. Using Electronic Journals and Databases 10.3.1. Available Services The Kyoto University Library provides Internet access to a wide range of full text electronic books, journals and databases. For more information about electronic resources, go to the Kyoto University Library's website. • Non-personal use • Reproduction and redistribution If the terms of use are violated, the university may be penalized such as receiving usage restrictions. Therefore, please carefully observe the terms of use. Unintended downloading of large amounts of data can occur accidentally due to browser expansion functions, and this has resulted in suspension of services. Therefore, when using an electronic journal, make sure lump download and preview functions are turned OFF. Even by hand, downloading massively in a short time may be 10.3.2. User Authentication and Procedure for considered an inappropriate use, and causes suspension too. Agreement "Downloading" means to display indexes and abstracts of journal In order to use electronic journals and databases, you should be articles as well as full-texts. Please avoid excessive use of these authenticated by your ECS-ID for user authentication contents in a short time. ① When you use an electronic journal or database, the 10.3.4. Common Questions about the Authentication authentication window will appear. Input your ECS-ID and System password. Refer to the following URL. • Electronic Journal / Database Authentication System FAQ (Inside the University Only) 10.3.5. Using outside of the University ② Then, the usage agreement screen will appear. Carefully read the contents of this screen, and if you agree, you will be able to access electronic journals and databases. This usage agreement procedure only needs to be done one time. It will not be displayed the next time you use it. According to terms of use, using electronic journals or databases is primarily limited to University facilities. However, some publishing companies allow access from outside of the university (remote access). For more information about the KUINS-PPTP connection (provided by the IIMC), refer to "6.1. Connecting Using KUINS PPTP connection service from University Wireless LANs and Outside of the University" (28p) or go to the following URL. • [IIMC] → [Services] → [Network Management services] → [Services lineup] → [PPTP connection service] lineup/pptp.html 62 11. Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA" 11.1. About PandA Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space PandA is a Course Management System(CMS) of Kyoto University. You can access PandA by a PC in our campus, your PC at your home, or your smartphone (under construction). In PandA, you can download materials and submit your work. Furthermore, you may use PandA in your class for your further study for your class or at home. The Name "PandA": We renew the CMS system at Kyoto University course for the 2013 academic year. "PandA (People and Academe)" has chosen as a nickname of the new CMS from public contribution. The concept of PandA is "Environment for Self awareness and Learning." 11.2. Recommended Environment PandA can be accessed using a web browser. The followings are the currently recommended environment. In using your own computer, please make sure that you meet the requirements. *It is possible to access and log in even if the recommended environment is not met, but problems may occur during usage. *Internet Explorer 6 or later *Mozilla Firefox 15 or later Access from Smart Phone is also available, but you can not use some functions. Using Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA" 63 11.3. Logging In Access : and you will see the following screen. Click on "Login" on the top right of the screen. Currently access from the Portal for All Students ( is not supported. Enter your ECS-ID or registered E-mail address and password, and then click " ログイン " to log in. At your first login, the tutorial demonstrates the general method to use PandA. Tutorial You can check the tutorial when you log in PandA first time. Please read the tutorial and understand the basic manipulation. The tutorial will not appear from the second time. If you want to check the tutorial, please click doll icon on left side of the login button. When you log in, you will see PandA start page called "My Workspace" that displays the links for the sites corresponding to your registered courses as tabs across the top of the screen. You can access the site of lecture courses from the links. 64 11.4. Getting started 11.4.1 My workspace You can use personal page called "My Workspace" in PandA. My Workspace is a place where you can upload your documents, create new sites, maintain a schedule, store resources, and much more. *To organize the Course Tabs You can organize the Course Tabs at " 設定 (Preferences)" of the menu of My Workspace. * To select language Click " 設定 (Preferences)" in the menu of My Workspace. " 設定 (Preferences)" page will appear. Click " 言語 (Language)" button, select " 英語(アメリカ合衆国)" and click " 設定を更新 (Update Preferences)" to change language. 11.4.2 To join available course sites In My Workspace, click " メンバシップ (Membership)" at the menu and select " 参加可能サイト (Joinable Sites)". Using Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA" 65 Click " 詳細(More)" to get full information about the course. Click " 参加(Join)" under the name of the course you want to register for. 66 11.4.3 Screen Overview Menu Course Tab Course Tab The black tab located on the top of the screen and the right side of "PandA" logo is called "Course Tab". The column along the left of the screen, which contains links to numerous collaborative tools, is called "Menu-bar". Using Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA" The names of courses you are taking are displayed on Course Tab. When you take many courses, the rest of the courses are bundled on the "More Sites" on the right side of top bar. You can open the course tabs to click "More Sites". We have three types of courses which are displayed on Course Tabs on PandA. The names of courses you take are displayed on Course Tab… (1) Courses automatically appears if you register for it in KULASIS. (2) Courses you applies registration in PandA. (3) Courses your instructors register you. If you can not find the course tab you registered, check the type of the course and take the appropriate action. We call the left side of the screen "Menu" Course sites Clicking a course tab, the corresponding course site will be displayed. Although the contents of menu may not be same by a course, there is always "Dashboard" on the menu. You can check the information of courses on Dashboard. 67 Dashboard You can check new information on the dashboard. Please check dashboard when you log on PandA. 11.4.4 Site PandA manages all the materials of a course by a lecture unit called "site". In each site, you can download resources, submit and re-submit your assignments. You will see your registered courses on "Course Tab" automatically because teachers will register the students as roaster. If it is not listed, please contact the person in charge of your courses. 68 11.5. Resources Materials and handouts used in the courses are called "Resources". When you click Resources in a site's menu, you will see a list of that site's Resources items. Click the title of an item to open it. To save an item on your computer, Fill out filename in "Save As…" dialog and save it on your computer. Using Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA" 69 11.6. Assignments You can submit/resubmit your assignments and can check your instructor's feedback on your assignment. 11.6.1. Submitting Assignments The following will explain how to submit your assignments such as essays and files on PandA. Click the course name at Course-Tab. Click the assignment you want to submit. You see the descriptions of the assignment. Following the requirement, answer or attach your files, and click the submit button. 70 11.6.2. Resubmitting Assignments The following will explain how to resubmit your assignments . You can check status of your submitted assignments. When your instructor finished grading your assignment, it will be displayed "Graded" on the menu. If you are required to resubmit the assignment, you can resubmit it in the same ways as submitting. Using Kyoto University Cyber Learning Space "PandA" You can check a your instructor’ s feedback. 71 72 Appendix Appendix 73 Appendix -1. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions are posted on the following website. If you have a question, please read the FAQ section first and it will give you answers for most questions. The following are some of the FAQs posted on the website. If you do not find the answer to your question after reading the FAQ section, you can ask one of the TAs at the Media Center South Building OSL. Questions About E-mail [Q] Where can I access Kyoto University Mail for Students and ・For Linux Researchers? Firefox 12 or later [A] At the following URL Google Chrome 18 or later ( As of February 14th, 2014 ) [Q] I forgot my e-mail address. What should I do? [A] You can login the KUMOI using your ECS-ID. Login from the [Q] Can I use e-mail software other than Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers? URL shown above, then your e-mail address is displayed in upper right corner. [A] Please refer to “8.7. When using other e-mail software.” [Q] Why do I receive so much junk e-mail? [A] When the university e-mail address is used for research, it is common to receive about 50 to 100 e-mails a day. When you post your e-mail address on a webpage, it is better to convert your e-mail address to an image in order to reduce the number of junk e-mails. You may still receive junk e-mails. [Q] I can not log in to the Student e-mail service (KUMOI). What's the problem? Student mail (KUMOI) has a function for sorting junk e-mails automatically to the SPAM folder. [A] Make sure that your ECS-ID and password are correct. The If you do not need to use your university e-mail address, you password is case-sensitive, so make sure you are using the can use another e-mail address from another client such as correct case for each letter. Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, and Gmail. When you change the password of ECS-ID, you can not log in at most for one hour. It takes about an hour for all systems [Q] Can I change my e-mail address in this mail service? to set your new password. If you can not log in, please log in [A] Your e-mail address is made automatically, and you can not again after a while. About changing your password, please change your e-mail address. However, in cases of changing refer to "3.2 Changing Your Password." your name (for example, you get married), being harassed If you still can not log in to Student e-mail service (KUMOI), by a stalker, or clear mistakes and improperness in your please bring your Student ID card and inquire to Information e-mail address, you can change your e-mail address. You Environment Support Center, Academic Center for Computing should also read "Appendix 3. Troubleshooting". If you want and Media Studies, Kyoto University. to change your e-mail address, please bring your Student ID card and inquire to Information Environment Support Center, [Q] Which web browsers can I use for Kyoto University Mail for Students and Researchers? [A]・ For Windows Internet Explorer 9 Internet Explorer 10 Firefox 12 or later Google Chrome 18 or later ・For Mac OS X Safari 5.1 or later Firefox 12 or later Google Chrome 18 or later 74 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University. Questions About Windows 7 [Q] Can I write CDs and DVDs? [A] No. You cannot write CDs and DVDs in PC terminals of the Education Computer System. [Q] Why does “プログラムの機能 (Programs and Features)” not appear in the Control Panel? [A] You cannot use “プログラムの機能 (Programs and Features).” You are not allowed to or delete any software. The [Q] Can I use a floppy disk? Educational Computer System computer terminals are used [A] No. You cannot use floppy disks on PC terminals of the by many people, so you must not change the settings. Educational Computer System. Please use USB memory disks to save data. [Q] When I turn on a PC terminal for self-study, the following message appears: 'Non-system disc or disc error replace and [Q] Can I access files that I have saved in My Documents (the M drive) from my home or laboratory? strike any key when ready.' [A] This message occurs when the network cable becomes [A] No. You can only access these files from PCs in the disconnected. After taking out and reinserting the network Educational Computer System. Please copy the files onto a cable on the back of the terminal, try turning on the power USB memory drive and take them home or to your laboratory. again for the PC terminal. [Q] I'd like to listen to audio... [Q] The PC terminal I am using seems to be broken. [A] Please bring headphones, and you can listen to audio. In [A] Confirm the number written on the yellow seal on the back addition, please be careful about the volume of the audio you of the terminal under the Hitachi logo (in the pattern PC-XX- listen to on your headphones. YYY). Contact us and tell us what problem you are having with the PC. Please contact here to report this problem. Questions About Linux [Q] Why does an error occur when the LaTeX command is used? [A] The Japanese LaTeX source can be compiled by the platexutf8 or platex command. Use the xdvi command as the previewer for dvi files, and use the dvips command for [Q] Why is “command not found” displayed when I execute mule? [A] You cannot use mule. There is a similar editor available with emacs. converting to PostScript. Questions About Printing [Q] How many sheets can I print? [Q] Can I delete the ECS-ID ? [A] You can print up to 200 sheets in a academic year. For [A] No. The ECS-ID are printed automatically at the bottom left of the page. This is for identifying who is printing. Appendix more information, refer to “Printing Limitations” in “4.7.2 Limitations on Usage Amounts.” [Q] Why can only I not print? [Q] The printer is out of paper. What should I do? [A] You probably have reached your maximum number of [A] If you are at the Media Center South Building OSL, ask a TA sheets for the year. You can confirm this by clicking the for paper. At other OSLs or satellite laboratories, go to the “Usage Information” icon on the desktop of the Educational department office to get paper and input it to the printer. Computer System computer terminals. [Q] The printer has run out of toner. What should I do? [A] Inform the office of the OSL or satellite laboratory and following their directions. [Q] Can I print in sizes other than A4? [A] No, you cannot print in sizes other than A4. 75 Other Questions [Q] I forgot my ECS-ID. What should I do? [A] You can no longer use your ID once you are no longer a [A] Bring your student ID card or Faculty ID card to the Media member of Kyoto University. For example, if you graduate Center South Buildings Information Environment Support (or resign or transfer) in March, your privileges will expire on Center, and follow the procedures. March 31st. If you have necessary files and e-mails, please copy them by yourself by the end of that period. [Q] I forgot my password. What should I do? [A] Bring your student ID card or Faculty ID card to the Media Center South Buildings Information Environment Support [Q] My activation key has expired. What should I do? Center, and follow the procedure. [A] Your activation period can be put off, so bring your student Office hours are weekdays from 10:00am to 5:00pm. ID card or faculty ID card to the Media Center South Building Your password will be reset and a new activation key will be Information Environment Support Center and complete the procedure. given to you. [Q] I have advanced in the university. How can I change the [Q] The computer terminal or printer does not work. What should I do? status of my ID? [A] An e-mail about changing the status of IDs will be sent all [A] If the computer terminal does not work, give the computer users via Student mail (KUMOI) around June. This e-mail will number (such as PCXXY-XXX) on the yellow sticker on explain how to change the status of your ID. the upper-part of one on the front of the main body of the computer, and explain the situation based on “Appendix 3. [Q] I failed to advance in the University. How can I get an Troubleshooting.” If a printer does not work, give the satellite extension for my ID? name and explain the problem. [A] You do not need to do anything. You can continue using your ID. [Q] Why can't I connect to the PPTP / LAN / SSH? [A] Ask questions related to the setting and other questions to KUINS( [Q] I graduated (or resigned). How long can I use my ID? 76 Appendix 2. Tips In addition to items explained in the usage guidelines, there are other convenient functions available through computers and the network. To improve your information literacy, the following will explain frequently used functions. You can also read the latest information from the IIMC website( ◆ To Use Electronic Journals: ◆ Sending Large Size Files Via E-mail → Refer to "10.2. Using Electronic Journals・Database"(82p) or → If you send large-size files that are over 5MB via e-mail, the Go to the Kyoto University Library Network website ( receiver may not be able to open the file. When sending large files, there are several methods available such compression software to minimize file size, and internet services for ◆ To Use Kyoto University Open Courseware (OCW): →Go to the Kyoto University Open Courseware website ( transferring large files. To compress a file using an Educational Computer System computer terminal (Windows 7), right-click on the file or folder, then click " 送る (Send To)" → " 圧縮 (zip 形式 ) フォル ◆ To Acquire an E-mail Address Other than Student mail (KUMOI) ダ (Compressed (zipped) Folder)". → G et a free e-mail account through Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, or You can also transfer a file using a file delivery service such Hotmail. You can view, receive, and send e-mails from a web as Takufairubin and Databin in order to upload a file to a site browser using such e-mail accounts. However, these free temporarily so that it can be downloaded by someone. e-mail addresses are not appropriate for exchanging important information. ◆ Installing Software to make computers more practical: → You are not allowed to install or uninstall software to Educational Computer System computer terminals. There are various free and paid software programs available online. You can use such software on your own computer. ◆ Connecting to the Network through the University Wireless LAN: → Use the wireless LAN access points in public areas at Kyoto University. For more information, refer to "6. Connecting Computers to the University Network". Appendix ◆ Installing Antivirus Software on Your Own Computer: → In order to prevent the spread of computer viruses, it is important to implement countermeasures for your own computer to protect against viruses. Software such as Titanium and Norton AntiVirus is effective. You can purchase such antivirus software at electronics stores or over the internet. You can also purchase a Symantec Endpoint Protection license at a discount from the Lune Computer Store in the West Building. Y ou need to install and then update antivirus software to prevent your computer from receiving a virus. 77 Appendix 3. Troubleshooting This section will explain how to handle various problems. 3.1. If you are the victim of a crime, disturbance, or harassment 2. Ask a TA Teaching Assistants (TAs) are always available to speak with at the Media Center South Building OSL. If you still have questions after reading the FAQ section, clearly explain your problem to one of the TAs. When asking a question, you need Immediately contact someone using the contact information to inform them of the computer terminal you were using, so be on this page, or contact a TA at the Media Center South Building sure to write down the computer terminal number along with OSL. You will be helped by a qualified person such as a the problem. The computer number (such as PCXXY-XXX) can harassment counselor. be found on the upper-part of the front of the main body of the computer. 3.2. If a computer terminal or printer does not work Inform someone by sending an inquiry form at the Educational Computer System webpage ( inquiry/ ), and select “Computer / Terminal Usage (Educational Computer System)” as the inquiry type. Include the following information. [For Computer Terminals] Computer number (such as PCXXY-XXX) on the yellow sticker below the USB port on the front of the main body of the computer and explain the problem [For Printers] Terminal room name and problem If you need to leave the computer, be sure to remember it. 3. Fill Out an Inquiry Form Fill out the inquiry form at the Educational Computer System webpage. 4. Look Up the Information by Yourself If you are having a problem with application software (Word, Excel, etc.), use a search engine such as Google to resolve the problem by yourself, or read the manual for the application online. 5. Read Reference Materials In order to understand functions and operation methods, be sure to read any available reference materials. 3.3. When you cannot use webmail (KUMOI) Sometimes, service is stopped such as for maintenance. Check the “Maintenance Information” and “Interruption Information” at the following webpage. If there is no information available, fill out an inquiry Contact Address Yoshida Nihonmatsu-Cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 〒 606-8501 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto form ( ) and select University, South Building “KUMOI(Kyoto University Mail for Students)” as the “Inquiry Telephone Type.” 075-753-9000 (Main) For more details, refer to the following URL. 3.4. When you do not understand how to use something 1. Read the FAQs First of all, read the FAQ section in the user guidelines. It contains easy-to-understand answers to common questions. The online FAQ section at the following webpage is always updated, so be sure to check there as well. 78 付録 -4.1. 京都大学情報環境機構教育用システム及び学術情報ネットワークシステム利用規程 平成 24 年 4 月 27 日 情報環境機構長裁定制定 第 1 条 この規程は、京都大学情報環境機構(以下「機構」とい う。)が、管理及び運用する全学の情報基盤に基づく学内共同利 用の教育用コンピュータシステム(以下「教育用システム」とい 「KUINS 接続技術責任者」という。)に対して、その旨を通知する ものとする。 第 9 条 機構長は、KUINS 接続者又は KUINS 接続技術責任者に 対し、KUINS の接続機器の状況について報告を求めることができ る。 う。)及び学術情報ネットワークシステム(以下「KUINS」という。) 第 10 条 KUINS に機器を接続する場合、次の各号に掲げる地点 の利用に関し必要な事項を定めるものとする。 を責任分界点とする。 第 2 条 教育用システムを利用することのできる者は、次の各号 に掲げる者とする。 (1) 本学の学生 (2) 本学の教職員 (3) その他機構長が必要と認めた者 (1) グローバル IP アドレスの KUINS(次条において「KUINS Ⅱ」 という。)においては、機構設置のネットワーク機器の端子 (2) プライベート IP アドレスの KUINS(次条において「KUINS Ⅲ」 という。)においては、機構設置の情報コンセントの端子 第 11 条 部局情報セキュリティ技術責任者は、前条に定める責 任分界点に何らかの機器又は配線を接続する場合は、次の各号に 第 3 条 教育用システムを利用しようとする者は、所定の手続き 掲げる者を選出し、機構長に届け出なければならない。 を経て、機構長の承認を得なければならない。 (1) KUINS Ⅱにおいては、サブネット連絡担当者 2 機構長は、教育用システムの運用上必要があるときは、教育 (2) KUINS Ⅲにおいては、VLAN 管理責任者 用システムの利用を承認した者(以下「利用者」という。)に対して、 第 12 条 KUINS 接続者が、KUINS に機器を接続する必要がなく その利用について条件を付することができる。 なったとき又は利用資格がなくなったときは、速やかに機構長及 第 4 条 機構長は、利用者に対し、その利用の状況について報告 び KUINS 接続技術責任者にその旨を届け出なければならない。 を求めることができる。 第 13 条 KUINS に接続された機器を管理している者は、機構が 第 5 条 機構のサテライト(機構が部局に計算機システム又は遠 提供するサービスを受けることができる。 隔講義システム等の機器を設置する施設をいう。以下この条にお いて同じ。)の設置を希望する部局の長は、あらかじめ機構長に その設置を申請するものとする。 第 14 条 機構が提供するサービスの内容は、別に機構長が定め る。 2 サテライトの設置及び改廃に関し必要な事項は、機構長が定 第 15 条 機構長は、KUINS 接続者又はこれに代わる者に対して、 める。 その接続に係る経費の一部を、KUINS 利用負担金として負担する 3 サテライトの管理及び運用は、当該部局の長が行うものとす ことを求めることができる。 る。 2 KUINS 利用負担金の額及びその負担方法は、別に機構長が定 4 サテライトの使用に関し必要な事項は、当該部局の長と協議 める。 のうえ機構長が定める。 第 16 条 利用者及び KUINS 接続者は、申請書に記載した事項に 第 6 条 機構長は、利用者が所属する部局に対して、その利用に ついて変更しようとするとき又は変更が生じたときは、機構長が 係る経費の一部を教育用システム利用負担金として負担すること 別に定めるところにより、速やかに、機構長に届け出、又は再申 を求めることができる。 請しなければならない。 2 教育用システム利用負担金の額及びその負担の方法は、別に 第 17 条 利用者及び KUINS 接続者は、機構の機器その他の設備 機構長が定める。 をき損し、又は図書を紛失、汚損したときは、速やかに機構長に 第 7 条 学術情報等の発着信のため、KUINS に機器を接続する めの通信が KUINS を通過するものを含む。)ことのできる者は、 次の各号に掲げる者とする。 (1) 本学の教職員 (2) その他機構長が必要と認めた者 2 機構長は、き損、紛失又は汚損した者には、弁償を求めるこ とができる。 第 18 条 教育用システム及び KUINS について、この規程又はこ の規程に基づく定めに違反した者その他機構の運営に重大な支障 を生じさせた者があるときは、機構長は、その教育用システムの 利用承認若しくは KUINS の接続承認を取り消し、又は一定期間 第 8 条 あらかじめ所属する部局の部局情報セキュリティ技術 の利用停止若しくは接続遮断を行うことができる。 責任者(京都大学の情報セキュリティ対策に関する規程(平成 第 19 条 この規程に定めるもののほか、機構の利用に関し必要 15 年達示第 43 号)第 5 条の 2 第 1 項に定めるものをいう。以 な事項は、機構長が定める。 下同じ。)の同意を得たうえで、所定の申請書を機構長に提出し、 その承認を受けなければならない。 2 機構長は、前項の接続申請を承認したときは、KUINS の接続 を承認した者(以下「KUINS 接続者」という。)及び当該 KUINS 接続者の所属する部局の部局情報セキュリティ技術責任者(以下 Appendix (KUINS 管理下以外の機器に接続する場合であっても、利用のた 届け出なければならない。 附則 1 この規程は、平成24年5月1日から施行する。 2 この規程施行前に京都大学情報環境機構教育用コンピュータ システム及び学術情報ネットワークシステム利用規程(平成17 年達示第15号)に基づき、利用承認を受けた者は、この規程に 基づき利用の承認があったものとみなす。 79 付録 -4.2. 京都大学情報環境機構教育用システム利用心得 1. 京都大学情報環境機構(以下、機構という)の教育用システム ドを適時変更することが含まれる。利用者は利用に際して、機構 の利用を承認された者(以下、利用者という)は利用に際して、 職員および機構が教育用システムの管理を委託した者の指示に従 関連法令を遵守しなければならない。利用者は利用に際して、他 わなければならない。 人のプライバシーおよび人格を尊重しなければならない。 3. 利用者は、機構の教育用システムによるサービス提供の目的に 利用者は利用に際して、他人の著作権およびその他の知的財産権 かなうように利用し、それを営利目的で使用してはならない。 を尊重しなければならない。 4. 利用者は利用に際して、機構の教育用システムを構成する計算 利用者は利用に際して、京都大学の定めるセクシャルハラスメン 機のハードウェア、ソフトウェアおよび装置を毀損、破壊または ト等に関する方針を遵守しなければならない。利用者は利用に際 改変してはならない。 して、京都大学の定める大学における言論に関する方針を遵守し 5. 利用者は、機構の教育用システムを使用して、利用を承認され なければならない。 ていない学内外の計算機に対して利用を試み、または、そのハー 2. 利用者は利用に際して、利用者本人の氏名を用いなければなら ドウェア、ソフトウェアを毀損、破壊または改変してはならない。 ず、他人の氏名または架空の人物の氏名を用いてはならない。利 6. 教育用システムの利用にあたり故意または過失により教育用 用者は、電子メールアドレスなど連絡方法を明示して利用しなけ システムを構成する計算機組織に損害を生じさせた利用者は、そ ればならない。 れによって生じた損害を賠償する責任を負う。機構のサービス提 利用者は他人にその利用者コードを使用させ、または、他人の利 供を妨害した利用者は、それによって生じた損害を賠償する責任 用者コードを使用してはならない。 を負う。 利用者は機構が定めるパスワードに関する指針を遵守しなければ 7. 利用者は、京都大学情報環境機構利用規程およびそれに基づい ならない。この指針には、パスワードを秘匿することと、パスワー て定められる規則を遵守しなければならない。 付録 -4.3. 京都大学全学情報システム利用規則(抜粋) 〔平成 22 年 1 月 12 日情報担当理事裁定〕 (目的) 学情報システム並びに特定部局情報システムへの全学アカ 第1条 本規則は、京都大学の情報セキュリティ対策に関する規 ウントによる主体認証を伴ってのアクセスを行ってはなら 程(平成 15 年 10 月 21 日達示第 43 号制定)第 2 条第 5 号に基 ない。 づき、京都大学情報セキュリティ対策基準(平成 21 年 3 月 2 日 (6)全学アカウントを他の者に使用され又はその危険が発生した 情報担当理事裁定)第 4 条により指定された全学情報システムの 際には、直ちに情報環境機構長にその旨を報告しなければ 利用に関する事項を定め、京都大学(以下「本学」という。 )に おける情報セキュリティの確保と情報システムの円滑な利用に資 することを目的とする。 2 全学情報システムの利用目的は以下とする。 ならない。 (7)姓名の変更等全学アカウントの変更が必要になった際は、遅 滞なく情報環境機構に届け出なければならない。 (8)全学情報システムの利用資格を喪失した際又は利用する必要 (1) 本学の教育・研究活動のほか国立大学法人法(平成 15 年 7 がなくなった際は、遅滞なく情報環境機構に届け出なけれ 月 16 日法律第 112 号)に基づき本学が行う業務 ばならない。ただし、個別の届出が必要ないと、あらかじ (2) その他情報環境機構長が特に認めたもの (全学アカウントの申請と交付) め情報環境機構が定めている場合は、この限りでない。 (全学アカウントの一時停止と復帰) 第4条 全学情報システム又は特定部局情報システムを、全学ア 第 13 条 情報環境機構長は、第 7 条及び第 8 条第1号、第2号、 カウントによる主体認証を伴って利用する利用者等は、情報環境 第3号に該当する全学アカウントを発見したとき、又は主体情報 機構長が別途定める手続きにより、申請を行い情報環境機構から が他者に使用され若しくはその危険が発生したことの報告を受け 全学アカウントを取得しなければならない。 たときは、全学アカウントにより主体認証を行っている全学情報 (全学アカウント利用の遵守すべき事項) システム並びに第 19 条第 1 項に基づき統合認証システムと接続 第8条 利用者等は、全学アカウントの利用に際して次の各号を されている部局情報システムの全部又は一部へのアクセス制限を 遵守しなければならない。 行い、その旨を該当する全学アカウントを利用している利用者等 (1)自分の全学アカウントを他の者に使用させたり、他の者の全 学アカウントを使用したりしてはならない。 (2)他の者の主体認証情報 ( パスワード ) を聞き出したり使用し たりしてはならない。 (3)主体認証情報(パスワード)は、情報環境機構長が別途定め の所属する部局情報セキュリティ責任者に報告するものとする。 2 部局情報セキュリティ責任者は、前項の措置の報告を受 けたときには、速やかにその旨を利用者等に通知するものとする。 ただし、電話、郵便等の伝達手段によっても通知ができない場合 はこの限りでない。 る利用者パスワードガイドラインに従って適切に管理しな 3 全学アカウントの一時停止あるいはアクセス制限を受け ければならない。 た利用者等が、全学アカウントの復帰を希望するときは、その旨 (4)利用者等は、主体認証を伴って全学情報システム又は特定部 80 (5)学外の不特定多数の人が操作(利用)可能な端末を用いて全 を情報環境機構長に申し出るものとする。 局情報システムへアクセス中の利用者端末において、他の 4 情報環境機構長は、前項の申し出を受けたときは、当該 者が無断で画面を閲覧・操作することができないように配 の全学アカウントの確認を行った後、速やかに全学アカウントの 慮しなければならない。 復帰を行うものとする。 付録 -4.4. 京都大学情報環境機構教育用システムにおける個人情報の保護 平成19年3月12日 4. 教育用システムの利用記録の取得とその利用目的 1. 個人情報について 教育用システムでは、利用者によるシステムの利用に関して以 利用者からの教育用システムの利用コードの交付申請 下の事項について利用コードおよび時刻情報を含めて利用記録を ・登録などに際して収集した特定の個人を識別しうる情報を対 取得します。 象とします。情報環境機構は個人情報の保護に関して「独立行政 ・端末へのログイン・ログアウト、メールシステムへのログイン・ 法人等の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律」及び関係法令な ログアウトなど利用者の利用コードとパスワードを用いて行われ らびに「京都大学における個人情報の保護に関する規程」等の京 る利用者の認証記録 都大学の定める個人情報保護の方針に則って業務を行います。 ・教育用システムの電子メールシステムにおける電子メールの 2. 利用コードの交付等申請時に取得する個人情報の利用目的 送信と受信 教育用システムの利用コードの交付、継続、停止、再開などの ・教育用システムの端末からの Web サイトのアクセス 申請時に取得する個人情報の利用目的は以下のとおりです。 これらの利用記録は以下の目的のために利用します。 ・教育用システム、語学学習システムなど情報環境機構で提供し (1) 利用者自身のご利用上の問題解決の支援 ているサービスのご利用に関しての利用者 (2) 教育用システムの運用の改善 ご本人への連絡(学部、研究科等京都大学各部局の保有する個 (3) 関係法令、本学関係規程ならびに教育用コンピュータシステ 人情報と結合することにより連絡先を得て利用することがありま ム利用心得遵守の確認のため す。) (4) 統計データ ・利用コードなどのご本人自身による照会に際してのご本人の確 5. 個人情報の安全確保、利用、提供、開示、訂正並びに利用停止 認 収集した個人情報の安全確保、利用、提供、開示、訂正並びに利 ・統計データの作成 用停止については「京都大学における個人情報の保護に関する規 3. 教育用システムの利用コードとパスワードの利用目的 程」に則して取り扱います。 教育用システムの利用コードとパスワードは本学が提供する教 育研究その他業務のためのサービスにおいて、これらの組み合わ せにより利用者個人を認証するために利用します。利用者個人の 認証に際しては、サービスの必要に応じ氏名など利用者個人を特 定する情報と結合することがあります。 「京都大学における個人情報の保護に関する規程」 (抜粋) 情報の復元又は判読が不可能な方法により当該情報の消去又は当 い、滅失又はき損の防止その他保有個人情報の適切な管理のため 該媒体の廃棄を行うものとする。 に必要な措置を講じるとともに、必要に応じ、保有個人情報の利 5 保有個人情報が京都大学の情報セキュリティ対策に関 用者の制限、保有個人情報の取扱いに関する必要な指示その他の する規程(平成十五年達示第四十三号)第三条第三号又は第四号 合理的な安全対策を講じるものとする。 に該当する場合、当該保有個人情報の漏えい、滅失又はき損の防 2 保有個人情報は、前項の利用者の制限を受けていない 止その他の管理は、前各項に定めるもののほか、同規程の定める 職員等が利用する場合に限り、取り扱うことができる。ただし、 ところによる。 次の各号に掲げる行為については、保護管理者の指示に従い取り 利用及び提供の制限 扱うものとする。 第十三条 職員等は、法令に基づく場合を除き、利用目的以外の 一 保有個人情報の複製 目的のために保有個人情報を自ら利用し、又は提供してはならな 二 保有個人情報の送信 い。 三 保有個人情報が記録されている媒体の外部への送付又は持ち 2 前項の規定にかかわらず、職員等は、次の各号のいず 出し れかに該当し、かつ、当該保有個人情報を利用目的以外の目的の 四 その他保有個人情報の適切な管理に支障を及ぼすおそれのあ ために自ら利用し、又は提供することによって、本人又は第三者 る行為 の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがないと認められるときは、 3 職員等は、保護管理者の指示に従い、保有個人情報が 利用目的以外の目的のために保有個人情報を自ら利用し、又は提 記録されている媒体を定められた場所に保管するとともに、必要 供することができる。 があると認めるときは、耐火金庫への保管、施錠等を行うものと 一 本人の同意があるとき、又は本人に提供するとき。 する。 二 本学の業務の遂行に必要な限度で保有個人情報を内部で利用 4 職員等は、保有個人情報又は保有個人情報が記録され する場合であって、当該保有個人情報を利用することについて相 ている媒体(端末及びサーバに内蔵されているものを含む。)が 当な理由のあるとき。 不要となった場合には、保護管理者の指示に従い、当該保有個人 三 行政機関(行政機関の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律 Appendix 第十一条 保護管理者は、当該部局における保有個人情報の漏え 81 (平成十五年法律第五十八号)第二条第一項に規定する行政機関 は、所定の開示請求書を開示窓口に提出して行わなければならな をいう。以下同じ)、他の独立行政法人等、地方公共団体又は地 い。 方独立行政法人に保有個人情報を提供する場合において、保有個 2 前項の開示請求書の提出に際しては、法第十三条第二 人情報の提供を受ける者が、法令の定める事務又は業務の遂行に 項に定める書類を提示し、又は提出しなければならない。 必要な限度で提供に係る個人情報を利用し、かつ、当該個人情報 3 第一項に定める開示窓口は総務部広報課に置く。 を利用することについて相当な理由のあるとき。 訂正請求 四 前3号に掲げる場合のほか、専ら統計の作成又は学術研究の 第三十二条 法第二十七条の規定に基づき、保有個人情報の訂正 目的のために保有個人情報を提供するとき、本人以外の者に提供 (追加又は削除を含む。以下同じ)を請求しようとする者(以下「訂 することが明らかに本人の利益になるとき。 正請求者」という)は、所定の訂正請求書を開示窓口に提出して その他保有個人情報を提供することについて特別な理由のあ 行わなければならない。 るとき。 2 前項の訂正請求書の提出に際しては、訂正請求者は、 3 前項の規程は、保有個人情報の利用又は提供を制限す 法第二十八条第二項に定める書類を提示し、又は提出しなければ る法令の規定の適用を妨げるものではない。 ならない。 4 総括保護管理者は、個人の権利利益を保護するため特 利用停止請求 に必要があると認めるときは、保有個人情報の利用目的以外の目 第三十九条 法第三十六条の規定に基づき、保有個人情報の利用 的のための本学の内部における利用を特定の職員等に限るものと の停止、消去又は提供の停止(以下「利用停止」という。)を請 する。 求しようとする者(以下「利用停止請求者」という)は、所定の 開示請求 利用停止請求書を開示窓口に提出して行わなければならない。 第二十条 法第十二条の規定に基づき、保有個人情報の開示を請 2 前項の利用停止請求書の提出に際しては、法第三十七 求しようとする者(以下「開示請求者」という。) 条第二項に定める書類を提示し、又は提出しなければならない。 付録 -5.1. 京都大学における情報セキュリティポリシーについて 平成21年4月 ジに掲載していますので、ご参照ください。 京都大学の学生、教職員 各位 情報セキュリティ対策室 京都大学における情報セキュリティポリシーについて 情報環境部情報基盤課情報セキュリティ対策室 京都大学における情報セキュリティの基本方針 インターネットをはじめとする情報通信技術の発達は、私たちに 多くの利便性をもたらしました。生活のあらゆる場面で、情報は 〔平成14年12月17日部局長会議了承〕 1.セキュリティの基本方針 誰でも自由に簡単に取り扱うことができ、電子媒体に保存可能な 京都大学が高度な学術研究活動、教育活動、社会貢献活動、及 ものであれば、簡単に誰とでも情報の交換を行うことが可能で、 び業務運営等を安定的かつ効率的に展開するためには、電子情報 教育・研究活動のうえでも欠くことのできない基盤となっていま が持つ情報セキュリティ上の脆弱性を十分認識し、情報セキュリ す。 しかし、その反面、コンピュータウィルスや不正アクセス ティの確保及びそのための情報システムの整備が不可欠である。 による被害、サイバーテロの危険性、個人情報の漏洩など、大き 本学においては、教職員及び学生等の全構成員が情報システム及 な社会問題が生じてきており、対処が求められています。学術情 び情報セキュリティの重要性を認識し、教育研究組織の自治を尊 報システムやネットワークをこれらの脅威から守り、安全性と信 重しつつ情報資産の円滑な運用と保護に取り組むため、「政府機 頼性を確保すること、即ち、情報セキュリティを確保することが、 関の情報セキュリティ対策のための統一基準」(2007 年 6 月 14 情報通信社会におけるすべての人の共通の課題といえます。 日情報セキュリティ政策会議決定)を踏まえ、次の事項を内容と 京都大学においても、利便性に富み、なおかつ安全安心なネット する情報セキュリティの基本方針(以下、「基本方針」という。) ワーク環境を保証するため、 を規定する。また、今後の情報技術の進展に対応しつつ本基本方 針の持続的な見直しに努め、情報資産の高度活用に資するととも ○ 京都大学における情報セキュリティの基本方針 に人権を尊重した運営を行い社会的な説明責任に応えることを目 ○ 京都大学の情報セキュリティ対策に関する規程 的としてセキュリティレベルの向上を図るものとする。 ○ 京都大学情報セキュリティ対策基準 (1) 組織・体制 ○ 京都大学情報資産利用のためのルール 京都大学が一体となって情報セキュリティ対策に取り組むための 責任ある組織・体制を構築し、その機能と責任を明確に規定する。 82 を定めています。これらの規則は、平成21年3月に改正され、 (2) 情報の格付けと管理 平成21年4月1日から実施されます。 本学の情報システムにおいて取り扱う多様な情報について、重要 これらのうち京都大学の構成員として、情報セキュリティに関し な情報を重点管理しつつ公開にも努める視点から、重要度と公開 基本的に念頭においていただきたい規則を2つ掲載していますの 性に応じた情報の格付けに関する定義、情報の管理責任、及び管 で、ご一読願います。 理方法を規定する 。 なお、情報セキュリティに関する種々の情報を下記のホームペー (3) 物理的セキュリティ 情報システムの設置場所について、不正な立入り、損傷及び妨害 から情報資産を保護するため、安全区域を設置するなどの物理的 クに接続する機器を含む。 【ポリシー】 なセキュリティ対策を規定する 。 本学の情報セキュリティ対策について、基本的な考えを総合的、 (4) 人的セキュリティ 体系的かつ具体的にまとめた京都大学における情報セキュリティ 情報セキュリティに関する責任者とその権限の範囲を明確にし、 の基本方針並びに本学の情報システムの情報セキュリティの維持 全構成員に基本方針の内容を周知徹底するなど、十分な教育及び 及び向上に関する事項を定めた京都大学の情報セキュリティ対策 啓発活動を図るための人的なセキュリティ対策を規定する 。 (5) 技術的セキュリティ に関する規程から成る。 【実施規程】 外部からの不正なアクセス等から本学の情報資産を適切に保護す 本学の情報システムにおける情報セキュリティを確保するために るため、情報ネットワークの管理、情報資産へのアクセスの制御 遵守すべき行為及び判断の基準を示す京都大学情報セキュリティ 等の技術的なセキュリティ対策を規定する 。 対策基準その他ポリシーに基づいて策定される規程、基準及び計 (6) 情報ごとのアクセス管理の体制及びシステムの整備 画をいう 。 上記の規定 (2) 及び (4) に関連して、格付けされた情報ごとにア クセス権限を明確にし、統一的な権限管理並びにその整備システ 3.対象範囲 ムを規定する。 機密性:許可された者のみが情報にアクセスでき、一般には明ら (7) 運用 かにしないことを確保すること。 基本方針の実効性を確保し、不正アクセスを防止するとともに、 完全性:情報及びその処理方法の正確さや完全である状態を安全 不正アクセスを通じた学外の情報システムへの攻撃等の悪用を防 防護すること。 止するため、基本方針の遵守状況の確認、情報ネットワークの監 可用性:許可された利用者が必要に応じて情報にアクセスできる 視等の運用面に関する こと。 措置を規定する。また、情報セキュリティに係る緊急事態が発生 この基本方針の対象範囲は、本学で使用するハードウェア、ソ した際の緊急時対応体制を明確に規定する 。 フトウェア、ネットワーク、記録媒体等の情報システム等(シス (8) 評価・見直し テム構成図等の文書を含む 。)及び全ての情報のうち、情報シス 基本方針及び情報セキュリティ対策の評価、情報システムの変更、 テムに電磁的に記録される情報、並びに全構成員及び委託事業者 新たな脅威の発生等を踏まえ、ポリシー及びそれに基づく実施規 とする。 程の点検・評価を定期的に実施して見直しを図ることとし、この 情報システム等: ために必要な措置を規定する 。 ネットワーク機器(ルータ・ファイアウォール・ハブ・ケーブル (9) 罰則 等)・サーバ・パソコン ( 本学のネットワークに一時的に接続さ ポリシー及びそれに基づく実施規程等に違反した場合の利用の規 れる学外者のパソコンを含む)・基本ソフトウェア・応用ソフト 制及び罰則は、京都大学通則及び本学が定める就業規則に則って ウェア・システム設定情報(パスワードファイル等) ・記録媒体(電 行うほか、別の規程に定めることができる。 子計算機や通信回線装置に内蔵される内蔵電磁的記録媒体、外付 けハードディスク・MO・FD・DVD・CD・USBメモリ・フラッ 2.定義 シュメモリ等の外部電磁的記録媒体)・システム構成図等 この基本方針の用語については、「 政府機関の情報セキュリティ 情報システムに記録される情報: 対策のための統一基準」が定める定義に準拠し、次のとおり定義 アクセス記録(ログ)・文書及び図面等の電磁的記録 する 。 これらの情報に接するすべての者: 【情報セキュリティ】 【情報資産】 役員・常勤職員・非常勤職員・学生(学部生・大学院生・その他 研究生や科目等履修生等の非正規生)・委託業者等 Appendix 情報資産の機密性、完全性及び可用性を維持することをいう 。 4.実施手順の作成 情報システムに記録された情報及び情報システムに関係がある書 この基本方針に沿った具体的な実施手順については、各部局にお 面に記載された情報であり、電磁的に記録された情報すべてを含 いて定めることとする。 む。書面に記載された情報には、電磁的に記録されている情報を 記載した書面(情報システムに入力された情報を記載した書面、 情報システムから出力した情報を記載した書面)及び情報システ ムに関する設計書が含まれる。 【情報システム】 情報の作成、利用及び管理等のための仕組み(ハードウェア及び 京都大学情報資産利用のためのルール 〔平成19年9月4日部局長会議了承〕 第1章 総 則 (理念) ソフトウェアからなる情報機器及び記憶媒体並びに有線又は無線 第1 京都大学の教職員および学生等は、本学の情報資産(京都 のネットワークをいう。)をいう。本学の情報システムとは、本 大学の情報セキュリティ対策に関する規程(平成 15 年達示第 学により所有又は管理されているもの及び本学との契約あるいは 43 号)第2条に規定するものをいう。以下同じ。)を利用するに 他の協定に従って提供されるものをいい、本学の情報ネットワー 当たり、教育・研究の自由と自主を基礎とした高い倫理性と社会 83 に対する強い責任感が求められる。このルールは、本学の基本理 念に定める自由と調和の精神にのっとり、情報資産の適正かつ円 第8 対策室は、苦情等及び対策室が検知した被疑行為に関する 滑な利用を確保することを目的とする。このルールの解釈適用に 情報を、情報ネットワーク倫理委員会(以下「倫理委員会」とい おいては、日本国憲法の保障する学問の自由、表現の自由その他 う。)に通知する。 基本的人権を侵害することがあってはならない。 2 情報ネットワーク危機管理委員会は、被疑行為を認めた場合、 (定義) 倫理委員会に通知する。 第2 このルールにおいて、「本学」、「 情報資産 」、「 情報セキュ 3 倫理委員会は、被疑行為を認めた場合、関係する部局委員会 リティポリシー 」、「 部局 」、「教職員等」、「学生等」、「 部局情報 に通知する。 セキュリティ責任者 」、 「部局情報システム技術担当者」、「 情報 (倫理委員会への依頼) ネットワーク危機管理委員会 」、 「情報ネットワーク倫理委員会」、 第9 部局委員会は、倫理委員会に対して、被疑行為を通知し、 「 部局委員会 」、「 監視 」、「 利用記録 」 とは、それぞれ京都大学 第10に規定する違反行為の調査若しくは第11に規定する違反 の情報セキュリティ対策に関する規程第1条、第2条各号、第5 行為への措置又はその両者を依頼することができる。 条、第5条の3、第7条、第7条の2、第8条、第11条及び第 (違反行為の調査) 12条に規定されたものをいう。 第10 被疑行為を認めた場合又は被疑行為の通知を受けた場合、 第2章 遵守すべき事項 関係する部局委員会は、すみやかに調査を行い、事実を確認する (利用目的による規制) ものとする。事実の確認に当たっては、可能な限り当該行為を行っ 第3 情報資産は、当該情報資産について定められた目的以外に た者の意見を聴取する等、適正な手続を取らなければならない。 利用してはならない。 2 情報管理者及び部局情報システム技術担当者は、調査に協力 (情報の発信に対する規制) しなければならない。部局委員会は、調査に必要な範囲で監視の 第4 次に掲げる情報の発信を行ってはならない。 記録及び利用記録の提出を求めることができる。 (1) 差別、名誉毀損、侮辱、ハラスメントにあたる情報の発信。 3 倫理委員会は、必要と認める場合、前2項に規定する調査を (2) プライバシーを侵害する情報の発信。 行うことができる。倫理委員会は、調査の開始を関係する部局委 (3) 守秘義務に違反する情報の発信。 員会に通知するものとする。倫理委員会と部局委員会は、連携し (4) 著作権等の財産権を侵害する情報の発信。 て調査を行うことができる。 (5) その他法令に基づく処罰の対象となり、又は損害賠償等の民 4 部局委員会が調査の終了を決定した場合、倫理委員会は当該 事責任を発生させる情報の発信。 部局に対する調査を行うことができない。 (情報機器の利用に対する規制) 第5 情報機器を利用して、次に掲げる行為をし、又はしようと してはならない。 (1) 通信の秘密を侵害する行為。 (2) 情報セキュリティポリシーの規定に拠らずにネットワーク上 5 調査によって明らかとなった事実は、非公開とする。ただし、 法令に基づき開示が必要な場合は、この限りではない。 (違反行為への措置) 第11 第2章に規定する遵守すべき事項に違反する行為(以下 「違反行為」という。)が確認された場合、部局情報セキュリティ の通信を監視し又は情報機器の利用情報を取得する行為。 責任者は、違反行為を行った者(以下「違反行為者」という。) (3) アクセス制御(情報システムにアクセスする者に対してアク に対して違反行為をやめるよう命ずることができる。ただし、緊 セスを許可する情報及びアクセスの種類を制限することをいう。) 急性が認められる場合、違反行為者が明らかでない場合、又は違 を免れる行為又はこれに類する行為。 反行為者が命令に従わない場合、部局情報セキュリティ責任者は、 (4) 管理者の要請に基づかずにセキュリティ上の脆弱性を検知す 違反行為に係る発信を防止する等の必要な措置をとることができ る行為。 る。部局情報セキュリティ責任者は、遮断等を実施するために他 (5) 過度な負荷等により円滑な情報資産の利用を妨げる行為。 部局に協力を求めることができる。 (6) 上記の行為を助長する行為。 2 倫理委員会は、部局情報セキュリティ責任者に、前項に規定 (管理責任) する命令又は措置を行うよう勧告することができる。 第6 情報管理者(情報を作成又は取得した教職員等をいう。以 3 倫理委員会は、必要と認める場合、第1項に規定する命令又 下同じ。)及び部局情報システム技術担当者は、第3、第4及び は措置を行うことができる。ただし、緊急性が認められる場合を 第5に掲げた事項を遵守するために、情報資産の適切な管理を行 除き、部局情報セキュリティ責任者の意見を訊くものとする。 わなければならない。 4 部局情報セキュリティ責任者が命令又は措置を行い又は行わ 第3章 違反行為への対処 ないことを決定した場合、倫理委員会による命令又は措置は効力 (窓口の設置) 第7 第2章に規定する遵守すべき事項に違反すると疑われる行 為(以下「被疑行為」という。)に関する苦情その他連絡(以下 「苦情等」という。)を受け付けるため、情報環境部情報基盤課情 84 (被疑行為の通知) を失う。 (違反行為者への措置) 第12 部局情報セキュリティ責任者は、違反行為者に対して、 指導等の適切な措置を講ずることができる。 報セキュリティ対策室(以下「対策室」という。)及び部局に窓 2 倫理委員会は、前項に規定する適切な措置について意見を述 口を置く。 べることができる。 Appendix 5.2 On taking e-Learning courses on Information Security In Kyoto University, under the supervision of the University Information Security Committee, every member is obliged to take e-Learning courses on Information security. All students and all faculty-members including staff, please take Information security e-learning courses. Information Security e-Learning materials Students should take (1) and (2). After finishing your learning, you must take a final test. If you omit this final test, you are not counted as e-learning finisher. (1) Rules on Information Systems use and information security This is a material on security policy of Kyoto University and the information for how to use the university's information systems. (2) Princess Rinrin This is a material on Information ethics and security provided by National Institute of Informatics. How to start and use e-learning 1. Open a webpage of e-Learning Access the following URL, and select 『Information Security e-Learning』 page. If you are using a computer 3. Authenticate via GakuNin (Shibboleth) (1) Select 『京都大学』 (Kyoto University) on button and click 『選択』 marked by a square. terminal of Educational Computer System, you can access from the “e-Learning” shortcut on the desktop. (2) Fill the form to sign in with your ECS-ID and password. Enlarged view (This screen may not appear when you are already logged in.) 2. Select appropriate material Select appropriate material in the “Information security (3) Click 『次』 marked by a square. Appendix e-Learning” page. Enlarged view (4) Click 『送信』 marked by a square. 85 㻠㻚 㻾㼑㼓㼕㼟㼠㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌 㻌 㻯㼘㼕㼏㼗㻌 䛄㻱㼚㼞㼛㼘㼘㻌㼙㼑䛅㻌 㼙㼍㼞㼗㼑㼐㻌㼎㼥㻌㼍㻌㼟㼝㼡㼍㼞㼑㻚㻌 㻺㼑㼤㼠㻘㻌㼥㼛㼡㻌㼟㼔㼛㼡㼘㼐㻌㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌䇾㻲㼕㼚㼍㼘㻌㼀㼑㼟㼠䇿㻌㼛㼒㻌㼎㼛㼠㼠㼛㼙㻌㼙㼑㼚㼡㻌 㻌 㼍㼒㼠㼑㼞㻌㼘㼑㼍㼞㼚㼕㼚㼓㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻚㻌 㻡㻚 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻿㼑㼘㼑㼏㼠㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻌 㻌 䕔㻵㼚㻌㼏㼍㼟㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻼㼞㼕㼚㼏㼑㼟㼟㻌㻾㼕㼚㼞㼕㼚㻌 㻌 㼕㼏㼛㼚㻌㼕㼟㻌㼍㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻚㻌㻰㼑㼜㼑㼚㼐㼕㼚㼓㻌㼛㼚㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌 㼥㼛㼡㻌㼠㼍㼗㼑㻘㻌㼏㼘㼕㼏㼗㻌㼛㼚㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼚㼍㼙㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻌㼕㼚㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼠㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌㼎㼑㼘㼛㼣㻚㻌 㻌 &RXUVH 0DWHULDOV 5XOHVRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ 6\VWHPV XVH DQG LQIRUPDWLRQVHFXULW\ 3ULQFHVV5LQULQ 7H[W.\RWR8QLYHUVLW\5XOHVRQ WKH 8VH RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ 6\VWHPV DQG,QIRUPDWLRQ /HDUQ ZLWK 3ULQFHVV 5LQ 5LQ &\EHUHWKLFV 㻮㼥㻌㼍㼘㼘㻌㼙㼑㼍㼚㼟㻘㻌㼥㼛㼡㻌㼟㼔㼛㼡㼘㼐㻌㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌䇾㻲㼕㼚㼍㼘㻌㼀㼑㼟㼠䇿㻌㼍㼒㼠㼑㼞㻌 㼘㼑㼍㼞㼚㼕㼚㼓㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻚㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䕔㻵㼚㻌㼏㼍㼟㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻾㼡㼘㼑㼟㻌㼛㼚㻌㻵㼚㼒㼛㼞㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻿㼥㼟㼠㼑㼙㼟㻌㼡㼟㼑㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌 (QODUJHGYLHZ 㻌 㼕㼚㼒㼛㼞㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼟㼑㼏㼡㼞㼕㼠㼥㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻤㻚 㻌 㻌 㻸㼛㼓㻌㼛㼡㼠㻌 㻯㼘㼕㼏㼗㻌 䛄㻸㼛㼓㻌㼛㼡㼠䛅㻌 㼍㼠㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼠㼛㼜㻌㼞㼕㼓㼔㼠㻚㻌 㻥㻚 㻌 㼀㼍㼗㼕㼚㼓㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼚㼑㼤㼠㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻌 㻳㼛㻌㼎㼍㼏㼗㻌㼠㼛㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌 䛂㻝 㻌 㻻㼜㼑㼚㻌㼍㻌㼣㼑㼎㼜㼍㼓㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼑㻙㻸㼑㼍㼞㼚㼕㼚㼓䛃㻘㻌 㼜㼘㼑㼍㼟㼑㻌㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼚㼑㼤㼠㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻌㼎㼥㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼟㼍㼙㼑㻌 䕔㻵㼚㻌㼏㼍㼟㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻼㼞㼕㼚㼏㼑㼟㼟㻌㻾㼕㼚㼞㼕㼚㻌 㼜㼞㼛㼏㼑㼐㼡㼞㼑㻚㻌 㻌 㻌 㻲㼕㼚㼍㼘㼘㼥㻘㻌㼥㼛㼡㻌㼟㼔㼛㼡㼘㼐㻌㼏㼛㼙㼜㼘㼑㼠㼑㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼒㼛㼘㼘㼛㼣㼕㼚㼓㻌㼠㼣㼛㻦㻌 㻌 㻌 z 㻾㼡㼘㼑㼟㻌㼛㼚㻌㻵㼚㼒㼛㼞㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻿㼥㼟㼠㼑㼙㼟㻌㼡㼟㼑㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼕㼚㼒㼛㼞㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌 z 㻼㼞㼕㼚㼏㼑㼟㼟㻌㻾㼕㼚㼞㼕㼚㻌 㼟㼑㼏㼡㼞㼕㼠㼥㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻢㻚 㼀㼍㼗㼕㼚㼓㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻌 㻯㼘㼕㼏㼗㻌 䛄㻱㼚㼠㼑㼞䛅㻌 㼙㼍㼞㼗㼑㼐㻌㼎㼥㻌㼍㻌㼟㼝㼡㼍㼞㼑㻚㻌 㻌 㻵㼒㻌㼥㼛㼡㻌㼔㼍㼢㼑㻌㼍㼚㼥㻌㼝㼡㼑㼟㼠㼕㼛㼚㼟㻘㻌㼜㼘㼑㼍㼟㼑㻌㼏㼛㼚㼠㼍㼏㼠㻌㼡㼟㻌㼎㼥㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌 㼕㼚㼝㼡㼕㼞㼥㻌㼒㼛㼞㼙㻚㻌 㼔㼠㼠㼜㻦㻛㻛㼣㼣㼣㻚㼕㼕㼙㼏㻚㼗㼥㼛㼠㼛㻙㼡㻚㼍㼏㻚㼖㼜㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻣㻚 (QODUJHGYLHZ 㻲㼕㼚㼍㼘㻌㼀㼑㼟㼠㻌 䕔㻵㼚㻌㼏㼍㼟㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻾㼡㼘㼑㼟㻌㼛㼚㻌㻵㼚㼒㼛㼞㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻿㼥㼟㼠㼑㼙㼟㻌㼡㼟㼑㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌 㼕㼚㼒㼛㼞㼙㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼟㼑㼏㼡㼞㼕㼠㼥㻌 㻭㼒㼠㼑㼞㻌㼠㼍㼗㼕㼚㼓㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑㻌㼙㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㼟㻘㻌㼏㼘㼕㼏㼗䛄㻱㼤㼕㼠㻌㼍㼏㼠㼕㼢㼕㼠㼥䛅㼙㼍㼞㼗㼑㼐㻌 㼎㼥㻌㼍㻌㼟㼝㼡㼍㼞㼑㻚㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 86 㻌 㻌 㻌 Information Security are you aware of it? Information should NOT be used for any other purpose Under no circumstances should you send out information that is: • Discriminatory, defamatory, insulting, or harassing • Infringing the privacy of any individual • Infringing copyright or other property rights • Subject to punishment by law or civil liability DO NOT do any of the followings • Use someone else’s ID/Password • Impair the confidentiality of communications • Impair the accessibility to information by placing excess loads on the system, such as by sending a large volumes of emails, or downloading videos or large files DO the followings Appendix • Keep your account information and passwords safe. Don’t write them down on paper or send them via email. • Install and run security software. • Download and install all software updates to prevent security risks. • Keep security software and its data files up to date. • Refrain from opening emails from unknown senders. • Be cautious when clicking on links to websites in emails. • Check again the receivers’ addresses before sending an email. • Refrain from viewing websites that are not related to your work at Kyoto University. 87 ᵢᶍᴾᶌᶍᶒᴾᶓᶑᶃᴾᵮᵐᵮᴾᶄᶇᶊᶃᴾᶑᶆᵿᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾ ᶑᶍᶄᶒᶕᵿᶐᶃᴾᶍᶌᴾᵩᵳᵧᵬᵱᵋᵧᵧᵧᴾ What is file sharing software? ͻ It is a software to share files with an unspecified number of users. File sharing software are also known as file-swapping software. This kind of software must be used with caution, as it is most often used to share copyrighted files illegally. Popular file sharing software ͻ Winny, Share, Bit Comet, Bit Torrent, Lime Wire, Cabos, Win MX, Xunlei, Perfect Dark, Kazaa, eMule, Edonkey, Gnutella, etc. Problems with P2P file sharing software ͻ P2P is often used to share copyrighted material for non-academic purposes. ͻ P2P tends to redistribute downloaded files without notice to you, and to cause copyright infringements. ͻ Downloaded files via P2P are often infected with viruses or spywares. ͻ Computers operating P2P are in danger of leaking data. ͻ Burdening the network with excess loads, P2P is a possible cause of system failure. Rules for using P2P file sharing software ͻ If your PC is connected to KUINS-III, use of P2P file sharing software is totally banned. ͻ On KUINS-II, if you ask permission with proper reason (such as research purposes), use of P2P may be allowed. Downloading & distributing copyrighted data without permission ͻ This is illegal. You may be sued heavily by the copyright owners. ͻ Performing illegal downloads may be criminally persecuted. If you have any questions, please contact us by the following URL: Information Management Dept.,IT Service Division Information Security Management Office, Kyoto University 88 付録 -5.3. 京都大学全学情報システム利用者パスワードガイドライン (Note: this English version is provided as a translation of the Japanese version, the original, for the user's convenience.) Password Guideline for Users of Kyoto University Campus-wide Information System (Established by the Chief of the Institute for Information Management and Communication, January 12, 2010) 1. Purpose This Guideline is established to describe matters that users and the like must know in advance when they use passwords in combination with their accounts for the Campus-wide Information System in accordance with Article 8.3 of the Rules for Using the Kyoto University Campus-wide Information System. 2. General cautions related to password 2.1 Changing the initial password Users and the like must change the initial passwords assigned to them immediately after their accounts are created. Do not continue using the initial password to access information systems of the University. 2.2 Character strings for passwords The password string created by users and the like must satisfy all of the following conditions: - The password string must include at least eight characters. - The password string must have at least one character from each of Character Groups A to C below, and may also contain one or more characters from Group D. A) Upper case letters of the alphabet (A to Z) B) Lower case letters of the alphabet (a to z) C) Numbers (0 to 9) D) Symbols (@!#$%&=-+*/.,:;[]|_) The following character strings must not be used as passwords since they are easy to guess for other persons: - A character string that can be easily guessed from the account information of the user or the like (name, user ID, etc.) - A character string resulting from shuffling of the above-mentioned string, or comprising the above-mentioned string with numbers or symbols added - Any word listed in a dictionary - A name of a celebrity or any other proper name 2.3 Changing a password Users and the like must periodically change the passwords for their accounts if they are so instructed by the Chief of the Institute for Information Management and Communication. When a user or the like is instructed to change his/her password immediately, he/ she must change it immediately. The new password must not be similar to the password before the change. 2.4 Controlling the password Users and the like must keep their passwords under strict control. Users and the like must exercise the greatest caution not to reveal their passwords to other persons or carelessly expose their password to other persons’ eyes. Appendix 3. Procedures related to password 3.1 When a user forgets their password If a user or the like forgets his/her password, he/she must submit to the Institute for Information Management and Communication a request to reset the password in the designated form, presenting his/her identification card (student identification card or staff identification card). When the password is reset, the user or the like must immediately set a new password. 3.2 Reporting a password-related incident If the account of a user or the like is used by any other person or if there is any threat of such unauthorized use, he/she must immediately report the incident to the Chief of Institute for Information Management and Communication. Supplementary provision 1. Measures to conform to this guideline shall also be applied to a password for an account of specific department information systems connected to Kyoto University Campus-wide Information System. Measures associated with this revision of the guideline shall be completed by March 31, 2015. 2. This guideline becomes effective from February 4, 2014. 89 付録 -5.4. 京都大学全学情報システム不正プログラム対策ガイドライン (Note: this English version is provided as a translation of the Japanese version, the original, for the user's convenience.) Kyoto University Guideline for Measures against Invasion by Malicious Programs to Campus-wide Information System (Established by the Chief of the Institute for Information Management and Communication, January 12, 2010) 1. This Guideline is established to stipulate matters to be observed by the information system technical staff member of a department and users and the like in order to prevent invasion by malicious programs to Specific Department Information Systems or user terminals connected to the Campus-wide Information System in accordance with Article 12 of Rules for Using the Kyoto University Campus-wide Information System. 2. The information system technical staff member of the department controlling user terminals (excluding information systems not provided by the University) shall take the following anti-malicious program measures for user terminals (excluding information systems not provided by the University): (1) If anti-malicious program software (software to protect information systems from virus, spy ware, Trojan horse, worm, bot, route kit and other malicious programs) is available, such software shall be installed and run on the information system in accordance with the agreement with the provider of the software; (2) The anti-malicious program software and the malicious program definition file used by such software shall continually be updated; (3) When new software is installed, the scan function of the anti-malicious program software shall be run to confirm that new software does not contain malicious programs. The scan function shall also be run periodically to check for invasion by any malicious program; (4) The information system technical staff member of the department shall pay close attention to release of information on security vulnerability of the computer system and security update programs. When a security update program is released, it shall always be installed on the computer system; (5) Upon receipt of instruction from the Chief of the Institute for Information Management and Communication, the information system technical staff member shall implement anti-malicious program measures for the relevant information system in accordance with such instruction; (6) No software inappropriate for educational/research activities and any other activities of the University shall be installed; (7) Software of unknown origin shall not be installed; and (8) The information system technical staff member of the department shall monitor and control software installed on a user terminal used by more than one person who belongs to the department. 3. The information system technical staff member of the department controlling a Specific Department Information System shall take the following anti-malicious program measures: (1) Implement the anti-malicious program measures specified in Paragraph 2 (excluding Item (8)) of this Guideline for such Specific Department Information System; and (2) Monitor and control software installed on such Specific Department Information System. 4. Each user or the like shall take the following anti-malicious program measures: (1) If the user or the like uses any information system not provided by the University as a user terminal to connect to the Campus-wide Information System or a Specific Department Information System, he/she shall check to ensure that anti-malicious program measures equivalent to those listed in Paragraph 2 are implemented for such user terminal. (2) If the user or the like finds any problem in using the Campus-wide Information System or a Specific Department Information System, he/she shall immediately report the incident to the information security manager of the department that controls such information system. 90 Appendix 6. Map of Satellite Laboratories 1 Faculty of Agriculture 2 Faculty of Science 3 Faculty of Letters 4 Faculty of Education 5 Faculty of Law 6 Faculty of Economics 7 Faculty of Engineering 8 Faculty of Engineering 9 Faculty of Integrated Human Studies 10 Faculty of Medicine 11 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences 12 School of Human Science, Faculty of Medicine 13 Kyoto University Library 14 Kyoto University Yoshida-South Library 15 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, South Bldg. 16 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, North Bldg. --------- Katsura Campus Main Bldg. W222, W228 Bldg. No.6 208, 210 Main Bldg. L312 2nd Floor Computer Room, 4th Floor Research Computer Room Hou-Kei North Bldg. 2nd Floor (or “Law-Economics” ) East Bldg. Information Laboratory 1, 2 Bldg. No.3 Laboratory 1, 2 Engineering Science Depts Bldg. 124, 230 Human Studies Bldg. 1206 Center of Anatomy 2nd Floor Lecture of Bldg. Information Processing Terminals Room West Bldg. 1st Floor, Terminals Room 3rd Floor Reading Room, Information Terminal Corner 2nd Floor Reading Room OSL, Multimedia Language Laboratory OSL, --------------- B Cluster, Funai Center E study room at the 3rd floor N st 1 Floor West OSL Information Outlet East OSL Entrance Hall 共同利用担当 運用管理室 Shared Support Desk Operation Management Room 2nd Floor Multimedia Language Laboratory 204 Multimedia Lecture Room 202 Free Media Corner Multimedia Lecture Room 201 Multimedia Language Laboratory 203 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, North Building 3rd Floor 語学学習 CALL教室304 語学学習 CALL教室302 CALL Classroom 302 CALL Classroom 304 フリーメディアコーナー Free Media Corner Appendix 語学学習 CALL教室301 CALL Classroom 301 Multimedia マルチメディア Language Laboratory 303 演習室303 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, South Building 15 Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, South Building 91 The 2015 Information Environment Manual for Students ver.1.0E Published in March 2015 Editor, Publisher: Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-7401, JAPAN Tel. +81-75-753-7400 ©Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University. 2015
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