
第 2 回世界防災研究所サミットを開催します
第 2 回世界防災研究所サミットを、来たる 3 月 19-20 日の 2 日間、京都大学宇治キャン
パスにて開催します。詳しくはイベント HP
トとして位置付け、策定後 10 年間を実施期間とする総合的な防災研究のロードマップを作
日時:2015 年 3 月 19 日(木)・20 日(金)
会場:京都大学宇治キャンパス 宇治おうばくプラザきはだホール(宇治市五ケ庄)
イベント HP(プログラム等):
要参加申込: 事前参加については下記までお問い合わせください。
[email protected] (定員になり次第締め切ります)
【参考】第 1 回世界防災研究所サミットについては、こちらをご覧ください。
The Second Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction:
Development of a Research Road Map for the Next Decade
March 19-20th, 2015
Kihada Hall, Uji Campus, Kyoto University
Address: Gokasho, Uji, 611-0011, Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto University
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Natural Disaster Research Council, Japan
After a successful 1st Global Summit in 2011, we would like to invite you (or
someone from your organization) to attend the “Second Global Summit of
Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction: Development of a Research
Road Map for the Next Decade” which will be held at Kihada Hall, Uji Campus,
Kyoto University on 19-20 March 2015. This event is being organized by the
Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) of Kyoto University in
collaboration with the Natural Disaster Research Council (NDRC), Japan.
The 1st Global Summit was held in Kyoto on 24-25 November 2011 with the
participation of representatives from 25 research institutes from 11 countries to
reflect on the challenges posed by disaster risks, explore new paradigms for DRR,
and discuss new approaches to disaster mitigation and risk management.
two-day event involved workshop style discussions and resulted in the drafting
of a Resolution
5.pdf). One of the key points in the resolution was the establishment of an
alliance of the disaster research institutes, now called the the Global Alliance of
Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI). The purpose of the GADRI is to move
forward the recommendations of the Resolution, and in particular to share
knowledge, experiences and ideas on disaster research in order to contribute to
enhancing disaster risk reduction and disaster resilience.
This year on the occasion of the 2nd World Conference on Disaster Risk
Reduction, we would like to discuss the research goals and contribution that the
disaster research institutes can make to disaster risk reduction in the next
decade. The evaluation of the results of the HFA has pointed out the need to
better link disaster risk reduction, development and climate change adaptation
strategies towards a common goal of harmonious living with nature and our
Many challenges remain as the continued large-scale disasters and
losses from around the world show. The 2nd Global Summit represents an
invitation and an opportunity for all research organizations involved in disaster
risk reduction (DRR) to reflect on these and future challenges and how we may
tackle them through scientific and applied research in the coming decade.
With this in mind the Summit goals are:
To evaluate research achievements in the past 10 years
To identify research gaps and needs
To imagine research challenges and possible outcomes in the next decade
To use the occasion of the 2nd World Summit to formalize the establishment
of the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes
To propose a Research Road Map on DRR for the next decade
To publish, distribute, and promote the findings and recommendations of
the Summit to academic research organizations, government agencies and
international organizations.
Registration Required Please register by sending e-mail at:
[email protected]
Registration will be closed once all the seats are taken.