Introduction to sustainability/ survivability science 生存科学概論 • 2010 Inter-Graduate School Educational program Subjects 平成22年度研究科横断型教育プログラム(Aタイプ)授業科目 • A Global COE program (GCOE-ARS) subject [compulsory] グローバルCOEプログラム(GCOE-ARS)科目[必修] • Second Semester Thursday 8:45-10:15 後期 木曜日第1限 8:45-10:15 • 2 units 2単位 • In English with some Japanese supplement for technical/special words. 英語科目。ただし、専門用語などについて若干の日本語説明 有り。 Introduction to sustainability/ survivability science 生存科学概論 • Class Rooms: Katsura C-192, Agriculture School W402, Uji HS109 (simultaneous inter-campus lecture by Internet) 教室:桂C-192・農学部W402・宇治HS109(インターネット遠隔講義) • One of the Inter-Graduate School Educational Program subjects (Type A) 研究科横断型教育プログラム(Aタイプ)授業科目 • Lecturers: Prof. Takara (DPRI) and others 講師: 寶教授(防災研)ほか • Teaching Assistants (TA): Mr. Langhi Manoj Kumar Namdeo (Katsura C-192), Ms Hatsumi Umakoshi (Agriculture W402), Mr Ryuji Yoshida (Uji HS109) TA: 桂(C-192: Manoji)、農学部(W402 馬越)、宇治(HS109吉田) Class Schedule 講義日程 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10/07 Introduction 序論 10/14 Examples (1) 種々の実例 10/21 Examples (2) 10/28 Global warming and mitigation (1) 地球温暖化とその軽減 11/04 Global warming and mitigation (2) 11/11 Global warming and mitigation (3) 11/18 Extreme weather and its prediction (1) 極端気象とその予測 11/25 Extreme weather and its prediction (2) 12/02 Adaptation (1) 適応策 12/09 Adaptation (2) 12/16 Adaptation (3) 01/13 Discussions (1) 討論 01/20 Discussions (2) 01/27 Discussions (3) 02/03 Summary まとめ Introduction to sustainability/ survivability science 生存科学概論 • Course Description 授業の概要・目的 There are many threats for human beings on • the earth: medicine/infectious diseases, food, population, energy, water, environment and natural hazards and disasters. This class gives how to cope with these for human beings and societies. If we realized sustainable society, there are still catastrophes that we have to face. This class considers how to survive such catastrophic situations. Especially focused on are frequent and amplified extreme weather due to climatic change (or global warming) and subsequent severe disasters, water and environmental problems. Concepts and technologies for these problems are introduced, discussing the future perspectives of our society, science and technology based on various aspects and examples of climate, culture and ways of life in the world. 地球社会の安全・安心を脅かす様々な 事象が存在する。医療・感染症、食料、 人口、エネルギー、水、環境、自然災 害などである。これらに対して人間や 社会はどのように対処していけばよい かを講述する。持続可能な社会を目指 し、そうした社会を実現・継続できたとし ても、さらになお直面する脅威は残り続 ける。その脅威に対して生き残る術を 考える。特に、地球温暖化に伴う極端 な気象現象の頻発化・増大化とそれに 伴って生じる激甚な災害、水問題、環 境問題に焦点を当てて、それに対処す るための考えかたや技術を考察する。 世界各地の風土・文化や思想的な側 面の実例を交えながら、社会や科学・ 技術の未来のありかたを議論する。 A New Inter-Graduate School Educational Program Sustainability/Survivability Science for a Resilient Society Adaptable to Extreme Weather Conditions 2009-2014 by Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Graduate School of Engineering Graduate School of Agriculture Graduate School of Informatics Earth at Night by C. Mayhew & R. Simmon (NASA/GSFC), NOAA/NGDC, DMSP Digital Archive Night scene of the earth — What this indicates? Earth at Night by C. Mayhew & R. Simmon (NASA/GSFC), NOAA/NGDC, DMSP Digital Archive Population density (NASA) humans and Night scene—Concentration What thisofmeans ? assets Concentration of population and assets (possibility of catastrophic disasters) 人口・資産の集中 (大災害の可能性) Advancement of civilization (strong? / vulnerable? against disasters?) 文明の発展 (災害に強い? 逆に脆弱?) Energy consumption (accelerating global warming) エネルギーの消費 (温暖化に荷担) Continuous population growth in the world 世界で増え続ける人口 アジア・ アフリカ 近年の 主な水害 中国(07年夏期) 中国全土で豪雨による 洪水災害により死者行 方不明者1,300名以上。 北朝鮮(07年8月) 一週間にわたる豪雨による 洪水により死者行方不明者 600人以上。 チャド(1960年代〜) チャド・ニジェール・ナイ ジェリア・カメルーンにま たがる国際湖沼のチャド湖 の面積21,000 km2 が10分の1 に激減。 日本(04年9月) 台風23号による 豪雨で由良川、 円山川で破堤。 近畿で死者43名。 この年は10個の 台風が上陸し、 全国で死者250人。 兵庫県・円山川 日本(06年7月) 総雨量1200mmを 超える大雨で、 川内川、米之津 川などが氾濫。 5,000棟を超え る家屋が被災。 鹿児島県・川内川 モザンビーク(00年2 月) サイクロンによる 豪雨・大洪水。死者・630 人、被災者200万人。農地 の22%が浸水。翌年も連続 して大洪水発生。 インド(05年7,8 月) モンスーン大雨 による洪水・土砂災害。 死者行方不明者約1,000 人以上。 バンクラデシュ(07年11 月)大型サイクロン 「シドル」がバンクラ ディッシュ南部に上陸、 死者・行方不明者4千 人以上、被災者8百万 人以上。 ミャンマー(08年5 月) 大型サイクロン「ナル ギス」がイラワジ・デ ルタに上陸、死者・行 方不明者14万人、被災 者240万人。 フィリピン(06年2 月) レイテ島において大雨 のあと小規模地震で地 すべりが発生、一村埋 没。死者・行方不明者 1,100人。 気象災害の推移(保険での補償も増 加) Mission Statement of Kyoto University (1) Kyoto University states its mission to sustain and develop its historical commitment to academic freedom and to pursue harmonious coexistence within human and ecological community on this planet. Research: • Kyoto University will generate world-class knowledge through freedom and autonomy in research that conforms with high ethical standards. • As a university that comprehends many graduate schools, faculties, research institutes and centres, Kyoto University will strive for diverse development in pure and applied research in the humanities, sciences and technology, while seeking to integrate these various perspectives. Mission Statement of Kyoto University (2) Education: • Within its broad and varied educational structure, Kyoto University will transmit high-quality knowledge and promote independent and interactive learning. • Kyoto University will educate outstanding and humane researchers and specialists, who will contribute responsibly to the world’s human and ecological community. Relationship with society: • As a university committed to a broad social engagement, Kyoto University will encourage cooperation with local and national society, and will disseminate knowledge informed by the ideals of freedom and peaceful coexistence. • As an international institution, Kyoto University will promote foreign academic exchange and thereby strive to contribute to the well-being of the world. Individual science cannot totally solve Global Issues Threatening Human Survivability We need integrated interdisciplinary implementation science for harmonious coexistence of the global society Sustainability/ Survivability Science Food Medicine/ Infectious diseases We deal with Population Impacts of Climate Change Energy Disaster Environment Extreme Weather Water Sustainability/Survivability Science Background Extreme weather amplified by global warming Frequent disasters exceeding societal capacity River flow Floods Societal capacity Droughts Present time - Requires adaptation, augmentation of societal capacity against extreme weather/water conditions - Requires human resources who continuously consider adaptation measures for the future - Quite GLOBAL issue - Crucial for Asia, Africa and Pacific regions Urgent needs to establish proper educational systems - Research and wisdom for many years - Dynamic educational system of researchers, educators and students New Challenge Integrated InterGraduate-School Educational Unit To promote sustainability + survivability science for a resilient society adaptable to extreme weather/water conditions To establish a GCOE (Global Center of Excellence) Sustainability/Survivability Science Extreme weather amplified by global warming Frequent disasters exceeding societal capacity River flow Floods Societal capacity Droughts Present time Catastrophic disaster risk will increase. Is “sustainability science” enough? Sustainability/Survivability Science Extreme weather amplified by global warming Frequent disasters exceeding societal capacity River flow Catastrophe Floods Societal capacity Catastrophe Droughts Present time Societal capacity should be sustained or improved by “sustainability science”. Catastrophic disasters will be still there! Sustainability/Survivability Science Extreme weather amplified by global warming Frequent disasters exceeding societal capacity River flow Catastrophe How can Societal capacity we surCatastrophe vive? Floods Droughts Present time We need “sustainability science” + “survivability science” to cope with catastrophic disasters. Sustainability/Survivability Science Extreme weather amplified by global warming Frequent disasters exceeding societal capacity River flow Floods Societal capacity Droughts Present How can we survive? time “Survivability science” makes up (compensates) “sustainability science.” Continuing Population Growth in Asia and Africa We know the facts. We know the facts. Natural Disasters in the World Among the causes of natural disasters, flood disaster is remarkably increasing in these decades in the world. Especially in humid Asia, flood problems are crucial in their seriousness and frequency. Water-related disasters: major issue We know the facts. Huge Natural Disasters Tremendous human damages Indian Ocean Tsunami Myanmar Cyclone Economic loss Hurricane Katrina Great Kobe Earthquake We knowDamages the facts. are mainly in Asia Europe Africa America Asia 40~50% No. of events Asia >70% Dearthtoll Asia >90% Affected people Asia >50% Econimic loss Landslide prone areas with heavy rains and tectonic activities such as earthquakes, volcanoes, faulting and ground deformation (Asian WetTectonic(2003年 zone) – 2006年) 地すべり発生分布図 Major Landslide Events (2003-2006, NASA) 韓国 日本 タイ 中国 フィリピン アジア湿潤変動帯 Asian Wet-Tectonic zone インドネシア We know the facts. mm Annual Precipitation of the past 8 years (TRMM, NASA) アジア湿潤変動帯 Asian Wet-Tectonic Zone NASA/IPL 2007 New Interdisciplinary Educational Unit “Sustainability/Survivability Science for a Resilient Society Adaptable to Extreme Weather Conditions” Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) Graduate School Humanity + of Global ScienceEnvironmental Engineering Studies Department of Environment Management (DEM) International Organizations Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) Science + Engineering Graduate Schools of Engineering, Informatics, and Agriculture Integrated Earth Science Hub Graduate School of Science Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences (DEPS) Domestic/Overseas Research Fields Domestic/Overseas Universities/Institution s How to realize it: Inter-Graduate-School Educational Unit Compound eyes approach Researchers, Educators and Students with various specialties tackle global issues Sustainability+Survivability Educational Unit Engi- Infrastructures Planning Forecasting neering A.I. Science Meteorology Climatology Numerical models Global warming Agricultural risk Agriculture Food security Forests Science + Engineering Humanity + ScienceEngineering Global Desertification Environ. Policy science Studies Int’l cooperation Socio-economic Informatics RISH DPRI Global observation/monitoring Natural hazards Detection of abnormal weather Disaster Management Psycology Disaster information Risk communication Two Research Institutes (DPRI and RISH) will take a lead of this program グローバルCOE拠点「極端気象と適応社会の生存科学」(平成21年度開始) どう実現するのか:学際連携組織として「教育ユニット」を設置 多くの分野の研究者・学生が知恵を出し合い、 複合的な視点でグローバルな課題に取り組む 極端気象と適応社会の生存科学 教育ユニット 農学 工学 社会基盤施設 計画学 予報技術 研究科 人工知能 農業被害 食料問題 研究科 森林保全 文理融合 砂漠化 地球環境 政策科学 理工融合 理学 学堂・学舎 国際協力 研究科 社会経済 情報学 気象学・気候学 生存圏 防災 研究科 数値モデル・予測 災害情報 研究所 研究所 地球温暖化 集団心理、心のケア グローバルな観測・監視技 自然災害、防災・減 リスク・コミュニケーシ 術 災 異常気象の検知 危機管理、復旧・復 各研究科の協力講座としても優れた教育実績をもつ両研究所が融合研究教育に主体的に参画 Educational Unit for Adaptation and Resilience for a Sustainable Society (GCOE-ARS), Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and research (CPIER), Kyoto University has been established on April 1, 2010 Field investigations for Implementation science - for education of implementation science - On the Job Training, in the field training - Forming international research and educational networks through research sites and neighboring fields - Human networks to be continuous ◆: DPRI’s research fields ◆: RISH’s MU radar system ◆: Graduate School of Science’s research fields Ujigawa Hydraulics Lab. MU Radar in Shigaraki MoU ■ DPRI 28 ■ RISH 12 Overseas res. fields ▲ DPRI ▲ RISH ▲ DEPS ▲ Others Research sites at Niger, Kenya (or Tanzania), India, Thailand, Indonesia and Fiji Sustainability/Survivability Science for a Resilient Society Adaptable to Extreme Weather Conditions Basic concept of education Producing leading researchers, international elites and local elites who have a mission and moral sense to overcome threats that humans are (will be) facing, to bring happiness and welfare and to contribute to sustainable/survivable society. Growing specialists with generalist’s views (generalists with specialist’s views), who can consider disasters environmental changes as consequences of interaction between natural and social phenomena through inter-graduate-school educational system. Producing such elites with obligatory field research, advanced observations, experiments and investigations, practical prediction and impact assessment, who can be policy-making, have relevant judgment at disaster sites, and have a wide range of activities. Global links with many overseas organizations UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and MoU Cultural Organization) UNITWIN Program (2003- ) DPRI RISH 28 MoUs 12 MoUs 21st Century COE Project (20032007) ICL (International Consortium on Landslides) UN-ISDR (UN-International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) Participating AIT (Asian Institute of APRU AEARU AUN/ SEED-Net G.S. of Science G.S. of Engineering G.S. of Informatics International Innovation Center (IIC) G.S. of Agriculture MoU Assiut University (Egypt) Exchange programs Jomo Kenyatta Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya) Institute of Technology, Indonesia) International Summer School: 180 students from 18 countiries UNU (United Nations MoU University, Tokyo) UNU-EHS (Env. and Human Security, Bonn) ICSU (International Council for Science) Integrated Research on Disaster Reduction (IRDR, 2008- ) MoU Technology) G.S. for Disaster Management Master Program, 2008〜 Ph.D. Program, 2009〜 Networks of AsiaPacific Universities G.S. of Global Env. Studies ITB (Bandung SOPAC To be linked (Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission) University of Dar es Field Research and Education Salaam (Tanzania) ICRISAT-Niamey (International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) + Niamey University (Niger) with African countries Field studies: Social adaptation based on scientific understandings Theme 1: Scientific understandings Science-Engineering Interdisciplinary Research on Monitoring and Prediction of Extreme Weather, Water Cycle and Disaster Contingency Satellite Observations Hi-Reso Met. Models Observation/ monitoring systems Quantitative modeling and forecasting Theme 2: Social adaptation Integrated Social-Natural Sciences Research Towards the Creation of a Sustainable Society Adaptable to Global Environmental Change Requirements for better adaptation Disaster reduction, management measures Possible disaster info, to people Understanding extreme conditions in Asia Africa & Pacific Flood in Jakarta Policy reflecting scientific & tech. consideration to social adaptation Soil erosion in Niger To establish strategic science for adaptation and its application to real world Interact each other - Doing research at the same sites together having common recognition of the problems. - Themes 1 and 2 Joint Workshop held periodically and exchanges information and views - An interdisciplinary paper journal will be established for dissemination of research outcomes. Outline of Program Curriculum Ph.D. Course (advanced specialized knowledge and skills) Master Course (basic knowledge and skills) Science Program Certificate + Ph.D. from each Graduate School Field investigation, Internship, Interdisciplinary Seminars and International Schools combined with Degree Study New subjects for Science-Engineering New subjects for Social-Natural Science-Engineering Basic subjects for Individual Graduate Schools already provided Engineering Global Env. Studies Disaster Prevention Research Institute Informatics Agriculture Graduate Schools Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Field study, Internship and International Summer School combined with Degree Study Example of Ph.D. Study Typical study plan Ph.D. Course 1年目 1st Year 2年目 2nd Year 3年目 3rd Year Theme selection Degree study Finalizing Degree study (Filed investigation/ the thesis experiment/analysis) Research plan/method Inf. collection (literature review, field observations/experiments/investigations) Information dissemination (presentation at international conferences) Identification of problems Long-term internship Problem-oriented research (overseas, selective) Exercise/ Field study Course work/ Lectures Int’l school Short-term internship Int’l school Int’l school Interdisciplinary seminar (continuous supervision by professors with different specialties) International experiences Interdisciplinary subjects of presenting, discussing Inter-Grad-School and lecturing Basic subjects in the G.S. Education 20 /year Regular Japanese students Working students International students Program Certificate + Ph.D. in the G.S. Cooperation for study and job Researcher/Educator/PD: University/Institution Local Elite/Decision Makers: Local Gov., Enterprise Int’l Elite:Int’l Org., Int’l enterprise, Overseas Gov. Why we focus on Asia, Africa and Pacific regions Unsolved scientific issues Strong solar radiation, abundant water vapor and their variation causes extreme weather and water conditions (advanced study and academic interests) Urgent social and global issues Vulnerable societies with insufficient adaptation capacity and resiliency against extreme weather, disasters and environmental changes (need for human development and application of adaptation measures) International issues to be continued and expanded vulnerability International academic cooperation for many years makes the program implementation very easy and effective (expanding confident mutual relationship and networks) Asia Africa Pacific N. America W. Europe resiliency Adaptation measures need to be fitting and harmonizing local situation, climate and culture This program calls for • International students to Kyoto University: Graduate Schools of Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Informatics and Global Environmental Studies • Excellent overseas professors/researches invited as adjunct professors (3/year) • Young educators/researchers: hired as Associate/Assistant Professors, PostDoctoral Fellows (4-8/year) • Internship sites/institutions (overseas, in Japan) • Research proposals from students/young Program’s significance and perspectives Creation of New Scientific and Educational Discipline Sustainability + Survivability Science = Implementation Science for Harmonious Co-existence of Global Societies This program for adaptation is located in Kyoto, which is also very famous for global warming mitigation (Kyoto Protocol). Features and future: the GCOE program - Produces outstanding and humane researchers and international and local elites who will contribute to the sustainable and survivable future of the earth. - Promotes top-level international research and education activities and contribute to international society, especially focusing on Asia, Africa and Pacific regions - Continues and develops possibly to incorporate other areas such as medicine/infectious diseases, energy, population and food problems. GCOE-ARS Inaugural Symposium and Workshop Uji Campus, Kyoto University, January 12-14, 2010 196 participants from 27 countries (82 non-Japanese) Symposium Opening Session at Kihada Hall, Uji Campus on January 13, 2010 GCOE-ARS Workshop on Science and Education Uji Campus, D-1518, DPRI, Kyoto University, August 23, 2010 and International Symposium on a Robust and Resilient Society against Natural Hazards & Environmental Disasters and the third AUN/Seed-Net Regional Conference on Geo-Disaster Mitigation Uji Campus, Kyoto University August 24-26, 2010 Four-leaf clover = a symbol of happiness Reminding us of four pillars 1.Advanced Research 2.Interdisciplinary Approach 3.Capacity building 4.Global Center of Excellence ARS (Latin) = ART (English) An aphorism by Ancient physician Hippocrates ars longa, vita brevis (Latin) Greek (460 BC-370BC) = Art is long, life is short (English) = 芸術は長く、人生は短し (Japanese) Our lives are short, however, if we do good research, it will be continued/loved over generations. Global COE Program 「極端気象と適応社会の生存科学」 Sustainability/Survivability Science for a Resilient Society Adaptable to Extreme Weather Conditions
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