国際コンファレンス ロシア経済の持続可能性-近代化と危機の狭間で 主催: 2014年度京都大学経済研究所プロジェクト課題 (「グローバル危機以後の先進国・新興国の経済制度変化と政策の比較 分析―危機再現防止のための提言に向けて」)研究チーム 共催:比較経済体制研究会 文部科学省博士課程教育リーディングプログラム「京都大学大学院思修館」 2015 年 3 月 6 日(金)~2015 年 3 月 7 日(土) 京都大学経済研究所 本館 1 階会議室 【対象】どなたでもご参加いただけます(要申込) 【参加費】無料 【定員】メール申込による先着順。定員に達し次第、締め切ります。 【参加申込】参加のご希望は、京都大学経済研究所堀部恵美子(horibe *kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp *を@にご変更下さい)までメールにてお申し込みください。その際、以下の項目につい て漏れなくご記入ください:参加希望日、ご氏名(ふりがな)、ご所属機関・部署、ご職 位(学生の場合は学部修士博士の別と学年)。お申し込みいただきました個人情報につき ましては、本コンファレンスに限って使用させていただきます。 【会場アクセス】http://www.kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/jpn/KierSeat.html *注:諸般の都合により,報告者・討論者の変更が生じる場合がありますが,予めご了 承下さい。詳細につきましては,上記アドレスにお問い合わせください。 2015 KIER International Conference on ”Sustainability of Russian Economy: between Modernization and Crisis” Organized by Institute of Economic Research (KIER), And KIER Joint-Usage and Joint Research Project, Kyoto University Co-Organized by The Japanese Society for Comparative Economic Systems, And Graduate School of Advanced Leadership Studies (Shishu-Kan), Kyoto University 1. Objective of Conference This International conference is organized by KIER and supported by The Japanese Society for Comparative Economic Studies and Graduate School of Advanced Leadership Studies of Kyoto University for the following context: In this increasingly globalized world, sustainability has been taken up a matter for discussion on international political economy within several disciplines. With growth of world economy led by emerging markets, each country sets resource acquisition for stable energy supply as a prioritized matter of national policy, which might deteriorate the priority of other environmental and preservative perspectives. Governments and their state owned enterprises in resource-rich countries, growing their nationalism, come to 1 dominate the market and enhance political powers in global relations. One of the most typical examples is Russia and its political economy. The existence of post-socialistic countries in resource-rich ones suggests, moreover, some possibility of varieties of transition and growth pathways in the world economy. At the same time, the plenty of resources is so influential on other dimensions of its economy; environmental, energy, innovation, industrial structure, firm and labor behaviors. Taking this context into account, Russia can be one of the best subjects of research in this point while be as global players in these fields. Therefore, this international conference has the following topic “Sustainability of Russian Economy: between Modernization and Crisis”, which tries to peruse Russia in world affairs, focusing on sustainability as innovation, firm, environment and energy in Russian economy while tracing the internationalization of its economy in this globalized world. The international conference, moreover, can provide some theoretical implications on analytical frameworks for other transitional and emerging countries. Through the international conference, we have the advanced topic on the above-mentioned subjects, and exchange our research result. English is used in the conference fundamentally. 2. Draft of the Program (Language: English) Afternoon, 6th March 2015 13:00~13:15 Opening remarks by Satoshi Mizobata(Kyoto University, Japan) Keynote Speech 13:15~14:45 Jonathan Oldfield (University of Birmingham, the UK) “Russia’s Environmental History and Natural Resources” Coffee Break 14:45~15:00 First session Russian Contemporary Economy: Innovation and Industry in the Context of Modernization 15:00~18:00 Moderator: Victor Gorshkov (Kaichi International University, Japan) Speaker 1: Anna Kovaleva (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia) “Multi-level collaboration for development of innovations in contemporary Russia” Speaker 2:Katsumi Fujiwara (Osaka University, Japan) “State control in Russia: does Russia practice state capitalism?” Speaker 3:Hiroaki Hayashi (University of Shimane, Japan) “Motivation and Life Style in Russia” Speaker 4:Dai Yamawaki(Kyoto University, Japan) “Resource Governance in Russia: Continuity and Discontinuity from the Perspective of Transformation of Economic Systems” Discussant :Jonathan Oldfield (University of Birmingham, the UK) and Victor Gorshkov (Kaichi International University, Japan) Reception 2 Morning, 7th March, 2015 Second session Domestically Focused: Labor and Firm Specificity in Russian Economy 10:00~12:00 Moderator:Katsumi Fujiwara (Osaka University, Japan) Speaker 1:Ichiro Iwasaki (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) “Ownership Change and Corporate Governance Evolution: Russian Firms before and after the Global Financial Crisis” Speaker 2:Olga Bobrova (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia) “Implementation of Industrial Policy as one of the Factors of Modernization in Russia” Speaker 3:Yoshisada Shida (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) “Shortages and the Informal Economy in the Soviet Republics: 1965–1989” Discussant:Anna Kovaleva (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia) and Masahiko Yoshii (Kobe University, Japan) Lunch Afternoon, 7th March, 2015 Third Session Roundtable: Sustainability of the Russian Economy: Where does Russia go? 13:15~15:15 Moderator:Ichiro Iwasaki (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Main Speaker:Steven Rosefielde (University of North Carolina, USA) “Putin's Sanctions-Resilient Cold War Economy” Panelist 1:Olga Bobrova (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia) “Can Russia modernize economy?” Panelist 2:Jonathan Oldfield (University of Birmingham, the UK) “Russia beyond energy cruise” Panelist 3:Satoshi Mizobata (Kyoto University, Japan) “Normalization or misuse of institutions” Coffee Break 15:15~15:30 Forth session Global Impact and Global Crisis: from Russia, Central and Eastern Europe 15:30~17:30 Moderator:Kazuho Yokogawa (Kanagawa University, Japan) Speaker 1:Yoji Koyama (Niigata University, Japan) “The EU Accession and Collapse of Casino Capitalism in Small Countries in Central and Eastern Europe: Focus on Cases of Latvia and Slovenia” Speaker 2:Satoshi Mizobata (Kyoto University, Japan) “Emerging Multinationals and De-offshorization” 3 Speaker 3:Victor Gorshkov (Kaichi International University, Japan) “Motives of inward banking FDI and the role of institutional environment in Russia” Discussant:Katsumi Fujiwara (Osaka University, Japan) and Ichiro Iwasaki (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Overall summary and closing 17:30~17:40 Satoshi Mizobata (Kyoto University, Japan) Wrap-up meeting 18:30~20:30 4
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