筑波大学 気候システム研究グループ 特別セミナー 地域気候変化は予測できるのか ―大気海洋力学の新たな挑戦― Reducing uncertainty in regional climate projec4on: New challenge for coupled ocean-‐atmosphere dynamics Prof. Shang-‐Ping Xie Scripps Ins4tu4on of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego 3月17日(火) 聴講自由 登録不要 日時 平成27年 15:30〜17:30 場所 筑波大学総合研究棟A110(公開講義室) 使用 言語 日本語 場合によって英語 Global mean temperature has risen for the past century and is projected to rise even more in response to the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentra4ons. Precipita4on change is of vital importance to socie4es but precipita4on projec4ons are intrinsically challenging as they change sign from one region to another. Recent studies show that in the tropics, radia4vely forced changes in precipita4on and atmospheric circula4on are 4ghtly coupled to spa4al paSerns of ocean surface warming. Mechanisms iden4fied for SST paSern forma4on include those important in natural variability such as Bjerknes and WES feedbacks but there are also mechanisms unique to climate change such as the dynamic thermostat due to the equatorial upwelling. A beSer understanding of ocean-‐atmosphere coupling holds ■TXつくば駅からバス15分(270円) 6番乗り場「筑波大学循環」または 「筑波大学中央行」乗車 ■バス停「筑波大学中央」下車すぐ 問い合わせ 植田宏昭(生命環境系) [email protected] the key to building confidence in regional climate projec4ons, much as it is to developing seasonal predic4on in the case of ENSO. The talk examines the interac4ons between radia4vely forced changes in the ocean and atmosphere, and discusses the implica4ons for regional climate change.
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