3 CENGAGE Keywords for Japan Today Working Poor (Supporting text for "English Expression II" 英語表現Ⅱ) Supporting Material for Reflective Learning ― 内容理解の感覚を研ぎ澄ますためのプリント ― These materials were made with the permission of CENGAGE Learning. 〔● ここからの太字部分はテキスト本文からの抜粋 = Selections from the text are highlighted in bold: © Cengage Learning K.K.〕 Line 2. One of the images that Japan presented to the world was of a nation where everyone was a member of the middle class. Line 13. These laws allowed companies to hire employees at their subsidiaries where they work for low wages and benefits, ~ *(注意) 関係副詞の where は 「どこ」 という意味ではない。 * 関係副詞の where 〔公式〕 □(場所を表す名詞) where S ~(v) S が~する□(場所を表す名詞) (例)This was the place where we first met. (ここが私たちが初めて出会った場所です。) * 「ここは~です」 は "Here is ~" ではなく "This is ~" (例)I would like to visit the village where Santa Claus lives and give him a present. He has always been a giver. (サンタクロースの住んでいる村を訪ね、彼にプレゼントをあげたい。彼はいつも人に与えてばかりだから。) (例)It's hard to say goodbye to the place where you've lived. It can be as hard as saying goodbye to a person. (住み慣れたところを去るのはつらい。人と別れる時と同じくらいつらい。) (例)Nobody would think that the earth is the only planet in the universe where there are living things. (地球が、生き物が存在する宇宙で唯一の惑星と考える人はまずいないだろう。) * living things 生き物 (注意) この例文の where 以下が修飾する語は universe ではなく planet (例)Return that book back to the shelf where it belongs. * return A back to B A を B(場所)にもどす = Return that book back to the place where it was. = Return that book back to where it was. * 関係副詞 where の前にある the place は省略できる (その本を元あった棚(場所)にもどして。) (例)The place where a painting used to hang is whiter than the area around it. (以前に絵が掛かっていたところは、周りより白くなっている。) (The place where a painting used to hang) is whiter than the area around it. s v (例)Can you imagine a world where everybody is happy and content? (誰もが幸せで満足している世の中を想像できますか?) Line 49. The news of Japan's working poor would not be surprising for those coming from outside Japan. * those who ~(v) の用法 those who ~(v) = people who ~(v) ~する人たち (例)Those who are living in a big city yearn for a quiet life in the countryside. (都会で暮らす人は田舎での静かな生活に憧れる。) = People who are living in a big city yearn for a quiet life in the countryside. * yearn for ~ ~に憧れる *「関係代名詞の主格 + be 動詞」は省略できます。下記例文は who are が省略されています。 (例)Those living in a big city yearn for a quiet life in the countryside. = People living in a big city yearn for a quiet life in the countryside. (例)Those interested in Japanese manga and anime are welcome to our party. (日本の漫画やアニメに興味のある人は、ぜひ私たちのパーティーにお越しください。) = Those (who are) interested in Japanesee manga and anime are welcome to our party. -1- (例)This course is for those interested in psychology. (この講座は心理学に関心のある人のために開設しています。) (例)Those present at the conference were experts on criminology. (その会議に出席していた人たちは犯罪学の専門家です。) (例)There have always been people who stay with those left behind. (取り残された人々に寄り添う人が、いつの時代にもいた。) I want to be one of them. (私もそのような人になりたい。) * those left behind 集団から取り残された人たち = those who are left behind Line 51. Japan has been quite late in developing a population of lower class people. Line 53. Japan was quite unusual in having few working poor in the past. ・in ~ ing ~する点で (例)Some animals in Australia are unique in raising their babies in their pouches. (お腹の袋の中で子育てをするという、オーストラリアには変わった動物が何種類かいる。) (例)Dogs are honest in expressing their feelings. They wag their tails when happy. (犬は感情表現において正直だ。うれしい時にはしっぽを振る。) Line 56. The next time you eat a prepared lunch or dinner bought in a convenience store, think about the working poor. ・the next time S ~(v) 今度 S が~する時 (例)The next time you come to my apartment to stay overnight, please do NOT bring your dog with you! (今度僕のアパートに泊まりに来る時は、犬を一緒に連れて来ないでね!) -2-
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