
Focus! 2014
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2015 年 1 月 17 日 発行 vol.4
12 月は、年間で最大のイベントであるクリスマスがありました。留学生たちは、それぞれのご家庭のクリスマス
高校 1 年生 三瀬 星くん【アメリカ・Valley Catholic High School(本校提携校)】
I am really looking forward to winter vacation. But once
vacation is finished, the end of the year is waiting after that.
Before I knew it, 4 months had passed since I came here so I
often think time goes by so fast. I've thought that if the school
semester ends in a few days, I might not be able to finish my
report as usual, so I began to start to write earlier than usual.
I'll write about my Christmas party, going to a ski resort, and
San Diego, in my next report.
Four months have passed since I’ve come to the United States.
Winter vacation and New Years are coming soon. So I’m very excited now. Especially, I'm looking
forward to winter vacation because I heard about skiing and snowboarding from my host family. I often
go skiing in Japan but I heard that the ski courses in America are much different from the ski courses
in Japan. So I really want to go there and I want to ski with every force. My host family said we are
going to ski and snowboard but I don't have experience snowboarding but I think it's a good chance to
have a great experience snowboarding. I'm also going to go to San Diego to meet another host brother
several days after skiing. I've never been to San Diego so I'm really looking forward to it. We'll have a
party on Christmas at that time, I think I may have a great time because the brother who is in San
Diego is coming.
高校 1 年生 遠藤
晨恵さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
Christmas is a big holiday here in America. I bought gifts for my two host families and they bought many
gifts for me. My host mom had to buy presents for 20 people. I see that she is very busy. December 24 th is
Christmas Eve. I spent Christmas Eve with my first host family. We ate prime rib, did a puzzle, visited, and
watched television. After dinner we opened our presents. This was the first time that I had a present that
was wrapped. On December 25th I spent Christmas with my new host family. I bought 13 people presents so
I was very busy too.
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
We had an elf in my house for the small children. The
children could not touch the elf or she would lose her magic.
This is a fairy tale that many families follow for the Christmas
holiday. An elf is a helper of Santa. In my house I helped my
host mom move our elf to a different location after the kids
went to bed every night. Sometimes our elf would bring
presents for the small children. Our elf made a snow angel out
of flour one night and went on the toilet. We put chocolate
candy to make it look like she went on the toilet.
On Christmas morning all of the kids in my house woke up at 6 in the morning. We have 5 children in our
house including me. 3 little kids came in my room and woke me up to open presents. I couldn’t believe how
many presents everyone got. After we opened presents we went to my host mom’s sister’s house and there
were 23 people there. We got more presents from other family members while we were there. My host sister
Ilima said that she loves Christmas so that not only she could get gifts, but she can also see all of her family.
I had a good time.
アメリカではクリスマスは最大級の行事です。私はホストファミリー2 家族分のプレゼントを買いました。彼
クリスマス当日は、子供たちはみな朝 6 時に起き、プレゼントを開けました。そして 23 人でお祝いしました。
高校 1 年生 竹下 みなみさん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
I watched a football game at the end of November. The
game was the two big colleges in Washington and it is
called the civil war. My dream was to go to the football
game. So my host father took me up to the game for my
early Christmas present. It was freezing cold because
the temperature was 17 degrees(-8℃). I stood up for a
few hours during the game, it was super cold and made
my head ached and I could not talk slowly. It was a
really strange experience. I learned the American way to cheer at a game. In a football play, they have a
playmaker that tells the other players what the play will be. We call the playmaker “QB.” When the
home team is on defense, their fans are screaming for them to stop the opponent team’s attack. It looks
rude but it is the way they cheer on their team in America. Some people write bad words and they put
up or throw garbage at field. They are really rude and I totally cannot agree with these actions.
Everything was so interesting for me and it looked very American. I studied football’s rules before the
game so watching the football game was more fun and exciting.
I made a gingerbread house in my Foods 1 class. One girl asked if we could make them and we did. We
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
tried to make a gingerbread house but I had never eaten gingerbread cookies before so I was really
interested to try this. My teacher said she will offer a prize the group who make the most popular
gingerbread house. My group had a lot of problems for the first day but we finished because we had a
boy who likes cooking. Finally we made a very cute gingerbread house but we did not win. I was a little
bit sad. I am happy that I made friends, and we shake hands out of school now.
11 月の終わりに、夢のひとつであったフットボール観戦に行きました。少し早目のクリスマスプレゼン
トとしてホストファザーが連れて行ってくれたのです。氷点下 8℃の寒空で困難もありましたが、とても楽
Food1 の授業では、ジンジャー・クッキーで「ジンジャーハウス」を作りました。私はジンジャー・ク
高校 1 年生 大舘 壽輝くん【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】
In November on Thanksgiving, one of the holidays
in America, my host family’s relatives gathered and
had a lot of turkey and French fries. In October we
went to buy some big pumpkins for Halloween. I
hollowed one out it to make a monster pumpkin.
After finishing making them, we put our five
pumpkins in front of the house. On Halloween we
visited the neighbor’s houses and said “Trick or
Treat”. I got a lot of snacks. I found that the young,
the old, and all of the family enjoyed the special holidays and events celebrated in America. I am glad that I
could experience the culture I cannot do in Japan.
Today is Christmas. My host brother woke me up saying “Merry Christmas”. I went downstairs to the
living room. I was surprised at lots of presents around the Christmas tree. First we began with opening the
wrapped presents in hung stockings. My stocking had some snacks, the water bottle I just wanted and so on.
That was lucky. Then we gave presents to each other. In America, children also give something to their
parents or sibling. I got three boxes, so I was pretty excited. One was a basketball. The other presents were
from my host family. They were a blanket and a NIKE T-shirt. They are the best presents ever. I gave my
presents from Japan to them too. It seems they were good. Today is the day I can’t forget.
11 月には Thanksgiving、10 月には Halloween がありました。Halloween では、ランタンを作り飾りました。
今日はクリスマスでした。ホストブラザーが起こしに来てくれました。1 階のリビングへ下りて行くと、たく
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26