1 次の英文は Brazil(ブラジル)から来たユミコさんのスピーチです。よく読んで,後の各問いに答えなさい。 Hello everyone, my name is Yumiko Sato. It’s Japanese name, but I’m not Japanese. I’m from Brazil. I’ve lived in Brazil since I was born. I came to Japan one year ago to study Japanese and its culture. Today, I’ll tell you about the people who moved to Brazil from Japan. In my country, the World Cup games of soccer will be held next year, and in August 2016, the Olympics will be held, too. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, and the Olympics are the biggest tournament that many people all over the world join. So I think that many people all over the world will be interested in Brazil more than now. Brazil is far away from Japan, but Brazilian people think that Japanese people are closer friends. Do you know why? Once, many Japanese people came to Brazil. Before the World War II, Japan was not as rich as now. There were a lot of poor people in Japan. Some of them wanted to work in other countries to earn enough money so they went to Brazil. In addition, after the World War II, many people who lived in foreign countries such as China or Korea came back to Japan but most of them couldn’t get a job in Japan. So they went to Brazil to get good jobs. But their life was not good. They worked hard, but they couldn’t earn enough money to live. Some of them tried to produce coffee beans by themselves. But the places given to them were not so good. For example, there were many big stones on the farm and they needed to go far away to get water. They couldn’t produce enough products. Although they wanted to go back to Japan, they didn’t have enough money to do that. They worked hard to solve those problems. They carried many big stones on the farm to other places. They also thought how to produce good coffee beans and tried the idea. After a while, their grounds became better, and they could produce a lot of good coffee beans. The products made by them were sold at a higher price and their life become better. And they taught Brazilian people how to produce good coffee beans. They taught their skill and knowledge to produce good coffee beans to Brazilian people. Japanese people thought they had to try to work not for only themselves, but also Brazilian people. Thanks to Japanese people, the life of Brazilian people also became better. So many people in Brazil still think Japanese people are closer friends for them. Some of you will go abroad and learn a lot in the future. Most people visiting other countries will try to learn something there. It’s important. But I want you to try to do something good for the countries which you visit. I think you will learn many things through doing that. If you do that, this world will become better. Brazil ブラジル World War II 第二次世界大戦 Brazilian ブラジルの 問1 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~オの中から 2 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア Brazil will hold both the World Cup games of soccer in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. イ In Yumiko’s opinion, many people all over the world won’t be interested in Brazil as much as now. ウ They needed to go far away to move the stone so they couldn’t produce enough products. エ Brazilian people learned skill and knowledge from Japanese people to produce good coffee beans. オ Japanese people worked hard to solve problems in Brazil, but their grounds did not become better. 問2 本文の内容について,次の質問に3語以上の英語で答えなさい。 ア Has Yumiko lived in Brazil for one year? イ Japanese people who lived in Brazil couldn’t go back to Japan. Why? 問3 第二次世界大戦後にブラジルに渡った日本人は , 具体的にどのような人たちであったか。その内容を 2 つ日本語で答えな さい。 問4 次の文章は,最初ブラジルに渡った人たちのことを表しています。 ( )内にあてはまる適切な語句を,日本語で答え なさい。 ブラジルに渡った人々の中には( ① )を生産しようとした人もいたが,彼らに( ② )はあまり良いものではな かったために,生活するのに十分なお金を( ③ ) ,彼らの生活はちっとも良いものではなかった。 -1- 問5 日本人がブラジルに渡ったことでブラジル人の生活も豊かになったが,それは,日本人がどのような考えを持って働いて いたからか。その内容を日本語で答えなさい。 問6 ユミコさんが,私たちにどんなことをしてほしいと述べていますか。その内容を日本語で答えなさい。 2 次の質問に対するあなたの考えを 40 語程度の英語で書きなさい。ただし,符号( ,.? !)などは語数に含めてはいけない ものとします。 What kind of volunteer work do you want to do? And why? (あなたはどんなボランティア活動をしてみたいですか。また,それはなぜですか?) 3 カナダへの留学から帰国した英語クラブの生徒たちが,留学中のことについて話をしています。この内容をよく読んで,あと の各問いに答えなさい。 Ms. Brown :OK, everyone. Some of you visited Canada last month. I want you to tell how your stay was there, and what you learned there. Junichi : It was the first time for me to visit foreign countries. I learned a lot and I had a good time there. Risa : What did you learn there? I want to know about that. Junichi :Many foreign students visited there so I could talk with them. Through talking with them, I learned not only how to speak English, but also various things about the culture of their countries. Hiroko :I also visited there with Junichi. We saw many students from different countries in the town which we stayed in. They said to me that Japanese students were shy because almost every Japanese student didn’t talk to foreigners from themselves. Takumi :I don’t think so. We didn’t try to talk to foreign students because we thought our English skill wasn’t so good. So we were thought shy. Ryo :I’m sure that our English skill is not so good. I worried that every foreigner couldn’t understand my English. So when I spoke English, my voice was too quiet. Junichi :I didn’t try to talk to foreign students at first. But other students from foreign countries tried to talk a lot in English. Their English was not perfect, but they tried to speak it with a loud voice. When I saw them, I thought I had to speak English more. Although my English was not so good, many other students listened to me carefully. When I couldn’t understand what they said, they used easy words instead of difficult ones. So I had a good communication with them. Risa :Oh, I see. Last month I couldn’t visit Canada, but I have a plan to go to America next year. I’ll try to talk to many people from myself. Ryo :That’s good. You should study harder before you’ll visit there. We usually take four English classes in a week at school. It’s not enough. We should improve listening and speaking skill. Junichi :I have a good idea. If you write things that you think in English and send them to foreigners, you can make your English better. Now we can exchange messages with foreigner through the Internet. At first, you should start it. Kaho :Do you know that we can learn English online? I went to Australia about six months ago. It was the first time for me to go abroad. I thought that English was very important so I’ve learned English online since then. Takumi :Oh, have you studied English online? I knew it for the first time. Kaho :Yes. At first, I couldn’t understand what my teacher said and what I told in English. But it was helpful during my stay in Canada last month. I could study it when I wanted to. And I could choose my favorite teacher, too. My online English school had about fifty teachers. One of them liked catching fish, I liked talking about fishing with her. It was not so expensive to take the lessons. I learned English for fifty minutes in a day but I pay only two hundred yen. shy 恥ずかしがりや loud 大きな -2- 問1 先月カナダには行かなかったという生徒と,海外に行くのは 2 回目だという生徒とが 1 人ずついます。それぞれの生徒の 名を英語で書きなさい。 問2 日本人の生徒は恥ずかしがり屋だという意見に,反対している生徒がいます。その生徒がなぜそう思ったのか、解答欄の ( )内にあてはまる適切な語句を答えなさい。 問3 次の文章は,カナダで滞在している間の Junichi の体験をまとめたものです。 ( )内にあてはまる語句を、それぞれ日 本語で書きなさい。 海外から来ている生徒が、 ( ① )ではないけれども( ② )で英語を話しているのを見て、自分も英語を話さなければ ならないと思った。また、自分がほかの人の英語が聞き取れないときには、難しい単語の( ③ )簡単な単語を使って くれたことで、コミュニケーションをとることが出来た。 問4 Junichi が述べている,英語上達の方法とはどういうものか。その内容を日本語で答えなさい。 問5 オンラインで英語を勉強しているカホは,その利点を3つ述べています。それぞれの利点について,日本語で書きなさい。 4 次の英文を〔 〕内の指示に従って書きかえる時,( )に適する語を 1 語ずつ入れなさい。 1 My teacher took this picture. This picture ( )( 〔ほぼ同じ意味の文に〕 ) by my teacher. 2 These girls came here early this morning. They are still here. These girls have ( ) here ( ) early this morning. 3 You mustn’t walk around here. ( )( 〔2 つの文を 1 つの文に〕 〔ほぼ同じ意味の文に〕 ) around here. 4 This is a book. Ms. Yokota wrote it. This is a book ( )( 〔2 つの文を 1 つの文に〕 ) Ms. Yokota. -3- 5 放送による問題(この放送はテスト開始後 35 分経過してから行います。) 問1 内容をよく聞いて,説明される内容として最も適当なものをア~ウの中から 1 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 1 ア 切符 イ 地図 ウ 切手 2 ア 魚 イ 鳥 ウ こいのぼり 3 ア 切符 イ 地図 ウ 切手 問2 対話の内容をよく聞いて,質問の答えとして最も適当なものをア~エの中から 1 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 1 ア しまうま イ 犬 ウ ペンギン エ 魚 2 ア 理科のテスト イ いつ英語のテストが行われたか ウ 英語のテスト エ 重要な部分 3 ア 飛行機 イ 鶴 ウ ペンギン エ 扇子 問3 放送される内容についてわかったことを,以下の各項目に日本語で答えなさい。 1 次の金曜日に学校を訪れるのはどんな人か。 1 人の ( ) と,2 人の ( )。 2 彼らは学校を訪問し何をするか。 ( ) 3 彼らが学校にいるのは,どのくらいの間か。 ( ) 4 ブラウン先生が学校を訪問する 3 人にお願いしたこととは何か。( ) 5 ) ブラウン先生が生徒達に出した宿題とはどんなことか。 ( 問4 学校にやってきた外国人から次のような質問をされた場合,あなたが答える内容を 3 文以上の英語で表現しなさい。 -4- 平成 25 年 12 月実施 Jテスト(第 2 回) 氏 名 英 語 解 答 用 紙 解 受 答 欄 問⑴ 問⑵ 1 問⑶ 験 番 得 号 点 問⑴ ア 問⑵ イ 1 つ目 問⑶ 2 つ目 問⑷ ① ② ③ 問⑷ 問⑸ 問⑸ 問⑹ 問⑹ 1 2 2 問⑴ カナダに行かなかった生徒 問⑵ 理由 海外に行くのは2回目だという生徒 自分達の( )があまり良いものではないと考えており, 自分達から外国の生徒達に( )としなかったから。 問⑶ ① 3 問⑴ ② 問⑵ ③ 問⑶ 問⑷ 問⑷ 1 つ目 問⑸ 2 つ目 3 問⑸ 3 つ目 1 This picture ( ) ( ) by my teacher. 4 2 These girls have ( ) here ( ) early this morning. 3 ( ) ( ) around here. 4 4 This is a book ( ) ( ) Ms. Yokota. 5 問⑴ 1 2 3 問⑴ 問⑵ 1 2 3 問⑵ 1 次の金曜日に学校を訪れるのはどんな人か。 1人の( )と, 2人の( ) 2 彼らは学校を訪問し何をするか。 ( ) 問⑶ 3 彼らが学校にいるのは,どのくらいの間か。 ( ) 4 ブラウン先生が学校を訪問する3人にお願いしたこととは何か。 ( ) 5 ブラウン先生が生徒達に出した宿題とはどんなことか。 ( ) 問⑷ 問⑶ 5 問⑷ 総 得 点 責任者印 採点者印 /100
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