5th International Pacific Marine Educators Network Conference - 第5回 国際環太平洋海洋教育者ネットワーク会議 Through presentations, discussions and hands-on experiences, the IPMEN 2014 conference will focus on how marine educators can help to 本会議では,海洋教育者が「教育」を通してどのように貢献できるのかについて議論を深めます。 a) address coastal recreation areas that have been devastated by natural disasters 自然災害により打撃を受けた沿岸域振興に教育はどう貢献できるか b) prepare coastal areas for natural disasters 沿岸域において自然災害に備えるためにどのような教育が必要なのか c) balance traditional ecological knowledge with science and technology, including within the fisheries industry 伝統的エコ知識と科学技術のバランスをはかるために教育はどのような役割を果たすべきか d) foster an understanding of food cultures and traditions, including within fisheries 水産業をはじめとした食の文化・伝統の理解を促進するために教育はどのように貢献すべきか Hosted by 主催:International Pacific Marine Educators Network Conference 2014 Japan,国際環太平洋海洋教育者ネットワーク会議 Presentation 15 min.発表15分,Discucion 5min.質疑応答5分 Date 開催日時:12th,July,2014. 平成26年7月12日(土) Place 開催場所:Suzuki Zenko Hall, Rakusui Kaikan 楽水会館鈴木善幸ホール 入場無料 Time 時間 *Presenter 発表者 10:00-10:40 Nobuaki Okamoto,Ph.D, Haryy Breidahl,PhD, Mike Spranger,Ph.D, Tsuyoshi Sasaki,Ph.D 10:40-11:00 Affiliation 所属機関 President of TUMSAT Director of Nautilus Educational Profossor of University of Florida, Assiocate Professor of TUMSAT Kiko Umenai,Kira Honda, Wataru Ueno,Akari Ono, Konan Junior High School Rina Tachihara,Kaito Asai,Ikusu Hanada,Yuta 港南中学校 Ikegami,Motoki Takakura,Hinako Sato,Nanami Arai,Risa Horii Subject 発表題目 Category Opening remarks 開会 The Study of Canals in Shinagawa 品川の運河に関する研究 Sludge Clean up Project in Tokyo Science Club, Yamawaki Gakuen Junior The Improvement of Soil Environment 11:00-11:20 and High School Fuka Watanabe by Iron Charcoal Balls 山脇学園中学校・高等学校 東京ヘドロ浄化プロジェクト -鉄炭団子による底質環境改善Think Globally! Environmental Conservation Reika Osaki, Kaede Oda, Activities in Everyday Life Learning through Our Natsumi Sakamoto, Chinari Kuji City Misaki Junior High School, Video "Kamejiro Is Dead.The Culprit Is You!" 11:20-11:40 Hirosaki, Mizuki Kuji Junior High School 地球全体で考える!ビデオ『カメ次郎死す~犯人はキミ Hirosaki, Rikusei 久慈市立三崎中学校,久慈中学校 だ!』を通して学ぶ、日常生活のなかで取り組む環境保 Hirosaki 全活動 11:40-12:00 Jota Kanda, Ph.D Observation of radionuclides in marine biota off the coast of Fukushima prefecture after Nuclear Power Plant accident 原子力発電事故後の福島県沖の海洋生物相中 の放射性同位体の観測 Professor,TUMSAT Special Lecture 〜 Lunch time(60 min)〜 A Room 13:00-13:20 *Sylvia Spalding,Michael Goto 13:20-13:40 Kamealoha HanohanoSmith 13:40-14:00 Michael Markrich 14:00-14:20 Marck Heckman Communications Officer,Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, USA Executive Assistant,United Fishing Agency, USA Project Director, Kaiāulu Anahola Traditional Knowledge Marine Education Program, USA Director,Markrich,Hawaii,USA Japan’s Influence on Hawaii Fisheries & Seafood (video live) ハワイの水産業と水産生物に対する日本の影響(LIVEビ デオ) KUʻANA ʻIKE: TK RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON KAUAI (video live) クアナイケ:クワイにおける伝統知識資源の管理事例(LI VEビデオ) Marine Education - Combatting class and demographic bias to increase effectiveness in cross cultural education (video live) 海洋科学- 文化交流教育効果を高め社会階層と地域格差を克服する (LIVEビデオ) c,d c,d d How to teach hypothesis testing by using night plankton light Outreach Education Specialist,Institute traps out of recycled materials of Marine Biology, University of (video live) リサイクル品で作製したプランクトン集光器による仮説実験教授法( Hawaii,USA LIVEビデオ) c 14:20-14:40 Judith Lemus,Ph.D Academic Program Specialist,Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii,USA COSEE Collaborative Fellowships for Graduate Training in Multidimensional Ways of Knowing 大学院教育における多元的学習方法を支援するCOSEE海洋 教育連携プログラム c Coffee break(20 min) 15:00-15:20 Karen Matsumoto Teacher,Chief Kitsap Academy Suquamish Tribe,USA 15:20-15:40 Ray Tabata Program Leader,UH Sea Grant Coastal (retired) Resources Management,USA 15:40−16:00 Natalie Davey, Carolyn Briggs Karen Blyler, Ph.D TOHOKU: Three Years after 3/11 東北: 3/11後の3年間 Knowledge Connections Director,Saltwater Projects,Australia 知識の結合 Assistant Professor,Atmosphere and 16:00-16:20 Toshiro Saruwatari,Ph.D Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo Japan 16:20-16:40 Culturing Marine Education: Indigenous Learning Systems and Western Science 海洋教育の開発:先住民の学習システムと西洋科学 Exploiting the high potential of fish as teaching material, at all levels of education 全教育課程における魚類の持つ高度な潜在力の活用 The Power of Experiential Learning Educator,University of Florida,USA 体験学習の力 c a c c c B Room Research Leader, Programme Coordinator, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic,New Zealand 13:00-13:20 Keith Gregor 13:20-13:40 Yoko Takahashi,Ph.D Investigator,Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan 13:40-14:00 Yasuyuki Kosaka,Ph.D Teacher,Wakasa High School,Japan 14:00-14:20 Yusuke Miyazaki,Ph.D, Curator,Kanagawa Prefectural *AtsunobuMurase,Ph.D, Museum of Natural History, Japan Hiroshi Senou,Ph.D Special Researcher,TUMSAT, Japan 14:20-14:40 COMBINING EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OUTCOMES: THE MARINE STUDIES PROGRAMME AND TŪHUA MARINE RESERVE MONITORING 教育と科学の成果を結びつける:海洋研究計画とTŪHUA海 洋保護区のモニタリング Consideration on Aquatic marine environmental education, relating to understanding on disaster prevention and learning the environment 環境の理解と防災の理解に関する水圏環境教育について の考察 Food development contribution for devastated area using traditional fermented method in west coast Japan 日本海側の伝統的な発酵法を用いた被災地のための食品 開発の貢献 Citizen participation in augmenting a museum database enhances fish monitoring and public awareness 市民参加型の博物館データベースによる魚類モニタリン グとその普及啓発 Marine Ecosystem Impact Assessment of the Offshore Petroleum Production in EIA Process in Thailand: Senior Lecturer,Prince of Songkla Principle and Practice *Sarawuth Chesoh, Ph.D, Apiradee Lim,Ph.D University,Thailand タイのEIAプロセスにおけるオフショア原油開発の海洋生 態系環境アセスメント:理論と実践 c b d b,d c Coffee break(20 min) 15:00-15:20 Mike Spranger, Ph.D 15:20-15:40 Tsuyoshi Sasaki,Ph.D Professor,University of Florida,USA Planning for Coastal Community Resiliency: A Partnership Approach 沿岸コミュニティーの復元力を高めるためのプラン:パ ートナーシップアプローチ b Aquatic Marine Environmental Litercay Program in Tsunami Associate Professor,Tokyo Devastated Area University of Marine Science and 津波被災地における水圏環境リテラシープログラム Technology,Japan a There is Only One Ocean: The societal impact of the Japan Tsunami on communities in the U.S. 15:40-16:00 16:40-17:00 Craig Strang Associate Director,Lawrence Hall かけがえのない地球:アメリカの地域共同体における日本の津 of Science, University of 波の社会的影響 California at Berkelery,USA Free discussion a
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