(3)Medical Fee Reimbursement Overseas students 、 vhO receive medical treatrllent frOIIl certified health insurance doctOrs owittg to illness Or physical vill injury、 be partly reilnbursed 路閥 毛 総 品盤:]盤 盟盟稗 辞品ぶ 岳 t盤注 8監鑑 告 the expenses for lnedical exariinatiOns and treatlnent under the Health lnsurance Law. In order to utilize this service,you mustiOin the National Health lnsurance program ln advancc. You must shO覇 ′your Foreign Student Medical Card tO the receptiOnist ア when yOu are going tO rcceive lnedical treatrllent.■ Ou need to subrlit all the receipts(a form is availablc atthe Kyomu― tanto gakari)fOr the month tO the Kyomu― tanto gakari Of your faculty by the end Of each lnOnth. The reilnbursement、汀ill be credited tO yOtlr account at aToMァ bank,MIaebashi kita branch arOund the end Of the II10nth after t、 ぉ ァO I I I 1 0 n t h s R a t e of Own charge〉 〈 DivlslOn Rate bfコ vledical Fec Payment member Of National Health lnsurance R a t e o f 小′ Iedical Fee Payment aFter the A/fedical Fee Reimbursement by the A s s O c i a t i O n o f elrnn↓ a t i o n a l E d u c a t i O na ,p 」 an 30% 6% Payment of Large卜 ′ 〈 [edical Expense〉 い ブ fembers Of the National Hcalth lnsurance ill M′ be reilnbursed upon applicatiOn fOr lnedical expenses Over amount Of 35,400 yen,ifthey pay lnore than 35,400 yen to the same lnedical institution in the same lnonth. In order tO receive this reiIIlbursement,please ask fOr details at each inunicipal office,Remember tO take、 vith your receipts issued by the hOspital in question, and your National Hcalth lnsurance Card、 007」 よ り抜 粋 群 馬 大 学 「留 学 生 の 手 引 き 2 0 0 62 ‐ 7.健 康 ( 1 ) 医療 費 補 助
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